wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Smackdown Report 1.29.10
Great opening bit showing DX and what happened on RAW to tease tension and show the “every man for himself” bit about the Royal Rumble.
DX starts the show. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are announcing tonight. The Unified Tag Titles are up tonight. Crowd chants “DX!” Before Triple H can start the usual, Rey Mysterio interrupts. Nice music for Rey. Rey asks Shawn why he thinks Taker will win. HHH gets in a good line about Hornswoggle and Rey, but Rey burns him with a comeback. Rey wants a match tonight. Enter CM Punk. Punk says the Society will win the tag titles tonight. Crowd chants, “You suck.” HHH lays a verbal beatdown on Punk and the Society. Great stuff there with the Amy Winehouse bit. Teddy Long comes out and makes a match between Mysterio and HBK and HHH and Punk. That match is next.
WWE Rewind shows Serena joining the Straight Edge Society.
HHH vs. CM Punk
HHH with a headlock takedown. Irish whip to Punk, followed by a shoulderblock for 2. Ground headlock by HHH. Punk to his feet and to the corner to break it. Punk lays some shoulders to the gut and some knees as well. Kicks and punches by Punk, followed by a drop-toehold. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Punk to the outside. HHH brings him in, but Luke Gallows gets his attention. Punk springboards in with the flying forearm. Commercial! I’m gonna get some graham crackers.
Back from commercial, Punk gets 2 off a back kick. During the break, Punk kicked HHH into an announce table. Punk grabs a ground headscissors, then covers for 2. Punk mocks HHH, and hits a sloppy leg lariat for 2. Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Striker adds some nice knowledge about 4.7 million people misuse prescription drugs. HHH counters a suplex to his own. HUGE kick by Punk gets a long 2 count. Back to the ground headscissors by Punk. HHH gets to the ropes. Spinebuster to Punk! Punk and HHH to their feet, and trade blows. Facebuster by HHH and rights. Huge right by HHH gets 2. Harley Race high knee gets another long 2 count. Punk backdrops out of the Pedigree. The Game counters Welcome to Chicago and locks in the figure-four! NICE. Gallows with a cheap shot on the Game with the ref distracted. GTS try countered, and HHH goes for the Pedigree, but here is Serena for the DQ. Gallows beats on HHH, and Punk adds some MMA elbows, Danielson-style. They go to shave him, but HBK makes the save. Punk shields himself with Serena, and HBK fakes SCM on her. Good match until the ending, but booking saves both sides. ***1/4
Rey vs. Shawn promo, followed by Morrison-McIntyre No DQ for the Intercontinental Title. I approve.
Jericho walks. He’s in action next.
Chris Jericho vs. R-Truth
Y2J takes R-Truth into a corner, headlock takedown to the mat. Shoulderblock by Y2J, but R-Truth counters with a hiptoss and dropkick. He clotheslines Y2J over, but misses a plancha. We go to commercial again. Back from commercial, Y2J kicks R-Truth a couple times in the chest. Knees to the gut of R-Truth. Truth with some rights, but Jericho hangs him up on the top rope. That gets 2. Gutbuster by Jericho, followed by an abdominal stretch. Truth hiptosses out of it. Nice counter. Truth with a flying forearm and a discus clothesline, followed by a headscissors and leg lariat. That gets 2. Exchange of rights, TRuth with some nice moves, Jericho locks in the Walls! Inside cradle by R-Truth! 1…2…NO! Jericho goes for the codebreaker, but R-Truth grabs the ropes to counter. Jacknife rollup by Truth! 1…2…3! Jericho makes another guy look good, but R-Truth held his own. ***
Recap of last Friday with Taker and Rey. Batista destroyed Rey again.
Josh Matthews interviews Batista. He says nothing’s changed. The spotlight is on him again. He says that he will win the Rumble and go through anyone to do it.
John Morrison walks and the No-DQ Intercontinental Title match is next.
John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre (c) for the Intercontinental Title- No DQ
Morrison out first. He seems pretty over in Cincinnati. He gets a mic and says that McIntyre doesn’t know what the title really means. He says that there is no running for Drew now. He will take back his title, and he’ll do it RIGHT NOW! He says no rules, anything goes! AWESOME PROMO by Morrison. Almost makes me believe he’ll win. Morrison goes right after Drew, but Drew hits a jawbreaker. Dropkick by Morrison gets a quick 2. Outside, Drew rails on Morrison with a kendo stick. Back inside, he gets 2. Corner clotheslines followed by a lariat for 2. Armbar by Drew, countered, but Drew kicks him on a springboard attempt for 2. Morrison comes back, so Drew tries to walk out. Morrison has none of that. A belt shot by Drew misses, but he gets in some shots on the ground anyway. Another commercial.
Back w/ Drew holding an armbar. Drew with some shots. During the break, Morrison was hit with a butterfly suplex. Chuck Kick countered by Drew. Drew tosses the steps at Morrison, but Morrison moved. Drew throws him over the rail. CROWD BRAWLING! Morrison gains the advantage. He hits an impressive springboard forearm back over the rail on Drew. Kendo stick shots by Morrison. Thumb to the eye by Drew, and he gets hiptossed onto the steel steps! OUCH. That gets 2 inside the ring for Morrison. Starship Pain eats knees! Kobashi DDT now called the Future Shock on the Intercontinental Title! 1…2…3! Good match by both men with some good spots. ***
Michelle vs. Mickie James at the Rumble promo.
Michelle McCool is on the mic. She sent Mickie home for good. Michelle says no one can be like her. Eat a sandwich and shut up. Replay of last week. This is AWFUL. She issues a challenge to anyone. Mickie’s music hits and Layla comes out in a fat suit. Striker loves this. I don’t. Layla wants a match.
She charges at McCool, who dodges and rolls her up for 3! -***** This was complete and utter shit. A complete waste of my time.
Shawn-Rey promo for the main event. Great package showing the Royal Rumble highlights.
Shawn walks, Batista stops him, tells him he’ll go through him if he has to. HBK calls him overrated, and HHH has his back. Batista and HHH stare down as HBK walks.
Rey comes out first. We go to commercial. Back from commercial, HBK makes his way out.
HBK vs. Rey Mysterio
HBK with a headlock takedown to Rey, Shoulderblock to Rey. Chops to Rey. Rey runs into the turnbuckle and gets tossed. Rey headscissors HBK into the 619 position, but HBK bails. Chops by HBK, but Rey with some corner offense. Chop sends Rey outside. Drop toehold back in the ring by Rey into 619 position! HBK counters, goes for SCM, but Rey headscissors them both over the top! Commercial!
Bret Hart returns Monday night to confront Vince and Shatner hosts. Cool.
Kicks by Rey, then corner punches. Rey works HBK’s leg over with some nice stuff. HBK hits a swinging neckbreaker, and grabs his leg. ~PSYCHOLOGY!~ Rey drop-toeholds him into the bottom turnbuckle. HBK crotches him on the top rope. HBK with the modified figure-four! This is good stuff. Shawn with the flying forearm and nips up, but Rey counters an inverted atomic drop with a rana. Rey hits a springboard senton for 2! He flies into an inverted atomic drop, but counters with an inverted DDT. He goes for his splash, but eats knees! HBK hits the elbow, and tunes up the band. Rolling kick by Rey! 619! Springboard eats Sweet Chin Music! Shades of HBK-Shelton from RAW 2005. Batista runs in spears HBK, spinebusters Mysterio. HHH with the save and clotheslines them both over. The lights go out, the gong hits, the lights come on, and Taker is in the ring. He looks insane! Double Chokeslam to Rey and Shawn! Taker stands tall as the show ends.
Screwy finish aside, this was a great main event. Started slow, but really picked up. ***1/2
Great show tonight and really builds for the Rumble. Except for the women’s title match.