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Young Bucks On Tony Khan Appearing At NFL Draft After Dynamite Attack, Giving Jack Perry Advice

May 22, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Young Bucks AEW Rampage 2-9-24, Eric Bischoff Image Credit: AEW

The Young Bucks admit that they have a bit of respect for Tony Khan for appearing on the NFL Draft in a neck brace after they attacked him on AEW Dynamite. Khan appeared on the Draft late last month, the day after he was taken out by The Elite on Dynamite. The Bucks spoke about Khan, as well as helping out Jack Perry during his time in NJPW, in an interview with Sports Illustrated’s Justin Barrasso and you can see highlights below:

Nick on Khan appearing at NFL Draft: “I’m surprised he had the balls to show up on TV after we humiliated him like that. But I give him credit for it.”

Matt on Khan’s appearance: “Seeing him appear at the NFL Draft with the neck brace on was something even I had to respect. Maybe he’s tougher than I thought.”

Matt on Jack Perry’s NJPW excursion: “We kept an eye on him the entire time he was gone and helped him navigate the situation–a familiar one that we had also gone through. We also talked him down a few times. We gave him advice on how to succeed in Japan. It felt like he was our little brother. We saw him for the first time since All In, a couple days prior to the pay-per-view. We met him in our private jet, and talked endlessly the entire flight. We let him get it all out of his system, but assured him that this would be a fresh start. I was so thrilled to hear and see the groundswell for him when he appeared for the first time. It was like a rebirth for him.”

Nick on Perry wearing a Sting match for his run-in at AEW Dynasty: “We had just wrestled Sting in his retirement match, so that was perfect. We were super proud and happy for Jack. He deserved a big moment and a big reaction, and he got both of those things in one moment.”