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Csonka’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.24.17

October 24, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Shane McMahon WWE Smackdown 102417 Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.24.17  

Csonka’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.24.17

– Gable & Benjamin defeated New Day @ 8:00 via pin [**½]
Non-Title Match: Sin Cara defeated Champion Baron Corbin @ 2:33 via DQ [NR]
– AJ Styles defeated Sunil Singh @ 0:34 via submission [NR]
Survivor Series Captain’s Match: Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair and Tamina, Carmella, and Naomi @ 7:15 via submission [**]
Survivor Series Qualifier: Randy Orton defeated Sami Zayn @ 13:03 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We get highlights from last night’s Raw, featuring the Smackdown roster kicking the shit out of the Raw roster.

– Tom Philips is still away, so Michael Cole is on commentary again.

Shane McMahon Talks: Shane arrives, and dances around because he’s in a good mood after Raw. He’s happy to be back after a few weeks of physical rehab. He talks about Survivor Series and knew he had to strike first and that’s why they visited Raw last night. When Angle asked for a favor, he gladly allowed AJ Styles to compete and to stay an extra night. Angle should have been smarter when he appeared last night, and shouldn’t have insulted the Smackdown roster. So he unleashed #underseige, catching Raw off guard, and they are ready for Raw. Sami Zayn arrives, who was not part of the attack last night. Sami says hello and offers a handshake, saying no hard feelings from HIAC. Shane says there are hard feelings and they will deal with the mat another time. Sami saved Kevin, but caused harm to Shane. Sami says if Shane was a competitor tonight, he’d take him out in one second, and leave him hurting worse than at HIAC. But that’s for another day, because he and Owens want to be on the Smackdown Survivor Series team, doing what they do best, carrying the load as the rest follow. He knows Shane wants them, and needs them to represent Smackdown. Shane is a lot of things, but not stupid… unless he taking a big fall. So they volunteer their services for Survivor Series. Shane doesn’t want them or need them, but he will give him a chance. Tonight if he wins his match, he gets on the team. Shane reveals Randy Orton as his opponent. Good opening segment to play off of last night’s Raw attack and to continue the Shane vs. Sami/Owens feud.

New Day (Kofi & Woods) w/Big E vs. Gable & Benjamin: The Usos are on commentary. Gable and Woods into begin, and we quickly change to Kofi and Benjamin. Kofi counters a monkey flip, and then Benjamin does as well. They work back and forth, Woods tags in and New Day works double teams and pick up a cover for 2. Kofi then gets clotheslined to the floor as we go screen in screen. New Day checks on Kofi, and backing Gable works him over in the corner. He then grounds Kofi, working the arm. Kofi tries to fight back, but gable hits an XPLODER and Benjamin tags back in, maintaining the heat and keeping Kofi grounded. Gable back in, lays the boots to Kofi and follows with a suplex. Quick tags here, Benjamin back in as Kofi tries to fire up as we return full screen. Benjamin hits a suplex for 2. Kofi hits a desperation DDT and both men are down. Wholesale changes to Woods and Gable, Woods runs wild, hitting a dropkick and covering for 2. Gable cuts off the slingshot, Benjamin back in and they work double teams on Woods, covering for 2. Woods fights out of a suplex, fires up with strikes and knees and covers for 2. Benjamin hits a spinebuster, tags Gable in but Kofi makes the save. Gable takes him out, gable kicks Woods in the head from behind to pick up the win. Gable & Benjamin defeated New Day @ 8:00 via pin [**½] This was a rock solid tag match, with the right team winning. The Usos were fun on commentary.

– The Smackdown women talk about getting revenge on Raw. Ellsworth is missing, and Bryan arrives and says that Raw won last year, but this year they have to work together. Charlotte Flair vs. Tamina vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Naomi will take place tonight, to see who the captain is, and all will be on the team as well.

– Time for Fashion Dogs as the Tarantino tribute continues. Fandango & Breeze are in the suits, while the Ascension are in their gear. Fandango & Breeze are both Mr. Pink. The Ascension have kidnapped Ellsworth and want to cut his chin off. They think he has the briefcase, but Carmella arrives to save him. Fandango takes her briefcase, and find Ellsworth’s dirty underwear. The Ascension says they haven’t solved anything and againsay2 B is the Bludgeon Brothers. Breeze says there is no B in brothers, the Ascension prove him wrong so Breeze thinks the B is silent. Next week, “Strangerer Things

– Shane meets with Bryan and Bryan wants answers regarding last night’s attack. Bryan thought they were a team and that he would be informed. There’s tension there.

Non-Title Match: Champion Baron Corbin vs. Sin Cara: Cara defeated Corbin last week, via countout. Corbin attacks right away, just beating down Cara and tossing him around. Corbin lays in knees and follows with elbow strikes. Cara starts to fight back, hitting an elbow and kicks. He picks up the pace, and hits a springboard elbow. The suicide dive follows and then another. Sin Cara is all fired up, takes Corbin back in and heads up top and hits a missile dropkick for 2. Corbin bails to the floor, and then charges back in and kicks the shit out of Cara in the corner and gets disqualified for kicking too much ass. Sin Cara defeated Champion Baron Corbin @ 2:33 via DQ [NR] This was pretty fun while it lasted, but I have no idea what they are doing with Corbin. You have him beat AJ Styles and then have him lose two weeks in a row. I know it’s by DQ & countout, but make the win over Styles count and give the guy some momentum.

– Post match, Corbin hits end of days on the floor.

– We again get highlights from last night’s Raw, featuring the Smackdown roster kicking the shit out of the Raw roster.

– The Singhs arrive, taking a shot at Heyman in retaliation from his promo last night, as they claim to be the Advocates for Jinder Mahal. Mahal arrives. Unfortunately he decides to talk, calling Paul Heyman a liar as we see clips from Heyman’s Raw promo where he completely buried Mahal in glorious fashion. Mahal says that everything he had, he earned. He started at the bottom and is now the most powerful man in WWE> he dominated Orton, outwrestled Nakamura but he doesn’t get respect here like he does in India. He claims to be Lesnar’s worst nightmare, and will prove himself at Survivor Series.

AJ Styles vs. Sunil Singh: The ref tosses Mahal to the back. Singh is wrestling in slacks, a tank top and dress shoes. Styles slams the Singhs together and locks in the calf crusher and Singh taps. AJ Styles defeated Sunil Singh @ 0:34 via submission [NR] Exactly what it should have been.

– Kevin Owens is here, and he meets with Sami and says he will face Nakamura next week in a Survivor Series qualifier.

– Natalya arrives and demands to be introduced as the greatest Hart and queen of Smackdown live.

Survivor Series Captain’s Match: Charlotte Flair vs. Tamina vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Naomi: They all brawl at the bell, Tamina starts to take control and Carmella tries to make friends, but Tamina will have none of that bull shit. We go screen in screen, Charlotte and Becky make nice and they trade chops. Carmella wipes them out with a high cross, and covers Becky for 2. Naomi cuts her off, and works her over in the corner. The sliding clothesline follows, and Naomi then tosses her into Becky. Carmella tries to take control, but Naomi lights her up with the speedball kicks and we’re back top full screen. Mass brawling on the floor follows, Charlotte hits the sack of shit slam on Tamina, but Becky takes her out and Naomi wipes her out with a plancha. Charlotte slams her to he barricade, Lana gets involved and Charlotte attacks. Tamina hits Charlotte with the superkick, and tosses her into the crowd. Tamina works over Becky, Lana yells a lot and back in Naomi takes out Tamina, and Carmella posts Naomi allowing Carmella to hit a dropkick and covers Becky for 2. Carmella beats on Becky, but Becky locks on the dis-arm-her and Carmella taps. Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair and Tamina, Carmella, and Naomi @ 7:15 via submission [**] This was largely ok, but really disjointed and at this point, I am sick of “fatal five way” matches in WWE. They layouts are rarely good and they always feel rushed and no one ever gets featured.

– We get a Bludgeon Brothers promo.

– Renee is backstage and Ziggler interrupts and says he’s about to talk and no one will care. Well, he’s right. He then rants about catchphrases and talks shit on Bobby Roode, claiming he’s been right all along. Roode arrives and says Ziggler likes to talk, but he loves to fight. Roode suggests one more match, which leads to Roode suggesting a best two out of three falls match for next week. Ziggler agrees, and Roode says next week will be glorious.

– The match is official for next week, and the winner will be on the Survivor Series team. Owens vs. Nakamura is also official, and the winner of that match will also be on the Survivor Series team.

Survivor Series Qualifier: Sami Zayn vs. Randy Orton: They work a slow back and forth beginning, with Sami breaking clean and dancing around to mess with Orton. Sami lays in chops and that fires Orton up, and he delivers uppercuts and stomp away at Sami. More uppercuts follow, and they spill to the floor. Sami takes control, working over Orton with rights and then hits the moonsault press off the barricade as we take a break. Post break, Sami is in control back in the ring. Orton starts to fire back, but runs into a leg lariat and Sami covers for 2. Sami looks for a suplex, but Orton fights him off and dumps him over the ropes. Orton follows with clotheslines, hits the snap slam and looks for a draping DDT, but Sami pulls him to he floor and Orton slams him onto the announce table. Back in and Orton covers for 2. Orton fights off the XPLODER and hits a suplex on Sami. Sami to the ropes, and follows with a high cross for 2. Sami counters an RKO into a back slide for 2. Sami heads up top and gets cut off, Orton follows him up and hits the superplex, covering for 2. To the floor and Sami posts Orton, and dives through the ropes for a tornado DDT. Back in and Sami looks for the helluva, but Orton moves and hits a draping DDT. He sets for an RKO, but Kevin Owens arrives and Orton attacks, but Sami rolls up Orton for 2. Orton now low blows Sami as Owens distracted the ref. The RKO follows and Orton wins.Randy Orton defeated Sami Zayn @ 13:03 via pin [***] This was a good match, and Sami working heel is a lot of fun and fresh. I wasn’t thrilled about the finish and also felt that it made for a more interesting team if Sami won. I know he beat Orton last week, but I wouldn’t have had him lose here, because I think they should have kept his momentum going.

– Shane and Bryan meet and Bryan was sure Raw would retaliate but warns Shane that they will, eventually.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Average
The 411
Tonight’s episode of WWE Smackdown was a fine, but largely skippable show. They kept some of the build to Survivor Series going and also set up two Survivor Series related matches for next week. But the show felt largely flat, and in my opinion, failed to rally follow up on Raw’s show closing angle, which I felt was well done. I will say that the Shane vs. Bryan dynamic they have created is interesting.