The film Red One, helmed by Dwayne Johnson and the Jumanji franchise's Jake Kasdan, has commenced production, with J.K. Simmons...
Topic: J.K. Simmons
movies/TVDwayne Johnson’s Red One Holiday Film Adds Cast Members J.K. Simmons And Bonnie Hunt
movies/TVJ.K. Simmons In Talks To Play Commissioner Gordon In Batgirl
J.K. Simmons is set to put the trenchoat back on and book his ticket to Gotham, as he's in talks...
movies/TVJ.K. Simmons Says J. Jonah Jameson Will Be Back in the MCU
J.K. Simmons made a big splash when he had a surprise reprisal of his role as J. Jonah Jameson in...
movies/TVJ.K. Simmons On J. Jonah Jameson’s MCU Future, Originally Auditioning For the Role
J.K. Simmons has discussed the future of J. Jonah Jameson in the MCU after he reprised the role for a...
movies/TVSimmons Says He Won't Be Playing Commissioner Gordan Again in Immediate Future
J.K. Simmons' future as Commissioner Gordon is on hold. Simmons discussed his work in the role in a new...
movies/TVJ.K. Simmons Joins Hulu’s Veronica Mars Revival
J.K. Simmons is booking a trip to Neptune, California. TV Line reports that Simmons will play a recurring role...