wrestling / Video Reviews
Guerrilla Reviewfare: PWG All Star Weekend 9 – Night 2
With Night 1 in the books, PWG rebounded from one of their worst (a term I use loosely, mind you…it’s PWG) shows since last year’s World’s Finest in DDT4 2013. Night 1 saw a fucking WEEKEND-STEALER in the DGUSA guys debut tag match, along with many other crazy antics taking place. It certainly reminded me why PWG is so damn good. But I’m not telling you something you don’t already know.
We are TAPED from the American Legion in Reseda, CA.
Your hosts are Exacalibur and the regular guys.
Jay Lethal vs. Willie Mack
Boy, the hype train on Willie Mack slowed a bit, didn’t it? I went from arrogantly claiming he HAD to be the 2012 BOLA winner to being largely indifferent on anything he does these days. The retarded Sisqo dye job may or may not have something to do with that. I’m not as smart as I wish I was. Lethal had a great contest with Eddie Edwards on Night 1, so I’m hopeful for this one as an opener.
Lethal starts things off hot by Jericho dropkicking Mack to the outside and firing off the three Tope Suicidas. The crowd supports that pretty vocally. Things slow down as Lethal gets Willie back into the ring, and Willie hilariously sandbags on a hiptoss with multiple pelvic thrusts and even pulls out MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, PTP-style, while Lethal is groggy. That was priceless. The dicking around doesn’t hurt him at all in the short run, but Lethal drops Mack with a back handspring elbow for an early double-down spot. They trade strikes in the middle of the ring until Mack misses an MDX and Lethal botches a lungblower out of the corner. Lethal goes up top for Hail to the King, but Mack gets up before he can hit it. Mack takes control with a couple of attacks in the corner and a nasty backdrop driver for a 2 count. Lethal looks for a Lethal Injection, but takes a pop-up Flatliner coming off of a regular rope run. Mack NEARLY HITS A CORKSCREW SENTON but Lethal moves and NAILS A HEAD DROP GERMAN! Willie Mack being Willie Mack doesn’t give a fuck. LETHAL INJECTION! Willie is up again, but takes an ugly Lethal Combination. Willie kicks out of Hail to the King, takes three more, and that does it for Jay Lethal in 10 minutes. *** Despite some sloppiness on Willie Mack’s part, this served as a perfectly serviceable opener. The only thing I’ll really remember is the insanely amusing Primetime Player ripoff, but the match was still good enough to stand on its own. Decent enough on all fronts really.
RockNES Monsters vs. Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor
Chuckie and Johnny had a scorcher with the Bucks last night, so I expect something decent tonight.
Chuckie and Goodtime start things off, but it doesn’t start in the ring: Chuckie wants it on the apron! Since the apron is the hardest part of the ring, everything is gonna hurt worse. THEY HAVE A FEELING OUT PROCESS ON THE APRON! Holy shit this is hysterical. The crowd plays along amazingly, yelling “Please don’t tap!” when Taylor is in an armwringer. Chuckie finally drops Goodtime on the apron and things head back to the ring. Yuma and Gargano put on the first wrestling exchange in the ring since the bell rang. Things still break down as Goodtime breaks up a crossface, so Chuckie T comes in to save his buddy. The Monsters fire off a smooth barrage of double team moves that ends with Goodtime diving out onto Gargano. Taylor plays Ricky Morton, but I don’t think Morton ever got a dude’s beard raked into his eyes. Good move as Goodtime gets thrown off the top rope right into a dropkick onto Gargano. Chuckie finds his break when he suplexes Yuma onto Goodtime, and here comes Gargano! Enzuigiris and knees are dished out in full as Gargano cleans house. Gargano even hits a sitting enzuigiri! Yuma gets on Goodtime’s shoulders, but GARGANO TAKES THEM BOTH OUT WITH A TOPE SUICIDA! SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM TAYLOR! He even makes a cameo on commentary: “I just took three Johnny’s out in one fell swoop.” RAZOR’S EDGE INTO A CUTTER! Goodtime breaks up the pinfall. Yuma hits an X-Factor, setting Goodtime up for a diving kneedrop! Taylor breaks up the pin. Mushroom Stomp/Neckbreaker hits for the Monsters, but someone botches their next double team. Goodtime slingshots right into a Manhattan Drop, and Taylor comes in for a DOUBLE STOMP/TOWER OF LONDON ON GOODTIME! NEARFALL! Taylor goes for a Quadruple Moonsault, but unfortunately it doesn’t happen and HE POWERBOMBS YUMA RIGHT ONTO GOODTIME’S NECK! A DDT into a Hurts Donut from Gargano gets the win in 16 minutes. ***1/2 This was a delightfully fun match. The apron sequence at the beginning was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in wrestling for a long time, so kudos to Taylor and Goodtime for pulling that out. The Monsters’ stuff here other than that was largely unremarkable, but Gargano and Taylor are clearly such a fantastic team that it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. They’re very crisp with what they do, but that should be expected considering how much/long they’ve teamed up. This was a very good tag team match and it excites me to hear that Gargano and Taylor are being brought back for the next show as a team.
Trent? vs. Paul London
This could either be horribly dull or surprisingly fun.
Paul London once again asks for a duel with his gloves, but it doesn’t come to fruition. London flies in with a shoulderblock and hits a Northern Lights Suplex out of a spear for an early 2 count. London plays possum with some weird back injury and connects with a dropsault. Trent dropkicks London out of the ring, but London comes back in pimp-slaps Trent with his gloves. Trent gets a turn, but London no-sells that shit. London forces Justin Borden to hit Trent with the gloves and when Borden goes to hit him, London stops him and throws the gloves out. London 450’S A BACKDROP AND EATS THE ROPES! London goes outside to recover, but Trent follows him and bodyslams him on a chair. Whaddya know, this is horribly dull so far. HUGE DIVING SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM LONDON! Trent gets the upperhand back in the ring with a barrage of double stomps and a running knee that drops London on his head…for a 2 count. Trent hits his step up Tornado DDT for a 2 count. Trent is the only person who cares about that nearfall out of the good 500 people in the building. Trent apathetically dives off of the apron into a dropkick from London. Inverted back-to-belly piledriver gets 2 for Trent, and the crowd still doesn’t give a shit. London climbs to the second rope and relentlessly punches Trent, who sweeps Paul’s leg out from under him. Trent misses an ugly corkscrew senton and London spikes Trent on his head with a double stomp! London Star Press picks up the win in a really boring 18 minutes. **1/2 Most of the good spots in this match involved Paul London, honestly. Trent is just not cut out for the high-demand PWG kind of stuff yet. It’s not his fault or anything since he’s worked in WWE for most of his wrestling career, but I don’t think PWG is the place for him. It may be after a year or so of indy dates, but not now. This was not a fun match at all, save for a couple of spots.
The Unbreakable Fucking Steen Machines vs. Ricochet, AR Fox, & Rich Swann
This is the good shit…
Steen and Fox (who were initially supposed to face off on Night 2, I think) start off, and Fox takes a senton from Steen 30 seconds into it. Fox kips up and down to dodge a clothesline, and here come Elgin and Swann. Swann is trying to show his strength, which just draws a laugh from Elgin. TEST OF STRENGTH sez Swann, who tries to be all flashy about it, thus earning an elbow. Elgin catches a diving hurricanrana and sandbags a sunset flip, but misses an Ass Drop and takes a running dropkick. Ricochet rolls out of a few strikes from Cage and calls for a test of strength of his own, but is obviously outmatched. Instead, Ricochet uses his speed to get the upperhand. SPINAROONIE FROM BRIAN CAGE! Steen decides to dance a little bit himself en route to a senton. Swann, Ricochet, and Fox hit their dives onto a grounded Steen for a 2 count. Swann asks who wants to see a dropkick, but STEEN PULLS OUT ONE OF HIS OWN! Steen gathers up the Machines for a triple suplex and says “Let’s lift them up for really long.” Of course, Steen doesn’t even get Swann up for a full second. Steen gets jealous and just pushes Cage and Elgin down. Steen runs Ricochet into Elgin’s boot very violently, so much that no slap of the thigh can match the sound it initially makes. Cage tags in and gets some of his shit in. The more I watch this dude wrestle it progressively makes me angrier that Jay Bradley has this dude’s spot in TNA. Ricochet flips out of a bad position and clocks Elgin with an enzuigiri, but Steen wisely cuts off the potential hot tag. Steen catches a kick from Ricochet and just soccer kicks him in the gut. Ricochet finally builds something up with a running cutter, and gets a hot tag to both Swann and Fox. Swann jumps onto the Unbreakable Fucking Machines and gets caught, so Fox dives in and missile dropkicks them down. Swann DDT’s Steen out of the ring AND EVERYONE DIVES! Fox and Cage are the first ones on the apron, but CAGE MOVES FROM A LEG DROP AND FOX EATS SHIT! FOX TAKES A POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM STEEN! FUCKING MACHINE SUPERPLEX! Cage and Elgin look to double team Fox, who takes them both out with some nimble kicks! Swann comes in and hits a Fameasser on Elgin for a 2 count. Elgin HAS THE INNER CITY MACHINE GUNS ON HIS SHOULDERS FOR A DOUBLE POWERSLAM! Ricochet counters a deadlift German and looks for his backward somersault kick, BUT ELGIN CATCHES HIM IN MIDAIR AND DVD’S HIM INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Ricochet hits Steen with Meteora, and the rest of his team drops Cage and Elgin from the apron. SHOOTING STAR CANNONBALL FROM FOX! STANDING SSP FROM RICOCHET! STEEN KICKS OUT! DISCUS LARIAT FOR FOX! ENZUIGIRI FROM SWANN! BOOT FOR SWANN! RICOCHET DECKS ELGIN! SAMOAN DROP/GERMAN FROM ELGIN ON SWANN AND RICOCHET! ELGIN KILLS FOX WITH A CHAOS THEORY! ELGIN CATCHES METEORA! RICOCHET KILLS ELGIN WITH A REVERSE RANA! RICOCHET TURNS RIGHT INTO A DISGUSTING POP-UP POWERBOMB! Everyone is finally down and holy fucking god. Fox and Elgin fight it out in the ring, and Fox disposes of Elgin. Cage picks up the slack, but takes a diving Codebreaker! Steen takes a diving clothesline from Ricochet! FOX EATS A SICK FUCKING BACKFIST FROM ELGIN! ELGIN TAKES A DRAGON SUPLEX FROM FOX! RICH SWANN HITS A STANDING 450! FOX HITS A DIVING 450! 630 FROM RICOCHET! CAGE BREAKS IT UP! DOUBLE CANNONBALL FROM STEEN! KNEE POWERBOMB FROM CAGE ON FOX! NECKBREAKER FROM CAGE! BUCKLE BOMB FROM ELGIN! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER…INTO AN ELGIN POWERBOMB! That’s it in 28 minutes. Son of a BITCH. ****1/2 I’d venture to guess AR Fox arriving on this weekend turned out to be money well spent for PWG. This was even MORE batshit crazy than the tag match on Night 1 if you can believe it. Everyone was absolutely on for 30 minutes of some of the coolest spots I’ve seen for a very long time, and the finishing stretch lasted a good 15 minutes. The best part? No botches! You can always call the DGUSA guys spotmonkeys, but there’s a difference between total spotmonkeys like a Matt Cross compared to a guy like AR Fox who hits everything cleanly, plus has very competent basics to fall back on. Not everything in pro wrestling needs some kind of burgeoning story to be entertaining. It’s wrestling, for God’s sake; you have to turn your brain off to really enjoy it nowadays anyway. If you’re one of those fans who can’t get off to anything but Hiroshi Tanahashi matches, then you won’t like this. But if you’re easily amused and love great spotfests, this and the tag match from the night before are right up your alley. Me personally, I ate this up for all 30 minutes and if you didn’t time it, you wouldn’t even know it lasted that long. Bravo to all six men and I can’t wait to see what AR Fox does next in PWG. I do believe the hype.
Samuray Del Sol vs. TJ Perkins
As much as I dog on TJ, this ought to be some pretty freaky stuff.
To their credit, things start off pretty slick. Del Sol outshines Perkins in most every way possible early. Nothing matches that goddamn cartwheel sequence from Night 1, but it does its job. Some SWEET rope running turns contrived, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t cool to watch. I excuse the obligatory GENERIC INDY STANDOFF!~! for this one. TJ headscissors Del Sol out of the ring and has to feint a dive so he doesn’t totally bite it on the fall down. Perkins runs to the ropes and dives to the floor with a dropkick! Perkins delivers another dropkick to a Tree-of-Woe-hung Del Sol, and he high fives Rick Knox for good measure. DEL SOL HANDSTANDS OVER A FUCKING MONKEY FLIP AND BACK HANDSPRINGS INTO A HEADSCISSOR TAKES DOWN! ARABIAN PRESS TO THE FLOOR! TOPE SUICIDA! Man, this guy’s a monster. TJ skins the cat right into a pescado! This is some pretty great stuff so far. Perkins rolls through a crossbody and counters into a cross armbreaker! Del Sol counters into a Tazmission! TJ counters into a flash pin for 2. Perkins hops up to the top, BUT DEL SOL KIPS UP AND KICKS HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE! That was disgusting. Del Sol meets him on the top, but ends up in TJ’s weird Sharpshooter thing in the middle of the ring. Del Sol eventually gets the ropes. Del Sol almost gets three on a La Magistral counter, and HITS A SWEET YOSHI-TONIC! Perkins barely gets out. This is turning into quite the great little match. TJ nails a roundhouse and goes up top, but again Del Sol meets him up top and hits a SUPER VICTORY ROLL! TJ KICKS OUT! Perkins hits the Detonation Kick and he finishes Del Sol off with a 450 in 15 minutes. ***3/4 I have a feeling I’m being a tad generous here, but it’s a star rating so who cares? I was entertained throughout this match. Even the opening moments were pretty awesome, so that earned them some brownie points. A lot of my remaining thoughts on this parallel the earlier six man tag, so there’s no reason to repeat all of that here. I will say that it’s my favorite TJ Perkins match ever as of now, and if he can keep pulling out matches like this then book him all you want. Samuray Del Sol is just a machine though; selfishly I hope he stays on the indies, but it looks like WWE is hot on his tail. I still can’t wait to see his next PWG outing either way. Great match.
Sami Callihan vs. Kyle O’Reilly
The more I see Sami wrestle, the more I think he’s a tad overrated by a majority of the people who love him. He’s not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t think he’s as good as he should be. Maybe he and Kyle will pull something good out here.
Sami and Kyle have a sleaze-off during the intros. As soon as the bell rings, an aggressive lockup occurs. Sami backs Kyle into the corner and kisses him for good measure. Steen tells a hilarious Drake Younger story on commentary. Boy, does Drake seem like the nicest dude in the world the more I hear about him. For some reason I enjoy wrestlers more when I find out that they’re cool people. Sami nearly puts on the Stretch Muffler, but it’s countered to a kneebar. They take turns CLOCKING each other with kicks until they break. They trade nasty slaps to the ear and trade some shoulderblocks. Kyle puts on an abdominal stretch and drives his elbow into Sami’s ribs. Kyle heads out to the apron, but is lariated off. Tope Suicida from Sami! Kyle dodges a chop on the ringpost, and Sami’s hand meets metal. Kyle looks for his dropkick to a seated Sami on the outside, BUT SAMI CATCHES HIM FOR AN EXPLODER THROUGH A CHAIR! O’Reilly stalls Sami with a suplex on the floor and FINALLY DROPKICKS SAMI THROUGH THE CHAIR! That was one of his better ones. Sami comes back and hits some headbutts on the ropes, but looks stupid when he headbutts Kyle too hard and falls off. Kyle follows him down with a missile dropkick. O’Reilly tweaked his ankle or knee coming down and sprawls to prevent attacks. HE KILLS SAMI WITH A KNEE! ROARING ELBOW! STOMP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD…INTO A STRETCH MUFFLER FROM SAMI! DOUBLE BICYCLE KICKS LEAVE BOTH DOWN! Kyle clocks Sami with a Capo Kick, but Sami comes right back with a DVD! Sami puts in a Figure Four, but Kyle finds the ropes. Sami goes straight to work on O’Reilly’s bad knee, kicking it out from under Kyle. Kyle is selling the leg pretty well here. Sami hits those kicks in the corner and they look like absolute dog shit. I know they’re not supposed to really hit, but he’s missing by a mile. Kyle comes back and connects with a Swinging DDT into a brainbuster! Sami gets out at 2. Kyle puts Sami on the top rope and DROPS HIM WITH A BACK SUPERPLEX! DEADLIFT REGALPLEX! TRIANGLE CHOKE! SAMI ROLLS THROUGH FOR 2! Great sequence. Kyle–all while selling the leg–fires off multiple kicks to Sami’s chest. He drops him with one to the head, but SAMI PLAYS POSSUM AND HITS A DEADLIFT BACKDROP DRIVER! SLIDING D! KYLE KICKS OUT! Sami drops him with a hard Jacknife Powerbomb, but KYLE COUNTERS A SECOND ONE INTO A GUILLOTINE! SAMI COUNTERS WITH AN EXPLODER INTO THE CORNER! BACK INTO A GUILLOTINE FOR O’REILLY! SAMI COUNTERS CLEAN INTO STRETCH MUFFLER! SAMI STOMPS HIS FUCKING HEAD IN…BUT KYLE COUNTERS INTO THE TRIANGLE! SAMI TAPS! Kyle picks up a big win in 25 minutes. **** That last counter sequence put this one into four star territory for me. They didn’t go balls out with head drops or no-selling and actually incorporated some psychology into it, which is always welcome. Whether Kyle’s knee injury is worked or not, it was worked into the match in a good way and wasn’t no-sold at all surprisingly, even in positons where the knee would hurt like holy hell. That’s what I liked about this match the most. The action had temporary flare-ups, but the slow parts were kept in check by Sami’s work on the knee. This was a very, very good match and it makes me want to see that 60 Minute Iron Man match between Cole and Callihan this month. Bravo.
PWG World Tag Titles: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Dojo Bros
These four had a sick opener at Mystery Vortex, so I imagine that with better time allocation and a more beneficial spot on the card, this could be even better. Let’s do it.
The Young Bucks start off by SUPERKICKING ANGELO TRINIDAD! Kevin Steen and Excalibur lose their SHIT, making the situation even more hilarious. They have momentary control over Roddy, who backrops both Jacksons over the top rope, allowing Eddie to dive out with a tope suicida! RODDY DIVES OUT WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA! I’ve never seen him do that before. The Bucks take some blistering chops on the outside. Jesus H. They head back in the ring for more chops. The Young Bucks cheat to gain control, and Rick Knox still falls for their tricks. Never change, Rick. Nick Jackson pulls out a Bronco Buster of all things. ROH is so horribly stupid for not biting on the Young Bucks. I’ll credit Gabe for one thing, he’s doing a good job with them. Roddy drops Nick with a big dropkick and hot tag to Eddie! He eats a boot in the corner from Nick, but EATS IT UP and chops him to hell. Eddie fires off a Fisherman’s Buster for a 2 count. Eddie dropkicks Nick in the Tree of Woe, making Matt come in and try to break him off. Roddy grabs him instead and belly-to-belly suplexes Matt into his brother! Roddy drops Matt on the apron, SETTING EDDIE UP FOR THE DOUBLE STOMP ON THE APRON! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER EDDIE EDWARDS FROM NICK! SLINGSHOT X FACTOR INTO A MOONSAULT OVER THE TOP ROPE! Well they turned that up quickly. EDDIE COUNTERS SLICED BREAD NUMBER TWO INTO A CHINCHECKER! POWERBOMB ON MATT FROM EDDIE INTO THE ACHILLES LOCK! RODDY COUNTERS A ROLLING SUPERKICK BY NICK INTO THE STRONGHOLD! Wow, this is absolutely tremendous stuff. The Bucks start taking control, but Eddie comes off the top rope with a double diving Lungblower. Matt hits Eddie with a spear and Roddy takes the buckle bomb/enzuigiri! SPRINGBOARD TANDEM TOMBSTONE ONTO EDDIE! RODDY BREAKS IT UP! Eddie counters More Bang For Your Buck, and Roddy comes in FOR THE DOUBLE STOMP/DOMINATOR! NICK 450’S RICK KNOX TO STOP THE COUNT! HOLY SHIT! Eddie eats a low blow and small packages Eddie, Justin Borden comes out to count, but Eddie kicks out! This match is fantastic. DOUBLE SUPERKICKS FOR BOTH DOJO BROS! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! The Bucks win the match in 18 minutes. **** What do ya know, another Young Bucks barnburner. I don’t care who you are, the Bucks have to be the best tag team in the world by default pretty much. They tear it up every single time they step into a PWG ring, and although I don’t watch the WWNLive stuff, I’m sure it’s the same there. They pretty well topped the Mystery Vortex encounter and they were every so close into inching this into MOTYC territory. Just another amazing match on a great show. Young Bucks for president!
PWG World Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Drake Younger
For such a nice guy, Adam Cole plays a supreme dickhead heel. Also good news on the Drake Younger front; he’s quitting deathmatch wrestling! It’s the best thing he could possibly do at this stage…now the independent world is his oyster. He seems like such a cool dude, so good for him.
Drake gets a huge streamer job, which is something you don’t see often in PWG. PWG and its fans have really take him in and it shows. Drake starts off hot AND HITS A TOP ROPE MOONSAULT TO COLE ON THE FLOOR AND LANDS ON HIS FEET~! Drake takes Cole to the dogshed outside and the crowd is fucking bonkers for him. Cannonball into the chair! Drake really gets going with a multiue of pinning combos, but they only get 2. Cole quickly turns things around and takes control all while jawing with the crowd. Cole pops the fans big time with a RUNNING CHINLOCK!~! Younger comes back with a spinebuster and two half nelson suplexes! He connects with a Piledriver! It’s only a 2 count, followed by a chokeslam on the knee. That was Disco Machine’s and Nick Gage’s finisher apparently. It only gets 2. Cole responds with a Fireman’s Carry on his knee! Drake favors his stitched up head for a 2 count. Cole fires off the brainbuster on the knee for another two count. HEAD DROP GERMAN FROM COLE~! DRAKE GIVES NO FUCKS! LARIAT DROPS COLE ON HIS HEAD! Well that ruled. Drake COUNTERS PANAMA SUNRISE WITH A DVD IN THE CORNER! TIGER DRIVER! Cole barely gets out. Cole HITS A SUPERKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! FLORIDA KEY! DRAKE KICKS OUT! Adam needs time to gain his composure, but just gets a chair. Drake dodges a belt shot and NAILS DRAKE’S LANDING! COLE GETS THE ROPES! Drake goes for a super Drake’s Landing, but Cole BITES HIS STITCHES and drives him off. PANAMA SUNRISE CONNECTS! DRAKE KICKS OUT! They get to their knees and slug it out. They rise to their feet and they keep going at it. Drake eats a superkick but brings it back in for a half suplex and a lariat! RUNNING DRAKE’S LANDING! COLE KICKS OUT!~! Cole is dead weight, and Drake can’t get him up. DRAKE SHEDS LARIATS OFF! HE GIVES NO FUCKS! GERMAN AND A SHINING WIZARD FROM COLE BUT DRAKE STILL DOESN’T CARE! ONE MORE…AND DRAKE DON’T GIVE A FUCK! Cole ROLLS HIM UP AND STEALS IT! Aww fuck. Cole retains in an incredible 18 minutes. ****1/2 I don’t know for sure, but I think if Drake won this match it would have been five stars from me. This was the best match of the weekend for me, for a number of reasons. It was one of the most emotional indy matches I’ve seen for a very long time. When Drake doesn’t pollute himself with staple guns, he can be one hell of an in-ring worker. He doesn’t have to do a million flips to garner a pop. He does it with facial expressions and in-ring charisma. He is a natural babyface–especially against a guy like Cole. Cole played the piece of shit heel perfectly, and the finish seemed real and it makes you WANT to see Cole get his comeuppance. That’s wrestling, folks. In a perfect world, the 10th Anniversary Show will see a Drake/Cole rematch, with HUGE heat and a great atmosphere, topped off with Drake winning the title. From a deathmatch flunkie with a gut to an real wrestler, Drake Younger is really coming into his own. What an amazing match, and if Punk/Cena didn’t exist, my Match of the Year so far.
The 411: Four matches that crack four stars. That's some Threemendous III type stuff right there. This takes the weekend overwhelmingly for me, for some pretty obvious reasons. One of the biggest stories coming out of this show (well, the weekend I guess) is how insanely over Drake Younger has gotten in PWG. If you would have said three years ago that this terrible looking deathmatch floozy would have thrived in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, I would have punched you in the throat. I'll eat my crow, because he was in the best match of the weekend and the sky is the limit for him. Aside from Younger, there was just an incredible amount of excellent wrestling up and down the card, the lone blip coming from Trent Baretta's snoozer against Paul London. If that match didn't exist, this show could top Threemendous III on all fronts. It's a well-paced card, with two legitimate MOTYC's within it. The six man tag may be better to some than the Younger/Cole match and that's okay. I think both are near-classics. This is my Show of the Year so far, no doubt. Highly, highly recommended. |
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Final Score: 9.5 [ Amazing ] legend |
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