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411’s TNA Turning Point Report 11.07.10
Championship Roll Call
-Video intro.
-LIVE from the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL.
-Taz and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show!
TNA X-Division Title Match: Jay Lethal © vs. Robbie E w/Cookie
And here we go with the opening bout of the evening. Lock up, they battle for control, and then break. Robbie bails to the floor, talks with Cookie, and back into the ring he goes. Lock up, to the corner, the ref separates them, chops by Jay, reversal and arm drags follow. Jay works the arm, crowd way into Jay here. Robbie to his feet, counters, arm drag and back into the arm bar goes Jay. To the ropes, forearms by Robbie, off the ropes and Jay tosses him to the floor. Jay sets, hits the ropes and misses the baseball slide, but chops to Robbie connect. Jay slams Robbie to the apron, rights follow. Back into the ring we go, springboard missile dropkick by Jay and a cover gets 2. Off the ropes, hip toss, cartwheel and dropkick by Jay gets 2. Robbie backs off to the corner, and more chops from Jay. Robbie blocks the Lethal combo, and stun guns Jay off of the ropes ad then mounted rights follow, and a cover for 2. Robbie sucks chants now as Robbie delivers right to Jay on the apron. He stands on his chest now, Jay battles back with rights, to the corner and Jay takes the Bret hart front bump, and Robbie covers for 2. Robbie with the shoulder block on the corner, chokes out Jay, and then fist pumps. Off the ropes, and into the abdominal stretch goes Robbie. Jay tries to fight out, does, off the ropes and eats a back elbow. Seated bear hug by Robbie, Jay works to escape, to his feet, but slammed back to the corner. Rights and chops by Jay, off the ropes and a forearm by Jay. Clothesline follows, another, off the ropes and the back handspring elbow connects! Off the ropes, sunset flip try, Cookie distracts the ref, had Robbie pinned, but the ref missed it. Jay argues with Cookie and then Robbie misses and flies to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE by Jay connects! Rights follow, and then chops. Back into the ring, Jay pulls him to the floor again and they continue to brawl. Back into the ring again, Cookie on the apron, Jay steals her hairspray, tosses it, Lethal Combo on Robbie! Jay up top, Cookie up and grabs his leg, he kicks her off, but Robbie crotches him. Robbie grabs him, fist pump neck breaker and that is all.
-Robbie and Cookie celebrate with the title.
-Taz and Tenay talk and run down the card.
-To the back and Christy Hemme is with Mickie James. She says it is personal with Tara, and they may not like each other, but Tara will respect her.
Tara vs. Mickie James
James walks into the ring and slaps Tara to start the match. They brawl on the mat to begin, stomps by Tara, tries the widow’s peak, countered and James with the basement dropkick. Tara rolls to the floor and James holds the ropes for her. James is wrestling in chaps. Tara gets a neck breaker over the top rope, and is now in control. Tara just beats down James, looks for the Widow’s peak again, countered and James gets the single leg crab. She breaks after pulling the hair and Tara to the floor, pulls James out and they pull each other’s hair and roll into the ring. To the corner, they get broken up by the ref, and the Tara tosses James across the ring by her hair. She chokes her out in the ropes and then gets a suplex and rolls into a guillotine choke. She then pulls the hair, James back with rights, to the corner and a back elbow by James. James with the head scissors and pulls Tara to the color. Thesz press to the floor by James. Back into the ring they go, James up top now, missile dropkick connects! James sets, kick blocked, and Tara pulls her down into a split. Kicks to the face by Tara, Tara then pulls her up and rights by James. Forearms follow, suplex countered and Tara counters the DDT and sets James on the top rope. Tara up with her, and Tara slips onto her. She is basically sitting on her lap and they tumble to the floor as they brawled. They continue to brawl on the floor, James slams Tara to the apron, boot from Tara, and they brawl up the ramp and the ref follows. Guess no count out. They then brawl into the crowd, the ref then gets shoved and then rings the bell.
OFFICIAL RESULT: No Contest @ 8:00
-They continue to brawl back to the ramp and then back towards the stage. James tosses Tara into security, and then Tara breaks a broom over her back. James gets a trashcan and nails Tara and they continue to brawl. Security finally beaks them up as the crowd chants LET THEM FIGHT. James heads to the ring and calls Tara on, and she agrees. More brawling, Tara kicks a security guy and then gets a facebuster on James. They now start to rip clothes off and more security and agents come in to break it up. James charges at Tara again, and more brawling.
-Really good job there, I hate non-finishes on PPV usually, but these two acted like they hated each other, it was intense, and looked like a FIGHT, so good stuff overall.
-We get a video package for the tag team title match.
-Christy Hemme is with 3D. Ray says they stepped in 15-years ago and wanted to be the best, and they did a good job of it. 23-titles, they have been everywhere, and did it together, and tonight, they do it one more time. They go out together, TESTIFY~!
TNA Tag Team Title Match: The Motor City Machine Guns (Sabin and Shelley) © vs. Team 3D (Ray and Devon)
(If Team 3D wins, they will retire champs)
3D hugs before the bell, and here we go. Shelley and Devon to begin the match, they shake and here we go. Lock up, to the corner, and a clean break. Lock up, Shelley works the arm, reversal, headlock takedown by Devon. Head scissors by Shelley, an escape by Devon, and they stand off. GRAPPLING! Go behind, Shelley works the arm, headlock by Devon, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Devon. Off the ropes and a counter and kicks by Shelley. Devon counters, suplex try countered and Devon misses the corner charge. Shelley then misses the enziguri, and they stand off. Shelley with the basement dropkick, Sabin tags in, they go for skull and bones, escape and a double clothesline by Devon. 3D try on Sabin, and he bails. Ray is in now, they lock up, to the corner, Ray works the arm, Sabin with a roll out and counters, Ray grabs the leg and Sabin with forearms. Slingshots in with the cross body for 2. Off the ropes and a bog boot by Ray. Tag to Devon, side slam, leg drop combo and a cover for 2. Blind tag to Shelley, drop toehold, elbow drop from Sabin, face hold and into the dropkick goes Sabin. Shelley covers for 2. Shelley up top, MISSES the double stomp, tag to Ray, and then goes after the leg of Shelley. Locks it up with his legs, rights and elbows follow as he keeps it locked up. Ray breaks, slams the knee to the mat, but then misses he splash. Tag to Sabin, corner attacks on Ray from the Guns. They light him up and then a dropkick to Devon, takes him to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE onto Devon! But then Sabin MISSES the slingshot splash onto Ray. Ray sets, and misses the splash and collides into the steel post. Ray is busted open and Sabin tosses him into the ring. Shelley works the arm, and then tags Sabin. Rights by Sabin follow, knee drop as well and the he tears away at the cut of Ray. Kicks follow, tag to Shelley, and rights from him take Ray to the mat. Knee drops follow, Shelley pulls him to the corner, tags in Sabin and he lays the boots to Ray. Ray battles back to the 2nd rope, Sabin up…BUBBA BOMB~! BOTH men are down, Ray covers for a close 2. Shelley tags in, stops the tag to Devon, and kicks away on Ray. Ray calls him on, kicks by Shelley, chops by Ray. Kicks and Shelley calls on Ray, and chops from Ray. Ray catches the kick, tosses him down, but Shelley with the enziguri. Shelley off he ropes and a cutter by Ray! BOTH men are down again, Ray looks for a tag, dives and gets it. Sabin in, Devon on fire as he cleans house. Off the ropes and a flying shoulder block by Devon. Side slam gets 2. To the corner, boot by Sabin, charges, powerslam by Devon for 2. neck breaker by Devon for 2 as Shelley makes the save. Eye poke by Shelley, corner attacks again, but Devon catches Sabin and slams him onto Shelley! Devon up top, HEAD BUTT connects, but Shelley makes the save. Ray is back on the apron, off the ropes and Ray blind tags in, levels the guns and then the reverse 3D on Sabin gets 2. Slam on Shelley, Devon up top, WAZZZZZ UUUUUUUUUUUP? Head butt to the balls connects!
Devon goes for the tables, crowd loving this thus far, Ray sets it up, Devon grabs Sabin, he has it in the corner, they whip Sabin, back flips off the table and Ray RUNS into the table! DOUBLE SUPERKICK on Devon! 1…2…NO! SKULL AND BONES on Devon! 1…2…NO! The Guns are not happy! Shelley smiles, grabs Devon, sliced bread countered and Devon battles back, Sabin accidentally kicks Shelley in the face, 3D! 1…2…NO! 3D doesn’t believe it! They argue with the ref, and Ray is back to the corner, Devon tags him back in, Sabin with the DDT on Devon, SUPERKICK by Shelley, SKULL AND BONES on Ray! 1…2…3!
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Motor City Machineguns @ 17:00 via pin
RATING: ****
-After the match, the Guns embrace with 3D and Devon raises their hands. They help Ray up, and then raise his hand. Devon looks devastated. They all raise hands and hug.
-Christy Hemme is with Tommy Dreamer and he talks about the legacy of Team 3D. he then says that he and RVD have to fight, and Bischoff got what he wanted, and tonight, RVD finds out who his true friends are.
RVD vs. Tommy Dreamer
They circle and jaw with each other, lock up and they shove off. Dreamer goes for a leg and then gets a roll up for 2. Body scissors into a roll up for 1 for RVD, they stand off. They talk shit, forearms traded, rights now, kick by RVD and then some counters, and off the ropes and they collide. Dreamer takes RVD down, and he rolls to the floor. RVD walks around, to the apron, and a knee by Dreamer as RVD comes in. Dreamer kicks RVD to the barricade, and then Dreamer charges off the apron and gets a clothesline on RVD. Dreamer slams him to the apron, kicks by RVD, sets Dreamer on the railing and RVD gets the spinning leg drop. RVD slams Dreamer to the apron, and back into the ring they go as RVD gets a chair. RVD then chokes out Dreamer on the apron, has the chair, and lays it on his face. He steps on it and then slingshots over the ropes and MISSES the leg drop as Dreamer slips out. Dreamer to the floor, grabs RVD and rolls him into the ring. Dreamer works the knee now, sets RVD up top and into the tree of woe. Sets the chair in front of him, and RVD pulls himself up and Dreamer over, pulls him back down, sets the chair and then RDV pulls himself up again. Dreamer then gets a hangman’s neck breaker. Dreamer to the floor, and he gets a ladder. Sets it on the apron, tosses another chair in and then grabs the ladder and sets it on the apron again. RVD pokes his eye, and then misses the baseball slide and Dreamer nails him with the ladder. Dreamer drags RVD into the ring, and then goes for a bulldog on the ladder, which connects. Dreamer covers for 2. Dreamer places RVD on the ladder, goes to the 2nd rope, and MISSES the elbow drop! Dreamer on the ladder, RVD then MISSES rolling thunder and lands on the ladder. Spinebuster by Dreamer, he goes up top now, SPLASH off the top by Dreamer, and he covers for 2. Dreamer hurt his hand there. RVD manages a northern lights suplex for 2. Dreamer takes off his glove, and is in pain. RVD covers for 2. Dropkick connects after he hesitates, Dreamer favoring the hand still. RVD slams Dreamer onto a chair, split legged moonsault misses! Dreamer grabs the ladder, sets it in the corner, and whips RVD into it but then tosses the ladder back into Dreamer’s face. RVD up top, FROG SPLASH MISSES. Piledriver by Dreamer, and RVD shoots off of the mat! Dreamer covers for 2. Dreamer sets RVD up top, they battle, Dreamer grabs the ladder and sets it on the second ropes for a bridge. Climbs onto it, RVD fights and Dreamer gets crotched in the ladder. RVD kicks him n the face and Dreamer hits the mat hard, still in the ladder. DROPKICK with the chair from RVD. RVD up top, FROG SPLASH misses again. Dreamer driver fails, RVD whips Dreamer to the ladder, has the chair, counters, and RVD slams Dreamer onto the chair. RVD up top, FROG SPLASH connects. That is all. Wow, that had no heat.
OFFICIAL RESULT: RVD @ 16:00 via Pin
-After the match, RVD checks on Dreamer and says he was wrong, and that they are brothers. They shake and hug.
-Christy Hemme is with Fortune. Flair bashes the RVD/Dreamer encounter, saying no one cares. The show can start now because Fortune is here. Williams says he is with the team 100%, while AJ wants to keep them all around so that they can keep kicking their asses. Roode then says that the pathetic reunion has been going on too long, and that they need to end it tonight.
-We get a video package of the Fortune vs. EV2.0 feud.
EV2.0 (Raven, Rhino, Sabu, Brian Kendrick and Stevie Richards) vs. Fortune (AJ Styles, Kazarian, Douglas Williams, James Storm and Robert Roode)
They all brawl to begin things. Some to the floor, some to the ramp, some ringside, and Kendrick is in the ring with Kaz. He tosses him to the floor, Williams in and he clips out the leg and works him over as Richards makes the save. Spinebuster by Roode on Richards for 2. Things settle down now, and trainers come out to take Kendrick to the back. Tag to Storm, atomic drop, Russian leg sweep by Storm. Kaz then tags in, works over Richards, off the ropes and nails the dropkick and covers for 2. Williams tags in now, slams Richards to the corner, suplex connects. AJ tags in, side slam into the leg drop combo and a cover for 2. Kaz back in now, lays the boots to Richards, tag to Roode, and a cover for 2 as Raven breaks that up. AJ tags in, snap suplex and a cover for 2. Tag back to Kaz, suplex on Richards. Mocks the Stevie kick, Richards catches him and takes Kaz to the mat with a variation of the wave of the future. Tag to Rhino and he fires away on Storm, shoulder block connects. Belly to belly gets 2. He starts to take out all of Fortune, belly to belly on Storm, sets for the gore, Roode trips him up, AJ spring in with the elbow and Storm covers for 2. Storm tags in Roode, boot to the gut by Roode and he mocks EV2.0. Snap mare by Roode, Hennig neck flip connects. Tag back to Kaz, and as he works a headlock, Raven breaks that up. Tag back to Storm, lays the boots to Rhino, but Rhino battles back for a moment, only to be slammed to the mat. To the corner, Storm charges, to the apron, kick to the head of Rhino and a cover for 2. To the corner, Rhino battles back and gets a sloppy TKO on Storm. Rhino crawls for the tag, Sabu in and he starts to clean house. AJ in, rights by Sabu. Gets a chair, AIR SABU wipes out Fortune on the floor! AJ up top, Raven crotches him, Sabu up top, but AJ tosses him off, MISSES the 450, rolls through and a DDT by Sabu! Williams in with the uppercut, STEVIE KICK to Williams. DDT by raven. DOUBLE SUPLEX by Beer Money! BEER! MONEY! GORE KILLS ROODE! Superkick by Storm. Smash mouth by Sabu! AJ drops Sabu, up top, Sabu crotches him, RANA BLOCKED, to the mat and the Styles clash! 1…2…3.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Fortune @ 13:00 via Pin
-Fortune waves goodbye to Sabu, who is apparently fired since he took the pin. Flair comes out and says lets pay homage to Fortune. Bow down to Fortune. Thank God for Fortune. Now, one of you guys will lose out tonight. Flair says he hated the Sheik and says Sabu is fired. WOOOOOOOOO! And in the weeks to come, the others will be gone. They try to hold Sabu back, and Flair sing “Good bye Sabu!” Dreamer and RVD are out now, and says they will party while EV2.0 has an ass kissing session. RVD says this sucks. He said Sabu did great, and what RVD wants sometimes isn’t good enough. Dreamer then says Sabu should have been a multi-millionaire for what he did for the fans. Tell your kids that you saw Sabu inside a ring, doing what he loves, and he thanks him.
-Christy Hemme is with the Pope and his congregation. Pope says he made one call, and the rest of the flock followed. He has Moses, Alonzo, Mike Mike, Jim Bob, and his brother Kevin. When he took a piss recently he realized that Abyss was a piss stain on the carpet of TNA. And he will be the one to remove the stain from TNA. Papa Pope always said, it’s better to be pissed off than pissed on, and he is pissed! We then see Mickie and Tara still brawling, they have to be tired, its bee like two-hours. The congregation separated them. Madison Rayne then gets involved and beats down Mickie with her title.
-We get a video package for Pope vs. Abyss.
The Congregation Are The Lumberjacks Match: The Pope vs. Abyss
Pope hits the ring and attacks right away with rights. Abyss to the floor, and escapes before he gets beat down. A whip to the corner, corner splash by Pope connects, and then another. Abyss tosses him to the floor, and the guys catch Pope. Sunset flip in, Abyss sits down and misses. Pope up top and gets the top rope clothesline for 2. Pope clotheslines Abyss to the floor, and the congregation beats him for a bit and then he slides back in. Rights by Pope, off the ropes and a big boot from Abyss. Abyss rips off the rap from Pope’s ribs and continues to attack. Abyss lays the boots to him, and is in control. Bear hug by Abyss, crowd chants for Pope. Pope escapes, elbows follow. Bear hug again, Pope fades, tries to escape, elbows out again, knees by Abyss. Off the ropes and Pope counters the black hole slam into a DDT. Rights by Pope, forearms follow. Another forearm drops Abyss. Clotheslines follow. Atomic drop, and then the shoulder block from Pope. Rights and lefts, eye poke, more rights, and Abyss is down. More rights from Pope on Abyss, kicks to the head follow. Pope charges to the corner, handstand into the elbow drop connects and he covers for 2. Shoulder blocks from Pope in the corner, a whip, but Abyss gets the shock treatment. Abyss covers for 2. Abyss signals for the chokeslam, GOOZLE, counter and a boot and uppercut by Pope and Abyss rolls to the floor. Pope up top and a BIG cross body wipes out Abyss! The congregation rolls Abyss into the ring, Pope up top, head butt connects. Pope covers for 2. Elbows by Pope, chops follow, boots, rights, and Abyss is down in the ropes. Pope charges and land son the back and slides to the floor. Pope celebrates and then we see Eric Bischoff come out. He makes the money sign with his fingers, and the congregation turns on Pope, and his brother attacks him! They lays the boots to him on the floor and Pope’s brother then tosses him back into the ring. Black hole slam finishes it.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Abyss @ 12:00 via Pin
-After the match, the congregation celebrates with Abyss.
-Christy Hemme is backstage and wants a word with Sabu. Stevie comes out, and says that Fortune cannot just run TNA. Stevie challenges AJ for a match on Impact.
-We get a video package for JJ vs. Joe.
-JJ gets the mic and talks about the Immortals being revealed, and they have been on a path of destruction, and taken out everyone in their way. Tonight, he finishes Joe. He didn’t sell out, he simply bought in. If they don’t respect him, he will shut down the show ad they won’t see Jeff Hardy. He goes to the back, but here comes Joe!
Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe
And here we go. Lock up to begin, because they hate each other so much, and Joe misses a right and JJ backs off. Joe stalks JJ, go behind by JJ, Joe escapes and tosses JJ down, but misses the elbow drop. They circle, snap mare by Joe, misses the kick, roll up by JJ for 1. Off the ropes, running high knee by Joe and then jabs to JJ. To the corner, kidney shots from Joe, a whip to the corner, back elbow and a kick by Joe to level JJ. Kicks from Joe, face wash follows, and then JJ to his feet and rights follow. Grinds Joe’s face off of the top rope and then Joe comes back and kills him with the back elbow. Head butts by Joe, chops follow. Uppercut to JJ ad he is down, manages to pull JJ to the corner, and then chops follow. Joe fires back and they light each other up. Joe goes rapid fire with the chops KOBASHI STYLE~! JJ escapes a powerbomb, and into the ankle lock with the grapevine. SHADES OF KURT ANGLE! Joe gets the ropes, and JJ gets the charge, to the floor, uppercut drops Joe to the mat. He then gets a chair, the ref stops that, and JJ back in and to the 2nd rope and gets a right to Joe Back to the 2nd rope, Joe stops, him, dropkick by JJ, Joe no sells, pops up and levels JJ with a clothesline. Jabs from Joe, back splash connects for 2. JJ fights back, gets the stroke, and covers for 2. Joe fights back, EXPLODER from Joe! To the corner, sets JJ up top, muscle buster try, no, Joe up top with JJ, JJ fights back, rakes Joe’s eyes and hot shots Joe off the top rope. JJ sets Joe up top, looks for and gets the 2nd rope stroke for 2. JJ does not approve of the count, goes to the floor, gets a chair, and the ref tries to stop him again. Joe up, and ELBOW SUICIDA wipes out JJ and the ref. Back into the ring and Joe has JJ, to the corner, and here comes JJ’s security. Joe takes them on, MUSCLE BUSTA to Gunner. Grabs Murphy, JJ has a nightstick and takes out Joe’s knee. He beats him down now, and drive sit to the throat. He then chokes out Joe with it, Murphy lays the boots to Joe as the crowd chants for Angle. They bail, JJ locks in the rear choke, and the ref checks Joe, and then the arms, Joe is out.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jeff Jarrett @ 10:00 via Submission
-We see highlights from the show thus far.
-Tenay and Taz discuss the main event, and how Matt Morgan got into it.
-Christy Hemme is with Bischoff and the former congregation. He calls them the brotherhood of the Immortals. The Reverend Special K did his job tonight, and then calls Pope a douche bag. Kevin gives Bischoff some Pope sunglasses, and some bling, and they say they will party tonight.
-We get a video package for the main event.
TNA World Title Match: Jeff Hardy © vs. Matt Morgan
And here we go with the main event. Morgan tosses Hardy down and he then rolls to the floor. Hardy back in, they circle, clubbing blows from Morgan and Hardy is down in the corner. Hardy back to his feet, boot to Morgan, rights connect, off the ropes and he runs into Morgan and gets knocked down. Hardy backs off into the ropes, eye poke to Morgan and rights by Hardy. Kicks to the knee of Morgan, Morgan goozles him and tosses him over the ropes and to the floor. The ref backs off Morgan as Hardy tries to return to the ring, he stalls on the floor for a while and then Hardy spits in Morgan’s face. To the floor he goes, Hardy runs, misses an elbow as Morgan was coming in and Morgan attacks Hardy on the apron. He drags Hardy to the floor, and then slams him to the apron. Back into the ring they go and Morgan covers for 2. Slam by Morgan, off the ropes and misses the leg drop. Basement dropkick by Hardy, leg drop to the leg of Morgan and he starts to attack the knee. Boot to the face by Hardy, elbow to the head and a cover for 1 by Hardy. Hardy works an odd-looking standing knee bar, now into the half crab. Morgan tries to fight out, and Morgan gets the ropes to break the hold. Hardy shoves the ref, and gets warned for that. Hardy takes Morgan to the ropes, lays the leg on the ropes and cannon balls down onto it. Knee drop by Hardy and a cover gets 2. headlock by Hardy now, grounding his larger opponent. Morgan to his feet, Hardy takes out the knee, tries to whip him off the ropes, fails, clotheslines from Morgan. He rips off Hardy’s shirt, and fires up. Clothesline takes off Hardy’s head, and Morgan covers for 2. Hardy counters, and comes back with the DDT for 2. Hardy to the second rope, flies off, goozled by Morgan, CHOKESLAM connects and a cover gets 2. Hardy grabs the ref, and mule kicks Morgan. Twist of hate connects for 2. Hardy is not happy. Hardy with rights, but then eats a carbon footprint, and only gets 2. Morgan is not happy here, grabs Hardy, but Hardy gets the twist of hate again and that only gets 2! Hardy argues with the referee, Morgan with a head butt, back elbows connects. Sets Hardy up top, elbow by Hardy, whisper in the wind by Hardy. Twist of hate again and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jeff Hardy @ 13:00 via Pin
-Hardy celebrates with the title.
-Fortune and Immortal comes to the ring with Champaign to celebrate with Hardy. We get a confetti celebration for Hardy’s victory. Ric Flair gets iced.
-End Scene.
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