wrestling / TV Reports
Irene’s Impact Wrestling Review 3.23.21

*On BTI, Sami Callihan declared to Don Callis that he would face the winner of Rich Swann and Kenny Omega’s Title vs. Title match. IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champion, Tasha Steelz pinned Alisha in singles action.
Tonight Kenny Omega and Don Callis return, TJP receives his X-Division Title rematch clause against Ace Austin, and Eddie Edwards meets Karl Anderson in our main event. Plus, the IMPACT Zone has more SCREENS!
They lock up to begin things as Deonna grounds the challenger. Jazz gains the advantage, stunning Deonna with some jabs and hooks. Deonna uses her technical ability to outwork Jazz. Susan distracts Jazz just enough to make things a bit easier for the champ. Deonna finds herself trading blows with the brawler and eats a flurry of strikes. Deonna looks for the Fujiwara armbar but Jazz lands a facebuster. Susan drags Deonna’s leg onto the ropes on a pinfall attempt. Jordynne Grace charges Susan but winds up empty. Jazz pursues her and Deonna rolls her up for a victory.
That felt like nothing really. Certainly a notch below Deonna’s usual title matches.
*The Good Brothers are not welcomed in the locker room, at least by Rosemary and her Decay mates.
*We hit up Swinger’s Palace where Swinger and his casino-goers endorse his establishment.
*Rohit Raju is singing backstage where he stumbles upon Fallah Bahh on the ground, as he has hit a rough patch. Fallah gets up, showing a fiery side and challenging the former X-Division Champion.
This is TJP’s rematch clause after losing to Ace Austin at Sackerfice. They chain wrestle to begin with TJP making things look easy. Ace lands his double springboard kick but TJP pops up. Ace falls outside and TJP follows over the top. Ace finds the apron, where he clocks TJP with a kick. TJP meets Ace up top, but the champ lands a gourdbuster from the top, as we head to a break. Ace is in control as we return, locking a Boston Crab. TJP elaborately reverses an armlock into an abdominal stretch. TJP nails a face wash and looks to fllow up but Ace hits a spinning kick to the face. Ace springboards into a Fame-ACEr for a near fall. TJP dumps Ace on his neck with a suplex and goes back to the abdomninal stretch. Ace reaches for the ropes but TJP leans back. Ace finds the ropes with his foot as TJP goes after Fulton outside. Fulton stalls TJP who gets countered on a Mamba Splash attempt. TJP looks for the Detonation Kick but Ace escapes and plants him with a double stomp. TJP hits the Detonation Kick and Mamba Splash. He covers the champ but Fulton charges the ring and breaks it up. Josh Alexander comes down with a chair, serving as backup to TJP.
These guys are incapable of having anything less than a good match. The finish held it back but man they have such good chemistry. Both have been on fire in the last six months and I’m loving their interactions.
*Sit-down interview with Matt Cardona. Host Gia Miller acknowledges his social media beef with former tag team partner, Brian Myers. Cardona makes it clear that he is not here for Myers, as he wants to make a statement on his own. Cardona gets fired up and challenges Myers to one match, ensuring that they will be finished with each other once and for all.
*Trey Miguel has a tempter tantrum and tosses XXXL’s bags. Tommy Dreamer books an exploding ring deathmatch for Hardcore Justice, claiming people love sparklers. Dreamer claims he’s kidding but wants to talk to Trey about the event. Trey doesn’t care about the show, but wants Acey Romero. Dreamer makes it clear that Trey needs to stop letting people get in his head.
It’s good to see Fallah Bahh back. Fallah uses his power early but Rohit counters with his speed. He has Fallah scouted as he’s able to ground the big man. Bahh starts Bahhing up but gets cracked with a roundhouse kick. Rohit locks in an armbar but Bahh fights back. Fallah lands a twisting powerslam and sets up a corner attack. Rohit counters and hits a double stomp from the top. Rohit nails a flying knee and rolls up Fallah with a handful of tights, for the win.
This was a short match but fun for what it was.
*Don Callis and Kenny Omega are on their way to the ring.
*The AEW Champion and the Invisible Hand join Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone for the AEW paid ad of the week. Kenny Omega prepares for a match with former X-Division Champion, Matt Sydal.
*The Good Brothers are looking for Omega and Callis but their locker room gets no response.
Omega is dripped out, and fired up. Callis looks forward to Omega capturing the IMPACT World Title. Callis commends Rich Swann, but goes back to Omega’s One Winged Angel that pinned him at Hard to Kill. Omega craves more gold as Callis rants about every wrestler, Omega is better than. Callis will do whatever it takes to ensure Omega is recognized. Callis has organized an Academy Award winning vignette dedicated to the One Winged Angel. Omega makes it clear that nobody will take any of his belts. They scream that they will make history.
*Violent by Design video, with Eric Young narrating his resurrection of Rhino. He is baptized in the holy waters of change as the world now belongs to Rhino and Violent by Design.
Trey charges Acey with dropkicks, and a suicide dive. Acey quickly gains an advantage using his power as hit a commercial break. Acey crushes Trey with a splash to the back as he fights on. Trey lands a neckbreaker from the top and a flurry of quick kicks to break him down. Trey hits the ropes for a springboard but gets caught with a pounce. Trey hits the cutter from the first rope and lands a meteora for the victory. XXXL attacks Trey but Sami Callihan appears, saving Trey and teleporting away.
This was a fun little sprint, something both men are better suited for. Callihan teaming with Trey is a twist that I didn’t really see coming.
*Rich Swann is interviewed backstage where he responds to Callis and Omega’s presentation earlier. Swann suggests that he has been preparing for the One Winged Angel, and sees victory ahead.
*James Storm is asked backstage how he plans on celebrating his one-thousandth match in IMPACT Wrestling. Storm challenges Eric Young to be the man that faces him. Next week in the main event, James Storm and Eric Young will main event IMPACT.
*Also next week Fulton and Ace face Alexander and TJP, and Kenny Omega and Don Callis return.
This is a first time ever match-up here. Eddie lands a belly-to-belly suplex and suicide dive as our last commercial hits. Eddie heads to the top where Gallows interferes. Ref Brian Hebner forces Gallows to take a seat and watch. Anderson slows the action down roughing Eddie up with elbows and boots to the face. Edwards tries to fight back but is feeling the effects. Eddie bounces out of the corner delivering chops. Eddie hits his trademark backpack stunner but Anderson kicks out. Eddie hits a running forearm and a Blue Thunder Bomb, but the former IMPACT Tag Team Champ kicks out. Anderson pops Eddie with a forearm, causing a strike exchange to break out. Anderson hits a European Uppercut followed by a Rocket Kick for a near fall. Eddie rolls Anderson up but he’s kicked off into Gallows with a chair on the outside. FinJuice delivers a promo from Japan, not really saying anything.
This was a good TV match with both guys hitting some nice stuff. The post-match segment was useless and certainly wasn’t worthy of closing the show.