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411 PPV Roundtable Preview – TNA Sacrifice 2012

May 12, 2012 | Posted by Greg De Marco

Welcome, 411 wrestling readers, to 411Mania’s TNA Pay-Per-View Roundtable! This month, TNA presents Sacrifice as World Champion Bobby Roode defends against the ultra-popular Rob Van Dam! It’s another packed show from TNA, so let’s get right down to it!

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We have a three-man team putting a triangle choke on Sacrifice this month:

Michael Weyer!

Larry “Bossman” Csonka!

And your’s truly, Greg DeMarco!


TNA Sacrifice 2012


TNA Television Championship
Devon (champion) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T

Greg DeMarco: Devon gets both Robs in a triple threat match that was announced on Thursday’s Impact Wrestling. Devon has made a great TV champion, and Robbie E is a terribly underrated wrestler. And Robbie T makes a great bodyguard! I see miscommunication in the futures of the Rob-N-Rob Express, and a win for Brother Devon.

Winner and STILL Television Champion: Devon

TNA Knockouts Championship
Gail Kim (champion) vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Michael Weyer: I do like Brooke and she’s showing promise as a singles worker but I just don’t see a title change just yet. Gail has been so dominant, hard to tell who’ll take it from her but TNA seems likely to let her keep running with the title. While I’d like to see Brooke win (especially for a feud with Tara), I believe Gail retains with some cheating to continue her good run on the top.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim

Larry Csonka: While Brooke Tessmacher is great to look at, and while she has improved in the ring, I do not have high hopes for this match. Gail Kim is a great worker, but she cannot work miracles. I really wish that they could move to a babyface challenger that could actually go in there with her, but the Knockouts Division just isn’t what it was at one time.

Winner: Gail Kim

Greg DeMarco: So Gail Kim treads water, we wash, rinse and repeat with a face challenger. This time it’s Brooke Tessmacher. I like Brooke—I like to look at her. And she’s passable in the ring, when paired with a good worker. As we saw on this week’s Impact Wrestling against Velvet Sky, she can’t carry a match with a poor worker (like ol’ Vel Vel). Thankfully Gail is a good worker, and should pull a decent match out of her challenger.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Gail Kim (3-0)

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Samoa Joe & Magnus (champions) vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Michael Weyer: Joe vs Daniels alone guarantees a good match and Magnus and Kaz should make it even better. It’s tempting to go with Daniels and Kaz winning to push them further but TNA seems to be building to a rematch with the MCMG so the champs retain but it should be a terrific match to elevate the tag division, something TNA badly needs.

Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: Joe and Magnus

Larry Csonka: This is honestly a match I am looking forward too. Joe & Magnus have been great as a team, which has been a pleasant surprise, and Daniels and Kazarian can flat out go. I expect a very good match here, hell possibly even a match that could steal the show, the talent is there. I wouldn’t be surprised with a title change, especially if they want to change the titles to the Guns down the line, but for now, I would keep the titles where they are.

Winner: Joe & Magnus

Greg DeMarco: Four of what I am starting to call The Impact Six (along with AJ & Angle) take center stage during this tag title match. I expect this to be a great match—possibly the match of the night. And given that we have a seven match card, I expect it to get some time. The fact that Daniels & Kazarian are involved in the AJ Styles love angle makes me worry about the outcome, but only a little. I still see the champs taking arriving and leaving with the belts over their shoulders on Sunday.

Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: Samoa Joe and Magnus

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Samoa Joe and Magnus (3-0)

Bully Ray vs. X-Division Champion Austin Aries

Michael Weyer: I’m sorry, the idea of Ray in the X Division at all makes me laugh for a few minutes. Come on, anyone really think he’s the one to end AA’s great run as champ? Me neither, Austin retains before losing it to a REAL X Division guy down the road.

Winner : Austin Aries

Larry Csonka: Over the last year, these men have been a highlight of TNA. I know some will joke and say that there isn’t much competition for that honor, but the facts are that they have been great. That being said, they have the talent to work a really good match here, and this is another match I am looking forward too. It all comes down to the booking here, they cannot have Aries look like a pansy in here, they have to make him look like he can go with Ray, especially if they have plans of elevating him down the line. Again, this has the chance to be a really good match, and I see Aries winning here, possibly with the returning Abyss helping.

Winner: Austin Aries

Greg DeMarco: As I said on my radio preview of this match, the build has been fantastic—and fast. The feud needs to be fast, too. While it makes sense for Bully Ray to get the win here, and for Austin Aries to win at Slammiversary, I don’t see this feud getting that kind of time. Abyss is already back, and obviously he’s coming for Bully Ray. The purpose of this feud is to elevate Austin Aries, and it’s worked. So put Aries over, and give him a high profile title defense at Slammiversary (vs. AJ, Kazarian or Daniels…or Angle?).

Winner : Austin Aries

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Austin Aries (3-0)

Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

Michael Weyer: Ah, yes, the rematch we were all begging for (eye roll). TNA seems intent to push Jeff’s big comeback so we can be sure to enjoy his run getting bigger and a win over Anderson is the way to start it. Hopefully, it’ll be watchable but I fear a few botches along the way.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Larry Csonka: Truth be told, I am not looking forward to this match at all. If they aren’t in there with Kurt Angle, both guys tend to look slow and unmotivated. They love Jeff Hardy, they see him as a rock star, and coming off the win over Angle, he should win this.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Greg DeMarco: In a throw-away pay-per-view, these two should in the ring with TNA’s younger stars, not each other. They’re wasted here. (Not that kind of wasted, silly!) I don’t expect a great match, I don’t expect to even remember it right after it happens. Both men are crowd pleasers—Dixie, do the right and send out a Tweet that this match is going on first! Hardy wins.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Jeff Hardy (3-0)

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles

Michael Weyer: I can usually count on these guys to give a great battle but it seems no real reason behind their fight, just tossing them out there. Whatever the case, I think AJ gets a win here, be nice to see him on top again and pushes his feud with Daniels en route to another big match between them. Either way, should be match of the night, although that’s not saying much with this card.

Winner: The Phenomenal One

Larry Csonka: While the match has happened several times, I have to say, I am looking forward to it. Why? Because on PPV, these guys deliver, period. AJ has been the victim of bad booking and I see no end in sight. I could see Daniels and Kaz getting involved with the SECRET OF DOOM, costing AJ the match, which will likely be good up and too that point.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Greg DeMarco: I’ve long believed that these two men are incapable of having a bad match together, despite the fact that Kurt Angle is a shell of his former self. Unfortunately, the biggest question about this match isn’t if AJ or Kurt will win, it’s if Dixie Carter will be sitting at ringside to watch. And that sucks. I thought AJ would go over and possible build to an appropriate match with Bobby Roode at Slammiversary, but we’re not going to be that lucky, are we?

Winner: Kurt Angle

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Kurt Angle (2-1)

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Bobby Roode (champion) vs. Rob Van Dam

Michael Weyer: After burning us all last month with Roode retaining, hard to see TNA giving the belt to RVD of all people. No, Roode keeps it here but it would be nice if he got at least ONE clean win to put him over as a real heel champ rather than cheating or a fluke as usual. Hopefully, a good match but hardly what a lot of fans were hoping for last month.

Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: Bobby Roode

Larry Csonka: This will be a ladder match, and I have the feeling that they did so to play to what strengths RVD has left. RVD is still over, but he is slower than he used to be, and in 2012, no one is really discussing the “last great RVD match.” I honestly do not have a lot of hope for the match, and think that unless Roode is really busting ass and RVD does some really cool shit, we’ll get the same passable but no main event worthy” match that a lot of TNA PPVs have had recently. Roode retains.

Winner: Bobby Roode

Greg DeMarco: Sadly, I believe that the ladder match stipulation detracts from this match. I was looking forward to Bobby Roode getting a clean pin or submission win over Rob Van Dam, a guy who is still worthy of beating. But now we have a ladder match. I’m not sure why—it might be because it puts Rob in a better environment to deliver, it might be because TNA really thinks announcing that RVD will be in a ladder match three days before a PPV will increase buys, or it might be because TNA feels a need to protect RVD and not have him lose clean. Judging by Roode’s defenses against AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and James Storm—along with his match against Sting—the evidence points towards protecting Rob. Which also points towards this match being a little less satisfying when it’s all said and done.

Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: Bobby Roode

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Bobby Roode (3-0)

What are your overall thoughts on TNA Sacrifice? Is it worth buying?

Michael Weyer: This just looks like a forgettable show, no real threat of title changes and too many bouts we’ve seen before (Styles/Angle, Hardy/Anderson). It just doesn’t seem anything too special so might be worth skipping over as TNA builds more to Slammiversary for some real action and changes.

Buy or No Buy: No Buy

Larry Csonka: While there are three matches I am looking forward too, TNA fooled me last month into suggesting that others order their show. They have a partial show announced, and likely 2-3 things will be added during or after IMPACT. While I am looking forward to some of what has been announced, they have to earn back some goodwill for me to recommend ordering a PPV from them anytime soon.

Buy or No Buy: No Buy

Greg DeMarco: This is the transitional champion of PPV events. It’s there to bridge the gap between Lockdown and Slammiversary, and it’s likely going to disappoint. We’re more likely to see Abyss instead of the Motor City Machine Guns—and that’s just sad. There is zero incentive to buy this PPV event. Lack of plausible title changes notwithstanding, I can’t even expect to simply get a great wrestling show. There is so much wrestling available on the Internet this weekend—and this falls short of those options.

Buy or No Buy: No Buy

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: No Buy (3-0)

There you have it folks…the 411Mania staff gives this show a NO BUY!

And, of course, don’t forget to join 411 on Sunday night for LIVE coverage starting at 7:30 pm eastern!

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Greg De Marco