wrestling / Live Coverage

411’s Bad Blood Coverage .::. Orton Vs. Benjamin; Hardy/Lita

June 13, 2004 | Posted by Dan Wojcik

-Backstage, Randy Orton speaks of his greatness. Tomorrow marks the sixth month anniversary of winning the IC title. Orton also has a pretty cool t-shirt that has all of his legend killer victims on the back of the shirt. Orton walks through the crowd and runs down the crowd as they have never seen greatness like Randy Orton. Orton eventually wanders into the ring and continues to gloat before being interrupted by Shelton Benjamin, who says they should start the match early, as in right now.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton
WWE Intercontinental Title

Shelton immediately goes for a quick rollup and gets a near three count. He follows that up with a ton of quick offense, including a flying body press that gets another two count. Benjamin is on fire for the early portion of the match, countering and dodging all of Orton’s offense and getting several two counts. Shelton misses with the stinger splash, and gets shoved to the outside as Orton finally takes control of the match. Ric Flair comes to ringside to the whooos from the crowd. Orton hits a huge uppercut and follows it up with a arm submission hold. Benjamin counters and both men are out on the mat. Orton hits an awesome gut-wrench/diamond cutter combo move, but only gets a two count. Orton locks in another submission, this time a a modified sleeper hold, but Benjamin battles out. Orton again knocks Benjamin down with a fist and this time goes upstairs and misses with a beautiful frog splash attempt. Benjamin quickly goes after a downed Orton with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Both guys exchange fists, slugfest style which fires up the crowd. Benjamin walks into another huge uppercut, but quickly fires back with a huge tackle to build some momentum. Shelton goes upstairs and hits a flying clothesline, covers, and gets a long two count. Benjamin hits the enziguiri after Orton dodges his first attempt, covers, and gets yet again another long two count. Shelton hits the stinger splash, then hits his finisher, covers, but Flair drapes Orton’s leg on the ropes. Shelton is pissed and heads after Flair and throws him inside the ring. Shelton hits a back body drop and stinger splash on Flair then another on Orton. Benjamin then locks the figure four in on Flair as the crowd begins to boo. Orton falls into a small package by Benjamin – who STILL has the figure four locked in on Flair, and gets another long two count. Benjamin gets some more quick rollups before going upstairs and hittinga splash, but Orton reverses, grabs the tights, and picks up the win! Shelton is shocked in the ring as Orton himself looks surprised outside the ring, demanding his belt.

Winner: Randy Orton

-Lita and Matt Hardy are kissy kissy backstage, when security and Bischoff show up to remove Matt from the building. Bischoff says he doesn’t want V1 interfering in the World Title match. Matt says he’s here to watch his girlfriend’s match, not interfere. Bischoff says he has 60 seconds to decide whether he wants to stay – in which case Lita is removed from the Women’s title match. Matt says he knows how important the Women’s Title is to her, so he decides to leave.

-Women’s Title match is next!


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Dan Wojcik

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