wrestling / TV Reports
Cazer’s Impact Wrestling No Surrender Review 2.19.22

We’re back for another Live Impact Wrestling special event on Impact Plus. After a number of weeks of interesting build we’re back for another live show which always means something fun could go down. For months W. Morrisey has been challenging for the Impact World Championship and tonight he looks to finally put Moose away for good. Tasha Steelz will also be chasing championship glory as she challenges Knockouts Champion Mickie James. We’ll see G.O.D challenge for the Impact Tag Team Championship and a digital media championship match as well. Alongside these championship matches we’ll see the all important Honor No More vs. Team Impact match as well as a number of other interesting contests
Pre-show (tuning in a bit late so I missed the Trey Miguel preshow match):
Jessica Havok def. Tenille after Kaleb received a phone call from the Iinspiration in the middle of the match distracting Tenille giving Havok a chance to secure the victory.
#1 Contenders Match for the X-Division Championship
Chris Bey vs. Ace Austin vs. Jake Something vs. Mike Bailey
I love Impact’s multiman x-division matches, they’re always exciting and I anticipate the usual with these wrestlers involved. Fans big behind Bey, we get a handshake between Bailey and Austin and they get taken off guard by Bey and Jake sending them both outside. Bey with a quick roll up on Something but he fights out and sends Bey outside with a clothesline. Something teases a dive to the outside but Bailey cuts him off with his combination kicks. Bey and Austin try to get involved but both get dumped outside with a double dropkick. Bailey teases a dive but he’s caught off guard by Jake, Jake with a suplex that sends Bailey to the outside onto Bey and Ace. Jake dives out onto all three opponents and mad man Fulton. Something tosses Bey back into the ring and sets up for a splash in the corner. Ace inside the ring and Jake tries another splash but Ace dodges and hits him with a spin kick and a cover for two. Ace lays into Jake with a series of Knees and strikes, Jake asks for more before getting dropped by a kick from Ace. Ace covers and again Jake kicks out at two. Ace goes to toss Jake into the ropes but he holds strong and sends Ace into the ropes, Bey gets involved and we get a brawl between him and his opponents. Bailey on the apron and Bey launches off Jake’s back with a dropkick on Bailey dropping onto Jake’s back on the way down. Bey with a dive onto Bailey on the outside. Ace with a dropkick on Jake in the ropes, Bey goes for a shot but Ace dodges and hits Bey with a kick to the face as he’s cheesing for the cameras. Bailey with a moonsault to the outside on all three opponents before tossing Ace into the ring, the crowd is way into this opener and so am I. Bailey sets up for ultima weapon on Ace but Jake grabs him for a powerbomb, Bey with a dropkick sends Bailey off Jakes shoulders. Bey with a poisonrana for two and Jake kicks out at two. Bey with a frogsplash on Ace with the cover for two but Bailey breaks it up with a running shooting star press. Jake catches Bailey in the corner with a spear before sending him into the ropes, Ace catches Bailey for the save and we get a double superkick to Jake. Bailey bows to Mike and another handshake. Bey breaks it up with art of finesse on Bailey but Ace breaks it up at two. Bey catches Ace on the apron but Ace with a clothesline sends Bey to the outside. Ace goes for the fold on Jake something but Jake catches him with into the void and Jake Something gets the victory!
Rating: ***1/2
Review: This was a freakin awesome opener with a winner that came out of nowhere. Jake Something’s contract was reportedly up weeks ago so it appears he may have resigned recently. Either way this is a huge win for Jake and now he can challenge Trey. That’ll be a fresh match up and again the match was very exciting all men delivered and that’s a great way to start the show!
– Eric Young cuts a promo on his match with Jay White, Eric says he’s not political, not a kiss ass, or an MMA guy who stumbled upon pro wrestling. He’s not a mark or a skinny asshole who got over on the indy’s he’s a professional wrestler. Eric says for those that know the truth, know he’s the best all around performer this business has ever seen. He says when it’s all said and done he will be considered the best this business has ever seen. In the end Jay has his word and his reputation. He says when you love something you’re willing to die for it. He asks what Jay’s willing to do and that’s that. Solid promo work from Eric Young, I liked this and really prefer Eric as a solo act than a cult leader but VBD has it’s ups.
JONAH vs. Black Taurus
This should be a bit slower than the last match but it’s gonna be a HOSS fight. Two BIG DUDES beating each other up. Doesn’t get much better than that. JONAH backs Taurus up in the corner and they exchange shoves before locking up again. JONAH with a wristlock and TAURUS bounces off the ropes and lays into JONAH with some nice chops. Taurus off the ropes and runs into the brick wall that is JONAH. Off the ropes and again JONAH is unfazed. Taurus rushes into a shove from Jonah that drops the big man in mid air. Taurus on the ropes and JONAH sends him to the outside with a clothesline. Jonah follows and picks Taurus up but Taurus fights out and sends JONAH face first into the ring post. Taurus with a dive to the outside and takes out JONAH. Taurus goes to send JONAH into the ring but JONAH reverses sending Taurus in waiting outside to catch his breath but instead is caught from another Black Taurus dive. Both men inside and Taurus attempts to send JONAH into the ropes but JONAH reverses lifting TAURUS above his head and tossing him right into the top turnbuckle. JONAH lifts him up and again tosses him this time into the center of the ring. JONAH headbutts Taurus a number of times before dropping down on him with a waistlock. Taurus fights out with a jawbreaker and bounces off the ropes but runs right into a back elbow from JONAH. JONAH sends Taurus into the corner but runs into a big boot from Taurus. Taurus with a dropkick and reverse slingblade. Taurus with a crucifix bomb and cover but JONAH tosses Taurus off of the cover at two. Taurus with a running uppercut and kick in the corner but JONAH with a splash of his own on Taurus in the corner. Taurus catches JONAH with a headbutt but JONAH runs gut first into Taurus dropping him. Taurus sends JONAH face first into the middle turnbuckle before heading to the top rope. Taurus with a twisting senton and covers JONAH for a two count. JONAH blocks Powerbull but eats a headbutt and is set onto the top turnbuckle. JONAH has Taurus on his shoulders on the top ropes. JONAH dumps him into the ring and catches him with a thesz press off the middle rope. JONAH lifts Taurus up for a powerbomb and covers but Taurus with the kickout at two. JONAH with a lariat and climbs to the top rope. JONAH hits tsunami and covers Taurus for the victory in 8:07.
Rating: **3/4
Review: This was a solid hoss battle, it wasn’t anything over the top or ground breaking but serviceable and a good change of pace from the fast paced opener. I like Taurus but JONAH was the right guy to win here.
– Gia is backstage with Jake Something and asks him about his victory tonight, Trey gives him credit for his victory but asks if he can beat him. Ace Austin gets in Trey’s face and this sets up a tag match for Impact on Thursday between Trey & Jake vs. Ace and Fulton. Not the most amazing segment but i’m interested in the matches that we’re building to here.
Jay White vs. Eric Young
Eric’s promo earlier in the show has me interested in this match for sure, leading up it’s been ok. Eric has a badass demon mask and VBD goes to the back as Young looks to do this alone. Jay White is having quite the week being featured on a number of programs over the course of seven days. He’s someone i’m sure not all American audiences are fully acquainted with so a week like this can be big to help introduce him to new fans. He already feels like a star in Impact as he’s gotten one of the best reactions tonight. Lock up to start and Eric sends Jay into the corner but Jay counters with a shoulder tackle. Eric to his feet with a headlock sent into the ropes and a shoulder tackle of his own. Jay with a shot to the midsection and chops Eric into the corner. Jay sends Eric into the opposing corner but runs into the turnbuckle looking for a forearm. Eric with some strikes of his own and goes for a suplex, Jay tries to counter, they exchange body shots and Eric back Jay up into the corner. Jay sends Eric into the corner and Eric walks out into a back body drop. Jay sends Eric to the outside and tackles Eric into the ring apron. Jay with a chop and takes a moment to admire his work thus far. Jay sends Eric into the ring and nails him with a huge chop. Eric sends Jay into the middle turnbuckle shoulder first and attacks the shoulder of Jay. Eric lifts Jay up and chokes him with a neckbreaker from the middle rope. Jay charges Eric and drops him with a DDT. Jay with a running uppercut in the corner and a twisting suplex, Jay covers for a two count. Jay tries to set up blade runner but Eric fights it off. Jay chops Eric into the corner and stomps away at him in the corner. Jay chokes Eric as the referee counts forcing the break. Eric young with a ddt of his own and drops Jay with a discus clothesline. Eric lifts Jay up for a high arching death valley driver. Eric looking for the piledriver but Jay fights out. Eric and Jay show a sign of respect and exchange strikes. Back and forth until Eric to the top rope but Jay drops him groin first on the top rope. Jay tries to climb to the top but Eric bites away at Jay’s face. Eric sends Jay to the mat and hits an elbow drop. Eric covers for the nearfall! They got me there. Eric goes for the piledriver again but Jay with the backbody drop. Eric off the ropes and runs into a urinage from Jay. Jay covers but Eric kicks out at two. Jay with a saito suplex to Eric and meets him on the apron. Jay pulls Eric face first into the apron and rolls inside to break the count. Jay lifts Eric up for a german suplex but Eric fights out and goes for a DVD but Jay fights out, back and forth, Eric gets control piledriver on the apron! Eric to his feet and sends Jay into the ring just at the count of nine. Eric with the cover but Jay just barely kicks out. Eric goes for a piledrive again but Jay fights out and rolls up Jay for two. Eric with the roll up and uses the ropes but Jay just barely kicks out. Eric argues with the ref and walks into a blade runner attempt, Eric reverses and goes for piledriver Jay reverses into a half and half suplex and lifts Eric up for the blade runner. Jay hits it and covers for the victory in 12:13.
Rating: **3/4
Review: This was a good singles match but it got a bit redundant down the stretch with the reversals and roll ups. I love Jay White but I hate the blade runner it just never seems to hit ‘out of nowhere’ as intended. It was a solid match but not anything blow away as you know these two could be capable of if that was the story/situation.
– Mike Bailey is backstage and Ace Austin asks him to be his partner this Thursday. Mike says he’s not here to be a tag team wrestler but Fulton says sometimes it helps to have the right people behind you. Ace talks Mike into being his partner for the match this Thursday.
ROH Women’s World Title
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Miranda Alize
Deonna is doing another open challenge for either one of her two championships, who will be the woman to answer the call tonight. Miranda Alize comes out and the crowd is unfamiliar with her as am I, she has a background in ROH so it looks like she’s going to challenge for that title. Lockup early and Alize with a wristlock and they chain wrestle before Alize goes for a rollup but Purrazzo kicks out immediately. Test of strength and Deonna locks in a bodylock but Alize gets a cover. Miranda looking for a crossface submission early but Deonna fights out. Deonna with a wristlock Miranda rolls out with a dropkick to the knee of Deonna. Miranda with a twisting armdrag and a huricanrana sending her to the outside. Miranda with a rough looking dive through the bottom ropes but it connects smooth enough. Alize sends Purrazzo into the ring and covers for a two count. Deonna to her feet and sends Alize into the ropes, Alize runs face first into a pump kick from Deonna. Deonna lifts Alize up and elbows her in the back of the neck. Deonna with a clothesline and covers Alize for a two count. Deonna with a surfboard variation but Alize fights out only to get kicked right in her forearm. Deonna with knees to the spine of Alize. Alize with a rollup but Deonna kicks out at two. Alize goes for a headscissors takedown but it’s a bit sloppy into a roll up for two. Deonna with a kick that drops Alize. She lifts Miranda up and chops her into the corner before tossing her in the other corner. Deonna sends Alize to the apron but she fights out with a spiked huricanrana off the bottom rope, again not the cleanest but not awful. Both women making their way to their feet and exchange forearms as they get up. Alize takes control laying into Deonna with right hands. Alize off the ropes and Alize runs into an elbow, Purrazzo off the ropes and she runs into an elbow this time. Alize with a lucha roll and runs into Deonna with a forearm of the corner. Alize with a knee to the face of Deonna in the corner and she narrowly kicks out at two. Purrazzo with a variation of a suplex and covers for a two count. Purrazzo looking for a piledriver but Alize fights out and hits a ripcord knee. Alize with a sitout rana into her crossface submission again not the cleanest. Alize looks for the shining wizard but Deonna dodges it and locks in the armbar for the victory in 7:30. Deonna held onto the submission for a few moments after the match as well.
Rating: **
Review: This was not a bad match but it was not very good either. Alize had some cool spots but they weren’t as clean as you’d like to see on a PPV/Live event like this. I think she’s got some unique stuff and she keep with it but tonight was not as clean as you’d like to see. Deonna is great but she was on the defense for a majority of this match. Alize is someone i’d like to see more in the future but this was an interesting open challenge, if it’s not a big surprise why not save this for an episode of Impact?
– Chapel Heart are backstage with Gia and Mickie James joins them to discuss her match tonight. Chelsea joins Mickie and offers her support for her upcoming match. They all are excited together but are abruptly interrupted by the digital media championship highlight package due to technical issues.
Digital Media Championship
Jordynne Grace vs. Matt Cardona (c)
Cardona is the Digital Media WORLD Champion and is ready to play the badguy in Impact which is awesome, and the crowd is reacting to Cardona perfectly. The lights remain out momentarily during Cardona’s entrance but Tom Hannifan lets us know it’s just technical difficulties not your t.v. Classic Impact. Cardona offers a handshake early but Jordynne lays into him early with a series of strikes. Cardona goes for a suplex but Jordynne reverses into a roll up for two. Jordynne sends Cardona into the ropes but he reverses and runs into an uppercut from Jordynne. Grace with a sleeperhold but Cardona tries to back her into the corner. Jordynne wont let go, finally she does and hits Cardona with a reverse backhand into a suplex and covers for two. Cardona rolls to the outside to reset making his way up the entrance ramp but Jordynne stops him. Grace charges Cardona in the corner but he puts the referee in the way forcing Jordynne to stop. Cardona grabs Jordynne by her hair and slams her into the middle turnbuckle with the back of her head hitting first. Cardona tosses Jordynne into the corner again this time face first and goes for it a third time but Jordynne fights out sending him into the corner. Cardona back in control quickly with a suplex into the corner. Cardona lifts Jordynne up but Jordynne fights out, Cardona gets in her face and says he’s the champion. Cardona runs into a big boot from Jordynne she goes for a roll up but Cardona holds on, Jordynne finally gets the roll up for two and is sent into the ropes, Jordynne with a running knee to Cardona and lays into him with open palm strikes. Cardona runs into a spinebuster from Jordynne and covers for a two count. Cardona with a dropkick to Jordynne off the middle middle ropes and catches her with a boot in the corner then another off the bottom rope. Cardona pulls Jordynne to the center of the ring for the cover but she barely kicks out at two. Cardona argues with the ref and sets Jordynne up for radio silence but she sends him over into the top turnbuckle. Jordynne drops him into the middle rope and hits him with double knees to the back and a running elbow to the jaw. Cardona to the outside and Jordynne looks for a dive but Cardona holds up a steel chair. Jordynne kicks the chair right into the face of Cardona and sends him back into the ring. She picks the chair up and slides it into the ring. Jordynne lifts the chair up and the ref takes it from her this lets Cardona hit a roll up for two, Jordynne to her feet and she runs right into a lariat from Cardona. Cardona flips off the camera and lifts up the chair. The ref tries to grab the chair but he attempts to use it anyways, this prompts Jordynne to hit Cardona with a lowblow for the DQ victory in 8:02.
Rating: **
Review: The match itself was going well but the finish was just dumb, Jordynne goes for the lowblow to force a DQ rather than anything else. That’s just over the top unnecessary booking. That said the crowd ate it up and boo’d Cardona well on his way out so what do I know. It also keeps this feud going, tho i’d have liked this to be the close of it.
– Tasha Steelz is backstage discussing her upcoming championship match but she’s distracted by someone yelling for help. Eddie Edwards is laid out in the backstage area and Chris Sabin is calling for help. Interesting, Edwards is the only guy who was overly hesitant about Maclin. Makes ya think.
Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship
Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Good Brothers
Tama lays into Karl early with forearms and sends him face first into the corner. Tama lays into Karl with body shots dropping him to the mat and stomping away at him in the corner. Tama holds the choke for a bit longer than the 4 count but the ref is lenient. G.O.D have Karl outside isolated for a moment before Gallows makes his way over and we get a brawl between both teams on the outside. Tanga Loa with a superman punch to Gallows as Tama sends Karl into the ring. Both men exchange lefts and rights as well as a series of forearms in the center of the ring. Karl with an uppercut on Tama, Tama off the ropes and drops Karl with a clothesline. Tama headbutts Karl and makes the tag to Tanga Loa. They hit Karl with a combination of strikes and a neck breaker before Tonga covers for a two count. Tanga spears Karl into the corner and lays into him with shoulders to the midsection. Karl rakes Tanga’s eyes and makes the tag to Gallows. Gallows and Tanga exchange strikes, Tanga sends Doc into the corner and hits him with a clothesline. Gallows rakes the eyes of Tanga and he tags im Tama. Tama with a splash on Gallows in the corner. Hallows lifts Tama up onto his shoulder and drops him face first onto the mat. Gallows with a series of rights and lefts to the midsection of Tama in the corner before tagging in Karl. Karl drops Tama and we get the quick tag back to Gallows. Gallows drops Tama and lays into him with elbows across the chest before locking in a rear chin lock. Gallows lifts Tama to his feet and Tama fights out with shots to the gut and jawbreaker. Tama runs into a right from Gallows, Tama with an enziguri to Gallows. Karl tags in and stops Tama from making a tag sending him into the corner but Tama bounces out and drops Karl. Tama gets to the corner and tags in Tanga Loa. Loa runs through Karl with a pair of shoulder blocks before dropping Gallows off the apron. Loa lifts Karl up Karl fights out and bounces off the ropes, Loa with a hiptoss into a neckbreaker and tags in Tama. Tama lifts Karl up for a suplex but Karl reverses into a neckbreaker and covers for a two count before tagging in Gallows. Gallows drops Tanga with a right and we see an assisted neckbreaker to Tama inside the ring. Gallows covers for two before tagging in Karl. They signal for the magic killer, Karl says now they kill the Bullet Club. Tama fights out of the magic killer. Loa back into the ring and we see all four men exchange moves with no team gaining a clear upper hand. Karl Anderson and Tama Tonga are the legal men, Karl lifts Tama onto his shoulders. Tama reverses and lifts Karl to his shoulders for a roll through death valley driver. Tama to the top and hits a splash onto Karl and covers for a two count. GOD go for the magic killer but Gallows blocks it, Bey comes to the ring to fight with the ref and Tanga Loa seems confused why he’s here. Loa pulls Bey off the apron but Gallows drops him with a big chokeslam outside the ring. Bey is shocked on the outside and asks if he did that. Jay White slides into the ring and drops Tama Tonga with the Blade Runner. The Good Brothers hit Tama Tonga with the magic killer and cover for the victory. Post match Jay White throws up the two sweet and The Good Brothers join him and Chris Bey to stand tall over GOD.
Rating: **3/4
Review: Another good match that could’ve done without the outside interference. I’m not as upset with the finish here as we clearly have some interesting storytelling occurring but these two teams had a really kick ass match going there for a moment. I wouldn’t have minded a clean finish but either way I do like where this is going.
Impact Knockouts World Championship
Tasha Steelz vs. Mickie James (c)
Mickie tosses her ring coat into the face of Tasha before the match starts. Lockup early, Chapel Heart are in the front row to cheer on Mickie. The lockup goes all the way to the outside with neither woman taking control. Mickie back into the ring first and invites Tasha to join her back in the ring. Tasha and Mickie continue to lockup now with a test of strength with neither gaining an advantage. Tasha with a roll up for two and Mickie fights out, dropping Tasha with a running knee and cover for two. Very slow early but now things are picking up. Tasha with a chop that drops Mickie before sending her into the corner. Tasha runs into an elbow from Mickie, Mickie on the apron with a shoulder to the midsection of Tasha. Tasha drops Mickie off the apron with a dropkick. Tasha regroups for a moment before hitting Mickie with a superkick, Tasha yells into the camera and asks Nick Aldis why he didn’t tell wifey to stay home. Mickie with a neckbreaker to Tasha on the outside and she tosses Tasha into the ring but Tasha rolls through to the outside. Tasha rolls into the ring and distracts the ref as Savannah sends Mickie face first into the ring post. Tasha sends Mickie back into the ring and goes for a cover. Tasha with a clothesline, Mickie to her feet in the corner and lays into Tasha with some rights and lefts before dropping her with a huricanrana. Tasha to her feet and runs into a series of forearms from Mickie. Mickie bounces off the ropes into a pump kick from Steelz. Tasha covers for a two count and then lays into Mickie with a flurry of forearms. Mickie with a forearm to Tasha and then lays into Tasha with a kiss or a bite depending on which commentator you ask. Mickie with a kick to the groin of Tasha and that’s legal in a womans match which actually explains Jordynnes mistake earlier a lot more. Mickie lays into Tasha with some forearms and a flapjack. Mickie with a kipup and climbs to the top rope. Mickie with a diving seated senton and covers for a two count. Savannah Evans on the apron and Mickie with the Mick Kick to drop her. The distraction allows Tasha to hit the cutter. Chelsea Green hits the ring and is on the apron. Chelsea drops Evans, Tasha goes for the blackout but Mickie counters, Mickie runs Tasha into Chelsea on the apron and rolls her up for the victory in 10:29.
Rating: **1/4
Review: This was an average match, not bad by either woman, the finish was awkward as Mickie uses Chelsea to get the victory which is a bit heelish, I thought Chelsea might be upset but she was alright with it so it’s all good I guess. Could’ve just had a clean finish though been a lot of these finishes tonight.
– Backstage and we have more technical issues but finally we hear the Impact team get into it. Rhino accuses Maclin of foul play. Rich Swann runs up and says Eddie can’t compete but he has some help, rather than a cool surprise we got Willie Mack. Chris Sabin is pumped up, but i’m seriously let down.
– Brian Meyers is here to do commentary for world title match.
Impact Wrestling World Championship
W. Morrisey vs. Moose (c)
Moose the heel is easily the crowd favorite here which tells me the Morrisey experiment didn’t work outside of Vegas. They exchange rights and lefts early, they aren’t connecting on every shot leading to some camera angles goin crazy. Both men go for a lariat and neither budges, again, finally they take eachother down and this match is starting off hot and the crowd is digging it. Morrisey runs right into a spear from Moose, Morrisey to his feet and Moose hits ANOTHER! Morrisey rolls out before Moose can cover. Moose wants to put it away and puts Morrisey back in the ring. Morrisey to his feet and Moose goes for another but Morrisey hops over it, Morrisey drops Moose with a BIG BOOT and a powerbomb, Morrisey nearly doesn’t get Moose up high enough. Moose rolls to the outside to prevent a pinfall as well. Morrisey to the outside and grabs Moose tossing him into the barricade. Morrisey sends Moose into the barricade again and it’s a smart move as it apparently resets the referees count as he keeps checking on Moose. Morrisey goes to toss Moose into the barricade but this time Moose reverses and sends Morrisey through a table with a urinage. Moose lifts Morrisey up and sends him face first into the ring post. Moose rolls through to reset the count. Morrisey tells the cameraman to get out of his way but Morrisey catches Moose with a big boot and then drops him with a powerbomb on the apron. Morrisey gets in the face of Meyers who really has no purpose being out here. Morrisey sends Moose back into the ring Morrisey goes for another powerbomb and Moose does a damn huricanrana out of it. Moose with a dropkick to Morrisey in the corner. Moose sets Morrisey up in the corner and lights him up with a chop in the corner. Morrisey tosses Moose into the corner and hits a clubbing blow of his own, they exchange chops going back and forth in the corner before Morrisey takes control laying into Moose. Morrisey off the ropes and Moose hits him with a dropkick, Moose off the ropes and runs into a HUGEEE lariat from Morrisey. Morrisey lifts Moose up and Moose slips through a bit of a botch but both men to their feet Moose with another spear. Morrisey rolls near the ropes, Moose covers but Morrisey gets his arm under the bottom rope. The roll sort of gave away that was happening, also his arm being under not grabbing it made it a hesitated reaction and I think some were confused. Moose sets up another spear but he runs into a lifting powerbomb from Morrisey. The ref gets into position and NEARLY a three count but Moose’s foot is under the bottom rope, this was a better spot but it’s a questionable call and so quickly after feels too cliche. Morrisey sets Moose up for another powerbomb but Moose backs him up into the corner. Morrisey up on the top rope and Moose sets him up for a superplex, Morrisey fights out and sends Moose to the mat, Moose to the top quickly and we get a BIG superplex. Crowd is chanting this is awesome and i’m inclined to agree. Moose with a kip up, Moose with ANOTHER spear. Morrisey in the center of the ring and Moose covers for the victory in 12:22.
Rating: **3/4
Review: This match was so awesome to start and progressively just had a few moments that hurt it. The botches didn’t kill it and I think if you didn’t see this match you have to because these two really had one of the best matches i’ve seen from either and they outdid my expectations. That said there were still a few rough spots including what really looked like a botched kickout from Moose which hurt. If you remove those hiccups these two have a real banger of a match and either way they should be proud. I’d like to see them go again in like a year just to see if they can outdo this. This was the formula of the BIG MAN matches you see in WWE and I really enjoyed it just a bit bummed by the hiccups.
Honor No More vs. Team Impact (Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Chris Sabin, Steve Maclin, & Rhino)
A cheap shot leads to a chaotic brawl before the match even starts. The brawl continues until Maclin and Bennett kick things off in the center of the ring with an exchange of strikes. Bennett with a shoulder tackle to Maclin, Maclin pops back up and they continue exchanging chops. Bennett with a kick to the face of Maclin, then a chop. Maclin on his shoulders, fights off leapfrogs Bennett and drops him with a back elbow. Sabin tags in as does Matt Taven. Taven sends Sabin into the corner, Sabin with a springboard crossbody out of the corner. Sabin on the middle rope and a rana to Taven, Taven runs right into an armdrag from Taven. Sabin tags in Swann but Taven quickly reverses a strike and drops Swann. Taven pulls Swann to the opposing corner and tags in Vincent. Vincent off the ropes and a crossbody to Swann. Vincent goes for a suplex but Swann fights out. Swann with a dropkick to Vincent and Vincent regroups, tagging in PCO. PCO with a dragonscrew to Swann and Swann tags in Rhino. Big crazy man brawl time. PCO lays into Rhino with a series of chops. Rhino fights back with chops of his own sending PCO into the opposing corner. PCO and Rhino lay into each other with lariat attempts and neither man budges. Rhino finally drops PCO and tags in Willie Mack. Willie Mack with a wristlock to PCO but PCO pulls him into a lariat. Willie pulled to the corner and PCO tags in Kenny King. Mack off the ropes onto a face full of Kenny Kings ass. King sends Willie into the corner and hits him with some shoulder blocks and a strike that misses. Willie ducks some strikes from King and drops him with an armdrag. Mack tags in Swann, Swann goes to exit before he makes a tag and finally tags Rhino, Rhino with a spear in the corner and tags Sabin, Sabin with a corner shot and Maclin tags in with a clothesline to King in the corner. Maclin with a urinage into a backbreaker and covers King for a two count. Maclin tags in Sabin and we get some clean tagteam work between Sabin and Maclin. Sabin covers for a two count. King off the ropes and runs into a knee to the midsection from Sabin. Sabin goes for a kick to King and Maria gets in the way. Bennett into the ring and he lays out Sabin, Taven hops in with a knee to the face, King back in the ring and we get a cocky cover for a two count. King pulls Sabin into the corner and makes a tag to Taven. Taven with a backbreaker and stretches out Sabin. Sabin to his feet and Bennett with a chop and cover on Sabin for a two count. Taven tags in and we get some tag team action until Sabin fights out and rops both Taven then Bennett with a tornado ddt. Sabin rolls through and tags Swann. Swann drops Taven then goes after Honor No More on the apron he drops all four members and sends Taven into the corner. Bennett back in but Swann sends Taven off the middle rope into Bennett with a huricanrana. Swann on the apron and dives onto Honor No More but they catch him, Vincent with a double stomp onto Swann onto the outside. Taven with the tag to Kenny who pulls at Swann’s hair before hitting a crossface to him. Kenny sends Swann into the corner and rolls him up but rolls through and catches Swann with a spinebuster. Kenny tags in Bennett who kicks at Swann in the side of the ribs. Bennett now drops everyone on Team Impacts side. Bennett with a brainbuster onto Swann but Sabin breaks up the pinfall attempt at two. Bennett tags in Taven but Swann fights through both men momentarily until Bennett sets Taven up for a blue thunder bomb on Swann Taven covers but Mack breaks it up. Vincent tags in and continues the attack on Swann, Vincent with a high arching suplex into a cover from Vincent but Sabin breaks up the count. PCO tags in and sends Swann into the corner, PCO follows with a splash and DDT on Swann. PCO covers but Swann just kicks out. PCO with the nerve hold on Swann’s shoulder but Swann fights out only to take a splash in the ropes from PCO. PCO with a dive to the outside and takes himself out on the outside with a nasty dive. PCO manages to make a tag to Bennett and Swann tags in Mack. Willie gets all three corners full of members of Honor No More and Willie drops both members of OGK with splashes in the corner. Mack sets his sights on PCO and catches him with a forearm shot in the corner. PCO with a cannonball in the corner and lands on his feet. Mack lifts Bennett up and gets the assist from Swann, Mack covers but Taven breaks it up. Mack to the top but Tavens still in the ring. Taven with a superkick to the leg of Willie. OGK set up Mack for the proton pack. Bennett with the cover but Sabin breaks it up. Maclin with the tag and runs into Vincent setting him up for tree of woe, Maclin with a spear to Vincent in the corner. Maclin runs into a PCO chokeslam Taven with a dive onto Maclin, PCO to the top and hits a leg drop off the top. Kenny King tags in, Swann into the ring and runs into chin checker from King. Rhino tags in, King with a legdrop to Rhino and covers for two but Sabin breaks it up. King lifts Sabin up Maclin makes the save but gets sent into the official. King with a dive to the outside on Maclin, Sabin with a dive onto King, Taven dives onto everyone, Swann follows with a dive onto Taven. Taven sends Swann face first into the apron but Mack catches Taven with a kick from the apron. Mack gets speared onto the apron and Swann. Swann and Mack on the apron and PCO hits his dive onto both of them. OGK hold up Swann and Mack for redrum to the outside. Everyone to their feet and PCO with a moonsault onto everyone outside of the ring. Rhino sets Bennett into the ring but Maria cuts him off. Bennett and Taven are there but Eddie Edwards is fine he has the kendo stick! Eddie is face to face with Maria he calls for Rhino to hit the spear but Eddie turns on Rhino and hits him with the kendo stick letting go of Maria. Eddie cracks Swann then Sabin then Maclin right in the face. Taven tells Eddie to get the ref, Kenny King with the cover, the ref is confused why Eddie is helping and Eddie tells him to count. King with the pinfall over Rhino at 23:22.
Rating: **1/2
Review: The match itself was fine a bit of a cluster, the finish is flat out stupid. It’s a swerve for the sake of a swerve, i’m not a huge fan of Eddie but he’s the guy who says Impact most in this group outside of Josh Alexander and instead he’s the guy to turn just so they can say look it wasn’t Maclin. It’s stuff like this that really turns me off of Impact if i’m honest, I’m sure some will love it but it feels so unnecessary like many of the finishes we got tonight.
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