Author Profile for Craig Wilson

wrestlingMoments that Changed Wrestling History 11.11.12: The Monday Night Wars
For wrestling fans the 90s is remembered for the Monday Night Wars that reignited interest in wrestling and 411’s...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling 10.24.12: Hogan in Japan, the 1991 Royal Rumble, the NWA, More!
Why did Hulk Hogan use different moves in Japan than in the US? Was Harley Race's King gimmick a...

wrestlingMoments That Changed Wrestling History 10.21.12: WrestleMania
For 28 years the biggest night of the wrestling calendar for many has been Wrestlemania and 411’s Craig Wilson...

wrestlingMoments that Changed Wrestling History 10.14.12: Hulkamania
No wrestler has ever had the crossover appeal and name recognition that Hulk Hogan has achieved. 411’s Craig Wilson...

wrestlingMoments That Changed Wrestling History 10.07.12: The Four Horsemen Era
Stables have long been a part of wrestling, but one stable came along and changed everything. 411’s Craig Wilson...

wrestlingMoments That Changed Wrestling History 9.30.12: ECW is Born
In August of 1994 Eastern Championship Wrestling transformed into the ECW that many knew and loved. But what is...
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