wrestling / Live Coverage

411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage 05.24.04: Eugene/Mystery Partner Vs Coach/Cade

May 24, 2004 | Posted by Dave Gagnon

5th match: Eugene and Mystery Partner vs Coach/Garrisson Cade
Coach is da man. Just saying. Good pop for Eugene. Just when we thought that it was all over for our friend Eugene, CHRIS BENOIT comes out to be his partner. Great pop for the Crippler. What an odd team. Benoit starts with Cade. He tags Eugene. Criss cross by Eugene! Eugene points at something in the sky, Cade looks up and gets nailed on the forehead. Eugene tags Benoit. The World Heavyweight Champion is too much for Cade, duh. Coach tags in. Well, good luck with that. Hard chops by Benoit, followed by the three german suplexes and the diving headbutt from the top. Benoit tags Eugene and tells him to go to the top. Eugene hits the diving headbutt for the pin. The great thing about Eugene is, for a while, you actually forget that he isn’t actually a retard. Great job by WWE.

Backstage, another HHH/HBK scuffle.


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Dave Gagnon

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