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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 9.01.23

September 1, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Solo Sikoa JImmy Uso Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 9.01.23  

Hey there everyone, it’s another Friday night so it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. This will be the go home show for Payback so let’s see what they’ve got on tap for us. Jimmy Uso will be present to talk and remind us about The Samoan Soap Opera after Jey kayfabe quit a couple of weeks ago so let’s see what’s going on with that. Rumor has it Solo Sikoa will wrestle AJ Styles, given that AJ is one of the few main event caliber talents who hasn’t put over this version of Roman Reigns it makes sense, and AJ comes with a group behind him to nullify Roman’s numbers advantage. Tonight also kicks off 8 weeks of John Cena back on Smackdown, I guess with the strike in full effect he’s freed up to be here, and who knows what wacky shenanigans Cena will get up to. LA Knight will go face to face with The Miz one more time before their match at Payback, we’ve got Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar taking on Grayson Waller and inferior Grayson Waller(Austin Theory), and that’s kind of all that’s on the table right now. So let’s see what the show has in store for us and get to the action.

So first, a recap of The Bloodline from a couple of weeks ago when Jey kicked everyone and claimed to quit the company and everything else.

First in action, here comes John Cena. For those betting on the color of his attire, we’ve got powder blue. Cena has a mic and plays with the crowd. He thanks the fans for 20 years worth of moments coming down to this ring, and it just gets better over time and he wants to make sure and thank the fans for everything. He brings up that he’s going to be here for a couple of months, and he’s having the first in India of his entire career, and he just found out he’s got the chance to host Payback tomorrow. For everything he’s been given he’s promising to give back as much as he can. That starts here and now, and promises an epic Smackdown, there will be answers to the questions on everyone’s mind. Cena gets interrupted by a harpsicord, and this is apparently Jimmy Uso’s new theme as here he is all decked out in black. Jimmy gets a mic, but the crowd with a “we want Jey” chant. Cena puts over the crowd again, then Jimmy asks what Cena is doing here. Jimmy appeals for a reaction and says people came to see him, and hear his story. The answer to “why” is he saved his brother and will do it every time, he did it(for The Rock) because he loves Jey. He didn’t want Jey to be corrupted like Roman Reigns or John Cena. Jimmy mocks Cena’s attire, Cena admits his fashion sense is pretty identifiable. Jimmy claims this is his ring, and then says Cena and Roman are exactly alike. They both take until there’s nothing left, but Cena does it with a smile. Cena has to halt this for a second, and knows Jimmy’s had a lot on his mind and all the rash decisions he’s made lately. But for three years Cena has wanted to say this, “the wrong Uso quit.” I mean, no lies but he got the timeline wrong as this whole thing is only about 3 weeks old. Jimmy tries to superkick Cena, Cena catches it and crushes him with an Attitude Adjustment. Decent opening segment but it felt padded, and I’m not sure Jimmy is the right choice for Cena.

In the back Kayla talks with Grayson Waller and his inferior doppleganger. They both laugh about Cena hosting Payback, then Waller claims Theory winning back his title and Cody Rhodes on the Grayson Waller Effect are bigger deals. Theory with his canned delivery says they’ll be beating Rey Mysterio and Santos Uno Leg.

Back to the ring, here come the LWO and Rey Mysterio. That tag team match will be up after this break.

In the back Jimmy storms around demanding people say his name. That’s pretty shady.

Back to the ring here come Grayson Waller and Austin Theory to pretty tepid reactions. I thought Waller was actually starting to get heat but Theory will ruin most things I guess.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar w/ Zelina Vega vs. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

Rey still wearing the black armband with “TF” and “BW” on it. Boy, the fake noise for Theory was very obvious tonight. Escobar and Waller start, Escobar lands a dropkick then goes for the arm of Waller. Rey tags in and lands a kick. Waller runs into a kick, then Rey elbows Theory and sends Waller out of the ring. Theory from behind but Rey flips away and shoves him out of the ring then hits an elevated drive with help from Escobar. There’s a minor audio issue going on, not sure what it is exactly but something’s off as we head to break.

Theory tags in as we come back, and they seem to have fixed the audio issue. Waller back in as Rey gets some corner offense. Theory tags back in, still no reaction. Waller messes with Escobar to set up some double team time on Rey. Waller tags back in and lands some knees then tags out. Rey avoids a charge and Waller accidentally wipes out Theory. Rey wants to tag out, but Waller cheap shots Escobar, only for Rey to take out Waller with an around the world DDT. Escobar tags in and gets to run wild for a bit, they’re pretending Theory didn’t tag back in I guess as Escobar is working Waller. Top rope crossbody from Escobar gets 2, then a double knee strike in the corner and he hits a second rope hurricanrana and Theory breaks up the pin. Rey and Theory square up, Rey sends Theory out of the right then Escobar kicks Waller off the apron to set up a dive but Theory is back and hits Escobar in the knee. Rey disposes of Theory but Waller is able to come in with the rolling Stunner to Escobar and that gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Grayson Waller and Austin Theory won

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Fine enough match, that rolling Stunner from Waller is kind of stupid and takes way too much setup to be a reliable finish.

In the back Mia Yim talks with Adam Pearce, and Jimmy Uso interrupts. Pearce objects to Jimmy’s attitude lately, and Jimmy just walks away. OK then, that’s one way to kill time.

Here comes Bobby Lashley in a suit. Bobby, who Speared the crap out of Butch last week without unbuttoning his suit or losing his glasses, will be talking after this break.

In the back Mia Yim complains about Jimmy disrespecting her, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows try to tell her what a bad idea it is to get involved in Bloodline related crap, it’s too much drama. But here’s AJ Styles to tell her no, it is a big deal and he’ll handle it. This will go poorly.

Back to the ring with Bobby Lashley. He plays with the crowd but has business to attend to. Everywhere he goes everyone is asking him what’s going on with the Street Profits. Well he’ll answer that tonight, it’s a simple answer as well because real recognizes real and great recognizes great. That’s why he recognizes the Street Profits. Cue the Street Profits also suited and booted. Bobby is pleased and introduces the Street Profits in their new and improved version. Montez Ford says tonight is not about them, it’s about them expressing gratitude to Bobby, it’s been a long time since they had this much success. Dawkins says Bobby helped them see the bigger picture and it’s time to step from what was to what is. Ford plays with that for a bit then says there’s nothing personal, it’s just Profits. They’ve got two words for Bobby, “Thank you.” Bobby appreciates that, and says their continued success is all he needs and they’re sending a message to the entire WWE Universe now though. Everyone’s on notice, they’re coming for power, control, and championship gold. They want it all. I like the teaming here but I almost feel like it took them a little too long to get to this kind of an explanation. As they’re heading up the ramp here comes Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to interrupt. Owens has a black “Windham” armband. The champs and Hurt Profits stare down for a second before Ford and Bobby open a lane for them to walk down. Sami and Owens will be in action after this break.

Post break the LWO are in the ring.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens vs. LWO (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) w/ Zelina Vega

Sami and Wilde start us off, Sami hits a shoulder block and grabs a side headlock. Wilde with a shoulder to the body then a back elbow and a jumping elbow drop. Some rope running from Wilde but he runs into a clothesline from Sami. Owens tags in, hits a Swanton Bomb but only a 2 count. Wilde counters a pop up powerbomb with a dropkick and tags in Cruz. Cruz with some corner offense to Owens then a punch and a kick for Sami, then another kick from Cruz. Owens cuts him off with a pop up powerbomb and tags in Sami. Sami with a Helluva kick to Wilde, then one for Cruz and he tags Owens for a Stunner to end things.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens won

Rating: Delicata Squash
Thoughts: Fine enough squash, more designed for commentary to remind us ad nauseum about the Payback match against the Judgement Day.

Post match Sami gets a mic and says tomorrow wont be fun or pretty, and they’re in for the fight of their life at Payback. Well it was nice of them to do that since the live crowd couldn’t hear commentary say “Steel city street fight” 18 times.

In the back Jimmy looks to leave and AJ intercepts him. They argue and AJ shoves Jimmy down only for Solo to jump AJ from behind. Solo tells Jimmy he’s only out when they want him out, Jimmy says no one can tell him anything and then leaves. OK then, that sends us to break.

Post break a recap of what just happened. Solo really out here attacking people in slide on sandals. AJ is with Cathy and is pissed at the Bloodline in general, he’s going to handle it tonight by taking on Solo. Gallows and Anderson are here to again remind everyone that they don’t need this drama in their lives, but AJ wants to remind everyone that Smackdown is the house AJ Styles built.

Here comes The Miz, to an infinitely lesser response than when he cosplayed as LA Knight. Miz has a mic and sweetened boos. He reminds us about their match at the PPV but notable “LA Knight” chants cut him off. Miz says he proved how easy it is to be LA Knight and Knight isn’t half the star Miz was even 10 years ago. LA Knight interrupts this to his usual big pop. Knight gets a mic of his own and wants to talk to us. Here’s the Miz with another cosplay huh? Just like he’s done for Rock, Cena, and now LA Knight yeah. All three of those guys are people Miz wants to be but never will. Let’s explore if Miz is right that it’s easy to be LA Knight. He’s lived in the bad apartments, walked to work, slept in his car, and cashed checks at payday loan places, and still he’s here. Miz wouldn’t last a day on the path of Knight, but he’s right that they’re not on the same level. Knight had to fight to be here while Miz coasted, and the reality is that Knight is far above Miz. Miz brings up that Knight was on a reality show and failed, and it didn’t take Miz 20 years to get here, he’s had movies and TV because he’s a star. Knight says he’s a success because he took advantages, and he can’t fault him, but Miz is just background. His wife was the star of their reality show while Miz just carried his little giblets in a bag. Knight will be sending Miz’s wife a broken battered husband after Payback, but he’ll be happy to fill that opening. Miz says the people love Knight because they relate to him, people are failures after a few setbacks. But Knight didn’t give up, and now he’s got a chance to do something the people wont have a chance to do, succeed. Unfortunately he’s the wrong guy to get in the ring with, Miz crushes hopes and dreams and on Saturday he’s going to cost LA Knight his popularity, confidence, and job then send him back to the roach infested hotels. Knight says of every stupid thing Miz said he was only right that Knight never gave up, all Miz has is the past so keep living there because his present is trash and his future looks even worse after tomorrow when Knight stomps him out. Miz tries a cheap shot, Knight avoids him but Miz with a cross chop and a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz with a mic and says this is Knight’s future. Pretty good stuff from both men, but for the record Knight should just massacre Miz in less than 5 minutes tomorrow. Knight isn’t taking this on the chin though, he runs down Miz on the entrance ramp and beats him down before officials pull him off and Miz scampers away.

We get a recap of Damage Control Pillmanizing Bianca Belair’s leg and sending her to vacation time.

Damage Control head to the ring. Bayley will be wrestling Shotzi after this break.

Post break here comes Shotzi in her tank.

Match #3: Bayley w/ Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai vs. Shotzi

Bayley tries to beg off right away and avoids Shotzi. Shotzi avoids a kick and continues trying to menace Bayley, she finally corners her and lands punches to 0 reaction. Slap from Bayley, Shotzi just laughs and clotheslines her down a few times. This just isn’t getting over. Shotzi lands a kick then grabs a reverse choke over the ropes. Bayley kicks the leg of Shotzi and lands some strikes from on top but again, no reaction. Commentary is even bored and are making obscure music references. Shotzi fights back with an enziguri, then she and Bayley fight on the floor as she tosses Bayley around. Diving senton from Shotzi to Bayley sends us to break as the crowd finally wakes up a little.

Bayley lands a kick out of the corner then an elbow drop as we come back. Shotzi blocks an elbow drop and kicks Bayley in the head to send her out of the ring. Shotzi wants to dive and hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring Shotzi with a bulldog, knee strike and another head kick. Bayley avoids a Shiranui and puts Shotzi in the tree of woe to land another elbow and get a 2 count. Shotzi recovers and hits a corner cannonball, then climbs up top but Iyo distracts things and Bayley punches Shotzi down. Bayley wants the title belt from Iyo for a weapon, but Iyo doesn’t want to give up and here comes Charlotte. Poochie misses a boot on Iyo on the ramp then hits Bayley behind the refs back so Shotzi can hit the Never Wake Up and get the pin.


Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: That was over long and the crowd was not interested at all. Shotzi remains a bit too chaotic and sloppy for her own good though this was among her better outings and Bayley feels like she’s working at half speed a lot these days. To say nothing of how unnecessary Poochie was to everything.

That sends us to break.

We come back to a video recap of Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. I really hope Nakamura goes over, but we all know he wont.

Next, a recap of John Cena appropriately burying Jimmy Uso in the opening segment.

Solo Sikoa heads to the ring all by his lonesome, guess even Paul Heyman couldn’t be bothered for the go home show. Solo gets in the ring, and we get another commercial break. Oddly laid out show tonight.

Post break here comes AJ Styles.

Match #4: AJ Styles vs. Solo Sikoa

AJ goes right after Solo with strikes, Solo tosses him into a corner but AJ with elbows and chops. Solo shoves AJ away then hits a shoulder block to drop him. Some headbutts from Solo then he tries a splash but AJ gets the knees up, then lands a kick and hits a knee drop of his own. AJ tries to lift Solo, but can’t and Solo then drops him with a scoop slam. Solo lands a chop but AJ fights back with a kick then some evasive moves and a dropkick to stagger Solo. AJ with some corner offense, but here comes Paul Heyman to head to ringside. That distraction allows Solo to drop AJ with a strike, but AJ then low bridges him to the outside and hits a sliding knee from the apron. Solo waddles around ringside and AJ drops him with a plancha and we head to break.

We come back to Solo sending AJ into the corner but then he runs into a boot. AJ up top, jumps at Solo but flies into a punch then Solo just slings AJ under the bottom rope and into the ring post back first. Solo follows AJ to the floor and bounces AJ into the announcers desk then they head back into the ring. Belly to belly suplex from Solo gets a 2 count, as apparently only 1 of the 3 commentators actually knows the names of moves but it’s never the same one of the three from moment to moment. AJ fights back with strikes but gets caught with a back body drop. Solo wants the Samoan Spike, but AJ blocks it and lands a kick, then a Pele kick and both men are down. AJ with a flurry of strikes now then a dropkick to the knee and a low forearm attack. AJ’s firing up now and hoists Solo onto his shoulders but Solo slips free, AJ then avoids a Samoan drop and lands a striking combination only to get shoved off and then hit with a pop up Samoan drop for a near fall. I appreciate the attempt from Solo, but I’ve seen Jacob Fatu do that smooth as butter and Solo doesn’t have it down yet. Headbutt from Solo and he wants a corner hip attack but AJ avoids him and drops Solo with a running clothesline. AJ with a Lionsault and a 2 count. AJ signals for the Styles Clash, yeah that’s not happening and Solo sends him to the apron. AJ wants a Phenomenal Forearm but here’s Jimmy Uso to botch his interference and AJ has to sell it anyway. Solo with a Samoa Spike and the pin.


Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: AJ is still really good, while Solo is coming along.

Post match Jimmy goes to hug Solo, Solo wants to Spike him but Heyman calls him off and Solo just walks away. Jimmy the superkicks AJ and hits a Splash while we all have to wonder where all of AJ’s friends are. To close Jimmy points to the sky indicating he wants back in the Bloodline. That ends the episode.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Even by go home show standards this felt a little flat and padded. Miz and LA Knight continue to show pretty good chemistry, AJ Styles potentially aiming the OC at the Bloodline will at least keep all the parties occupied, and hey, John Cena's back for a few weeks because of the various strikes going on. On the downside, Bayley vs. Shotzi fell flat, Austin Theory is still a waste of space, and Jimmy Uso very clearly isn't Jey in terms of fan connection. Hints at the future were nice, the Hurt Profits and the tag champs were teased and I'd be down for that. Commentary really pushed that this will be LA Knight's one shot at hitting it big, so he's probably losing, and Charlotte Flair being Iyo's first real title program makes me nervous they're going to just turn Iyo into a poor transitional champ. It did a moderate job of selling the PPV, so let's stick this in Average for go home shows.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree