wrestling / Video Reviews
BG Says: PWG Chanukah Chaos (The C’s Are Silent)
December 3, 2005 – Los Angeles, California
Disco Machine and Excalibur tackle commentary, and as usual be sure to switch the audio channel over to hear them.
TJ Perkins VS. Christopher Daniels
They lock up and Perkins puts on a headlock. They trade holds and Perkins hits a snapmare. They knuckle up and Daniels grabs an armbar. Perkins gains control by attacking Daniels’s arm but Daniels comes back with a shoulder tackle. Perkins flushes the toilet for 2. He hits a leg lariat and a dropkick in the corner for 2. He hits a bodyslam and a slingshot senton for 2. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. He puts on a toehold but Daniels comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He flips Perkins into the corner and hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. He hits a backbreaker but Perkins comes back with a dropkick. He hits a pair of clotheslines and a back bodydrop. He hits a hurricanrana for 2. He climbs the ropes but misses a senton. He hits an ugly DDT for 2. Daniels hits the DVD but Perkins comes back with a backslide for 2. He gets another for 2. He goes for a third but Daniels blocks and goes for the Angel’s Wings. Perkins counters to a roll up for 2. Daniels hits the Complete Shot and puts on the Koji Clutch for the win at 14:12. They played it really safe but it wasn’t bad at all.
Rating: **½
B-Boy VS. Chris Sabin
B-Boy was supposed to wrestle Chris Bosh here but his back was entirely too messed up to compete here. They lock up and trade holds. They knuckle up and Sabin gets a legsweep for 2. He hits a head scissors takedown and B-Boy bails. Sabin dives off the apron with a missile dropkick and rolls B-Boy back in to the ring for 2. He hits a dropkick to the back for 2. He puts on a chinlock and unloads with forearms. B-Boy dodges a dropkick and hits a DDT. He hits a snap suplex for 2. He puts on a chinlock and then hits a powerslam for 2. He puts on a camel clutch and then hits a backbreaker for 2. He counters a swinging DDT to what I can best describe as a Chaos Theory-esque fisherman suplex for 2. He puts on a modified Tarantula and then hits a clothesline off the top for 2. Sabin blocks a slam and kicks B-Boy in the face. He hits a chinbreaker, a neckbreaker and a clothesline. He hits the swinging DDT for 2. He hits two Tree of Woe dropkicks for 2. B-Boy comes back with a spinebuster and a knee in the corner. He hits a big facebuster for 2. He puts on the Lion Tamer but Sabin gets to the ropes. Sabin counters the Shining Wizard to a running sit-out powerbomb for 2. B-Boy counters a spinebuster to a tornado piledriver for 2. Sabin hits an enziguiri and rolls B-Boy up for 2. B-Boy hits a knee to the face and the Shining Wizard for the win at 16:34. This did nothing for me and, like most B-Boy matches, could have stood to lose five minutes.
Rating: **¼
El Generico, Phoenix Star & Zokre VS. Ronin, Alex Koslov & Nemesis
Koslov and Generico start. They goof around for a while before Koslov hits a cheap shot and puts on a headlock. He grabs a cross armbreaker but Generico gets to the ropes. He goes back to the headlock and then chops Generico down. Generico knocks him to the floor so Ronin hits a forearm from behind. Generico hits a pair of armdrags and puts on an armbar. Zokre tags in and hits a hurricanrana. He hits a jumping knee and an armdrag. He hits a dropkick and Ronin bails. Nemesis comes in and plays to the crowd rather than lock up with Zokre. They trade armdrags and Star hits a hurricanrana. Wait, when did Star come in? Nemesis hits a neckbreaker for 2. Star gets a head scissors takedown and roll up for 2. He hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and tags to Generico. Generico hits a leg lariat for 2. Star tags in and then out immediately to Zokre and they hit a double-team blockbuster on Nemesis for 2. Zokre puts on an armbar but Nemesis comes back with a facebuster for 2. Ronin tags in and hits a back elbow. He hits a vertical suplex for 2. Koslov tags in and hits a European uppercut. He hits a dropkick for 2. Zokre hits a handspring kick and tags to Star. Ronin tags in and walks into a leg lariat. Star hits a clothesline and a head scissors takedown. Ronin hits the elevated forearm and tags to Nemesis who gets 2. Nemesis hits a bodyslam and a legdrop for 2. Koslov tags in and hits a powerslam for 2. Star hits a dropkick but Koslov comes back with a facebuster onto the apron. He puts on a Mexican surfboard in the ropes for 2. He puts on a heel hook but Star tags out and Generico comes off the top with a dropkick. Ronin comes in and gets hit with the Yakuza kick in the corner. Generico hits Nemesis with the swinging DDT. Zokre dumps Koslov to the floor and our heroes all dive out onto the villains at the same time. Back in the ring Zokre sets Koslov up top and brings him down with the Ace Crusher for 2. Nemesis runs in and hits torture rack backbreaker on Zokre for 2. Generico hits Nemesis with the Half & Half suplex for 2. Ronin hits him with a powerbomb and a clothesline for 2. Star hits a spear on Ronin and climbs the ropes. He hits the Cancun Tornado but Koslov puts him in the cobra clutch. Zokre breaks it up with a slingshot senton and Generico hits the BRAINBUSTAH on Koslov for the win at 21:08. The last couple minutes were fun but the eighteen minutes that lead up to the finish did nothing for me.
Rating: **
Kevin Steen © VS. Joey Ryan [PWG Championship Match]
Ryan fakes Steen out by starting a promo and then attacking Steen from behind in the middle of it. Steen comes back with a back elbow and a clothesline. He hits a leg lariat and chops Ryan down. He pokes Ryan’s eyes and Ryan bails. Steen follows him out with a slingshot dive. He takes Ryan around the building, ramming his head into different things, and then rolls him back into the ring. Steen climbs the ropes but Ryan grabs his arm and pulls it onto the top rope. He rams Steen’s shoulder into the post and then drops his elbow onto the apron. Back in the ring Steen hits a butt butt and the cannonball. He hits a dropkick to the face in the corner for 2. Steen climbs the ropes but Ryan counters a swinging DDT to an armbar takedown. He hits a hammerlock bodyslam and then puts on the kimura. He hits a hammerlock suplex and wraps Steen’s arm around the rope. Steen blocks a takedown and hits a senton. Ryan goes to the arm and kicks Steen’s arm. He hits a boot to the face but Steen comes back with clotheslines. Steen hits a big boot and a back bodydrop. He hits a superkick and another senton for 2. Ryan hits a superkick for 2. He sets Steen up top but Steen fights him off and goes for the package piledriver. Ryan blocks the piledriver and stuns Steen’s arm. He puts on the Fujiwara armbar but Steen gets to the ropes. Ryan sets Steen up top again but this time Steen brings him down with a super backbreaker. Steen climbs the ropes and hits the Swanton Bomb for 2. Ryan takes out the referee and hits a low blow on Steen. He brings a chair into the ring but Chris Bosh runs out and grabs it from him. He smashes Ryan across the face with the chair and rolls Steen on top. The referee wakes up but can only count 2 before Super Dragon pulls him away from the count. Dragon hits Steen with two Psycho Drivers and Ryan jumps on top of him for the win and the title at 16:37. The match was solid and the overbooking at the end set up the end of the Dragon/Steen feud and the beginning of the Ryan/Bosh feud. Not bad all in all.
Rating: ***
AJ Styles VS. Chris Hero
The commentators say that Styles’s X Division Championship is on the line but I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case. They feel each other up (I didn’t mean for that to sound so gay) and Styles slams Hero to the mat. Hero goes after the leg but Styles gets to the ropes. They trade holds and then knuckle up. Styles overpowers Hero for 2. He puts on a headlock but after a hard fight Hero escapes. Styles hits a pair of bodyslams and puts on an armbar. Hero forearms Styles to the floor and then gives him time to get back in the ring. Styles kicks Hero’s thigh and goes back to the headlock. He gets a backslide for 1 and goes for the Styles Clash. Hero blocks it but gets dropkicked to the floor. Styles hits a plancha and then rams Hero’s back into the apron. Back in the ring Styles puts on a chinlock. He hits a dropkick for 2. He hits a back suplex for 2. He hits a vertical suplex for 2. Hero puts on a full nelson but Styles counters to a backbreaker. He goes back to the chinlock but Hero comes back with a bodyslam. Hero hits a running forearm and puts on a homoerotic submission before rolling Styles over for 2. He hits a bodyslam and a senton for 2. He slams Styles to the mat and puts on an inverted version of his homoerotic submission. He gets a sunset flip for 2. Styles hits a chinbreaker but Hero comes back with the cravat. Hero hits a bodyslam and climbs the ropes. He misses a double stomp and Styles hits a neckbreaker. Styles hits a pumphandle backbreaker and a powerbomb for 2. Hero hits the Cravat Cutter for 2. Styles hits the Pelé Kick and a back elbow. Hero hits the Super Hero’s Welcome for 2. Styles counters the Hero’s Welcome to a torture rack and a blue thunder bomb for 2. Hero hits a big boot and rolls Styles up for 2. He ducks a kick and rolls Styles up for 2 again but Styles counters to a roll up of his own for the win at 27:51. I’m getting really tired of wrestlers taking it easy for twenty minutes before taking five to excite the crowd at the end. Sadly this was a bit reminiscent of Styles’s hour draw against Christopher Daniels in that so little happened in such a large amount of time. They started out with a hot crowd but those fans were really deflated fifteen minutes into the match due to the inaction. Styles and Daniels have admitted they didn’t want to do a sixty-minute draw and that was why that match was so bad. What’s Styles’s excuse this time? I wonder. I should mention that Hero worked twice as hard as Styles did here.
Rating: **½
Dino Winwood comes out and reveals that the reason Generico already wrestled tonight (he was supposed to challenge for the tag titles tonight with Quicksilver) was because Quicksilver didn’t come to the show tonight. Excalibur and Disco Machine come out, upset with Rick Knox’s officiating in last month’s tag title match and tonight’s PWG Championship match. Winwood refuses to fire Knox but because he’s in a bind he gives them a tag title shot, on the condition that if they lose they don’t get another shot for six months.
Super Dragon & Davey Richards © VS. Excalibur & Disco Machine [PWG Tag Team Championship Match]
Richards and Disco start. They trade forearms and Richards hits a side suplex. Disco bails so Dragon hits him with a suicide dive. Richards hits a running forearm on Excalibur and hits Disco with another suicide dive. Dragon hits Excalibur with a koppo kick and puts him in the Tree of Woe. He stands on Excalibur’s crotch and Richards kicks Excalibur’s head. Excalibur leans over the apron so Dragon hits a double stomp to the back of his head. Back in the ring Richards hits Disco with a snap suplex for 2. Dragon tags in and hits a back suplex for 2. He hits a double stomp and a senton for 2. Richards tags in and hits a backbreaker for 2. He hits a back elbow for 2. Dragon tags in and hits a butterfly suplex. He keeps the double underhook on until Excalibur breaks it up… twice. He forces Disco’s head down with his knee and tags to Richards. Richards puts on a chinlock and kicks Disco down hard. Disco hits a low blow and tags to Excalibur. Excalibur hits a wristlock takedown and tags to Disco. Disco hits an elbowdrop and tags to Excalibur. Excalibur kicks Richards’s back and hits a jumping knee. He hits a Yakuza kick for 2. He slams Richards to the mat by his face and tags to Disco. Richards hits Disco with the STO and hits Excalibur with an enziguiri. Dragon tags in and hits a running forearm. He climbs the ropes but Disco knocks him to the mat. Disco hits a t-bone suplex for 2. He hits Richards with a chokeslam for 2. He goes for the Chokebreaker but Richards counters to a roll up for 2. Richards hits a tiger suplex and Dragon hits a turnbuckle powerbomb. He powerbombs Disco into a lungblower from Richards for 2. Excalibur hits a German suplex on Dragon. He hits a backbreaker and Disco hits a guillotine legdrop for 2. Excalibur hits the Air Raid Crash for 2. He hits the Tiger Driver ’98 for 2 when Richards grabs the bottom rope. The challengers hit a spike Tiger Driver ’98 but as the referee begins to count Kevin Steen runs in and attacks Super Dragon. The referee throws the match out at 12:34. Legal man issues and the non-finish aside this was great fun.
Rating: ***½
Excalibur and Disco Machine are very upset that Steen cost them the titles and try to rip him off Super Dragon. He slugs them down and drags Dragon into the crowd. The locker room empties to try to separate Steen and Dragon but have some trouble. Steen gets on the microphone and challenges Dragon to a Guerrilla Warfare match later in the month. Dragon doesn’t talk but we can assume he accepted and the brawl continues.
Scott Lost VS. Scorpio Sky [I Quit Match]
Sky takes Lost down at the bell. Their brawl spills to the floor where forearms are exchanged. Sky tosses Lost into the concession table and then through many rows of chairs. He whips Lost into the wall and hits a back bodydrop on the floor. Lost regains control by whipping Sky through dozens of chairs. He stands Sky up and gets a huge running start before hitting the Superman Spear. Back in the ring he hits a pair of elbowdrops. He hits a vertical suplex and goes for the Sharpshooter. Sky shoves him off so he puts on a chinlock. Sky won’t quit so he hits another elbowdrop. He hits a legdrop but Sky comes back with a clothesline. Sky goes for the Scorpion Deathlock and then hits a backbreaker when Lost blocks the hold. He hits another backbreaker and then stretches Lost out in a pornographic position. He hits a knee kick and a facebuster. He puts on the bow and arrow but Lost won’t quit. He goes for the Scorpion Deathlock and then headbutts Lost’s groin when he blocks it. He puts on a nasty wristlock and stomps on Lost’s hand. He slams Lost’s hand to the mat and then throws it against the post. Lost hits a northern lights suplex and goes for the Sharpshooter but Sky escapes the attempt. Sky blocks the Superman Spear with his knees but Lost hits a leg lariat. Lost hits a clothesline and brings a chair into the ring. He sets up the chair in the corner but gets caught by a crazy German suplex from Sky. Sky puts on a modified STF but Lost won’t quit. Lost goes for the Superman Spear but Sky dodges it and Lost flies into the chair. Sky puts on a crossface but Lost hits a pair of knees to escape. Sky hits a facebuster and puts the chair back in the ring. He hits a pair of chair shots to the back and then uses the chair to hit the Undertaker throat thrust. Lost bails and catches Sky with a superkick on the floor. Back in the ring Lost sets up the chair and hits a backbreaker onto it. He puts on the Lion Tamer but Sky won’t quit. Lost grabs a chain and whips Sky with it. He hangs Sky over the apron with the chain but Sky grabs the referee’s microphone and hits Lost with it to escape. Lost wraps the chain around his fist and hits a punch to the gut and a clothesline. He hangs Sky in the Tree of Woe and pulls his head back towards the post by putting the chain in his mouth. They trade forearms and Lost hits a backbreaker. He hits the Ace Crusher and rolls into a dragon sleeper. Sky counters to a crossface but Lost won’t quit. Lost grabs a chair but Sky dodges the shot and whips the chain into Lost’s midsection. Sky whacks the chair against Lost’s head and sets him up top. Lost fights him off and hits a frog splash. He puts on the Sharpshooter but Sky grabs his leg and counters to the Scorpion Deathlock. Lost starts to crawl out of the ring to escape. Lost hits a superkick but a spear is countered to an implant DDT. Sky puts on a triangle choke and Lost passes out. Realizing that he can’t quit if he’s passed out Sky lets go and revives Lost with some water. If that alone isn’t awesome enough Sky then throws the bottle of water at Lost’s head. Sky brings a table into the ring and sets it up. Lost suplexes Sky to the floor and falls out himself. Sky rushes back into the ring and dives out onto Lost. Back in the ring he sets up the shiny chair and hits Lost with a neckbreaker on it. He sets Lost on the table and puts him through it with a frog splash. He puts on the Scorpion Deathlock and puts a chair over Lost’s head to keep him from reversing the hold. The chair also allows him to put more pressure on the hold and Lost quits at 30:58. I loved the way the match built around the Sharpshooter and the way the weapons were used throughout the match was also fantastic. The spot that saw Sky gain control by making Lost pass out and then reviving him was genius. I loved this match.
Rating: ****¼
Click on the dreidel on the main menu to reveal the following backstage shenanigans
Joey Ryan lays in bed with a blanket over himself. He whips off the blanket to show off his new title belt. We’re all really lucky it’s there because there’s nothing else covering his nether region.
Chris Sabin finishes up in the bathroom and has some words for B-Boy and Petey Williams. Next month he’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone by taking them both out as part of an eight-man tag match.
Excalibur has a new outlook on life. Kevin Steen showed that he’s not as altruistic as he made himself out to be all those months ago. Excalibur suggests that the members of the New S.B.S. all go their separate ways.
Kevin Steen has nothing to say about the New S.B.S. He’s only interested in Super Dragon, who he’s going to kill in the Guerilla Warfare match later in the month. He’s nothing but confident that he’ll beat Super Dragon again to finally end the feud.
The 411: When it counted the matches delivered. Both title matches are entertaining and the main event is out of this world. The New S.B.S. implodes and the Dragon/Steen issue gets ready to come to a head. Add on a PWG Championship title change and you’ve got yourself quite an eventful show. Definite recommendation. |
Final Score: 8.0 [ Very Good ] legend |
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