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Hall’s TNA Impact Review 7.11.24

July 12, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Charlie Dempsey Myles Borne No Quarter Catch Crew TNA Impact 7-11-24 Image Credit: TNA
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Hall’s TNA Impact Review 7.11.24  

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 11, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Mathew Rehwoldt

We have two shows left before Slammiversary and as of last week, the main event is set with all five challengers ready to come after Moose’s TNA World Title. The rest of the show is mostly set as well but we can probably get some more things set up this week. That could also include more from NXT’s Charlie Dempsey, who invaded the show last week. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

We pick things up from last week, with Frankie Kazarian revealing that he attacked Nic Nemeth but seeing someone filming him. That someone is Ryan Nemeth, who distracts Kazarian so Nic can jump him.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. ???

Grace is defending in an open challenge against….NXT’s Izzi Dame. The bell rings but here is Ash By Elegance’s personal concierge to say that Ash will be watching via satellite from an undisclosed beach. We get a quick shot of Ash on said beach as Dame grabs a waistlock but gets backed into the corner. The much bigger Dame’s right hand gets blocked and Grace muscles her up with a suplex.

A gutwrench faceplant sends Dame outside but the concierge has to be chased….into Rosemary, who is sitting in the crowd. Dame uses the distraction to get in a neck snap across the top and a Falcon Arrow out of the corner gets two. Grace blocks a powerbomb attempt and takes her into the corner for some hard forearms. The Juggernaut Driver is blocked though, meaning they slug it out from their knees. Grace Death Valley Drivers her, setting up the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 8:34.

Rating: C+. That’s what this kind of match needed to be, as Grace gets to beat someone from the other promotion. While Dame might not be the biggest name in NXT, it is better than beating another lower level TNA star. This crossover has made Grace look like an even bigger star, which should help when she likely heads to WWE early next year.

Santino Marella announces a wild card tag match for tonight, with the teams being drawn at random. That gives us a main event of Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin/Moose.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel is in Wentz’s corner as they grapple to start. Wentz takes him down for a basement dropkick, only for Dempsey to pull him down by the arm. Dempsey cranks on the arm before having to block Wentz’s kick. That earns Wentz a dragon screw legwhip but he’s back up with a handspring knee to the face. A German suplex sends Dempsey into the corner and a running shooting star gets two. Cue Dempsey’s teammate Myles Borne to jump Miguel for a distraction though, allowing Dempsey to grab a dragon suplex for the pin at 4:46.

Rating: C+. They’re doing a good job of keeping the invasion/crossover stuff to the lower levels of the show and that is a smart idea. The Rascalz are a big enough team that it means something when NXT comes in to mess with them, though the addition of Wes Lee as a bridge between the two companies could make for a good blowoff at Slammiversary. For now though, nice enough here, even with the limited time.

Post match Dempsey and Borne lay out Wentz and Miguel.

The System is ready for the Hardys to be back next week.

The No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey/Myles Borne/Tavion Heights) are ready to dominate. Santino Marella comes in to say they’re in a six man next week, but we’ll have to see who will team with the Rascalz. Given that we saw a video of them reuniting with Wes Lee before the match, this might not be the biggest mystery.

Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

For a future X-Division Title shot. They all go for a rollup to start until Bailey takes over. Gresham and Kushida are sent outside for a moonsault from Bailey and the running shooting star press gets two on Gresham back inside. We take a break and come back with Bailey grabbing the ropes to get out of Gresham’s Figure Four. Kushida is back up to kick away at Bailey, setting up a cartwheel dropkick.

Gresham blocks the Hoverboard Lock before Bailey and Kushida kick it out. The Tornado Kick is blocked in the corner and Kushida dives onto Gresham on the floor. Bailey goes up but gets crotched by Gresham, who can’t use the ink on Kushida. Instead it’s green mist to Gresham, allowing Bailey to hit the Ultimate Weapon for the pin and the title shot at 8:25.

Rating: B-. Commentary played up the idea that Bailey wasn’t just being handed a title shot and had to earn it. I rather like that, as there is little reason for Bailey to have gotten the title shot other than he and Mustafa Ali are having issues. It gives things a bit more realism and didn’t take too long, even if there was little doubt about how this would ind up.

Post match Mustafa Ali and company run in to beat down Bailey but Trent Seven cuts off a big chair shot. Seven gets wrecked for his efforts, with Ali putting him in the Sharpshooter.

Steph de Lander is sitting on the beach and upset over how things have been going with PCO. She has to tie up some strings in Australia but hopes PCO will wait or him.

Slammiversary rundown.

Digital Media Title: Rhino vs. AJ Francis

Francis, with Rich Swann, is defending and mocks the Philadelphia Phillies, meaning it’s a jump start by Rhino and an ECW chant. Swann comes in for the DQ at 43 seconds.

Post match Santino Marella says he doesn’t think so, meaning it’s time to restart this as a street fight.

Digital Media Title: AJ Francis vs. Rhino

Francis is defending in a street fight so they head outside with Francis hitting him in the back with something made of metal. Rhino fights back and sends the table in That takes too long though and Francis hits him low for the pin to retain at 1:38. Other than ticking off the fans, I’m not sure if I see the point in this entire thing.

Post match PCO comes in but misses a dive, allowing Francis to plant him on the ramp.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Steelz jumps her before the bell and sends her back first into the apron a few times. They get inside for the opening bell and Steelz grabs an early chinlock. Shaw is back up with some rollups for two each before they forearm it out. Shock And Awe (the Lethal Combination) gives Shaw two and she grabs a scoop powerslam for two more. Shaw’s running knee finishes at 4:17.

Rating: C. It’s good to have Shaw back and she is feeling more like a star. While this is probably leading to some kind of match involving Gail Kim, I could absolutely see Shaw getting back into the title picture off of this whole thing. That being said, none of that matters if she doesn’t actually win the title at some point, as she has come so close multiple times now.

Xia Brookside wants Alisha Edwards and knows that Steph de Lander will be back.

JDC vs. Chris Bey

Ace Austin is here with Bey. They start fast with Bey sending him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive. Back in and Bey kicks him down for two, only to miss a charge and fall out to the floor. Cue the System as Bey starts the comeback and hits a running clothesline in the corner. A neckbreaker out of said corner brings the System outside to fight with Bey and Austin. The distraction lets JDC hit a quick Down And Dirty for the pin at 5:03.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to get very far and was more about having the System screw over part of the ABC before their likely title match at Slammiversary. JDC is still good for a match like this and giving him a win keeps him looking strong as he is now part of the System. Not much of the match, but it did what it needed to do.

Video on the Hardys in TNA. They’re ready to take the Tag Team Titles next week.

Joe Hendry/Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin/Moose

Before the match, Hendry talks about how he’s against Dancing Moose and Maclin, who wants to tag em and bag em. After tonight, he’ll only be bagging Hendry’s groceries because the people believe. Hold on though as here is Frankie Kazarian to join commentary. Alexander and Maclin start things off as Kazarian talks about how it is time for him to do things for himself.

The KIA and C4 Spike are both escaped to start so Alexander grabs an armdrag into an armbar. Moose comes in for a slam and wants Hendry, who comes in to hammer away in the corner. Everything breaks down and Alexander suplexes Maclin, followed by Hendry doing the same to Moose (with an assist from some believers). Alexander comes back in to send Maclin into the corner but Moose beaks up the running crossbody.

Maclin’s elbow to the face gets two as commentary is not pleased with a lot of Kazarian’s bragging. Alexander manages to low bridge Moose to the floor but gets tied in the Tree of Woe. A middle rope hurricanrana gets Alexander out of trouble though and it’s off to Hendry to clean house. Hendry grabs a cutter on Maclin and a powerbomb to Moose but Maclin slips out of the Standing Ovation. Alexander comes back in to roll some German suplexes and everything breaks down. A hard clothesline drops Moose but Kazarian offers a distraction to Hendry. The spear and KIA finish Alexander at 12:20.

Rating: B-. This was a bit of a random match but that’s kind of the point of the six way. The title match is going to be all about the chaos and everyone fighting everyone so throwing some random pairings out there is interesting. The villains get to stand strong on the way there, but the title match is all about whether Hendry can win the title and there is no hiding that right now.


Jordynne Grace b. Izzi Dame – Juggernaut Driver
Charlie Dempsey b. Zachary Wentz – Dragon suplex
Mike Bailey b. Jonathan Gresham and Kushida – Ultimate Weapon to Gresham
Rhino b. AJ Francis via DQ when Rich Swann interfered
AJ Francis b. Rhino – Low blow
Gisele Shaw b. Tasha Steelz – Running knee
JDC b. Chris Bey – Down And Dirty
Moose/Steve Maclin b. Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry – KIA to Alexander



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This show did a nice job of building on matches and stories that were already set for Slammiversary and that is not a bad thing. The show is in less than a month and while most of the card is set, you can occasionally use a fine tuning show like this one. It helps get ans more invested in the show and they did that rather nicely again this week. Not a great show, but one they needed to do.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Thomas Hall