wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s ROH Honor United 2019: Bolton Review
Csonka’s ROH Honor United 2019: Bolton Review
– Joe Hendry defeated Silas Young @ 2:30 via DQ [NR]
– Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry defeated Rampage Brown & Silas Young @ 8:20 via pin [**¾]
– Mandy Leon defeated Molly Spartan @ 5:10 via pin [*]
– Villain Enterprises defeated Lucky Kid & Kyle Fletcher @ 17:15 via pin [***½]
– The Briscoes defeated Kenny King & Hikuleo, Brat Pack @ 12:30 via pin [***]
– PCO defeated Jay Lethal @ 6:20 via DQ [**]
– Flamita defeated Speedball Mike Bailey @ 13:30 via pin [****]
– TV Title Match: Champion Shane Taylor defeated Tracy Williams, Matt Taven @ 9:55 via pin [**¾]
– ROH Title Match: Champion Rush defeated Jeff Cobb @ 16:00 via pin [***½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Ian & Colt are on commentary.
Joe Hendry vs. Silas Young: Rampage Brown is out with Young and joins commentary. They lock up and work into counters as Hendry plays to the crowd. Hendry gets the ankle lock, but Young makes the ropes. Young attacks with knee strikes, rights and chops. Hendry counters back, hits a shoulder tackle and knee strike for 2. He follows with chops, Young then cuts him off and dumps him with the clothesline. Young follows, eats a kick and Hendry gives out autographs. Brown then attacks for the DQ. Joe Hendry defeated Silas Young @ 2:30 via DQ [NR] Dalton Castle makes the save and we get a tag match.
Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry vs. Rampage Brown & Silas Young: Castle and Brown begin, working to the ropes and then work into counters. Castle shoves him and then takes him down, Brown fires back with strikes, chops, and Castle hits a suplex. He grounds things, but Brown makes the ropes. Hendry tags in and follows with a delayed suplex for 2. brown cuts him off, tags in Young and they lay the boots to Hendry. Young follows with strikes, a back elbow and more strikes. Hendry fires back, Young dumps Castle and Brown tags in as they keep the heat on Hendry and he covers for 2. Brown follows with uppercuts, Young in and hits the slingshot double stomp. Young lays the boots to Hendry, Brown back in and Hendry fires back, brown cuts him off and tags in Young. He grounds Hendry, Hendry fires back and Young slams him down. Hendry cuts him off with a DDT, tags in Castle and he runs wild with strikes and the running knee strikes. The suicide dive follows, and back in, suplexes follow for 2. Castle lays in ground and pound, Young chop blocks him and Brown follows with a spinebuster for 2. It breaks down, miscommunication by the heels ands Castle pins Brown. Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry defeated Rampage Brown & Silas Young @ 8:20 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, Castle & Hendry are fun as a team.
– Brown & Young brawl post match.
Mandy Leon vs. Molly Spartan: Leon attacks, but Spartan hits a shoulder tackle. Leon follows with chops, dumps Spartan and follows with a PK, but Spartan hits an apron bomb. Spartan looks for a suplex and hits it on the floor. Leon posts her and back in, Leon up top and hits a missile dropkick that somehow moved in slow motion. The knee strike follows, hits double knees and follows with chops. Spartan fights back and Leon cuts her off. Slow motion strikes follow, Spartan cuts her off with a straightjacket slam and they trade strikes, and Spartan hits the spear for 2. Spartan misses a leg drop, PK and neck snap by Leon and that gets 2. Spartan fights back, hits a back breaker and covers for 2.Leon posts Spartan and cradles her for the win. Mandy Leon defeated Molly Spartan @ 5:10 via pin [*] Mandy Leon, the world’s greatest under water wrestler, strikes again. I have no idea how one does a missile dropkick in slow motion, but she did it.
Lucky Kid & Kyle Fletcher vs. Marty Scurll & Flip Gordon: Kid and Flip begin locking up and Flip hits a shoulder tackle. He grounds the action. Off the ropes and they work into counters and end in a standoff. Kyle tags in and Marty joins him. They lock up and Kyle counters and starts working the arm. Marty counters out and they work into a standoff. They trade shoulder tackles, Marty rakes the eyes and Kyle fights back with a dropkick. Kid in and double teams follow and the cover gets 2. Kyle back in, more double teams follow and the cover follows for 2. Kyle follows with chops, Marty counters with a dragon screw and tags in Flip. Flip follows with kicks, sling blade to Kid and follows with a blockbuster on Kyle. He and Marty follow with double teams, Kyle battles back, but gets cut off with double enziguris as Flip takes out Kid. Marty follows with chops, he grounds Kyle and Flip tags in. hits the PK and covers for 2. He follows with chops, Marty in with some chops as well and the back elbow follows for 2. Marty starts attacking the arm, Flip in and follows with body shots. The suplex follows for 2. Marty back in and Kyle counters the suplex, and hits one of his own. Kid tags in and Flip joins him. Kid unloads with strikes and chops, runs them together and follows with a snapdragon and cutter for 2. Kyle back in and the double team code breaker follows for 2. Flip dumps Kid, Marty DDTs Kyle and Flip hits the superkick for 2. Kyle tries to battle back, eats a flurry of superkicks and Kid dumps Flip, follows with sliced bread and then a tope. Lyle powerbombs Marty for 2. Marty cuts him off, but Kid cuts him off as Flip follows with superkick as it breaks down, Destroyer by Flip and Marty then kicks Flip in the face by accident. Kid & Kyle rally, run wild on Marty and v cuts of the powerplex, Cheeky nandos by Marty, and the I-95 connects for 2. Suicide dive by Flip, and Kid cradles Marty for 2 Scurll diver get 2 . Flip 5 finally finishes Kid. Villain Enterprises defeated Lucky Kid & Kyle Fletcher @ 17:15 via pin [***½] this was a very good, fun, and energetic tag match.
The Briscoes vs. Kenny King & Hikuleo vs. Brat Pack: King & Mitch begin, locking up and working into counters. King hits a shoulder tackle, and they work into a standoff. Hikuleo tags in and Nick joins him. Nick attacks with strikes, but Hikuleo wipes him out with a big boot. Mark tags in and follows with a suplex and covers for 2. He follows with strikes, Jay joins in and double teams follow. The head butt connects, and then more double teams by the Briscoes. Mitch in, Mark cuts him off and woks him over in the corner. Nick gets in a cheap shot an Mitch follows with the dropkick. Brat pack follow with double teams until Mark cuts them off and King tags in. he runs wild, dumps Jay and Nick cuts him off with superkicks. Mitch tags back in and they work over King in the corner. The Hart attack follows for 2. They continue to double team King, but King rolls and tags in Hikuleo. He hits a flapjack for 2. jay tags himself in and lays into Mitch with strikes. The dropkick follows, Mitch cuts him off and Nick tags back in and delivers rights. Jay fights them both off and tags in Mark. He runs wild, hits a uranage and iconoclasm for 2. It completely breaks down, Hikuleo powerslams Jay and then walks into a missile dropkick. Brat Pack fires up, but Hikuleo dumps them. King follows with a dive, and back in, he and Hikuleo work double teams. Nick takes out King, and the Brat attack follows, The Briscoes mount the comeback, redneck boogie connects and the Jay driller and froggy bow finishes it. The Briscoes defeated Kenny King & Hikuleo, Brat Pack @ 12:30 via pin [***] This was good with a nice energy throughout.
PCO vs. Jay Lethal: Jay uses his speed to avoid PCO at the start. PCO dares Jay to hit him so Jay hits a dropkick and stomps the shit out of him. Jay follows with a missile dropkick, and a suicide dive. PCO wants more and catches the next dive and slams Jay to the barricade an then chokeslams him on the apron. The apron leg drop follows, and back in, covers for 2. The slam and Vader bomb follows, Gresham is out, tosses in a chair allowing Jay to hit a DDT. He lays the boots to PCO, and the elbow drop follows for 2. PCO fights off a suplex, hits a Russian leg sweep and looks for the PCO-sault, but Gresham crotches him for the DQ. PCO defeated Jay Lethal @ 6:20 via DQ [**] This was ok, the DQ made sense as Lethal shouldn’t lose as he just turned heel and PCO is the #1 contender.
– They beat down PO post match and demand a tag title shot. The Briscoes make the save and they all brawl. The Briscoes make the tag title match official at Final Battle.
Flamita vs. Speedball Mike Bailey: They lock up and work to the ropes for the clean break. Lock up again, they work into quick counters as Flamita grounds things. Bailey counters and Flamita cradles him for 2. Bailey picks up the pace and Flamita follows with chops but Bailey follows with kicks. Flamita counters back, trips him up and the back handspring kick and suicide dive follows. He posts Bailey and back in, the half crab follows. Bailey fights and makes the ropes. Flamita follows with leg kicks, maintaining control. The moonsault to the knee follows, and Bailey fires back with chops. Flamita answer back with chops but Bailey fires back until Flamita floors him with kicks and follows with the back handspring elbow and running shooting star press for 2. Bailey dumps him and follows with the springboard moonsault to the floor. Back in and Bailey follows with a flurry of kicks, and the standing corkscrew press for 2. Flamita counters back, hits an enziguri and the lung blower follows for 2. The slingshot DDT follows. Flamita follows with kicks, Bailey follows with speedball kicks and a head kick. Flamita catches him with a jab, but Bailey dumps him and follows with a moonsault to the floor. To the apron and Bailey misses the double kneed moonsault and Flamita sends him to the floor. Back in and he hits the frog splash for 2. Flamita looks for a tiger driver, Bailey counters and Flamita follows with strikes, Bailey counters into a RANA for 2. The kick and double kneed moonsault and head kick follows for 2. Cyclone kick by Bailey and the shooting star double knees connects for 2. Bailey follows with kicks, rolling forearm by Flamita and the C4 follows but Bailey cradles him for 2. They trade kicks, superkick and tiger driver by Flamita follows for 2. The 450 finally finishes it. Flamita defeated Speedball Mike Bailey @ 13:30 via pin [****] This was a great little sprint as expected.
– Taylor proclaims that he’s been the MVP of this tour and issues an open challenge. Tracy Williams arrives to accept. Matt Taven now arrives and he wants a shot as well. Mark Haskins wants in as well.
Champion Shane Taylor vs. Tracy Williams vs. Matt Taven: They brawl at the bell and work into a standoff. They then attack Taylor and work him over with triple teams and dump him. the rest trade cradles for near falls, Haskins & Williams work over Taven and clear him to the floor. Lifeblood now locks up and Williams gets the cradle for 2. Haskins gets the cradle for 2. They end in a standoff and follow with dives. Williams follows with chops on Taylor and Lifeblood works over Taven. Back in and Taylor takes out Haskins, Taven hits an enziguri on Williams and follows with a DDT for 2 as Taylor cuts him off. Taven rebounds with kick of the king and takes Williams up top but Williams hits the DDT to the buckles, Haskins flies in with a double stomp but Taylor stops him. Frog splash by Williams and Haskins hits soldier shoulder roll for 2. Just the tip by Taven follows, spin kick on Taylor and just the tip follows. Lifeblood fights off Taven, they lock on double submissions as Taylor hits KO shots and Taven superkicks him. It breaks down, and everyone is down. Taven fires up hits a suicide dive and then a tope onto Taylor. Haskins follows with a suicide dive. Williams then accidentally takes out Haskins, Taylor hits the apron cannonball onto everyone. Back in and Taylor heads to the ropes and the splash misses. Williams looks for a piledriver and Haskins takes out Taven. Taylor slams Williams into him and hits greeting from 216 for the win. Champion Shane Taylor defeated Tracy Williams, Matt Taven @ 9:55 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, but a bit flat overall and disjointed at times.
– Taven, after hitting on Vickie, offers handshakes to Williams & Haskins post match.
ROH Champion Rush vs. Jeff Cobb: They brawl at the bell, working into passes and they trade shoulder tackles. Rush follows with a corner attack, hits the superman punch and tranquilos. Cobb invites Rush to the floor and they brawl. Cobb follows with a German, and then he tranquilos. Rush is not amused as Cobb follows with chops and strikes. The head butt connects, and back in, Cobb levels him with strikes. Cobb follows with grounded uppercuts for 2. The pump handle suplex follows for 2. Cobb misses a charge dropkick by Rush and to the floor and Rush whips him to the barricades a few times. Back in and Rush follows with kicks, and the powerslam follows for 2. Rush hits head butts, a dropkick and covers for 2. Rush looks for a suplex, but counters into a suplex of his own. Head butts follow, and then chops as Rush spits back at him. Cobb follows with a kick to he face, but Rush counters back with the snap German and knee strike for 2. Rush follows with the hanging arm bar in the ropes, Cobb escapes and fires back as they trade chops and strikes. Rush goes crazy fists they trade superkicks and Rush then hits the destroyer. Cobb follows with a desperation lariat, and both men are down. They trade but Cobb dropkicks Rush to the floor. He follows with the dead lift superplex, and covers for 2. The standing moonsault get 2. Cobb heads to the ropes, Rush cuts him off and follows him up. The superplex follows for 2. Rush follows with strikes, Cobb counters and Rush heads up top, gets cut off and Cobb follows him up and they trade strikes and head butts. Rush gets him in the tree of WHOA, follows with the double stomp and covers for 2. Rush fires up, sets Cobb in the corner, and the bull’s horns is countered by a Cobb spear. THE STRAPS ARE DOWN. Rush counters tour of the islands into a cradle for 2. The superkick, suplex to the buckles, and bull’s horns connect, He hits another and pins Cobb. Champion Rush defeated Jeff Cobb @ 16:00 via pin [***½] This was a really good main event overall, but didn’t hit that high level you’d hope for.
– Rush shakes hands with Cobb post match.
– This was the last title defense before Final battle and so that main event is PCO challenging Rush.
The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 62. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down a great week four of the Wednesday Night Wars between NXT & AEW. The show is approximately 87-minutes long.
* Intro
* AEW Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 5:25
* NXT Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 43:35
* The Comparison/Who Won Week Four: 1:05:45
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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