wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 12.21.10
Hello and Happy Holidays! Last week left something to be desired as I was a little bit on the bored side. Not that it wasn’t a good show, it was simply missing something. Del Rio handled the main event with style that only he has, but the rest of the show was lackluster. Let’s see if this week we can pick up the pace. Hey, how bout that crowd for RAW! Jesus, that was some beautiful crowd interaction there! As a wrestling fan, watching a show like that was tons of fun.
WWE NXT Report brought to you this week by Layla!!
These shoes, Tony??
Mathews and Grisham welcome us. Striker is at the top of the ramp and introduces the rooks! Byron is wearing an “I
Rookie Challenge: Wheelbarrow Contest
Johnny Curtis: 13.0 Seconds
Jacob Novak: 12.8 Seconds
Brodus Clay: 13.8 Seconds (And Brodus tosses The Soaring Eagle out of the wheelbarrow. haha)
Conor O’Brian: 12.7 Seconds
Byron Saxton: 12.5 Seconds (Byron places a black glove on before starting)
Derrick Bateman: 12.5 Seconds
And we have a tie! It looks like we’re going ONE MO’ GIN!!
Byron Saxton: 13.1 Seconds but he did not cross the line which is a cause for a replay…and the time stays. Geez….
Derrick Bateman: 12.0 Seconds
Winner: Derrick Bateman
This thing was riddled with mistakes which made it barely passable. They also really have to get someone else on the timer as it’s always a fraction of a second or two off. It also appears that Todd Grisham is trying to fill
Match 1: Jacob Novak vs. Johnny Curtis
It appears that R-Truth is not here this week and hit up JTG to help him out, so we have JTG in the corner. LOCKKKUUPPPPP. Curtis with an arm twist then gets pushed into the corner. Novak with a kick, Curtis goes for an uppercut, then another. Curtis with a high knee to the gut then a pin for 1. Curtis with a nice suplex and another pin for 1. In the back, we get Vickie Guerrero watching the match. Back in the ring, Curtis gives a couple more uppercuts then a neckbreaker for 2. Curtis goes up to the turnbuckle but Novak tosses him off to the outside! Novak to the outside and gives a kick to the head of Curtis. He lifts Curtis and tosses him to the edge of the apron. Dolph approves. Novak tosses Curtis int othe ring then lays a kick into the back for a 2 count. Novak with a hard right then a toss to the corner. Novak with a leg drop, another! Pin for 1. Curtis fights back with some rights but it’s short lived as Novak hits a side slam for a pin. 2 count. Headlock from behind by Novak. Curtis fights out with a back suplex thanks to the motivation of JTG and the crowd. Curtis with a couple more uppercuts then goes for a high knee but it doesn’t look good. Pin for 2. Curtis with a float over suplex for 2. Curtis tosses Novak’s shoulder right into the post then locks in a variation of an armbar. Dolph hops in, distracts the ref then JTG does the same. While the ref is busy with JTG, Dolph goes in and gives Curtis a right to the face, giving Novak the opportunity for a Big Boot and the win, gaining his win back from Curtis from week 1.
Winner: Jacob Novak
Much better than their first go around even if they did get a little pin happy. They gelled well together and looked like they belonged in the ring. Nothing extravagent and maybe one too many uppercuts, but honestly, the match was well done.
A video of Derrick Bateman shows that he’s cocky and the only word to describe him is “Man-tastic.” He’s an adventurous hunk. haah. He was once on Heat and introduces to his two friends (his fists) Freedom and Justice. Pretty good vid. I like the kid.
Next video is on Conor O’Brian who is a secluded man and eventually grew into his persona who he says it’s pretty much who he is. He’s dealt with mental and physical pain. He wants to usher the Rattitude Era.
We get another segment with Daniel Bryan and Derrick Bateman in the back, both in a bridge while Bateman reads WWE Championship History, although it’s upside down. Bryan notices Bateman not taking the training seriously and trips him up. Bateman says he’s going to win the WWE Trivia challenge for Bryan and for some unknown guy sitting with an elf hat.
Rookie Challenge: Hot Seat Trivia
Rules are simple, Striker will say a category and the group will have 5 seconds to say an answer within the topic given.
The Undertaker’s opponents at Wrestlemania:
Curtis: Snuka
Novak: Big Show and A-Train
Clay: Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Conor: Shawn Michaels
Saxton: The Big Boss Man
Bateman: Mark Henry
King of the Ring Winners:
Curtis: King Mabel
Novak: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Clay: Owen Hart
Conor: Triple H
Saxton: Harley Race
Bateman: Billy Gunn
King of the Ring Winners Rd. 2:
Curtis: William Regal
Novak: King Sheamus
Clay: Diesel and he is wrong and out of the contest.
Cities that have Hosted Wrestlemania
Conor: Says Pee-Wee Herman….WTF? lol. He’s eliminated
Saxton: Anaheim, CA (YAY)
Bateman: Houston, TX
Cities that have hosted WM Rd. 2:
Curtis: Boston, MA
Novak: Seattle, WA
Saxton: Orlando, FL
Bateman: New York, NY
Curtis: Doesn’t answer in time and is eliminated
2010 PPV Names
Novak: TLC
Saxton: Summerslam
Bateman: Survivor Series
Novak: Bragging Rights
Saxton: Hell in the Cell
Bateman: WrestleMania
Novak: Royal Rumble
Saxton: Survivor Series which was said by Bateman and he is eliminated.
WWE Champions
Novak: Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, The Miz, —— Novak does not make it in time and is out.
Bateman: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Psycho Sid,
Winner: Derrick Bateman
A trivia contest is always fun if you play along. Conor REALLY said Pee Wee Herman which was weird. haha. If it’s nerves, these guys have to get over them. Saxton was continually annoying, but in a good way and I see Bateman as one of the final three.
In the back, Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto are eating cheese and crackers. O’Brian walks in and apparently Del Rio wanted to talk to him. Del Rio asks if Conor remembers the match last week and if he learned anything from it? O’Brian says he learned that Bateman is not Man-Tastic and he will be the greatest of all time. Del Rio takes offense and says HE is the greatest. Conor asks for a piece of cheese. Del Rio says when O’Brian wins NXT, he’ll give him ALL the cheese he wants. haha.
Match 2: Ted DiBiase, Brodus Clay and Maryse vs. Chris Masters, Byron Saxton and WWE Divas Champion Natalya
Mixed match rules, obviously. We start with Natalya and Maryse. Maryse is all ‘Bitch that pink be lookin stupid” and Natalya is like “French People suck!!” Maryse does a hair flip as Natalya runs outside the ring and around, slamming Maryse to the mat from the apron. Natalya with a go behind then a fancy kip up after she is knocked down. She goes for the sharp shooter but Maryse goes for the ropes then tags in Clay. Saxton in and…A LOOOCKKKUPPP. Brodus tosses Saxton down and they lockup again. Clay with a blow to the gut of Byron then another to the back of Byron’s neck. Saxton with a clothesline in the corner then a toss to the opposite side and a NICE belly-to-belly! Byron rolls to the outside as we head to a commercial.
We return with DiBiase in the ring droppin knees on Saxton. He covers for 1. Ted goes to the ground with a headlock which is reversed as Saxton pushes Ted towards his side of the ring. Masters with the blind tag and lays in a few chops then an irish whip and a hit for a 2-count. A right is reversed by Ted as he tosses Masters into the corner and tags Clay in. Clay with a harsh shoulder then a few blows to the back. Clay misses a clothesline and Masters gives a couple of chops. He tags in Byron and they double team Clay real quick. Clay powers out of a few rights with one shoulder into Saxton. Clay with a nice suplex again! That’s what I’m talkin bout! He drops a boot onto the chest of Byron then pins for 2. Clay with an Irish Whip but Byron is able to get a kick in then drop Byron on his knee. Ted tags himself in and Saxton tells Masters he’s got this. He turns right into a dropkick by DiBiase and a pin for 2. Ted with another go behind and Byron is able to fight out and jump for a tag. Masters with a couple of chops, Irish whip, reversed by Ted, reversed again with a chop and another. Masters with a powerslam and a pin for 2. Masters gives a couple of chops then a whip which is reversed into the Million Dollar–no! Masters arm drags out of it, then a Spinebuster. Lookin for the Masterlock but Brodus distracts and Ted gets a dropkick! As the ref tells DiBiase to back off, Brodus goes for a blow across the chest. Ted gets a slingshot into the bottom rope then tosses Masters into the his corner. Ted distracts the ref as both Brodus and Maryse get a slap in. Masters goes for Ted, but DiBiase with a backbreaker. Ted goes behind Masters yet again but Masters gets out of it and a double clothesline knocks both men down.
Ted tags Maryse which means Natalya is legal woman, Saxton walks in for no reason and gets slapped by Maryse. Natalya runs in with a Lou Thesz then rolls out of the corner. Somehow, the legal men are Byron and Clay….ok. In the ring, Clay drops Saxton with a body slam then drags him to the corner. Clay going up top and MISSES a Body Splash from the rope!!! Saxton with the cover and gets the win!!
Winner: Chris Masters, Byron Saxton and Natalya
Clay looked much better this time around with tw well done suplexes. Byron sold well even in his win as he looked surprised as all hell. It was nice to see Natalya although I wish she wrestled a bit more. I don’t know if I missed the ending there or if it was a mistake from those in the ring as I thought Natalya was the legal woman but apparently not. Good Main Event.
See you guys next week!
Don’t forget to catch me every week in The Big Screen Bulletin
In The Monday Edition of Wrestling’s 4R’s
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