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WWE EVP On Handling Media Questions About Vince McMahon Lawsuit, Compliance On Legal Matters

August 1, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT Kevin Dunn Office Logo Lawsuit Image Credit: WWE

WWE executive vice president Chris Legentil recently touched on how WWE handles media coverage of the Vince McMahon lawsuit and other legal matters. WWE is of course a party to the lawsuit against McMahon by Janel Grant, a lawsuit that is on hold due to a federal investigation into McMahon. Legentil, the EVP of Talent Relations and Head of Communications for WWE, spoke on the Sports Media Podcaast with Richard Deitsch and weighed in on dealing with the media coverage.

“Related to active legal situations, there is clearly a limit on what we’re able to say,” Legentil said (per Fightful). “That said, as that investigation has gone on over time, we’ve been compliant all the way along and all the way through. When we have had the opportunity to answer questions, we do. When there is not that opportunity, we don’t.”

He continued, “The media, we’ve found, have understood that because they realize sometimes there is a lane we can take and other times there is not. We agree that Brandon (Thurston) and John (Pollock) do good work and you see them as regulars at our shows and press conferences. They’re doing their job as reporters, we’re doing our job as a company.”

article topics :

Vince McMahon, WWE, Jeremy Thomas