wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s Live WWE Backlash Coverage .::. Benoit Vs. HBK Vs. HHH
Another promo for next month’s Smackdown PPV.
WWE World Championship
Chris Benoit (c) vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Benoit introduced as “Edmonton Alberta’s Own”. Should be great. All three stare and then Benoit attacks Hunter to begin the match. Double team on Hunter sends him to the floor. Then immediately Michaels chops Benoit and Benoit chops back. Back and forth. Benoit with a stiff clothesline out of the corner. Hunter back in. Benoit to the floor and that leaves Hunter and Michaels in the ring. Benoit back in for a couple release German suplexes. On the third attempt, Michaels dodges out and Benoit now chops both HHH and HBK to the mat. Lets Go Benoit chant. HBK has HHH on his shoulders and falls back. They go back and forth with Benoit on the floor. Benoit up and goes to the top and does a swandive headbutt onto Michaels but Hunter breaks up the pinfall. Benoit works over Hunter. Michaels up and goes to work on Benoit. Goes for a flying burrito and hits the ref. Hunter goes for an early pedigree, Benoit reverses into a sharpshooter and he turns it in the middle of the ring. Michaels in, and Benoit releases Hunter and puts HBK in the crossface. Ref is still out on the floor. Benoit goes to check on him, still out. Michaels goes for a sharpshooter on Benoit to a massive negative reaction. Here comes Hebner as the new ref! Benoit wont give up. Hunter in the ring and Michaels releases Benoit to defend himself. HBK with a small package on Benoit for 2. You screwed Bret chant. Michaels looks disgusted. Huge chant as Michaels stands over Benoit. He doesn’t like it. Wow. Benoit grabs a distraught Michaels with the crossface, and from behind Hunter attacks to break it up. Hunter DDTs Benoit. Crowd chants You Tapped Out at Hunter. More You Screwed Bret chants for Michaels as he comes back in. Michaels flies at Hunter on the floor but misses and goes through the Spanish Announce Table (that Edge cleared off earlier). HHH rams Benoit into the STEEEEL steps and goes to work. Hunter and Benoit move into the ring. Hunter keeps working on the shoulder. Canadian accent Asshole chants are awesome. Hunter has a Camel Clutch on Benoit in the ring. Lets Go Benoit chant. Hunter works on Benoit in the corner. Benoit hits a German suplex. And a second one. And a third. Goes up top. Benoit goes for the headbutt, but Hunter moves. Back up and Hunter hits a pedigree on Benoit but is slow to cover. Crowd is quiet. Michaels breaks up the eventual pinfall. Benoit rolls to the side and HBK and HHH are going blow for blow. All three men are down. HBK nips up and the crowd boos. Michaels hits a top rope elbow on Hunter, but he cant cover. Tunes up sweet chin music and the crowd boos. Kicks Benoit on the apron and he falls onto the mat under the ropes. Hunter hits a low blow on HBK in front of the ref? Cover for 2. Michaels backdrops Hunter to the floor to counter a pedigree. Hunter has a sledgehammer from under the ring. Hunter uses the sledge on HBK and the ref admonishes him but no DQ. Is it no DQ? Benoit pulls Hunter to the floor when he goes for another sledgehammer shot. Hunter knocks down Benoit and does some moving around of the steel steps on the floor. HHH sets up for a pedigree on the steps, but Benoit turns it into a catapult into the steel ringpost. Both are down on the floor. Michaels sets up for sweet chin music in the ring, but Benoit blocks it and turns it around into a sharpshooter. Michaels fights and fights. Benoit sits down a bit and Michaels continues to fight. Michaels almost gets the ropes, but Benoit pulls him into the center of the ring. Hunter on the apron as HBK fights in the sharpshooter. Michaels finally taps! Benoit Wins!
Winner and STILL champ: Benoit
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