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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 12.23.24

December 23, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
WWE Raw Damian Priest War Raiders 12-23-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 12.23.24  

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 23, 2024
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re almost to the end of the year and since it’s the holiday week, we have a taped show from last week. We are also two weeks away from the show’s big debut on Netflix and that means it is time to finish building up the card. Everything is already looking big enough and now we could be in for some more additions tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Drew McIntyre to get things going. McIntyre talks about how banged up he has been since the Cell, but he has also been gone due to the death of a close family member. There are some people who are probably saying they didn’t know, but they also never asked. McIntyre’s brother John would never stab him in the back, but people like the Usos and Sami Zayn certainly would. He has given so much time over the years and kept fighting, only for those people to forget about him.

From now on, he is going to take and tell the truth, like the fact that the real villains are people like Roman Reigns and CM Punk. After Reigns did everything to those people, he snapped his fingers and they came running back. Cue Zayn to interrupt, saying he didn’t know what was going on with McIntyre’s family.

Zayn knows about losses and having to go to work, with missed birthdays, weddings and funerals. He knows exactly what it is like because this is the life that they have chosen. They are lucky to be here, but everyone in these stands have their own stories of losses and sacrifices. Those people keep getting up every day and doing what they have to do, but McIntyre thinks he’s different because someone called him the Chosen One.

What the Usos or Zayn do has nothing to do with him, but if McIntyre wants to blame them, that’s fine. It’s also fine with Zayn to face McIntyre right now. McIntyre talks about his family being far away but Zayn has never beaten him. Instead, McIntyre thinks Zayn needs to go to the back with his family and leave before things get worse. Zayn swings away but gets dropped. Cue Jey Uso for the save. This was McIntyre getting to explain everything wrong with him and why he was so angry, which is all you need for his situation. He’s arguably the biggest villain on the show and now we know why, which should do him good.

The Pure Fusion Collective suggests that Sonya Deville take Kairi Sane’s place in the Women’s Intercontinental Title tournament. That’s a no from Adam Pearce, who has put Iyo Sky in the spot instead.

Women’s Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round: Alba Fyre vs. Iyo Sky vs. Natalya

Fyre jumps Natalya to start but gets sent outside. Natalya’s basement dropkick to Sky is broken up with a basement dropkick and Sky takes them both out as we take a break. Back with Sky slipping between the ropes and springboard dropkicking Fyre. A tornado DDT drops Sky and Fyre pulls Natalya into a Koji Clutch. That’s broken up and Natalya puts both of them into a double Sharpshooter. That doesn’t last long either so Sky sends both of them outside and hits a springboard moonsault. Back in and Over The Moonsault to Natalya gives Sky the pin at 8:08.

Rating: B-. Pretty to the point here, with Sky getting to do her thing and move on to the final four. Her getting the spot over Kairi Sane makes for an interesting option, as there is always the chance that Sky had something to do with it. For now though, Sky has a real chance of getting the title, which would be a nice way to go.

Judgment Day bickers over their loss last week and Dominik Mysterio volunteers to face Damian Priest this week to step up. Things still aren’t good, with everyone sneering.

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso are glad they’re together again and they both want to take out Drew McIntyre tonight. Zayn has this, with Uso having next. They’re good.

We look at the Netflix Kickoff Show last week, with Logan Paul officially coming to Raw.

Chad Gable vs. Akira Tozawa

American Made and the Alpha Academy are here too. Gable wastes no time in chopping him down to start but stops to yell at Otis. That’s enough for Tozawa to snap off a spinning kick to the head but Gable pulls him into an armbar over the ropes. A slap to Otis lets Tozawa kick Gable in the face, only for the top rope backsplash to hit knees. Rolling German suplexes into a powerbomb into the ankle lock finish Tozawa at 2:10.

Post match the hold stays on but Otis makes the save.

New Day runs into Dominik Mysterio, and even he thinks what they did to Big E. was “crazy”.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Damian Priest

Mysterio bails to the floor to start as a good coward should do. Back in and Priest grabs a torture rack to crank out some aggression but Mysterio gets outside again. Priest throws him over the announces’ table but has to stop to go after a Santa Claus. That would be JD McDonagh, who is thrown over the announcers’ table. Carlito gets in a distraction but it’s Finn Balor jumping Priest for the DQ at 2;53.

Post match the brawl is on but the Viking Raiders make the save.

We get a sitdown interview with Seth Rollins, who is asked about the driving force behind his feud with CM Punk. Rollins talks about how he wants to cut Punk out and they’ll fight on January 6. He was sick of Punk after Survivor Series and now it’s time to wrap everything up for good. It’s going to be violent, but Rollins has to stop this. This was a fine way to bridge one of the weeks before the showdown.

The Miz vs. Dexter Lumis

They go outside in a hurry with Lumis sending him into the apron, followed by a running flip dive off said apron. Back in and Lumis hits a Thesz press into a running elbow but has to dive on the AOP on the floor. Then Karrion Kross jumps Lumis for the DQ at 2:25. Sweet goodness I know it’s a Christmas show but you can actually have a match get some time.

Post match the Final Testament surrounds Lumis but the lights go out and we’ve got Wyatts. The Wyatts quickly clear the ring and Nikki Cross is powerbombed onto the Testament.

Damian Priest thanks the Viking Raiders, who said they owed him one from last week. They’ll go to war with the Judgment Day together.

We recap the fans’ issues with the New Day, who come out to complain about commentary. They claim biased commentary, with Joe Tessitore not being around long enough to know how things work. Xavier Woods accuses Wade Barrett of being just like Big E., meaning not man enough to get back in the ring. New Day gets in the ring and says the fans shouldn’t be upset when they didn’t hurt Big E. again.

Tonight is a homecoming for Kofi Kingston and his mother is in the front row after a 20 hour flight from Ghana! Kingston says his mom doesn’t deserve this and goes over to her for a hug….but she just walks away instead. That’s a great visual and the heat on New Day is great. Turn that into something and they could go a very long way.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

New Day runs into Rey Mysterio, who thinks they should apologize if they want to start fixing things. Kofi Kingston says they didn’t do anything wrong, so Rey says he tried. Just get used to NEW DAY SUCKS chants.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn chops away in the corner to start and knocks McIntyre to the floor. That means the tease of the dive with a flip back into the corner as we take a break. Back with McIntyre suplexing him back inside, setting up a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. Zayn manages a tornado DDT for a needed breather, with McIntyre bailing out to the floor. The slingshot dive is pulled out of the air though and Zayn is sent into various hard objects.

A side slam onto the apron has Zayn screaming in pain and McIntyre looking all giddy as we take another break. Back again with McIntyre missing a shoulder into the post but he catches Zayn on top. The super White Noise gets two but the Claymore is cut off with a clothesline. Zayn’s back gives out on a Helluva Kick attempt though and the Claymore finishes him of at 15:45.

Rating: B. To the point match here, as they played up the idea that Zayn can’t beat McIntyre, which could make for a big payoff down the line. For now though, McIntyre working over the back and then having Zayn’s back give out at the end is a nice story for the match. McIntyre being all vicious and violent is good stuff and I could go for seeing just how far they can take it.

Post match the beatdown is on but Jey Uso runs in with a spear. Cue the Bloodline to lay Uso out, with McIntyre just walking away. Uso and Zayn fight back


Iyo Sky b. Natalya and Alba Fyre – Over The Moonsault to Natalya
Chad Gable b. Akira Tozawa – Ankle lock
Damian Priest b. Dominik Mysterio via DQ when Finn Balor interfered
Dexter Lumis b. The Miz via DQ when Karrion Kross interfered
Drew McIntyre b. Sami Zayn – Claymore



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The final score: review Average
The 411
Oh they were phoning this one in and there was no hiding it. Other than McIntyre and Zayn, there was very little here that you needed to see and a good chunk of the matches were barely getting started when they wrapped up. WWE knew this show wasn’t going to get an audience this week and didn’t bother trying. That didn’t make for the best show, but it’s probably what they should have done here.

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RAW, WWE, Thomas Hall