wrestling / Video Reviews
411 Video Review: Ring Of Honor: Night Of Grudges
Thanks to RF Video for supplying me with this tape for review. You can pick up this tape at-
Paul London says he has a special feeling about tonight. He’s had that feeling before at Unscripted, First Anniversary Show and Epic Encounter. If he can beat AJ- it’ll be a new level of greatness.
Newly crowned NWA champion AJ Styles talks about how in New York- he had the chance to be the #1 contender- but got beat by London- despite Low Ki giving him the Ki Krusher.
The Christopher Street Connection (w/Ariel) v. The Carnage Crew
At Final Battle 2002 the Carnage Crew got tired of the CSC’s antics and bloodied them up. At the First Anniversary Show the CSC made their triumphant return and laid them out. This is the blowoff.
Buff E. tags in and slaps Loc. Buff E hammers away and gets an armdrag. Loc gets kissed on the forehead. Tag DeVito. Mace grabs his ass. Mace with a drop toe hold and he spanks him. DeVito bails and Loc comes in with a kick. Mace gets in Loc’s face but gets clotheslined by DeVito. The Carnage Crew hit a swinging suplex and work Mace over. Loc goes up top but Mace uses the dreaded testicular claw. DeVito comes in and kicks his ass. Buff E comes in and slaps his ass. DeVito plants him into the mat for two. Loc comes in and chops him but Mace comes in and chops back. Mace gets a swinging DDT and tags Buff E. Buff E cleans house and Mace gives the Carnage Crew a very in depth broncobuster. The CSC kiss and hit Loc with the Gay Basher but DeVito saves. They go for the spike piledriver but Mace saves. Buff E kisses Loc and gets his ass kicked. DeVito hits a moonsault for the win. ѕ* This was a decent comedy match but went way too long. Post-match they give Ariel a SICK spike piledriver off the middle rope. The crowd chants ‘One More Time’
Matt Stryker v. Chance Beckett
They lock up and Stryker gets an armdrag. Beckett armdrags him over. Lockup- Stryker with a hammerlock and he holds onto it. Beckett reverses and works on his arm. Lockup- Stryker takes him down and works on his leg. Beckett reverses and works on his leg and the commentators go over the Code of Honor. A bit early guys eh? Beckett slingshots him over and locks in a Maple Leaf crab. Stryker makes the ropes. Lockup- Stryker gets a headlock and rolls Beckett over. Beckett with a headscissors but Stryker flips out. They do the same sequence again and Stryker works him over. Beckett drops down to break a hold and locks in a dragon sleeper. Stryker rolls through into the ropes. Beckett calls for a test of strength and they lock wrists. Stryker pushes him down and overpowers him. He can’t pin him however. Beckett is able to roll through and break with a neckbreaker. Beckett knees him and goes for a pin but it’s not happening. Stryker whips him into the corner and Beckett does the BULLDOG FLOP!~ Stryker kicks him in the midsection. They do a sequence that leads to Beckett kneeing him and covering him for two. Beckett hooks a chinlock. Stryker elbows out and hits a flying forearm. Stryker hammers away and elbows him for two. Stryker with a leg lariat for two. Stryker brings the European uppercuts and chops him. Beckett no-sells and is fired up. Stryker blocks a piledriver and backdrops him. Beckett locks in a reverse cloverleaf which is a neat bit of psychology since Stryker always taps like a bitch to the cloverleaf. Stryker rolls out of it and hooks the Stryker lock for the win. This was a nice little match that was given enough time to get both guys over. ***
Angeldust comes out for the 4-way but Justin Credible shows up and superkicks him. Gary Michael Cappetta is up and is perplexed at Justin’s presence. Justin is pumped and does his catchphrase.
John Walters v. Justin Credible v. Homicide (w/J-Train) v. Chris Sabin
Homicide and Walters start. They lock up with Homicide taking him down and they do a headscissors-headlock sequence. They lock wrists and Walters overpowers him. Homicide rolls out and reverses. Homicide takes him down but Walters blocks the STF. Homicide boots him and they trade chops. Homicide with a shoulderblock and he armdrags him. Walters armdrags him and dropkicks him out of the ring. Homicide nails Walters and hits a big boot in the corner. Homicide does a butterfly suplex into the corner. Homicide hangs him in the Tree of Woe and baseball slides him. Walters blocks a suplex and takes him down. Walters takes him down again and hooks a bow-n-arrow. Walters misses an elbow and Homicide gets a leglock. Walters reverses into a crossface. Walters starts chopping him but Homicide goes to the eye. Homicide chops him and hits a missile dropkick. Sabin blind tags himself in and covers for two. Walters dumps Sabin on the apron and Sabin rolls up Homicide into a German suplex by Walters. Homicide gets dumped out and Sabin and Walters go. Sabin gets a hurricarana and dropkicks him. Walters tags Justin Credible. Sabin punches him but walks into a tornado DDT. Credible powerbombs Sabin out of the corner for two. Credible misses something and Homicide tags himself in. Homicide hits two Northern lights suplexes, the second a bridge, for two. Credible ballshots Homicide and tags in Sabin. Sabin legdrops him for two and drops an elbow for two. Homicide hits a running Mafia kick and chops him. Homicide hits a top rope sitout powerbomb for two. Homicide chokes him but comes off the top into a spinning backbreaker by Sabin. It gets two. Sabin boots him and covers him for two. Homicide forearms him and chops him. He gets a belly to belly for two. Walters hits the Arrivaderci for two. Walters works on his arm but Sabin gets an enziguri for two. Sabin tags Credible. Credible stomps at Walters. Credible hammers away and stomps a mudhole in him. Tag Sabin. Sabin misses a dropkick and Walters hooks a cobra clutch surfboard. Homicide runs in and stretches him some more. Credible superkicks Homicide out and follows with a pescado. Walters dives out onto the crew. Sabin does a somersault tope. Homicide is back in and boots Credible. He then flies out and does a tope con hilo. Credible boots Homicide and hits That’s Incredible- but Sabin saves. Sabin whips Credible out but walks into a sick DDT by Walters. Homicide saves and hammers away at Walters. Walters does a powerbomb out of the corner for two. Homicide does a dragon screw legwhip and dropkicks his knee. Homicide slams him but doesn’t cover. Homicide hooks the STF for the win.
These 4-ways are great thing for ROH. Everyone gets a chance to come in and show off their best stuff and people who are limited like Justin Credible can come off looking like a million bucks because they just have to do their signature moves and let the other guys carry the flow and pace of the match. Walters and Sabin looked really good here and I’m glad they’re being booked on future ROH shows. ***3/4
Low Ki is upset at Homicide for having his street thugs act as a backup. Low Ki walks away in disgust.
CM Punk gives a shoutout to those who throw up the X and are drug and alcohol free. Straight edge means they are better then you. CM Punk compares himself to Martin Luther King and Malcom X. He is on a straight edge crusade and he will destroy Raven.
Raven cuts another promo. He’s miserable and pissed off. The straight edgers taunt Raven as he welcomes them to Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun.
The Second City Saints v. Raven and BJ Whitmer
Raven and Punk have been feuding for quite some time now. When it was announced that Raven would be debuting in Ring of Honor- CM Punk was very unhappy. CM Punk takes his straight edge beliefs very seriously and looked down upon Raven- someone who has battled addiction to drugs and alcohol in the past. Punk seemed personally angered that Raven threw away his career to do his vices.
At Expect the Unexpected Punk pulled off a major upset and bloodied Raven up en route to making him tap out to the STF. Raven was the master of mind games so he recruited Colt Cabana to team with him to take on Punk and the trainer of Punk and Cabana- Ace Steel. Raven’s team got the win- but he pinned Steel, not Punk. Punk then one-upped him in the mind games department when Cabana turned on Raven. This marked the official formation of the Second City Saints. At Epic Encounter- Raven was not present but he sent Trinity there to send a message to the Saints. Also at EE- Punk and BJ Whitmer had a brutal match that ended in a draw when Punk gave Whitmer a German from the apron through the table. Punk was very cocky about the match and talked down to Whitmer and acted like he won the match. At Round Robin Challenge II another minion of Raven showed up but he was laid out by the debuting Lucy (a.k.a. Dafney from WCW) At Do or Die- Punk cut a terrific promo where he talked about his straight edge beliefs.
Now Raven is back in ROH and he has a partner who hopefully won’t turn him on. Can Raven hit his Raven Effect and pin Punk?
Raven and Punk start. Lockup- Punk pushes him back and hammers and stomps away. Lockup- Punk pushes him back and knees him and stomps a mudhole. Raven comes back and stomps the hell out of him. Raven kicks him in the head and knees him in the midsection. Punk with a jawbreaker but Raven superkicks him. Whitmer and Cabana tag in. They lock wrists but Cabana backs off. They lock wrists. Whitmer takes him down and gets a front facelock. Cabana works on his arm. Whitmer headbutts him and works on the arm. Cabana takes him down and then struts. Whitmer boots him and suplexes him for two. Punk chairs Whitmer in the head so Raven chairs Cabana. Raven challenges Punk to a chair duel so Punk runs. Raven chases Punk to the back where he hits him with a trashcan. Punk blades as he gets nailed with a lid. Whitmer has also bladed as Raven nails him with the trashcan. Raven has a fan hold a lid and rams Punk into it. Raven has another fan hold the can and sends Punk flying into it. Raven actually smiles. Raven and Punk brawl in the crowd. Raven gets a table as Whitmer Cactus clotheslines Cabana. Raven tosses Punk into a set of chairs and does the drop toehold onto the chair to Cabana. Whitmer drop toeholds Punk onto a chair. Raven and Punk brawl in the crowd and Punk crotches Raven on the rail. Cabana nails Whitmer. Punk hammers away at Raven and whips him into the rail. Cabana hammers away at Whitmer and tags Punk. Cabana backbreaks Whitmer and Punk follows with a senton for two. Punk chops him and tags Cabana and they hit a double elbow. Cabana elbows him and drops a knee. Cabana hammers away and nails Raven. Tag Punk. Punk knees Whitmer in the corner and Cabana does the same. Punk does a back suplex for two. Punk bootscrapes Whitmer but a second attempt misses and Punk goes flying out. Cabana nails Whitmer to cut off the tag. Cabana elbows Whitmer for two. Tag Punk. Heel miscommunication befalls the Second City Saints and hot tag Raven. Raven cleans house on the Second City Saints. He does the bulldog/clothesline combo but Cabana saves Punk. Cabana knees Raven but Raven drop toeholds Cabana out of the ring. Raven finally hits the Raven Effect on Punk but Cabana pulls him out. Whitmer hits a flying headbutt onto Punk but Cabana pulls the ref out. Whitmer goes after Cabana and kills him with the Exploder sequence but there’s no ref. Punk hits him with a Shining Wizard with a chair but there’s no ref. The ref slowly walks in and it gets two. Cabana boots Raven and hits the Colt. 45 onto Whitmer for the win. **3/4 Punk beats the hell out of Raven after the match and puts him through a table.
This was a fun bloody brawl with Punk working his ass off here. Raven is just so over that anything he does will get the crowd interested and it helps the match as a whole and it makes more fun to watch.
Gary Michael Cappetta is with a very happy Matt Stryker. He’s happy that he’s on a winning streak. He promos his upcoming matches against Carter and Collyer. Prince Nana shows up and calls GMC a peasant.
Diablo Santiago v. Prince Nana
Santiago gets a bunch of offence in Nana wins with a DDT. DUD
The SATs v. Mikey Whipwreck and Dixie (w/Hydro, Lit, Angeldust Becky Bayless, Slugger and others)
The SATs have been having their problems with Special K for a long time. It intensified at Final Battle when Jody Fleisch joined the group and administered a beatdown on Red, Divine Storm, Trinity, JT Smith, Da Hit Squad and of course the SAT.
At Revenge on the Prophecy the SAT joined DHS in beating down Special K when they crashed the opening of the show. The SAT recruited their trainer Mikey Whipwreck to help them in their war against Special K in a scramble match at the First Anniversary Show. Even though the SAT’s team won the match- Mikey turned on them midway through. At Night of Champions Mikey explained his heel turn by saying that the SAT were nerds. This led to a match involving Special K v. SAT and Quiet Storm that Special K won thanks to Mikey’s interference. Tonight Mikey is making his return to the ring and the SAT have revenge on their mind
Mikey and Joel start with a lockup. Joel takes him down and Mikey screws up a slam and does a hurricarana. Joel hits him with an enziguri. Mikey bails. Dixie comes in and they do a sloppy sequence that leads to Dixie getting suplexed onto Jose’s knee. Mikey and Jose brawl on the outside. Jose elbows Mikey. Mikey blocks a Tornado DDT but the SAT double team him. They drop Dixie onto Mikey and do the crab/camel clutch combo. Joel runs the ropes and boots Mikey in the face. The SATs ram Dixie into the mat and hang Dixie and swing him into the mat for two. Joel beats on both but Special K double team him. Jose runs in but gets drop toeholded into the ropes and legdropped. Mikey covers for two. Mikey boots him in the back. Jose runs in and gets crotched and Mikey drops Joel onto Jose. They slam Jose down and then do a front backbreaker. Dixie jumps off the top with a knee for two. Dixie nails Jose but Jose comes back with a suplex. Hot tag Joel who cleans house for a second until Dixie forearms him. They do another weird sequence that leads to Dixie taking Maximo Explosion on the apron. Special K attack the SAT and Mikey does a swanton onto everyone. Mikey slaps Jose but gets sunset flipped for two. Mikey with a double arm suplex for two. Jose elbows Mikey and hits a tornado DDT for two. Dixie runs in and drops Jose on his knee for two. Joel powerbombs him three times and sitout powerbombs him once for two. Joel slams him but Mikey crotches him. Mikey hits a top-rope hurricarana and a Whippersnapper but Jose saves. Dixie gets crotched on the top and Mikey is dumped out. Jose does a swinging DDT off the shoulders of Joel for the win. 3/4* This was just slow, sloppy and a waste. Once you’ve seen so many scrambles and spotty tag matches the spots just seem repetitive and the matches less spectacular.
Special K do a beatdown. The Carnage Crew make the save and beat the hell out of Mikey. Whipwreck starts to come back when Justin Credible makes the save with a superkick. He’s your new Carnage Crew member.
We get a message saying the Field of Honor is coming soon.
Paul London v. AJ Styles (w/Alexis Laree) for the #1 contendership
London and Styles have been friends since their careers in ROH began. Styles proposed that him and London team up and try to wrest the tag titles from the Prophecy. London agreed and at Expect the Unexpected they were scheduled to team up and go for the gold. Unfortunately the weekend of the show- London had emergency surgery and couldn’t make it. Rather then wait for him to recover AJ Styles picked the Amazing Red to be his tag partner. After AJ won a scramble by himself (Red was taken out by Slugger) him and Red took on Xavier and Daniels. AJ and Red pulled off the upset and walked away with the belts. Paul London was very unhappy about this. He confronted AJ about this at Epic Encounter and threw in cheapshots at Red. London faced Red at Round Robin Challenge II and pinned him cleanly with the Styles Clash. Now tonight both men get a chance to settle the score with the #1 contendership on the line. On Wednesday AJ Styles became the NWA Champion giving him another title.
They lock wrists and AJ goes for a takedown. London grabs his leg but AJ ends up getting a front facelock. London goes for the arm and gets a front facelock but AJ falls on top and they roll around on the mat before facing off in the middle. London locks in a waistlock but AJ rolls over and gets on top. London gets a headscissiors but AJ is able to reverse and get a waistlock. London fights out and goes to the arm and kicks him. They shake hands. Lockup- Styles takes him down and kicks him. They shake hands. They lock wrists. Styles tries to roll over but London blocks him. Styles ends up getting a cross armbar and London goes to the ropes. Styles takes him down and works on the leg. Styles locks in a leglock. London grabs his leg to counter. They shove each other and London asks for a handshake. Styles slaps his hand away. Lockup- AJ pushes him back into the corner. London offers another handshake but Styles gets in his face. London slaps him so AJ slaps back. London goes for another handshake and they shake hands. Lockup- London gets a headlock and they collide in mid-ring with a shoulderblock. They lockup and go into the ropes. London cheapshots him and they fight on the mat some more. They trade armdrags and then both do a dropkick at the same time. AJ gets up first and London looks a bit miffed. London bails. London comes back in so AJ bails. They shake hands and AJ cheap shots him. AJ gets forearmed on a blind charge. London goes for a sunset flip but AJ blocks it and goes for the Styles Clash. London does everything he can to block it. London dumps him on the apron but AJ nails him and comes in with a springboard dropkick. London goes outside but AJ misses a plancha. London hits a flying baseball slide and they brawl on the outside and AJ is pissed. He tries to whip London into the rails but London holds on and drop toeholds AJ into the rail. London stomps away on the outside. London whips AJ into the rail but AJ JUMPS OVER the rail. So London kicks him in the face and then just kicks the shit out of him. London jumps after him so AJ reciprocates by kicking him in the face. Back in the ring they trade chops. AJ hits an enziguri and hits a snap suplex. He hits a variation of a swinging neckbreaker for two. AJ hits a running forearm and the sweat flies out of London. London kicks him away but AJ enziguris him. London is all: FUCK THAT SHIT and no-sells. London hits a beautiful dragon screw legwhip and stomps away. The crowd is divided. AJ hammers away but London sweeps out his leg and kips up. He drops a fist for two. London hooks a spinning toehold. AJ blocks a suplex and goes for one. London blocks it and goes for a neckbreaker but AJ blocks that and hits a brainbuster for two. London forearms him and rams his leg onto the steel ring and kicks at it. London slingshots in right on his leg for two. London works on his leg and hooks a leglock. AJ clubs him and London goes down. They trade forearms and AJ MURDERS him with a spinning clothesline. AJ hits a variation of the powerbomb for two. London boots him in the face and hits a spinning leg lariat from the second rope for two. AJ dumps London on the apron. London springboards back in but misses and lands on his feet. AJ catches him with an inverted DDT for two. AJ goes for a superplex but London tries to block it. They fight on the top rope. London gives him a gordbuster from the top and London hits the London Star Press right onto AJ’s leg. London goes for a figure four but AJ small packages him for two. London goes for the figure four again (woooooooooooooo!) and this time he hooks it. AJ fights his way to the ropes and makes it. London hammers away at him. London goes up top but AJ headbutts him down. London goes back up and forearms him and kicks him. London goes for a superplex but AJ pushes him off. London goes back up and chops and forearms him. AJ forearms him down again. London goes for a hurricarana but AJ is blocking everything. AJ hits a second rope powerbomb but at two he pulls him up and hits the STYLES CLASH! It hurts AJ’s knee so he’s slow to cover. He finally does…and London kicks out just before the 3! AJ Germans London but AJ can’t get his shoulders up and both men are pinned. ****3/4
GET THIS MATCH NOW! This was wrestling at its finest. London played the heel to perfection- basically beating the hell out of AJ the whole match while AJ had to rely on big high impact moves to stay in the game. AJ sold the knee the entire match so it had top notch psychology. You could tell by watching this that London wanted to beat AJ as some sort of revenge for not being his tag partner. The ending was screwed up because of AJ being NWA Champion- but don’t let the finish kill your enjoyment of an amazing match.
Both men are finally up and face off in the corner. They shake hands and hug. “Honour will always prevail in matches like this.” London gives him his belts in a nice gesture of respect. AJ raises London’s hand and London raises AJ’s hand.
The Group v. The Prophecy (w/Allison Danger) with the losing group being forced to disband
The war between the Group and the Prophecy began at Final Battle 2002 when Steve Corino announced he was forming his own group to take all the titles in ROH. He named his group- ‘The’ Group. At Final Battle Corino stole his girlfriend Simply Luscious away from the Prophecy. He also took the Prophecy’s enforcer Samoa Joe. Daniels counteracted that by having Corino’s sister Allison Danger join the Prophecy. It seemed like Corino had formed the Group at the right time as the Prophecy was starting to crumble. At Revenge on the Prophecy they lost a big tag team grudge match to Low Ki and AJ Styles. At the First Anniversary Show Corino introduced Michael Shane and CW Anderson into his stable. The Prophecy continued to self destruct as they lost the tag titles to Red and Styles. The war between the Group and the Prophecy intensified at Night of Champions. Joe captured the title from Xavier and Michael Shane superkicked Christopher Daniels to fire the first shot in the war. At Epic Encounter Joe, Jack Victory and Anderson attacked Daniels and Homicide (who was also feuding with the Group) Mafia made the save which was not surprising since Homicide trained him. But it turned out that Mafia was now Dan Maff- the new enforcer of the Prophecy. At Round Robin Challenge II- Maff, Donovan Morgan and Daniels beat down Joe and Shane. At Do or Die Joe attacked Maff. Daniels challenged Joe to an Empty Arena match that never got off the ground as they were held back by security. ROH has had enough of the war between the Group and the Prophecy and it all ends tonight.
The fact that the Group don’t really get an entrance doesn’t really put the result in doubt eh?
Shane and Daniels start- Shane works on Daniels’ arm. Daniels reverses into a hammerlock. Shane gets a headlock and rolls him up for two. Daniels takes him down with a pinfall for two. They both punch each other. Maff and Anderson tag in. They stare down and trade chops. They slap each other and Joe is tagged in. Tag Morgan. Joe kicks away at him and dumps him outside. Morgan rolls back in. Morgan with a waistlock and they trade armbars. Joe gets on top for two and hooks a chinlock. Morgan sends him into the Prophecy corner and tags Daniels. Daniels stomps away and they armdrag him. Morgan elbows him and London adds a legdrop. Joe sends him into the Group corner. Shane hammers away and gets a forearm. Shane hammers away but Daniels comes back. Shane gets sent into the Prophecy corner and Maff tags in. Maff headbutts him. Tag Morgan. They elbow Shane for two. Morgan kicks him and covers for two. Shane blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. Tag Joe. Joe hammers away but Morgan gets a headlock. Morgan thumbs his eye and gets a headlock takeover. Joe forearms him and hits an STO. Anderson is tagged in and they lock in a camel clutch/half crab manoeuvre on Morgan. Anderson stomps away at Morgan. Tag Shane. Shane works him over. Tag Anderson. Morgan comes back with a powerbomb and tags Maff. Maff cleans house and hits a senton on Shane for two. Blind charge by Maff hits boot. Shane flies at Maff but gets caught. Shane wiggles out and superkicks Maff for two. Shane goes up top and fights off Danger. Maff goes up top but gets pushed down. Shane hits an X-Factor from the top and a tornado DDT for two. Shane hits a flying forearm into the corner and Maff flies into the corner after him for two. Maff goes for the Burning Hammer but Anderson runs in with a superkick. Maff goes outside and takes a seat in a chair. OLAY OLAY OLAY OLAY OLAY. Joe runs at him and boots him in the face into the rail. Shane sends Maff into a table for two. Joe kicks him and hits a butterfly suplex for two.
Just a thought- considering Maff is the enforcer of the Prophecy- why is he playing face-in-peril?
Shane comes in and smacks him around. Shane misses an enziguri and Maff Germans him. Hot tag Daniels who cleans house. He DDTs/Flatlines Anderson and Joe. He enziguris Anderson and hits a urinage. Picture Perfect Moonsault gets two. Anderson nails him in the face and tags Joe. Joe kicks him in the head and slams him into the mat face first. Morgan saves and tags himself in. Saito Suplex gets two for Morgan. Morgan hits the Golden Gate Swing for two. Anderson kicks him in the back and Joe boots him. Anderson tags in and hits a suplex for two. Morgan elbows him and goes up top. Anderson meets him there and they fight up there. Anderson superplexes Morgan. Shane comes in with a Picture Perfect Elbow. Maff runs in with a headbutt. They do simultaneous covers but Daniels and Joe save. Joe and Maff fight on the outside. Shane sunset flips Daniels for two. Daniels and Shane do a sequence that leads to the Propecy hitting Revelations on Shane- Anderson saves. Anderson blocks Sayonara and hits a spinebuster but Daniels saves. Daniels boots him but Anderson blocks the Last Rites. Daniels reverses the spinebuster into a sunset flip for two. Anderson with a small package for two. They collide in mid-ring and both men are down. Joe and Maff come in. Shane goes into a guard rail on the outside. Joe blocks Burning Hammer and knees the hell out of him. Joe starts slapping him but Maff rolls him over and pins him out of nowhere. Well that was abrupt. **3/4 Joe’s expression is hilarious.
This match had the bad luck of following Styles v. London and it never seemed to get off the ground. There was some nice work and some good wrestling but the whole match was flat. You never got the sense that these guys truly hated each other and considering what was at stake- there was no intensity, no hatred, no blood- it was just you’re average 6 man tag with a stipulation tacked on.
Lit v. Jimmy Jac’t Cash
Lit gets a hammerlock but Cash takes him down. Lit gets a nearfall and a waistlock. Cash with a cross armbreaker but Lit gets a rollup. CLIP! Cash gets a powerslam. CLIP! Cash chops away but Lit gets a spinning neckbreaker. Lit hammers away and hits a spinning forearm. Lit misses something from the top. Cash with a powerbomb for the win.
The RingCrew Express and Slyk Wagner Brown (w/April Huner) v. Special K (w/Becky Bayless)
Angeldust and Marcos go. Marcos gets a sunset flip for two. Angeldust rolls over for two. Marcos gets a spinning neckbreaker and tags Dunn. Dunn chops away and boots Angeldust. Dunn chops him again and they head up top. Angeldust hits a top-rope urinage (kind of) from the top. Tag Cloudy. Dunn kicks his ass and drives him into the mat. Tag Slyk. Slyk press Cloudy and moonsaults right onto him. Tag Marcos. All three guys do leapfrogs and nail Clody. They then do the JUMPING WHITE GUY HIGH FIVE!~ and play AIR GUITAR!~ Dunn throws Marcos onto Cloudy for two. Marcos chops away at Cloudy. Cloudy tags Slugger. Marcos talks smack to him and brings the chops but Slugger no-sells all. Slugger drives Marcos into the mat and then hits a pumphandle sla. Dunn is tagged in. Dunn gets a hammerlock. Slugger hits a piledriver variation on him and a belly to belly. Marcos comes off the top and tries for a hurricarana but Slugger kicks both their asses. Tag Angeldust. Angeldust chops Dunn and kicks him in the back a bunch of times for two. Angeldust hits a running forearm into the corner but misses a charge. Hot tag Slyk. Slyk comes in and cleans house and slams Angeldust for two. Slyk chops him but Angeldust gets a drop toe hold. He misses a headbutt and Slyk slams him. April Hunter and Becky Bayless get into a catfight. Angeldust gets a bulldog on Slyk. Slugger runs in and hits the bodybag and Angeldust covers for the win. **
The Prophecy is backstage. Christopher Daniels mocks the Group’s futility and praises Maff. Daniels thinks Maff deserves a shot at a title and they leave to celebrate. Before Daniels can leave- Raven stops him and asks him to be his partner against the Second City Saints. Daniels agrees.
Joe doesn’t seem to be too unhappy about losing this war. Joe is ready for June 28th against Maff.
Special K goes up to Urial (the ROH sound guy) and asks them to put on music and allow them the chance to rave. Sluuger intimidates Urial and they start to rave. But the Carnage Crew shows up and kicks their ass. The Carnage Crew cutting an intense promo in the middle of a rave is hilarious.
The Bottom Line- Despite a disappointing main event this card has it at all. London and AJ tearing down the house in a MOTYC, a fun hardcore brawl, some fine technical wrestling, a comedy match- well there’s something for anyone and everyone.
Once again you can pick up the tape here-