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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 3.27.19 (Ep. 36)

March 27, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
pete dunne and walter NXT UK
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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 3.27.19 (Ep. 36)  

Csonka’s NXT UK Review 3.27.19 (Ep. 36)

– Jordan Devlin defeated Dan Moloney @ 4:30 via pin [**]
– Rhea Ripley defeated Xia Brookside @ 7:25 via pin [***]
– Noam Dar vs. Mark Andrews went to a no contest (injury) @ 12:30 [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Jordan Devlin vs. Dan Moloney: They lock up and work to the ropes. Devlin lays in chops and arm drags, grounding the action. Devlin then follows with more chops, but Moloney now fires back with chops. Devlin cuts him off with a uranage and standing moonsault for 2. He follows with elbow strikes, and then grounds things with the cobra clutch. Moloney fires back with knee strikes, clotheslines and a backdrop. Devlin stuns him of the rope and the slingshot cutter gets 2. Devlin hits a head butt, and Saito suplex for the win. Jordan Devlin defeated Dan Moloney @ 4:30 via pin [**] This was a fine extended squash, with Devlin continuing to impress.

– Kassius Ohno arrives and wants to explain himself. Management told him to apologize for his recent actions. He reads an apology off his phone, offering thoughts and prayers to Ashton Smith & his family. He’s gloriously insincere here and then says it was great to KO him over and over again. He made a statement, and then Travis Banks, pretending to be a UK wrestler. He didn’t come here to face Banks, he’s here for bigger things. He will bust up Banks to bits if he faces him.

– We get a Dave Mastiff video package.

– Jinny challenges Toni Storm in two-weeks.

– We get a Jinny video package.

Rhea Ripley vs. Xia Brookside: Ripley is not impressed with Brookside and tosses her aside. Ripley now works the arm, but Brookside escapes and works a side headlock. Ripley counters out and slams her down. She chokes her out in the ropes, and then slams her to the buckles. The delayed suplex follows for 2. Ripley follows with grounded strikes, but Brookside then cradles her for 2. Ripley hits a dropkick and grounds things. Brookside fights back with dropkicks, and then a bulldog. The head scissors follows, and then the double knees connect. Brookside up top and gets cut off. Ripley follows her up and Brookside slips out and knocks her into the tree of WHOA and follows with a dropkick. Ripley powders, Brookside up top and hits a high cross to the floor. Back in and Brookside hits the MX and that gets 2. Brookside looks for a sunset flip, gets cut off and rip tide finishes it. Rhea Ripley defeated Xia Brookside @ 7:25 via pin [***] This was a good match with a strong underdog vs. bully story being told.

– Ripley cuts a post match promo, running down Xia and warns the rest of the division, noting that she’s the dominant force. Piper Niven arrives and Ripley bails.

– Isla Dawn is asked about Niven’s arrival. Kay Lee Ray interrupts and says she’s not here to make friends.

– We get a WALTER video package.

– Trent Seven is interviewed and sets up a match with Joe Coffey.

– Aichner & Barthel cut a promo on Jordan & Williams, setting up another match.

Noam Dar vs. Mark Andrews: They lock up and work to the ropes. Dar looks to attack the arm, but they work to the ropes and break. They work into some counters, and end in a stalemate. Andrews follows with a head scissors and arm drags, grounding the action. Dar fights to his feet, follows with knee strikes and trips up Andrews on the apron. The dropkick sends Andrews to the floor. Back in and Dar grounds things and covers for 2. Andrews fires back, but Dar crotches him on the ropes. Dar starts attacking the knee, covering for 2. He follows with kicks, but Andrews fights him off and lays in chops. The enziguri connects for Andrews, and then the standing double stomp lands. He follows with a suicide dive and back in hits the standing moonsault for 2. Dar trips him u and locks on the ankle lock, but Andrews rolls out and hits a moonsault to the floor. Back in and Andrews stuns Dar off the ropes. Dar then dropkicks him to the floor, and slams Andrews to the steps. Back in and Andrews lays in strikes, but Dar grabs a heel hook. Andrews fights, and makes the ropes. Andrews follows with kicks, and the Arabian moonsault follows for 2. They trade strikes and Andrews gets the backslide for 2. Stundog millionaire follows for 2. Andrews looks for a reverse RANA, but both men collapse and the ref calls for medical. Dar hurt his knee, while Andrews landed on his head. Both are stretchered out. Noam Dar vs. Mark Andrews went to a no contest (injury) @ 12:30 [***½] This was a very good and fun match with a hot crowd until the unfortunate double injury.

Dunne & WALTER Sign The Takeover Contract: Johnny Saint & Sid Scala arrive to host the festivities, and they bring out Dunne & WALTER. Scala hypes the match, and WALTER signs the contract. He slides it to Dunne, and Dunne says that WALTER doesn’t have to say anything. Dunne says he wants the match, even more than the WWE Universe. At Takeover, WALTER will learn that NXT UK belongs to Dunne. He signs the contract. Dunne goes to leave, but WALTER has something to say. He says he could reach over and put Dunne through the table, but he doesn’t need to prove himself. “Your time is up and the reign of the Bruiserweight will end, that title is mine.” This was a simple and effective segment to hype the upcoming title match.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 6. On today’s show, 411’s Larry Csonka is joined by Steve Cook Jr III. On the show, the guys discuss AJ Styles re-signing with WWE, Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin, the Good Brothers possibly leaving WWE, Jim Ross possibly going to AEW, Impact & OVW working together again and Rob Gronkowkski possibly heading to WWE. The show is approximately 70 minutes long.

* Intro
* AJ Styles Re-Signs With WWE: 2:30
* Kurt Angle is facing Baron Corbin at WrestleMania & people shit all over it: 13:30
* Kurt Angle faces AJ Styles on Smackdown this week: 22:00
* Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson done with WWE?: 31:15
* Jim Ross to All Elite Wrestling?: 38:00
* WWE has announced that they will move its global headquarters to a new location in Stamford, Connecticut: 46:00
* Impact & OVW: 47:45
* Wrestling Tournaments: 50:50
* Rob Gronkowkski Retired: 59:20

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The final score: review Good
The 411
This episode of NXT UK was a good show, setting up matches for the next couple of weeks, giving us some good wrestling and a good closing segment to hype Dunne vs. WALTER.