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Join 411’s Live Impact Wrestling Coverage

February 10, 2022 | Posted by Andrew Cazer
Impact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

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We’re back for another episode of Impact Wrestling on AXS TV! We are a little over a week from No Surrender. Last week we saw a new Impact Wrestling Digital Media champion crowned when Matt Cardona beat Jordynne Grace. We also saw a bunch of storyline progression between the Bullet Club and The Good Brothers as well as Honor no More and the Impact Roster. Moose and W. Morrisey had a hell of a brawl in a hotel room. It was a solid episode of Impact. This week the excitement continues as we’ve got Chelsea Green vs. Mickie James, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Swann & Rhino, a Deonna Purrazzo open challenge and much more.

– Josh Alexander opens the show and asks for a mic. It’s nice to see how over Alexander has been despite losing his championship so quickly, he’s consistently popular everywhere they go. Josh puts over Impact Wrestling and says he’ll be damned if Impact goes to war with Honor No More without him. Josh reminds us that despite his involvement in that match there will still be a championship match at No Surrender. He says that Scott D’Amore is always referencing his behavior but he’s composed enough to fight for Impact but can’t get a championship match. He says he’s proud to fight with Impact but maybe there’s another reason Scott won’t give him a championship match. Josh says whoever leaves No Surrender as champion he will be the guy waiting for them on the other side. I sure hope so Josh. Josh begins to say he’s going to invoke his rematch clause but he’s interrupted by Big Kon. Formerly Konnor (the rat guy from NXT) he’s BIG now.

Big Kon stares face to face with Josh and Josh says he knows why he’s here. He says he’s not waiting he’ll do this right here right now. Josh calls for a ref and one finally hits the ring and we’re getting a match according to Tom Hannifan.

Big Kon vs. Josh Alexander

Big Kon stomps away at Josh early and sends him into the corner but Josh dodges a splash. Big Kon gets caught in an ankle lock. Big Kon tries to fight out but Josh Alexander fights through and gets the submission victory in :36.
Rating: N/A
Review: I’m glad Josh got a quick victory over a big dude. If Big Kon is expected to be around much longer then this may have been a bit much. He’s a big dude and had nothing for josh.
Post match: Josh continues with the ankle lock until Impact security hits the ring. Josh is pissed and starts attacking security. Scott D’Amore tries to calm Josh but Josh shoves him to the ground. Scott sells it and the crowd chants you deserve it.

– Scott grabs a mic and says he didn’t come out here to discuss Josh’s issues or the championship he came here to discuss their history. Scott runs down how Josh got into Impact and how he’s overcame obstacle after obstacle. Scott brings up Josh’s wife and their marriage he mentions his happiness for both of them. Scott says he’s been there for every big event in his life. That could be a bit much but I get it. Scott says this is dejavu and talks about how Josh signed a three year contract with Impact. He talks about how they made it all happen in Impact together but what more could Josh want. Josh says he wants his old coach back he wants Scott to have his back. He says he’s worked too hard and too long to be the shortest reigning champion in Impact history. Josh says every time he closes his eyes all he can see is his wife and kid crying after Scott took the championship from him. Josh says he will be a world champion and the face of Impact. He promises to take Impact to heights the company has never seen before. He will win the championship to prove that every sacrifice was worth it. Josh says he just wants to see the look on his sons face when he brings the championship back home to him. Scott says that it will happen but it’s a process. Josh snaps and says he will make this clear as a friend to a friend he is done with the process if he doesn’t get his championship rematch he will become the hottest free agent in pro wrestling again. Scott says he’s out of line and leaving him no choice. Scott takes him out of the multiperson match at No Surrender. Not only that but he’s sending Josh home. Welp that should make Josh want to stay huh. I get what they’re going for here but I really would just rather Josh get the championship match rather than continue going through hoops it’s been long enough i’d say.

– Scott D’Amore is backstage and Steve Maclin interrupts him he asks to be put on team Impact. Scott says Maclin hasn’t made a lot of friends around here so he’s going to let Team Impact choose Josh’s replacement. Hard to imagine those guys are going to be too happy about this.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Santana Garrett

Santana Garrett comes out and the crowd seems pretty unimpressed to say the least. Garrett has accepted an open challenge for either title and she selects the ROH Womens World Title. Deonna disrespects Santana kicking the dust in her face so to speak and going for a roll up but Santana reverses into one of her own they exchange roll ups but neither can score the victory. Santana offers a handshake to Deonna and she gets her hand kicked away instead. Santana with an armdrag off the top rope and charges Deonna in the corner. Deonna sends Santana to the apron but takes a shot for her efforts. Deonna catches Santana’s boot and pulls her down into a split on the apron. Deonna with a dropkick to Santana that sends her to the outside of the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from break and Deonna stomps away at Santana on the apron. Deonna lifts her up and hits her with a big boot. Deonna covers for a two count before attacking the arm of Santana. Deonna rips away at the fingers of Santana before going back at the shoulder of Santana. Santana rolls through with an armdrag and then hits Deonna with a back elbow. Deonna goes for a clothesline in the corner but Santana ducks it and hits Deonna with a clothesline of her own. Santana catches Deonna with a back elbow in the corner and covers Deonna but only gets a two count. Santana floats over into a modified crossface in the center of the ring. Deonna crawls to the ropes and forces a break. Santana charges Deonna in the corner but eats an elbow. Deonna to the top but is pulled down by Santana. Deonna with a pump kick and locks in a koji clutch on Santana. Santana rolls through into a cover for a two count. Deonna with a kick to the mid section and goes for the piledriver but Santana fights out. Santana with a left hand that drops Deonna and she heads to the top ropes. Santana dives off right into a Deonna Purrazzo fujiwara armbar. Santana tries to fight free but Deonna wrenches back. Deonna with an odd roll up and the ref seemingly messed up the count. Deonna gets the victory in 9:39.
Rating: **1/2
Review: They had a really solid match going there that started to get the crowd interested. They looked to be going to the finish but im pretty sure Santana had either kicked out or Deonna was the one technically being pinned and Deonna was trying to roll through into a new pin but the ref just kept counting and called it. It wasn’t massive but still an unfortunate finish to a really good match. 

– Back from break and Team Impact is complaining to Scott, D’Amore is tired of it and says Josh is out and they can pick a partner or he will pick for them. Sabin says if it can’t be Josh then it should be Gresham because Honor No More is just as big of a problem for him as them. Scott says that should work but asks if they talked to Gresham yet. They say they haven’t but they will after they face Bennett and Taven. Scott tells them to talk to Gresham then talk to him.

Chelsea Green vs. Mickie James

Back to back womens matches and this one should be just as good if they get the time. Mickie and Chelsea throw a little shade to Tasha Steelz on commentary. Chelsea with a roll up but Mickie kicks out immediately. Chelsea with a wristlock but Mickie with a cartwheel through into a cover for two. Mickie with a wristlock of her own, Chelsea rolls through but Mickie holds on. Chelsea with a roll up for a two count and Mickie gives her a nod of respect. Chelsea with a headlock but Mickie rolls through into a roll up for one. Chelsea holds onto the headlock until Mickie hits her with an elbow and sends her to the ropes. Mickie slides out of the ring. Tasha mentions Mickie’s son and the distraction is enough for Chelsea to hit a baseball slide. Chelsea sends Mickie into the ring and talks trash to Tasha so Mickie drops her with a shot of her own. Chelsea runs right into Mickie who drops her face first into the canvas before kipping up. Mickie to the top and looks for a double stomp maybe but Chelsea dodges it. Chelsea goes for the Im-Prettier but Mickie fights out. Chelsea with a cutter to Mickie and Tasha Steelz is pissed off because thats her move. Tasha throws a full garbage can into the ring and misses Chelsea but imagine if it hit. Chelsea on the apron and Savannah pulls her leg from under her and drops her on the apron. This causes a disqualification in 4:00.
Rating: **
Review: This match was going pretty well until the finish and while I don’t love finishes like this it was actually really well done. I can see where they’re going and I enjoy it. 

– Bhupinder Gujar is backstage with Gia, he talks about how proud he is to get the opportunity in Impact wrestling. Raj Singh shows up and tries to talk to Bhupinder but he walks off before he can say much.

– Kaleb is backstage looking at his new phone and the Iinspiration ask if he likes it. He says he liked it but has a few issues with it. The Iinspiration asks if he likes the camera function, he does but he won’t take a picture of them. Finally they convince him to take a few snaps because the lighting is so good. Madison walks up and asks what he’s doing. Kaleb says they were trying to seduce him and he was just taking photo evidence. They ask to see but he refuses, they walk off and tell Kaleb to text them the pictures later. Madison reminds Kaleb she doesn’t work for the Iinspiration he works for the Influence. Madison walks off and tells him to delete those images.

– Jay White comes to the ring with the Bullet Club. AEW’s newest signing is in the Impact Zone a day after making his debut. I imagine he’ll get to finish stuff off here but still interesting. The crowd loves the Bullet Club as they should. Jay White gets the mic and says Switchblade is back on impact (not for long eh Jay). He says he didn’t come alone he brought some friends with him. Tanga Loa grabs the mic and introduces the Impact crowd to the future Impact World Tag Team Champions the Guerrillas of Destiny. He knows the crowd is asking what he means by future Impact World Tag Team Champions. He says that in just a few days GoD will go to Louisiana and beat the crap out of the Good Brothers for the Impact Tag Titles. Jay White says speaking of the Good Brothers he knew they were big Bullet Club fans but who know VBD were such big fans of The Bullet Club. Jay is interrupted by Eric Young who says Jay is looking at what a real family looks like. Eric says VBD aren’t wannabes clinging to something that was cool ten years ago that they didn’t create. Eric says he lives in the right now. He tells Jay to look in his face, the ring and everything here doesn’t belong to Jay because it belongs to them. Jay asks if Eric runs things in Impact. Eric says yes but Jay reminds him that Bullet Club has ran things for the better part of a decade. Jay says he gets it they inspired him, he wants to create his own version of Bullet Club in Impact with VBD. Jay says the problem with that is VBD isn’t Bullet Club because Eric Young is not Jay White. Jay says Eric is not King Switch, not the real belt collector and not the leader of Bullet Club because Jay is. Jay says that Eric will get to go one on one with the switchblade feel what it’s like to breathe at No Surrender. Eric says he’s glad Jay brought up No Surrender because it’s 9 days away. Eric says 9 days is too far so they should have a six man tag in seven days. Jay says he agrees but lets not wait seven days let’s do it right here and right now.

The Good Brothers come out and Karl has a mic. He tells the crowd to soak it in because the Good Brothers have arrived. He says wherever they go it’s like rockstars entering a building. Karl said he had to come out here because the Bullet Club is here and he can get the thank you he deserves. Doc asks how hard it is for them to thank them for the cars and houses they got courtesy of the Good Brothers. Doc says he gets a thank you every year from Haku because he gets it. Karl says “Your Welcome” they just need to say thank you. Tama Tonga thanks the good sisters for leaving the New Japan and trying to make a fake version of the Bullet Club. Tama says noone remembers their attempts to recreate the Bullet Club. Karl says they’ve been champion three times but the Good Brothers have been champions seven times across multiple promotions. Karl says they’ve been everywhere but Tama says they’ve been everywhere because they got fired from everywhere. Tama says theres one place they havent been fired from, he says they don’t leave Bullet Club but at No Surrender they will officially fire their asses. This was a real long back and forth segment but both groups have really good talkers so it wasn’t bad by any means just long.

– Backstage and Jonathan Gresham is laid out. I can’t imagine who would want to do this.

– Cardona is backstage and Gia approaches him to ask about what last week was all about. Cardona says at Hard to Kill he earned his shot at the Impact World title but he lost. He says he was screwed in Dallas and Impact didn’t give him a rematch or an apology. He says in 2022 he has to do things differently and then he saw the Digital Media World Championship because he made the internet relevant. Cardona says if it wasn’t for him there wouldn’t be wrestlers vlogging or making money online playing games. He says he needed the title and thats why he had to beat Jordynne Grace. He says Jordynne was his toughest opponent ever but he asks Jordynne to please be ready at No Surrender because he is always ready.

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett vs. Rhino & Rich Swann

Maria Kanellis Bennett joins commentary and says she’s proud of all the additions to Honor No More. Taven and Swann kick this off and Taven drops Swann with a shoulder block. Taven slides under Swann and hits him with a dropkick. Taven with a chop to Swann that sends him into the ropes. Swann leaps over Taven, Taven returns the favor but runs into a dropkick from Swann. Swann with a kick to Bennett in the corner. Swann goes for a dive but Vincent gets on the apron and distracts for a moment. Team Impact and Honor No More start to argue but the referee tosses all of Honor No More from ringside. Swann on the outside and Taven hits him with a dropkick through the ropes before tossing Swann into the ring. Taven with a cover and gets a two count. Taven tags in Bennett as we go to commercial.

Back from break and Taven tags back in dropping Swann with a powerbomb and covers for two. We see Cary Silkin at ringside once again. Bennett tags in and drops Swann, Taven with a penalty kick and Bennett covers for a two count. Hannifan asks Maria about Gresham but she says they don’t know anything and that’s the truth. Bennett with a brainbuster and covers Swann for two. Taven tags in and sends Swann into the corner but Swann sends him in instead. Swann goes for a powerbomb but Taven rolls him through. Swann with a backbody drop to Bennett. Taven catches Swann’s foot but Swann with a kick sends Bennett into the ropes. Taven focuses on Swann and Swann hits him with a kick to the back of the head giving him just enough time to tag Rhino. Rhino catches Taven with a spear in the corner. Bennett chases at Rhino but he sidesteps and sends him into Bennett as well. Rhino calls for the gore but Maria leaves commentary and tosses dust into his face. Taven hits the climax and covers Rhino for the victory in 9:10
Rating: **1/4
Review: This wasn’t bad but really nothing too special especially given the time they got. I like Bennett and Taven a lot, Swann is cool too but it felt like an extended squash with Swann and Rhino not getting much. 
Post match: Taven and Bennett continue their assault on Rich Swann as Cary Silkin looks on in disgust. Honor No More get in the face of Cary Silkin but Steve Maclin hits the ring and attacks Honor No More. Bennett tries to escape but runs right into a Gore. Cary Silkin shows some respect to Maclin before walking to the back.

– Cary is backstage and talks to Ian Riccaboni and Ian says he just doesn’t get it. Maclin walks to the back and Ian says thanks. Maclin says that wasn’t for them those guys had it coming. Team Impact walks up and Maclin says they need him on their team. Edwards says when he looks at Maclin he doesn’t see Impact in Maclin. Ian says for what it’s worth they can trust Maclin he’s the guy they can go to No Surrender with. Maclin says they don’t have to see eye to eye to stand shoulder to shoulder. Sabin says they’re in no position to turn away a new member and welcomes Maclin to team Impact. They reluctantly agree allowing him into the group for that match.

– Recap from BTI and we see Gisele Shaw making he debut upstaging Lady Frost. Gisele is backstage with Gia and Gisele shushes her and asks her to move because her bad side is really offending her. Gia says after weeks of anticipation we saw her make her debut but she stole the spotlight from Lady Frost. Gisele says if Lady Frost has a problem with it she can take it up with her next week. She will find out that the spotlight with forever belong to Gisele Shaw. Gisele puts her hand up in Gia’s face and walks off.

Brian Myers vs. W. Morrisey

This is a no DQ match and the learning tree are here to back up Myers in this big time match for their mentor. Morrisey drops VSK on the ramp before he can even get to the ring. Morrisey catches Zicky Dice with a scoop slam outside and then lays into Myers with strikes before jumping into the ring. Morrisey tosses Myers around the ring but VSK catches Morrisey with a pump kick. Myers with the roster cut and goes to cover but VSK stops him. Hannifan says Myers had Morrisey, weird story to try and tell here. They set up a table and Morrisey drops Zicky off the apron through the table. They pull Morrisey to the other side and try to drop him through the opposing table. They set Morrisey on the table and it collapses underneath Morrisey. They set the table up again this time on the side of the ring. Myers gets Morrisey set up on the table but Morrisey drops Myers on the apron. Morrisey catches VSK on the top rope and chokeslams him through the table sending us to commercial.

Back from break and Morrisey with a kick to the gut of Myers. Morrisey with a shot to the head of Myers with a metal sign. Myers tries to crawl under the ring and Morrisey gets caught up tossed into the apron. Myers with a kendo stick shot to Morrisey and then a backdrop on the ramp. Myers lifts Morrisey up and tosses him into the ring. Myers covers but Morrisey kicks out right away. Myers has the kendo stick again and lays into Morrisey. Myers uses the kendo stick to choke Morrisey and drops him with a side russian leg sweep. Myers goes to swing the kendo stick at Morrisey but he catches him by the throat. Myers escapes to the outside. Morrisey grabs Myers by the hair but eats a shot from a trash can. Myers duct tapes Morrisey to the middle rope. Morrisey is trapped and Myers grabs the kendo stick. Myers toys with Morrisey dodging his strikes and hitting him in the ribs with the kendo stick. Myers checks under the ring and pulls out two garbage cans. Myers hits Morrisey with the kendo stick again before turning to the garbage can. Myers gets on his stomach and talks trash to Morrisey. Myers back to the garbage can and lays into Morrisey with it. Myers sets the other garbage can in front of Morrisey before climbing to the top. Myers hits a coast to coast sending the trash can into the side of Morrisey. Morrisey sells it like death even though it did not hit his head. Myers takes Morrisey off the ropes and covers Morrisey. Myers only gets a two count and now he looks like a fool for letting Morrisey out. Myers calling for a spear but he runs into a lariat instead. Morrisey with a slap to the face of Myers before running him into the corner. Morrisey with a big splash in the corner and then a big boot that drops Myers. Morrisey grabs the kendo stick and hits Myers once before breaking the stick over his knee. Morrisey lifts Myers up and puts him down with a powerbomb. The crowd chants one more time and we might get a powerbomb symphony huh. Morrisey has an idea and grabs a bag from under the ring. Morrisey dumps a bunch of tacks from the bag before lifting Myers up. Morrisey lifts Meyers up and puts him down with a powerbomb in the tacks. Morrisey rolls him through and hits another into the tacks. OUCH. Morrisey covers and gets the victory in 14:05.
Rating: **1/2
Review: This was a decent back and forth but Morrisey shouldn’t be splitting time like this with Myers. He should’ve been killing him the entire time instead we have Hannifan implying Myers really could’ve won multiple times in this match. I just think the world champion contender should look stronger a week and a half before the title match. Even if it took weapons Myers still shouldn’t have gotten that much. Otherwise it was a good match and i’ll admit the finish made up for my gripes. 
Post match: Moose hits the ring and attacks Morrisey from behind to close out the show. Moose sets the chair around Morriseys neck and posts him up on the ring post. Moose smashes another chair into the chair around Morrisey’s neck four different times. Moose has just killed Morrisey and still gets a nice little Moose chant. Fair to say Morrisey isn’t over as a babyface everywhere yet. Moose walks off to close the show.



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Impact Wrestling, Andrew Cazer