wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 10.04.07

October 4, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

TNA Impact Begins…NOW!

-They begin the show with a new video package , similar to others chronicling the birth, life and times of TNA wrestling. It is a rather kick ass video package, something fun for the new and old viewer alike; roughly 2-minutes long. We also have a revamped opening video package. I approve.

-Tenay welcomes us to another new era of TNA.

-Tenay and West run down the card and we head to the first match.

  • Rhino vs. Black Reign w/Rat

    Black Reign places a black box on the announce table. We also see clips of the debut of Judas Mesias and Rhino getting into his business. To the match, lock up and off the ropes, shoulder block by Rhino. A hip toss gets 2. Rights by Rhino, he beats Black Reign down and Black Reign rolls to the floor. Rhino follows and slams Black Reign to the apron. They mention James Mitchell is getting a group together, with Mesias and Black Reign already in it to take out Abyss. Back in the ring, a leg drop by Rhino gets 2. Off the ropes and a boot by Black Reign, but he walks into a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhino sets for the gore, misses and rights by Black Reign. Rhino hung over the 2nd ropes and a leg drop by Black Reign. To the corner, Black Reign looks for shattered dreams, but stops and gets a stunner for 2. Irish whip by Black Reign, Rhino hits hard and Black Reign covers for 2. Chinlock by Black Reign and we see Raven in his throne backstage. And we head to a commercial @ 3:15.

    Back from commercial @ 7:25 with Black Reign trying a suplex, countered by Rhino. Both men are down, they get to their feet and rights by both. Rhino with the advantage, gets a lariat to Black Reign. Clothesline, Irish whip and a corner spear. A belly to belly by Rhino, sets for the gore and raven is out and hiding. He pulls Black Reign out of the way of the gore and Rhino attacks Raven. Slams Black Reign into him and rolls him up for the win.

    Winner: Rhino @ 9:05 via pin

    – Black Reign and Raven beat down Rhino now. They lay the boots to him and Black Reign goes up top, Raven holds Rhino and Abyss is out. The bandages are already gone and Abyss cleans house. Backdrop to Black Reign. Corner spear by Rhino to Raven. He tosses Raven. Abyss has Black Reign, Chokeslam. Mitchell is here now and Abyss scares him and breaks his cane. Havoc is now out, nails Abyss with a cane and Abyss black hole slams him. Abyss grabs Mitchell but Black Reign nails Abyss with his crazy spike weapon. Black Reign goes to nail him, LIGHTS OUT and Sting is here now. He attacks Black Reign and beats him down and tosses him to the floor. Abyss beats on him through the crowd while Sting stands tall in the ring. KURT ANGLE is on the big screen. He is at Sting’s son’s football game. Ok, I think that was 8-men in that segment. This is TNA.

    -Back from commercial and Sting in still in the ring. Angle is back and we can barely understand him. Angle is sorry he couldn’t be here, but he is taking care of Sting’s family business. Sting’s son Garrett plays football here. Angle says if he had a son he wouldn’t miss his games, so he will sit in the stands and cheer Garrett on. Sting says if Angle touches his kid he will kill him. That’s not very Christian like.

    -JB is here and pimps the TNA Mobile Service. Machismo and Dutt are here. They hype the Bound for Glory match with Daniels and Machismo says Liberache will be there. Dutt hugs JB and says they need to stop talking death and Dutt has started some foundation. Team 3D attacks them and beats the shit out of them. They beat down Machismo with his own title belt, that’s good. They then slam them into walls and then they drag them out to the ring. They toss Machismo down the ramp and the beat down continues. In the ring they go and kick their ass some more for good measure. Sharky is out now and has a neck brace on still. They kick his ass as well and stand tall. It’s good to see those youngsters Team 3D getting a break. 3D on Sharky. Super-Bubba-Bomb on Dutt. They toss Machismo into the ring and get a table now. Ray yells at the crowd and tells Cornette that their match better be for the titles tonight, or this is what they will continue to do. 3D on Machismo through the table. Your X-Division champion ladies and gentlemen. This is TNA.

    -Sting is backstage and into the production truck. He flips out and the producer says he didn’t know what Angle was up to. Sting accuses him of doing it for the ratings and then demands headphones so he can talk to Angle and we head to a commercial. This is TNA.

    -Back from commercial and Sting has HEADPHONES~! He says Angle stepped over the line, and if Angle touches his kid he’ll regret it. Angle says that this is the old Sting. Angle says he won’t touch him. What will he do, have his arrested. Too late there. Angle says he will get back to the game. LET’S GO GARRETT~!

    -Tenay and West discuss this DASTARDLY DEED! They hype Bound for Glory and Leticia on the cover of Playboy.

    -Earlier today Robert Roode talked with Crystal. Roode tells her to shut up because this is his time. He is a brand and a multimillion-dollar business. He hired a PR firm. He got his money through his grandfather, who left it to him. Things will change, he is sick of Angle, Sting and Joe who don’t belong in the ring with him. He gets pissed at Brooks and she says they have a problem, she wants to know where they are. He says he is the boss and she works for him. He says she can quit, and she says she can’t because her mom is sick. He puts her in her place and says she better win the title, and losers are not accepted in Roode Inc. Leticia then comes in and argues with Crystal. She is pissed that Crystal is here and they shove each other. This is so bad. This is TNA.

  • Jackie Moore w/James Storm vs. Gail Kim

    Storm’s shirt rules, “Save Water, Drink Beer.” Boots by Moore to begin. Slams Kim to the corner, again and then gets jabs. Irish whip and arm drags by Kim and a dropkick follows. Run up the ropes lucha arm drag by Kim, Storm trips Kim after that and Moore gets a boot to the face. She chokes out Kim and the VKM and Roxxi come out to watch the match. Boots by Moore, jabs and a right take Kim down. Tilt a whirl back breaker by Moore connects. A knee drop follows and Moore covers for 2. Hemme, Hoyt and Rave come out to watch now, butterfly suplex by Moore and a cover for 2. Off the ropes and a back elbow by Kim. A boot and clothesline follow. Another. A 3rd! A knee drop by Kim gets a cover for 2. Chops by Kim, off the ropes and Moore misses a charge, reverse X-Neck breaker by Kim gets the win.

    Winner: Gail Kim @ 3:35 via pin

    -Roxxi attacks her after the match. Kim battles back and levels her. Hemme in now and all four ladies brawl now. The heels beat down Kim, but Kim rolls out to escape. The heels argue now and they begin to brawl and it ends as we go backstage. There were 9-people in that segment. This is TNA.

    -JB is with Cornette. He says 3D gets the tag title match, but they better realize that what goes around comes around. Sting is in and yells at Cornette. Cornette knows nothing he says. We head to a commercial.

    -Back from commercial with Angle at the football game. He makes commentary with his sunglasses and says he is messing with Sting. He says Sting’s friend Larry will be walking with a limp for getting involved. Cornette says to calm down and that Angle is playing mind games. Sting destroys Cornette’s desk and says he will kill Angle. Again, not very Christian like.

  • TNA TAG TITLE MATCH: Team Pacman © (Pacman and Killings) vs. Team 3D (Ray and Devon) w/Football

    Devon and Killings to begin. Lock up and knees by Devon. Clubbing shots to the back by Devon and Killings is down. He slams Killings to the corner, clubbing shots to the back and then an Irish whip, Killings back flips out, split and the leg lariat connects. Head butt to the balls by Killings. What’s up? Devon’s voice. Spinning forearm by Killings, kip up and a cover for 2. Tag to Pacman, Ray wants in and tag sin with the football. He mocks Pacman and gives Pacman the ball. Ray lines up in a 3pt stance, and Pacman jumps over him and laughs. Ray takes the ball back and says Pacman cheated. Ray throws the ball at him and Pacman grabs it and throws it at Ray’s back. Killings nails Ray and Pacman low bridges Devon and he falls to the floor. Tag to Killings, missile dropkick to Ray. Pacman grabs Ray’s legs, Killings up top, leg drop to the balls of Ray. Pacman and Killings celebrate, and then Ray kills Killings with a clothesline. Ray grabs a chair now and misses Killings, leg lariat by Killings into the chair, which nails Ray. Tag to Pacman, he has the chair and Ray begs off. VKM hit the ring and drag Killings to the floor and beat him down for the DQ.

    Winners: Pacman and Killings @ 6:08 via DQ

    -After the match Team 3D beat down Killings. Scott Steiner’s music hits and the Steiner’s run out and chase off 3D. My head hurts.

    -We see Angle at the game and he tells people that “#25” is his boy.

    -JB is with Raven. He cuts a Raven promo and says people think he is past his prime, like Funk back in the day. He learned from losing to Funk. Let the stars beat themselves down and swoop in and take them out. When he gets back in shape, he wants to take out Rhino and Abyss. They are barbaric enough to go with him. He says they should have a nice little match, at Bound for “Gory.” Abyss shows up and says let’s make it Monster’s Ball, and bring Black Reign as well.

  • FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT PREVIEW GAUNTLET MATCH – Participants: Robert Roode, Chris Harris, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, James Storm, Kaz, Lance Hoyt, Eric Young, Petey Williams and Jimmy Rave

    James Storm and Kaz will begin things. They battle, Storm gets an Enziguri and then a lung blower on Kaz. Kaz back with kicks and Storm is down. Kaz tosses him, no skin the cat. Slingshot DDT by Kaz. #3 is Roode. He attacks Kaz right away. Leg sweep by Kaz, springboard leg drop to Roode. Corner dropkick to Storm. Roode snags up Kaz and gets an Alberta Slam. #4 is Petey Williams. He hits the ring, front lung blower to Storm. Russian Leg sweep to Roode. Dropkick to Storm and a boot to Roode, Destroyer try, stopped and grabs Storm, but Roode gets a Uranage on him to stop it. #5 is Eric Young. EY plays to the crowd, then goes in and nails Roode. Slide sin and almost tosses Roode. EY rams Storm into Roode and then eats a stun gun. #6 is Jimmy Rave. Rave in and boots to Petey and almost tosses him. Off the ropes, tilt a whirl cross arm breaker on Kaz. Petey stops that. Back elbow by Petey on Rave, lays the boots to him and #7 is Chris Sabin. Sabin in and cleans house with kicks. Tornado DDT to Roode. Brooks is out to watch the match now. Rave saves himself and #8 is Alex Shelley. Alex in, WATER SPRAY to rave! They crotch Rave and MCMG COMBO ATTACKS +500~! Petey tries a destroyer and gets tosses. Alex and Sabin toss Rave. They beat down Roode, #9 is Lance Hoyt. Chokeslam to Kaz. Side slam on Roode. Headlock by EY. Hoyt tosses him. Chokeslam on Alex blocked and MCMG COMBO ATTACK but Sabin has been tossed. #10 is Chris Harris. Hoyt waits on him, lariat by Harris. Kicks by Alex, but a spinebuster by Harris. Full nelson slam to Roode. A DDT by Hoyt and then EY gets a dropkick to him. Roode nails Kaz to the floor through the ropes. Brooks checks on him and then to the floor. He yells at her and grabs Kaz. They brawl on the floor and Kaz tossed to the steps. We head to a commercial @ 9:55.

    Back from commercial @ 15:05 and Harris was tossed during the commercial. Sucks for him. Storm and Alex brawl and Hoyt works over EY. Alex nails Storm, up top and Hoyt big boots him off and out. EY and Hoyt pair off, clubbing shots by EY and he and Roode team to toss Hoyt. They stare down and then brawl. Knees by Roode, a clothesline and Kaz is back to stop that. Off the ropes and Kaz to the floor, makes eyes at Brooks, back in and Kaz eliminates Roode. SUPERKICK by Storm eliminates Kaz.

    We’re down to EY and Storm. They brawl, dropkick by EY and off the ropes but Storm gets a sleeper. EY escapes, sleeper again by Storm, EY walks up the ropes and pulls a Bret Hart to win the match while still in the sleeper.

    Winner: Eric Young @ 18:15 via pin

    -Eric celebrates as Storm is pissed. Eric into the crowd to celebrate now.

    -Tenay and West hype the main event, 8-man tag.

    -Earlier today we go to the Coalition. AJ is with Tomko and asks about Japan and Christian is here. AJ is wearing a Tomko shirt and Cage is pissed. AJ says he is going to Japan with Tomko. Tomko has a title match and Cage says he can go, but AJ has to stay.

    -Back from commercial with a video for Ultimate X, which is XXX vs. LAX.

    -Angle talks to a cheerleader and says Sting slapped his wife. He will be there to slap his son’s ass, in private since Sting isn’t there. Karen didn’t like being slapped in public. Wow. Just wow.

    -Tenay and West hype Cage vs. Joe, and we get a video package.

    -And now we get ring announcements for the main event tag.

  • Samoa Joe, Junior Fatu and LAX (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. Christian Cage, AJ Styles and XXX (Senshi and Christopher Daniels) w/Elix Skipper

    Hernandez and Daniels to begin. Lock up and Senshi in and they beat down Hernandez. He knocks them down, backdrops Senshi and tags Cide. Double team senton on Daniels and Cide covers for 2. Fatu tagged in and rights to Daniels, Daniels dives and tags in AJ. Fatu flips AJ the bird and Daniels in and they double team Fatu. Off the ropes and a sunset flip try by AJ, and he escapes before he sits down on him. Off the ropes and Fatu nails Daniels and Senshi, then takes AJ down. Cide with a DIVE onto XXX on the floor! They brawl on the floor, Cide rolls up Cage for 1. Mounted punches on Cage, Elix stun guns Cide and Cage gets a 2nd rope missile dropkick and we head to a commercial @ 3:00.

    Back from commercial @ 7:40 with Senshi in control on Cide. AJ in to nail Joe, and then Daniels helps Senshi and slides in without the tag. Off the ropes and a leg lariat by Daniels. Tag back to Senshi, leg drop to Cide and a cover for 2. Tag to Cage now and he gets a back elbow to Cide for 2. Beer tab submission by Cage, into a camel clutch variation to HUMBLE Cide! Cide up and drops down to break it. Cide wants a tag, but can’t get it. AJ in with boots to Cide, off the ropes and a sweet dropkick by AJ gets 2. Tag to Cage, rights to Cide. Off the ropes and Cide gets a dual DDT to counter the attack! Cide needs the tag…and gets it to Joe! Joe cleans house on everyone! Atomic drop to Daniels, running yakuza kick and tosses Senshi onto , senton to both! Powerslam to Cage for 2. EVERYONE is in now. Samoan Drop by Fatu on Daniels. Senshi slammed to Daniels, ELBOW SUICIDA BY JOE TO CAGE! Fatu gets a running ass splash to XXX. Stinkface to Daniels. AJ saves Senshi from the Rikishi Driver with the Superman forearm. I hear Fatu calling names and spots over the mic, nice. Dumb ass. Cide in and AJ tries the clash, AJ tossed to the floor. Hernandez in now, Senshi fights out and tosses him to the floor. Joe in and tosses Senshi. Eye poke by Cage, unprettier try and KOKINA CLUTCH IN CAGE! Daniels makes the save, Cide in and they battle up top, Hernandez over…DOOMSDAY GRINGO CUTTER~! CRACKA JACK to Senshi! SICK DIVE BY HERNANDEZ~! Joe has Cage, Muscle Buster stopped and an inverted DDT by Cage. WARRIORS WAY BY SENSHI misses, Joe levels he and Cage. Joe grabs Elix and tosses him in. KISHI DRIVER TO ELIX~! Cage set up top, Senshi nails him accidentally with the Tidal Crush. MUSCLE BUSTA ON SENSHI! 1…2…3.

    Winners: Samoa Joe, Junior Fatu and LAX @ 15:04 via pin

    -Team Joe celebrates and stands tall.

    -We head back to Angle at the football game. Angle says it has been a long day and Sting’s son had 3TD’s and 16 tackles. He is incredible. Like Sting used to be 10-years ago. Angle wants the old Sting back at Bound for Glory, and the only way to get him back in to do what he has to do right now. Angle goes to talk to Garrett and he runs from Kurt. Garrett slams the car door onto Angle, but Angle then grabs him and says Sting can imagine the rest as the camera fades to black.

    -Closing wrap up video runs.

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 4R’s!


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