wrestling / TV Reports

411’s Sunday Night Heat Report 4.10.05

April 10, 2005 | Posted by Alex P.

Hello ladies and gentlement and welcome to Sunday Night HeAt. I am of course the limousine ridin’, jet flyin’, kiss stealin’, son of a gun Alex P. And here’s our first match.

Tyson Tomko Vs. Val Venis

Tomko pushes Venis off the apron and it appears he has hurt his knee right off the bat. Venis is back in the ring, and we have a lock up. Tomko is pushed against the ropes, but breaks out and goes for the knee of Venis, mounting a brutal assault, I’ll be surprised if he walks out of the ring, let alone wins the match. Venis startes to fight back with a series of right hands, and a neck breaker for 2. Val is back on his feet, but favoring the knee as he is met with a boot to the face, and Tamko locks in a single leg crab. I told you all Tomko could put on an entertaining match, I TOLD YOU! Val Venis gets the ropes, and starts to fight back again, with some more right hands, and a full nelson slam. The crowd is hot and Venis goes to the top. Still favoring the knee, he takes too much time getting up there, and Tomko goes to throw him off, BUT NO! Rolling small package by Val Venis and he gets the pinfall on an astonished Tyson Tomko!

Winner: Val Venis
Fast Facts: Val Venis was a motorcycle racer before entering the world of wrestling.


Package from the Hall of Fame Ceremony
As well as a recap of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on RAW


The fanciest entrance of any newcomer EVER

Chris Masters Vs. Sean Evans

Masters pushes him back to the corner and goes crazy with the knees, then hits a fairly good looking double underhook suplex, and a huge jumping knee. Evans goes for an irish whip but Masters reverses it, and Sean Evans hits a sunset flip on the way back, but Masters picks him up, hits the polish hammer, and locks in the masterlock.

Winner: Chris Masters
Fast Facts: Chris Masters has only been wrestling for 3 years, can you tell?

Wrestlemania package


Recap of the Main event from RAW. Batista VS. Randy Orton

Here is our Main event of the evening, and its triple threat tag team action.

Team International (William Regal and Tajiri) Vs. Team Frogs Legs (La Resistance) Vs. Team Hero (Hurricane and Rosey)

Hurricane and Conway start it off, as Hurricane goes for a roll up right off the bat for a 1 count, but Conway kicks out and hits a kitchen sink knee. Conway throws hurricane to the ropes and he hits a flying crossbody. Conway tags Regal, who tags Grenier. Who is dominated by the Hurricane until Conway turns the tide with some interference. Grenier dominates for a while until he tags Conway who stomps away and tags Grenier back in. La Resistance hits a double team, then Conway works the crowd as The Hurricane comes up behind him and gets a small package to eliminate La Resistance.


Tajiri and the Hurricane are in the ring as we return, with the Hurricane dominating Tajiri until Tajiri turns the tide with a head scissor takedown. They trade shots until Hurricane hits a big clothesline, and tags in Rosey. Rosey beats the holy hell out of Tajiri, then goes for a splash and Tajiri slips out to get he tag. Regal hits a few huge knee shots to the gut of Rosey, and then a few forearms in the corner. Regal goes to irish whip Rosey who reverses it and hits a high back body drop. Regal tags out to Tajiri who hits 2 huge kicks to the head of Rosey but Regal comes in to break it up, and theres melee in the ring until La Resistance comes back and puts their flags to good use, making the match a no contest.

Well, there you have it folks. For 411wrestling.com I am Alex P. and don’t forget The Ultimate Warrior’s advice of the week: “Queerin’ don’t make the world work”

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Alex P.