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Jim Ross Blogs on Carlito, Daniel Bryan vs. Michael Cole, More

May 22, 2010 | Posted by Chris Lansdell

Jim Ross has posted another blog on his website. Some highlights:

On Carlito’s release: I was disappointed to hear of Carlito being released from WWE for apparent wellness issues. I don’t know all the details of this situation by any means but it seems apparent WWE felt that Carlito needed some help and Carlito didn’t agree. It’s back to the old adage that if one can’t solve a problem one has no choice but to eliminate it. I’m one that certainly believes that Carlito has the ability to be a main event level performer but no one’s professional life should ever be prioritized over their personal life and I sincerely hope that Carlito adjusts to these recent challenges and takes the necessary steps to put these negative issues behind him.

On Raw’s new GM: Apparently Monday Night Raw will name a new G.M. this week in Toledo on a Raw that funnyman Jon Lovitz will guest host. The event is a sellout as I understand it. I have no idea as to who the new GM will be and I would rather be surprised while watching the show live. I do know who it’s NOT going to be and that would be me. I have no desire to play a character on RAW not to mention the 51 weeks a year of travel that goes along with the job. BTW no one approached me with this option for the record. I hope someone fresh gets the nod and the role can expand and become more entertaining that ever. Mr. McMahon was the best Raw GM because that made perfect sense and his authoritative persona was easy to dislike but it seems as if the full time GM role has slowly gone down hill since.

On Michael Cole vs. Daniel Bryan: The Michael Cole/Daniel Bryan saga is getting heavy play on WWE.com and Joey Styles’ Twitter account. I’m anxious to see how/if/when this matter is followed up on this week. Will it be completely ignored on Sunday’s PPV and/or Raw?

On Rampage Jackson hosting Raw: Pretty cool that UFC’s Rampage Jackson will be one of the co-hosts of Raw on June 7 in Miami which will apparently be another three hour odyssey. Rampage has a huge fight coming up next weekend with Rashard Evans on a UFC PPV. Rampage is a Memphis native so him seeing potentially interact with one of his boyhood idols in Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler should be a neat experience for one of the true badasses in MMA.

On the Ricky Steamboat DVD: The Steamboat DVD is loaded with some classic wrestling action. Classic. When an emailer asked me my favorite Steamboat vs. Flair match I have to say it’s their ’89 NWA Title Bout in Chicago when Steamboat upset Flair to win championship….or ‘strap’ as the old timers like to say.


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Chris Lansdell

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