wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage 05.10.04: Eugene Vs Rob Conway
May 10, 2004 | Posted by
6th match: Eugene vs Rob Conway
Regal has a pep talk for Eugene before the match. Eugene hugs him and we see a look of concern on Regal’s face. Lots of Eugene signs in the arena. He goes to the top early but quickly comes down. Lock up. Chain wrestling. Big “Let’s Go Eugene!” chant. Hard slap by Conway and he takes control. He rams Eugene’s head 3 times into the turnbuckle which leads to Eugene “hulking up”. Atomic drops for Conway, followed by an airplane spin. Goes to the top for a double axe handle. He hits a legdrop and when he tries for a second time, Regal trips him up. Eugene uses a rollup with the bridge for the pin. Regal is less than happy about the situation. Great crowd heat for Eugene’s debut.