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Jeff Hardy Returns To TNA At Against All Odds

June 14, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Jeff Hardy TNA Against All Odds Image Credit: TNA

Jeff Hardy is back in TNA, making his return to the company at Against All Odds. Hardy made his return at the end of the show after Moose successfully defended the TNA World Championship against Matt Hardy. Moose retained his title after pulling Reby Hardy in the way for a spear and then hitting Matt with a spear for the pinfall.

After the match, The System attacked Matt as he was checking on Reby. Nic and Ryan Nemeth came down to the ring, as did Joe Hendry, but they were all taken out by the group. Jeff then came to the ring with a chair and took out the group, after which he and his brother hit Twists of Fate on Moose and Jeff nailed a Swanton Bomb. The babyfaces then celebrated in the ring to close the show.

Jeff Hardy’s AEW contract expired this week and he was expected to head to TNA.