What did Paul Roma say...
Topic: Paul Roma

wrestlingPaul Roma on Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Vince McMahon, Claims Talents Were Propositioned to Perform Sexual Favors

wrestlingArn Anderson Recalls the Decision To Put Paul Roma In Four Horsemen, Who Made The Call
On the latest episode of The ARN Show, Arn Anderson talked about the Four Horsemen reunion in WCW in 1993,...

wrestlingPaul Roma Slams Hulk Hogan, Calls Him Phoney
Paul Roma speaks...

wrestlingPaul Roma Issues a Challenge to Ric Flair
Paul Roma speaks...

wrestlingBruce Prichard On Why Hercules Should Be In WWE Hall Of Fame, Power & Glory Tag Team With Paul Roma
In a recent edition of Something to Wrestle, Bruce Prichard discussed the Power and Glory tag team with Hercules and...

wrestlingParadise Alley Pro Wrestling Hit With Cease And Desist Order After Being Deemed ‘Adult Entertainment’
Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling has been hit with a cease and desist letter after being deemed adult entertainment by the...

wrestlingPaul Roma Talks About Everyone Having a Job or Role in Professional Wrestling
Paul Roma speaks...

wrestlingPaul Roma On Backstage Incident With Vince McMahon
– In an interview with Sean Mooney’s Prime Time podcast (via Wrestlezone), Paul Roma spoke about a backstage altercation he...

wrestlingMan Arrested Over Wrestling For Autism Scam
Good news...

wrestlingRoma on Rumors of Heat With Triple H
What does Paul Roma think...