wrestling / Live Coverage

411’s LIVE WWE Summerslam 2008 Coverage: Batista vs. John Cena

August 17, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka

-We get a video package for Batista vs. John Cena.

Batista vs. John Cena

They circle to begin, lock up and a side headlock by Batista. Off the rope and a shoulder block by Batista. A leapfrog by Cena and a hip toss. Slam by Cena, and Batista backs off. Side headlock by Cena, off the ropes and a shoulder block to Batista. Batista back with a boot, bomb try, countered but he gets a clothesline. Jackhammer by Batista and a cover for 2. An Irish whip by Cena, a fisherman’s suplex follows and a cover for 2. Batista comes back with a side slam and a cover for 2. FU try by Cena, Batista counters and chop blocks the knee of Cena. Clubbing shots to the back by Batista, Flair shin buster follows and now Big Dave is taking Cena to school with the figure four! Cena battles, tries to escape the hold and just can’t power out. Cena looks for the ropes, and gets them. FU try by Cena, Batista grabs the ropes and Cena tosses him to the floor! Batista rolls back in, shoulder block by Cena. Another and the PROTO BOMB follows. He limps a bit, 5-knuckle shuffle try connects. FU try, Batista escapes and gets a big boot to Cena. Both men are down, the ref counts and they get to their feet and Batista spears Cena to the corner. Shoulder blocks follow and then a whip and a back elbow by Cena. Charges in and Batista with the spinebuster! Rope shake by Batista, thumbs down and Batista bomb try, countered and Cena DDT’s the leg of Batista. STFU locked in! Batista is dead center in the middle of the ring, Batista fights and crawls for the ropes but Cena pulls him back and locks the hold in again. Batista again tries for the ropes, and he gets them. Cena stalks Batista, FU try again but Batista escapes and gets a rear naked choke? Yes, yes he kind of does. The choke is a bit sloppy, but a cool counter nonetheless. Cena now must fight to escape, elbows out and escapes. SPEAR by Batista! 1…2…NO! Batista is limping from the STFU, scoops up Cena, but Cena counters into the FU! Both men are down, and Cena finally covers for a close 2. Cena up top now, Batista over to stop him and goes up top with him…they trade rights and Cena knocks Batista to the mat. Up top and goes for the fameasser but Batista gets the POWERBOMB! 1…2…NO! Kick to the face by Batista, Batista bomb! 1…2…3!

Winner: Batista @ 14:10 via pin

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Larry Csonka