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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 07.30.18

July 30, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Kurt Angle WWE Raw
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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 07.30.18  

Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 07.30.18

– Constable Corbin defeated Finn Balor @ 20:08 via pin [**¾]
– Alicia Fox defeated Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya @ 5:02 via pin [*]
– Jinder Mahal defeated Braun Strowman @ 1:33 via countout [NR]
– Apollo defeated Akam @ 1:55 via pin [NR]
– Seth Rollins defeated Drew McIntyre @ 9:20 via DQ [***]
– The Revival defeated Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt @ 5:05 via pin [**]
– Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan @ 8:55 via pin [**½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– You can check out my Mae Young Classic II wish list at this link.

– You can check out my top 40 matches of JUNE list at this link.

– In memory of Nikolai Volkoff…

Roman Talks: Roman praises the crowd and then admits that he respects Lashley, but not Lesnar. He mocks Lesnar for showing up in the UFC but says Brock won’t dare get in his face or come in his yard. Um Roman, you do realize that he’s kicked your ass repeatedly right? Heyman arrives and does his usual hype work and calls Roman insane for doing the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a new result. Heyman says at Summerslam. Brock will put down the big dog and then return to the UFC and become a two-sport champion. Roman wants Brock, but Heyman says Brock will come out when and if he wants. Roman says if Brock shows up at Summerslam, he’ll send him back to the UFC as Roman Reigns’ bitch. It’s not a bad open, but it’s just so much more of the same as Roman promises to win after so many failures. They’ve managed to get some decent heat on Lesnar and to get Reigns some crowd support, but as Heyman said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” I just can’t care with the Reigns vs. Lesnar thing again, I just want it to end.

– Brock reads a magazine, exciting. Heyman asks Brock if he heard what Reigns said and Brock says he doesn’t watch the show. Heyman tries to show him on his phone, but Brock breaks it and goes back to reading. I mean, he really has no reason to fear Reigns at this point.

Finn Balor vs. Constable Corbin: Corbin overpowers Balor to begin and knocks him to the floor. Back in and Balor looks to outwrestle Corbin. Corbin powers out and escapes, he takes Balor up top and follows with rights. Balor fights him off and dropkicks him to the floor. Balor follows and back in we go. Balor lays the boots to him, but Corbin cuts him off and knocks him to the floor. Post break, and back in and Corbin has control, grounding the action. Corbin then hits the in and out lariat for 2. Corbin follows with strikes in the corner, and again grounds things. Balor powers out to his feet, and dropkicks Corbin to the floor. Corbin cuts him off and then slams Balor to the apron. Back in and Balor counters out of a powerbomb and hits the standing double stomp. He follows with chops and an enziguri and Corbin spills to the floor. Balor follows with a tope. Post break, and Corbin, you guessed it, has things grounded again. Balor counters deep six and the choke breaker and gets a roll up for 2. The sling blade follows, but Corbin cuts him off with a choke breaker for 2. Corbin follows with ground and pound, but Balor picks up the pace and hits an enziguri. Corbin now hits deep six and that gets 2. Corbin follows with corner clotheslines and Balor cuts him off with a dropkick and follows him to the floor for John Wooooooo. Back in and Balor hits John Woooooo again and heads up top. Corbin avoids the double stomp and hits end of days for the win. Constable Corbin defeated Finn Balor @ 20:08 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good overall, but went too long as Corbin looked like he had to fill time too often. Balor worked his ass off and sold like a champ, but losing to Corbin just feels so wrong and like they have absolutely no idea what to do with such a talented guy. I’m not calling to make him champion right away or anything, but there has to be a better use for Balor than this.

– Corbin beats him down post match.

– Heyman walks and is looking for a new phone. Angle arrives and they argue over whose problem it is. Angle says if Brock doesn’t appear in the ring tonight, Heyman is fired.

– We now look back at the Evolution PPV announcement.

– Alicia Fox warms up backstage and meets with Alexa Bliss. Mickie is injured and Bliss picked her to face Natalya tonight. Bliss says she has her back; calls Fox a trailblazer, and Fox gets all crazy and promises to hurt Natalya.

Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya vs. Alicia Fox: Rousey & Bliss are at ringside. They lock up and work to the mat, Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya kips up and follows with a shoulder tackle. Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya gets a roll up for 2, but Fox cuts her off with a sunset flip for 2. Fox powders, Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya follows, but Fox traps her in the ring skirt and beats her down. Back in and Fox covers for 2. Fox grounds things and then slams Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya to the mat. Fox locks on something resembling a sloppy abdominal stretch. Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya escapes, but Fox cuts her off. Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya fights back, almost trips over her own feet as commentary tries to cover it by noting Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya has had a knee issue she’s not been selling. Fox hits the northern lights suplex for 2. Fox kicks at Rousey as Bliss sucker punches Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya. Fox hits the big boot and covers for the win. Alicia Fox defeated Ronda Rousey’s Best Friend Natalya @ 5:02 via pin [*] This was a bad example of professional wrestling.

– Bliss escapes as Rousey takes out Fox. She chases Bliss, but Fox makes the save and slams Rousey to the barricade. Fox and Bliss stand tall. Rousey bumping and selling for Fox was embarrassing.

– Heyman tries to talk Brock into going to the ring, bringing up T-shirt sales. Brock is pissed and doesn’t give a shit about the WWE Universe and would rather be home. Brock tells Heyman to get him a steak, baked potato, and steamed broccoli.

– Rousey and her best friend complain about Bliss & Fox. Angle books Rousey vs. Fox for next week. That better be no more than 20-seconds; slam, arm bar, tap.

– Elias arrives and plays a tune. He hypes his album and runs down all of the top stars he beat on the charts. He blames Lashley for not going higher on the charts of Lashley didn’t interrupt him last week. He runs down Pitbull, the Rock, and Miami in general. Lashley arrives and Elias is pissed. Lashley claims to be s big fan and wanted a front row seat for the concert. Elias says Lashley wants to sing with Elias. Elias promises to keep things slow and simple, just like Lashley. They sing “Rockin Robin,” and Elias attacks and beats down Lashley. Lashley fights back and tosses Elias around. Coach: “Lashley didn’t appreciate Elias from behind.”

– Kevin Owens praises Corbin for his won over Balor. He says Corbin is now his son’s favorite wrestler and even dresses like Corbin. Kevin is concerned about the Lesnar situation and feels it’s a move against Stephanie McMahon, and if Brock goes to the ring, Braun may cash in on him and ruin his chance.

Braun Strowman vs. Jinder Mahal: Sunil is out with Mahal. Mahal does his meditation bullshit and Strowman shoves him down. Kevin arrives and steals the MITB case. Strowman chases him and gets counted out. Jinder Mahal defeated Braun Strowman @ 1:33 via countout [NR] Oh that wacky Kevin.

– Corbin brings Angle a phone so that Stephanie can cut off his balls.

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Ball cutting via telephone

– Mojo makes fun of the other rocker room geeks and says he’s running through everyone and not hiding behind a keyboard. Bobby Rood mockingly claps for him and asks if he has a problem. Mojo asks if he will catchphrase him into submission and they brawl. Agents separate them.

Akam w/Rezar vs. Apollo w/Dana & Titus: Akam looks to ground things and then tosses Apollo around. Akam grounds the action, Apollo fights out and follows with kicks. Apollo fires up and hits an enziguri and standing moonsault for 2. Akam fights back and misses a charge and Apollo rolls him up for the win. Apollo defeated Akam @ 1:55 via pin [NR] This feud must continue, I am so glad they had a plan locked in place when they brought up the AOP. I’m happy for Apollo and all, but they’ve done a hell of a job killing the AOP already.

Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre: Ziggler, looking extra douchey, is out with McIntyre. McIntyre attacks right away, but Rollins fires back with chops and quickly gets cut off as McIntyre hits a suplex and they roll to the floor. Rollins fights him off, but McIntyre catches the suicide dive and then catapults him under the ring into the metal bracing.

Post break, and Rollins fights back and hits a pair of suicide dives. Rollins slams McIntyre to the bracing under the ring. Back in, and Rollins does the deal with a falcon arrow for 2. Rollins fires up and hits a superkick and then runs into a spinebuster for 2. McIntyre looks for future shock, Rollins counters, and hits a RANA and superkick. McIntyre calls him on and Rollins drops him with a second. Rollins up top and gets crotched. McIntyre lays in chops and follows him up. The air raid crash connects from the second rope and McIntyre covers for 2. McIntyre follows with an elbow, but Rollins counters the reverse Alabama slam for 2. The black out follows and Ziggler runs in for the DQ. Seth Rollins defeated Drew McIntyre @ 9:20 via DQ [***] This was good, easily the best thing on the show so far. Rollins and McIntyre have good chemistry, and they really need a nice long PPV match soon. The build to Rollins vs. Ziggler continues.

– Post match, Rollins fights them off and escapes.

– Roman plays Angry Birds on his iPad and Angle arrives. He says Stephanie cut his balls off, and says Stephanie wants Reigns out of the building or he will lose his Summerslam title shot. Roman makes his case, but Corbin has the “cops” arrive and escort Roman from the building. Roman lays out Corbin before he leaves.

– Charly interview the B Team. Dallas says the B in B Team stands for Dream. They live their dream and dream to live, and thank their “B Teammates.” Charly asks them about Matt & Bray, and Axel says they were attacked last week and dares them to come out. Matt and Bray arrive out of nowhere. Matt says the B Team are an anomaly that they have to fix. Bray says dreams aren’t real, but nightmares are. Matt & Bray promise to haunt them until they are deleted. The Revival arrives and say they don’t even understand Matt & Bray. They claim to be the best since they bat Lashley & Reigns. They want Matt & Bray to step aside. Dallas cuts them off and says they will step aside and allow the others to talk. We get a brawl with Matt & Bray standing tall.

The Revival vs. Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt: JIP as Matt works over Dash. Double teams follow on Dash, and Bray does his spider walk and then hits a shoulder tackle. He and Matt work more double teams and cover for 2. Dawson tags in and the Revival now double team Matt and take control. Dawson grounds the action, Dash in and he keeps things grounded. Matt fights back and hits a side effect. Bray and Dash brawl, Bray hits a corner splash and running cross body. Bray fights off the double teams until Dawson makes the save. It breaks down and Dawson takes out Matt. Back in and Dash cuts off sister Abigail and shatter machine finishes Bray. The Revival defeated Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt @ 5:05 via pin [**] This was ok, but more importantly, the right team won.

– Seth Rollins is interviewed, but Ziggler & McIntyre attack and kick his ass.

Bayley & Sasha Banks vs. Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan: Bayley & Sasha have been using the 3D on live events. I hope that leads to them stealing great tag finishes from the past every week. Logan and Bayley to begin. Logan overpowers her and grounds things. Bayley counters out ad tags in Banks. They work double teams and Banks hits a running meteora for 2. Banks controls, hits an arm drag and dropkick for 2. Bayley tags in and gets a roll up for 2. Logan fires back, but Bayley cuts her off with a knee strike and Banks tags in with another running meteora on the apron. Post break, and Logan has Banks grounded. She slams banks to the corner and Liv tags in and takes control, covering for 2. Liv yells a lot and grounds the action. Banks gets a roll up for 2. She fights off Liv and tags in Bayley. Bayley runs wild on Liv and follows with a running knee strike. She takes out Logan and hits corner elbows on Liv. Liv cuts her off and heads to the ropes, Bayley stops her and follows her up Banks tags in, Bayley hits a RANA and Banks hits meteora off the top for 2. Bayley tosses Logan, Bayley tags in and the banks statement/Bayley to belly gets the win. Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan @ 8:55 via pin [**½] This was a solid little tag match with Bayley & Sasha staying on the same page.

– Heyman tries to get Brock to go to the ring once again. Brock wants to know if Heyman got his money and Heyman says yes. Heyman again begs Brock to go to the ring so that he can keep his job. Brock grabs Heyman and says they aren’t friends, and that Heyman works for him. Brock accuses him of leaching off of him and tells him to go and do his job. It looks like they may be setting up the Heyman turn on Brock.

Brock…?: Angle & Corbin arrive. Angle calls out Heyman and here he comes. Heyman is somber as he introduces himself. The crowd sings, “hey hey, goodbye” to Heyman. Heyman says Brock isn’t coming out tonight. Angle yells about real champions showing up and defending their title. Angle calls Brock the worst universal champion of all time. Heyman agrees and says he tried to mold Brock into a respectful champion. He tried to make Brock in Angle’s image, but Brock won’t listen. Angle says Heyman is full of crap. Heyman says to punish Brock and not him. Heyman says he respects Angle and kisses his ass and Angle terminates his contract. Heyman begs for his job and Brock arrives. Heyman is now happy. Brock grabs the mic and asks Angle if he has a problem with him and asks Corbin the same. F5 on Angle & Corbin bails. Heyman laughs and so does Brock. Brock grabs Heyman and tells him to look at Angle and chokes him out. Brock leaves as we don’t even get a cash in tease from Strowman who said he would as soon as Brock showed his face again. Well they got the crowd chanting for Roman there, and they Heyman/Brock split tease continued. The question is will he crowd care at Summerslam or rebel again?

Next Week: Ronda Rousey vs. Alicia Fox, Mojo Rawley vs. Bobby Roode.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
WWE Raw continues to be a complete chore of a show to get through. It’s far from a horrible show, but there’s so much filler or stuff that doesn’t feel like it matters (or just bad booking like the AOP) that you basically have to struggle to find the good in it. There was some ok build to Summerslam, some ok to solid wrestling overall, and the Brock angle is feeling more interesting than it has in some time. I don’t know if it’s going to be enough to save the latest Brock vs. Roman match, we’ll have to wait and see.

article topics :

RAW, Tremendous Tirades, WWE, Larry Csonka