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WWE News: Official Shoots Down Alexa Bliss Rumor, Natalya On Her Father’s Wrestlemania Moment

March 17, 2017 | Posted by Joseph Lee

– As we previously reported, SportsKeeda suggested that there were some within WWE who were not happy with the in-ring work of Alexa Bliss, although they acknowledged her skill on the microphone. WWE official “Road Dogg” Brian James shot down the rumor on Twitter:

– In an interview with The Calgary Sun, Natalya revealed what her father, Jim Neidhart, considers his Wrestlemania moment.

She said: “Dad was part of a 20-man battle royal [at WrestleMania 2], along with my uncle, Bret (The Hitman) Hart (‘the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be’),” Natalya wrote. “My dad and Bret were among the final three in the match, duking it out with eventual winner Andre the Giant. To this day, if anyone asks my dad about WrestleMania, he points to that moment with Andre as his ‘WrestleMania moment.’ Not only was it a special moment for my dad and Uncle Bret because it was part of wrestling history, but because it involved Andre, whom they both respected immensely and who was a close Hart family friend.

article topics :

Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Road Dogg, Joseph Lee