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Lance Storm Finds Discussion Around Star Ratings ‘Ridiculous’

September 4, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Lance Storm Image Credit: WWE

Lance Storm isn’t a fan of fans’ obsession with star ratings, preferring the era when match ratings didn’t matter in wrestling discourse. Storm touched on the topic during his appearance on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, and you can see some highlights below (per Wrestling Inc):

On fan reactions in the early days of his career: “If you came out of the babyface locker room, they loved you. If you came out of the heel locker room, they genuinely hated you. They cared whether you won or lost. They weren’t out to see how many stars you’d get, which moves you’d pull off. They were genuinely hoping you would win… That little ounce of doubt makes a big difference.”

On his issue with match ratings: “I just find it insanely ridiculous that someone would watch the movie, and then want to know what someone else thought about it, and determine their enjoyment.”

article topics :

Lance Storm, Jeremy Thomas