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Winfree’s WWE Raw Review 2.20.23

February 20, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
Cody Rhodes WWE Raw Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Raw Review 2.20.23  

Hello everyone, Winfree tagging in for Tony who was the victim of a ruthless backstage attack. Hopefully he’s OK at the local medical facility, as we all saw viscous fluid coming from his head. Alright, jokes aside Tony had a thing and should be back next week. Tonight we’ve got the fall out from Elimination Chamber, an event that seems to have been well received in general. Cody Rhodes now knows he’ll be taking on Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania after Roman crushed the hopes and dreams of Sami Zayn and the greater Montreal area, and we should get those two interacting as soon as possible. We got some hints a few weeks ago about the narrative angle they’ll take with Roman and Cody but I’d love to see them face to face in some capacity pretty soon. Elsewhere on the card Edge will challenge Austin Theory for the US Title, Edge and Beth Phoenix beat Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley at Elimination Chamber but that’s more about freeing up Ripley from this and we might still get some form of Edge and Balor or Priest in a singles capacity. Seth F. Rollins was hit with a Buckshot Lariat and Stomp by Logan Paul, so it seems Rollins and Logan will be our celebrity Mania match so they’ll get on building that soon but tonight Rollins takes on the Miz. Asuka earned a title shot by winning a Chamber match, so Evil Clown Asuka should start messing with Bianca Belair, and we know we’re getting Mustafa Ali taking on Dolph Ziggler. Well that’s the preamble as the road to WrestleMania grows shorter and shorter, let’s get to the action.

First is a recap of Roman Reigns beating Sami Zayn and talking crap to Sami’s wife and kid at ringside before some drama with Jey Uso and eventually Kevin Owens stopping a post match beating on Sami.

Commentary now welcomes us to RAW from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Up first, here comes Sami Zayn. The crowd sing his song for a bit, and I’m sure Rollins is aggravated by this gimmick infringement. “Ole” chants next, then “Sami” chants, while Sami just kind of takes it in. Eventually he speaks, or starts to before more chants. Finally he says he’s got a lot of feelings tonight, more than anything though is gratitude, the ovations for the last days mean the world to him. That prompts a “You deserve it” chant, the crowd isn’t properly synced up though and it doesn’t quite come across right. The other emotion here is guilt as he couldn’t put the bow on the storybook ending he wanted, he came up short against Roman in front of his family, his city, and his country. Now more than ever he knows the story is never over; however, we’re entering the final chapter. The final chapter isn’t just about him, he needs to talk to Kevin Owens, and wants him to come out. Owens does oblige and heads to the ring. Owens gets a mic but just looks at Sami. Sami had a lot he wanted to say, but now that Owens is here he’s not sure. Sami thanks Owens, says he’s sorry, but they’re both past the point of words now. They’ve both said and done a lot, and Sami’s not sure if there’s any coming back. But for months Owens has wanted to take down the Bloodline, and Sami wont rest until the Bloodline crumbles down. But neither of them could do it alone, but Sami thinks they can do it together. Owens takes a moment as we get a “yes” chant. Owens doesn’t need an apology or gratitude, Saturday wasn’t about Sami it was about doing something for himself. At Saturday he saved Sami so his family wouldn’t be ringside to see him get the hell beaten out of him like Owens’ family did at the Rumble. Owens has been fighting the Bloodline alone for months, and he’s fine with that. Months ago he said he was done with Sami and that stands, but if Sami needs help taking on the Bloodline he should ask his buddy Jey, then Owens heads out. Solid character work from both men here, it makes sense for Owens not to just be all buddy buddy with Sami again but the seeds are being planted for their eventual reuinion.

Commentary runs down the card.

Sami Zayn has moved to the entrance stage, but he’s ambushed by Baron Corbin. We go picture in picture as, if I might steal the title from the late Larry Csonka, Constable Fuckface tries to find some kind of heat by attacking Sami.

Corbin keeps beating down Sami Zayn on the stage before walking to the ring.

We come back to the broadcast as Corbin talks. He didn’t appreciate Sami interrupting him, then reminds us that he’s the last person to beat Roman Reigns. That win took place so long ago that The Revival helped Corbin get it. Corbin insults Sami as here’s Adam Pearce to try and calm things down while Corbin just repeats what Sami said earlier. Pearce and Sami seem to have come to an agreement and Sami charges the ring then takes down Corbin and unloads on him. A ref shows up and we’ve got a match apparently as Sami clotheslines Corbin out of the ring.

Match #1: Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

Sami goes right after Corbin and we get some brawling around the ringside area. Back in the ring Corbin with his mediocre offense, then removes Sami’s shirt to show off the bruises on Sami’s back. The crowd is behind Sami, but don’t actually boo Corbin that much. Sami fights back with some punches that get a lot of daylight but Corbin sells anyway. Sami’s flying nothing is countered into a chokebreaker for a 2 count as we head to break.

We’re picture in picture for Corbin’s control segment, probably for the best as it’s really boring. Corbin with some back work then he puts Sami on the top rope and climbs up with him. Sami fights back with some punches and elbows to send Corbin down, then he hits a less than appealing looking crossbody. Sami’s still hurt though and Corbin sends him into the corner and goes back to stomping on the back. Corbin with an Argentinian Backbreaker, but Sami slips free and lands a back elbow. Boot from Sami then a second rope elbow connects. Sami tries another elbow, and it connects. The crowd sort of wake up as Sami hits a tornado DDT for a 2 count. Corbin lands a right hand but Sami winds up sending him out of the ring then hits a dive. Back in the ring Sami sets for a Helluva Kick, but runs into a clothesline from Corbin. Corbin goes back to attacking the back of Sami then hits a Deep Six for a near fall. Corner clothesline from Corbin but as he goes for a second Sami follows him on the sprint and hits a Helluva Kick to pick up the pin.


Rating: 2 stars

It’s a Baron Corbin match, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen ’em all.

Next a video recap of Edge and Beth Phoenix beating Judgement Day at Elimination Chamber.

In the back Rhea Ripley is getting mic’d up for an interview after this break.

Rhea Ripley is with Byron Saxton and Dominik Mysterio for an interview. Byron asks about Elimination Chamber, Rhea doesn’t care about Elimination Chamber she’s focused on Mania. Dominik interrupts with his flat delivery. Byron asks about Poochie, I mean Charlotte Flair. Rhea says Charlotte can only talk about the past because she refuses to look at the present and see that Rhea is the best woman in WWE. If Charlotte wants to put Rhea in her place then fine, because Rhea’s place is on top of Charlotte’s broken reign. Dominik will tag along with Rhea on Friday because Rey has a match. Rhea has had enough of this and walks off.

We get a recap of Logan Paul costing Rollins the men’s Chamber match, then a clip from Austin Theories post match open title challenge and Edge’s acceptance. In the back Cathy interviews Theory. Theory admits he’s a little banged up, but he’s here because he’s the champ and recaps defending his title. God the repetition is killing me. Theory objects to the headlines being about John Cena potentially returning in a few weeks to call him out, but Theory would rather focus on Edge and beating him tonight in crappy Canada. This title is never leaving Theory.

To the ring here comes Dolph Ziggler for his match with Mustafa Ali which will be up after this break.

Post break, here comes Mustafa Ali.

Match #2: Dolph Ziggler vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali offers a handshake, Ziggler with a fireman’s carry into a few pinning predicaments before a stand off. Ziggler keeps up with some strikes then hits the ropes and lands a clothesline then a Stinger splash and a neckbreaker. The crowd is struggling to care. Ali avoids a super kick but Ziggler drags him to the apron but Ali fights back with a hangman over the ropes. Ali tries a suplex, but Ziggler counters only to eat a head kick. Next Ali with a rolling attack but he’s countered by a pendulum DDT from Ziggler for a near fall. Ziggler with a Fame-asser but Ali handstands to counter and grabs a crucifix to get the three count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Mustafa Ali won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Pretty dead crowd but this was nicely executed from a mechanical stand point.

In the back Cathy observes Miz and Maryse canoodling, and Maryse gives him an anniversary gift but it couldn’t cross the border so she’s got an envelope. Apparently this is big news that Miz has to break in Miz TV next week, tonight is about Miz and Maryse. Cath brings up that he’s got to wrestle Seth Rollins after losing for weeks to Rick Boogs. Miz is happy that Rollins got brought down by Miz’s former protege Logan Paul. Miz was pretty much responsible for costing Rollins the title and crushing his dream. Well this envelope has made the Miz’s dream come true.

In the back Cody Rhodes walks and we head to break.

Back from break and here comes Cody Rhodes for some promo time. Cody gets a very positive reaction, for those worried about the crowd turning on him for not being Sami Zayn. Cody gets “So,” out before Paul Heyman interrupts him on the big screen in a neck brace selling the Stunner from Owens. Heyman introduces himself, then Cody asks where he is. Apparently Heyman is here, so Cody invites Mr. Heyman to the ring. Heyman was mauled on Saturday by a KOdiac and subject to the miserable Canadian healthcare system, and what should have been a celebration for the Tribal Chief became a tragedy for the wise man. But the real tragedy of Cody’s story will happen at WrestleMania. Heyman says, man to man, that Cody can’t beat Roman Reigns. The crowd can boo all they want. But, well, let’s play into fantasy for a minute. Let’s say that the devil collects Heyman’s debt and somehow at Mania Cody Rhodes beats Roman Reigns for the titles. Then what will Cody’s life be like? Heyman asks if you’ve heard of indentured servitude. Roman doesn’t live like that because Roman has Paul Heyman, if Cody wins he wont have Heyman. So let’s do the math on your little fantasy, what will Cody’s life be like? 200 days a year defending the belts, 50 days doing charity, 30 days overseas doing brand work, 20 days just promoting the big PPV matches, and that leaves just what, 60 days at home? How many of those are taken up by zoom calls, meetings, etc. What did Dustin say about it? When Dusty was on the road he was never home, and when he was home he was never home. Is that what Cody wants for his family? Is that the sacrifice Cody is willing to make for these titles? Heyman isn’t going to say something vile here, he’s not going to say Roman will keep Cody’s wife company, because Roman is a happily married man. But Heyman isn’t. And this is the kind of thing that will turn Cody’s WrestleMania dreams into a nightmare. That has gotten to Cody just a bit. Cody says Roman is great, but Cody has seen this before, and warns Roman not to send Heyman again. They haven’t come face to face yet, but they will soon. Cody will then tell Roman face to face what he’s going to say now. Roman is the best champion in all of wrestling right now, but it doesn’t change a damn thing because Cody has to finish the story and will beat Roman at WrestleMania. That was good stuff from both men, Heyman is such a glorious scumbag and pushing the button about Cody’s early life and warning him you might not want what you think you want is nice. Cody holds strong but you can see the emotion getting to him.

We get a recap of Asuka winning the Chamber match. That leads to Evil Clown Asuka coming out, she’ll take on Nikki Cross after this break.

We get a replay of the Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch Joker inspired movie parody. I really liked the ones they had for Mania 21, let’s see if we can improve as the Joker one is decent but not exactly great.

Post break here comes Nikki Cross.

Match #3: Asuka vs. Nikki Cross

Just as the match starts here comes Bianca Belair to skip to the ring to watch from the commentary table. Nikki avoids a kick and pulls Asuka down by the hair. Some strikes from Nikki but Asuka fires up with her own strikes before landing kicks from the apron then pulling Nikki out there with her. Knee from Asuka, but Nikki avoids a kick and Asuka kicks the ring post then Nikki follows up with a reverse DDT on the apron as we head to picture in picture break.

Some ringside brawling from Nikki then they head back into the ring. Asuka takes over with a hip attack in the corner then bounces her head off the turnbuckles for a bit. Nikki takes over with a neckbreaker. Modified London Dungeon from Nikki, Asuka starts fighting back but Nikki cuts her off with kicks. Asuka then lands a dropkick and both women are down as we come back to the broadcast. A flurry of strikes from Asuka culminates with a wheel kick. German suplex from Asuka, she holds on and hits a second, then a third with a bridge for a 2 count. Nikki heads out and catches Asuka with the ring skirt then lands some strikes. Back in the ring Nikki heads up top but Asuka cuts her off and heads up top with her. Asuka hits a pretty sick second rope DDT for a near fall. The crowd is starting to come back around, they’ve been pretty quiet for this one so far. Asuka and Nikki start trading strikes on their knees then Asuka moves to landing kicks, but Nikki wants more and Asuka obliges. Nikki walks into a head kick, but avoids an Asuka lock and hits a Landslide to dead silence for a 2 count. Asuka counters a spinning neckbreaker into the Asuka Lock and we’re done.


Rating: 2.5 stars

This was pretty solid, but the totally dead crowd prevents it from hitting 3 star territory. Don’t know what happened to these people but they just don’t care about anything.

Post match Belair gets in the ring and poses then points at the Mania sign, Asuka points as well for the obvious photo op before Asuka pops the blue dye pack in her mouth to try and freak out Belair, which is partially successful but Belair’s facial expressions are still a work in progress.

In the back Cathy talks with Carmella about her WrestleMania plans. Carmella hasn’t thought about things in the last two days, but she’s still focused on Asuka and will make Bianca Belair’s win at Mania easy after she takes out Asuka. Cathy jogs over to find a dancing and laughing Seth Rollins. Rollins does his usual promo style, he says Logan Paul has twice over ruined Rollins’s plans for Mania and now called him a clown. Well Logan, the joke’s on you because Logan might not be familiar with the dark side of Rollins, but many others are. Rollins is going to find Logan Paul, and hurt Logan Paul. But since Logan isn’t here tonight then the man who wants credit for Logan’s success can be his victim. Stupid laugh, and Rollins skips off to send us to break.

Post break we get a recap of Brock Lesnar’s path of destruction after the low blow to Bobby Lashley at Elimination Chamber. In the back MVP calls Brock a coward, he knew he couldn’t escape the Hurt Lock so got himself DQ’d. Omos is here as well, and MVP says Omos is challenging Brock for a WrestleMania match. That will be ugly as sin.

To the ring and here comes The Miz, followed by Seth Rollins.

Match #4: Seth Rollins vs. The Miz

Rollins jumps on Miz right away and unloads with punches in the corner, leading to Miz taking a powder. They head outside and Rollins bounces Miz off the table then into the barricade. Back in the ring Rollins rips at the face of Miz then clotheslines him out of the ring, and follows up with a baseball slide to send Miz over the announcers table. Rollins chases Miz for a bit, but Miz distracts him with the ref and hits a kneeling DDT, which sends us to picture in picture.

Miz with some strikes before they head back into the ring, where he hits a double ax handle. Rollins stops selling and starts unloading with strikes before running into a Kitchen Sink. Some more control from Miz as he runs through his usual move set. We come back as Miz is playing with the crowd. Rollins starts fighting back with strikes again, then counters a Kitchen Sink into a School Boy for 2. Chops from Rollins but then he takes the Bret Hart corner bump. Miz charges but runs into a clothesline from Rollins. More strikes from Rollins, with a camera cut for each one for some reason. Kicks from Rollins then a discus clothesline. Miz avoids a suplex but eats a super kick. Rollins sets for the Stomp but Miz avoids it, Rollins tries a Pedigree but Miz counters and they trade roll ups before Miz hits a Codebreaker off the second rope for a 2 count. Miz wants the finish, but Rollins counters only to eat a slow motion Busaiku Knee from Miz for a 2 count. Some kicks from Miz but when he tries the Buzzsaw kick Rollins catches it and wipes him out with a rolling elbow. More elbows from Rollins then one to the back of the head to set up the Stomp. No cover from Rollins though, the crowd want another one and it looks like Rollins will oblige them. Another Stomp from Rollins, but again no cover. The crowd still want another, and again Rollins will oblige them. The ref then calls for the bell as Miz is done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Seth Rollins won

Rating: 3 stars

More about the character work than the match itself, though the work was fine enough this was about Rollins showing off his intensity.

In the back Carmella has asked for a match with Asuka next week, Adam Pearce obliges as he appreciates her attitude. Pearce then gets a phone call from Chelsea Green. Green complains about being sent to Ottawa, Illinois instead of Canada. She wants to know how Pearce will fix this. Pearce apologizes, but next week they’ll bein the States and this should be fine. Pearce then hangs up on a Green rant.

Chad Gable and Otis practice posing in front of a mirror, Gable doesn’t know why he wasn’t selected by the Maximum Male Models. Bronson Reed interrupts this to mock him, then he and Otis stare off. Otis and Bronson would be a very large match.

We head to break, after this one Bayley will be talking with Damage Control.

When we come back it’s time for Ding Dong, Hello. Bayley is here with Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky, Kai has a crutch. Some crowd work from Bayley, then she whines about not being in the Chamber match. But today is Family Day in Canada, so she’ll be spending it with her family, Damage CTRL. Bayley expresses her love for Kai and Sky, and says the crowd doesn’t love them like Bayley does. Well now they’re here and Kai and Sky can talk and share their beautiful voices. She asks how it feels to be the greatest women’s tag team champions of all time, Kai puts over Bayley for getting them to this point. They’ve been on every show, beaten everyone, and will continue to do so. This is interrupted by Becky Lynch. Becky has a mic as she’s on the entrance ramp, she brings up how long it’s been since those titles have been defended and says Sky and Kai wont get to just coast to Mania. Well Becky wants to take those titles into WrestleMania. This amuses Bayley and says Becky doesn’t have any friends to tag with. Becky did have one person in mind, and here comes Lita. Bayley yells at them to use the door if they’re going to interrupt, so they oblige and head in through it. Bayley says Lita doesn’t work here anymore and mocks Becky’s desperation. The last time these two were in the ring they tried to end each other, Becky cuts this off and says she apologized and Lita agrees they’re over it. Lita wanted another title run, but if she can’t get one from Becky then getting one with Becky could work. So this is an official challenge to Kai and Sky. Bayley says they haven’t earned a title match, Becky runs down their shared resumes and then Lita brings up that the greatest team would want to prove it. If they’re the greatest they wont have a problem defending the titles, unless they’re scared. Bayley accepts on behalf of Kai and Sky, then Becky and Lita steal the title belts and pose with them. Everyone engages in a stare down to close the segment.

In the back Byron Saxton talks with Candice LeRae. She gives an update on Johnny Gargano, this is interrupted by Candice moving over to talk with Nikki Cross. Candice wants to know why Nikki Cross is harassing her. Nikki whispers something and then scuttles off. Candice says Nikki feels alone as her friends are gone. Candice then says Johnny will be back before walking off.

Back to the ring, Chad Gable heads to the ring and will take on Bronson Reed after this break.

Post break, here comes Bronson Reed.

Match #5: Chad Gable w/ Otis vs. Bronson Reed

Gable with a quick side headlock but runs into a standing avalanche from Reed. Gable rolls out of the ring but Reed follows him and hits a shoulder block off the apron. Reed and Otis stare down briefly before Reed and Gable head into the ring. Some hard corner whips from Reed, then he misses a second rope flying nothing and Gable grabs an Ankle Lock but Reed kicks him off. Uppercuts from Gable but Reed clubs him then blocks a German suplex. Clothesline from Gable actually works, then he goes up top and hits a diving headbutt for a 1 count. Gable runs into a clothesline, and on the floor Maxxine Dupri is here to give Otis eyes. Gable does hit a bridging German suplex out of the corner but only a 2 count. Gable gets distracted by Otis talking with Maxxine and that sets up a corner splash from Reed then a ripcord powerslam. Reed up top, Tsunami connects and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bronson Reed won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Fun little match, Reed’s more athletic than you’d think and Gable is still a darn good worker. Otis being scouted by the MMM is a weird choice but there could be some potential there.

In the back Austin Theory warms up for his match as we head to break.

Post break Elias is in the ring, no guitar though. Elias hopes Rick Boogs is back there taking notes, because this is how you do it. We see Boogs in the back with a legal pad in fact taking notes. Elias wants to answer the question on everyone’s mind, who will walk with Elias at WrestleMania? There’s got to be somebody out there right? This is interrupted by the Almighty Bobby Lashley. Bobby plants Elias with a spinebuster, then follows him out of the ring to slam him into the barricade before ramming him head first into the ring post. Into the ring Bobby with a Spear then the Hurt Lock to poor Elias. Elias gets slung to the side and Bobby wants a mic. Bobby says the Hurt Lock ruins plans, and Brock Lesnar panicked then had to cheat to get himself out of there. Not Brock, not Bray Wyatt, not Elias, no one breaks the Hurt Lock. He will not be disrespected by anyone, and if you do he’ll put you down. Bobby Lashley, still not a great talker. I’m not sure how he and Bray Wyatt will work together, my guess is not well.

Commentary runs down next weeks card, we’ll get Becky and Lita vs. Damage CTRL in a tag tam title match. Candice LeRae will battle Piper Niven, and we’ll see if Brock Lesnar will accept the challenge of Omos. Also Asuka vs. Carmella, and Miz TV.

Bryon Saxton is in the back to talk with Edge. Edge is happy to put Judgement Day behind him and he can get back to his goals, he doesn’t like Austin Theory because Theory has the physical tools but the mental game is weak. Youth comes with ignorance, and age comes with wisdom. Edge knows how quickly all of this can be taken away, quicker than he’s going to smack that duck face of Theory. He’s been without a title for a while and Edge knows his time is running out, but in 1997 he had his second match ever for WWE right here in this building and he’s not performed here for 18 years, and it’d feel darn good to win the US title here and carry it into WrestleMania. Solid promo from Edge.

Back to the ring, here comes Austin Theory for our main event after this break.

Post break, here comes Edge.

Match #6 – US Title Match: (c) Austin Theory vs. Edge

Edge out wrestles Theory first and then stands off with Theory. They tie up, Theory with a side headlock then they hit the ropes and Edge trips up Theory and drags him out of the ring for a facebuster on the floor. Back in the ring Edge grabs a side headlock then hits a Russian leg sweep when Theory was trying to replicate Edge’s earlier moves. That sends us to picture in picture.

Some control work from Edge, then Theory pushes him into the corner and lands some shoulder strikes. A bit of back work from Theory then he pushes Edge out of the ring. Edge with a comeback on the floor and he slams Theory into the barricade. Back in the ring Edge lands some stomps then back drops Theory over the ropes and to the floor. Back in the ring Edge starts on the arm of Theory as we come back to the broadcast. Theory fights back with strikes but Edge slips out of the ring and misdirects Theory for a bit before catching him with a back body drop on the floor. Edge with a diving clothesline off the apron. Back into the ring Edge grabs a side headlock. Theory fights free and lands a clothesline. Mounted punches from Theory then a corner clothesline and the Scott Hall special, the fall away slam for a 2 count. Theory grabs a chin lock, that goes on for a bit before Edge gets pulled down and Theory puts it back on. Edge fights back with strikes to the body and head but Theory drops him into the buckles then hits a rolling shotgun dropkick for 2 and send us to another picture in picture break.

Theory retains control and tosses Edge out of the ring. They move to the ringside area, and Edge lands a chop before Theory shoves him into the ring post. Back in the ring now Theory grabs a rest hold. Suplex from Theory then some messing with the crowd. Theory is landing some stomps as we come back to the broadcast. Edge blocks a suplex and they trade punches before Theory puts Edge on the top rope. Theory climbs up with Edge, he’s looking for a superplex but Edge blocks and counters with a gordbuster then follows up with a crossbody to the back of Theory and both men are down. Edge fires up with clotheslines and a Flapjack for 2. Theory tries to fight back but Edge counters, only for Theory to snap him over the ropes and try another rolling dropkick but Edge counters into a sit out powerbomb for 2. Edge sets for the Spear, but Theory jumps over him and tries a Monkey Flip but Edge lands on his feet and grabs a Crippler Crossface. Theory struggles for the ropes, he’s able to get there and force the break. Theory now with a prawn hold but puts his feet on the ropes, the ref sees it though. Roll up from Edge, only 2, Theory tries an A Town Down but Edge counters into the Edgecution for only a near fall. Again Edge sets for the Spear, but here’s Finn Balor to complicate things. He kicks Edge, Balor hits the A Town Down and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Austin Theory retained the title

Rating: 3.5 stars

Solid match, a little too much stalling to hit great territory but given the talent it’s not a surprise this was quite good.

Balor immediately jumps Edge, landing stomps then hits a Coup de Grace. Balor yells that this isn’t over between them and hits another Coup de Grace. A third Coup de Grace from Balor connects and Balor stands tall to close the episode.

The final score: review Good
The 411
Odd show this week, the crowd faded in and out a lot and I'm not sure if it was an investment issue or a crowd mic thing but it was definitely a problem. Sami and Owens not immediately patching things up was a good call, let that one simmer for a bit while we settle where Jey Uso lands. Sadly Edge and Balor seems to be continuing, this thing just wont go away but hopefully we end it at Mania. Asuka and Belair started their interactions, still not sure exactly how that dynamic will play but they're both very talented so it could be good. Cody interacting with Heyman continues to be very good work, and Cody slipped a little bit into "I need to beat you Rock" with his part of their promo which could be very interesting. I'm still not sold on RAW being good for 3 hours, there was a fair bit of obvious filler here, but on the whole a decent enough follow up to Elimination Chamber as Mania starts to loom on the horizon.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Robert Winfree