wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 11.29.07

November 30, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

TNA Impact Begins…NOW!

-Impact started late tonight (9:06pm) because CSI ran long for some reason. Thanks SPIKE.

-We see highlights of last week’s show.

-JB is here and we will have a Coalition/Alliance Summit! We see Cage meeting with Roode. Cage then says that Roode can’t trust anyone around here. He then says Booker T is here to take Roode’s spot. Cage is just telling Roode this for his own good, because he is looking out for him. He tells him to stand up to Booker. Roode sees it, all the has beens coming to TNA. Roode says not to worry, because he will take care of Booker.

-Tenay and West welcome us to the show and hype Turning Point, Booker, and the 8-man main event for tonight.

-Booker T makes his way to the ring with Sharmell. The crowd is hyped for Booker. He came out to say that he is starting a journey in TNA, and wants to talk to us. His website, CHEAP PLUG, has been blowing up because every wants to know why he left WWE. That didn’t take long. He left for many reasons, but tonight he will tell us why he is here in TNA. He is here because TNA is the hottest thing going, to test himself against the best young talent, to take TNA to a higher level, to make TNA the best company in the world. He is here to finish what he started 18-years ago, to go out like he came in, shocking and amazing the crowd, doing it like no one else, and the TNA world title, he wants it around his waist. He will do it the way to do to, to make people beg off and say they don’t WANT NONE! YO ASS BETTER BE BIG ENOUGH AND BAD ENOUGH…BECAUSE IT IS ON LIKE NECK BONE…CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKA? Roode and Traci make their way out. He says Booker isn’t welcome in TNA. He introduces himself, the future of TNA. For four years he has been busting his ass and climbing the ladder, but another washed up has been from the other side of the track is always trying to push him down. Roode tells Booker to shut up and listen, Booker will not push Roode down the ladder and not take his spot. Roode challenges Booker to a match tonight! Roode will leave his skank in the back if Booker does the same. Booker is OFFENDED and says not to diss his wife or he will whoop Roode’s ass. Roode calls him a punk and Sharmell holds him back. Roode calls her a tramp and it is ON! Security breaks them up. Roode wants the match tonight and we’ll get it.

-Back from commercial Crystal is with Hemme and her boys. They discuss their problems with LAX. Hemme says she was attacked by a man in the Latino Nation. She then yells at Jimmy because no one can get along.

Eric Young and Gail Kim vs. Jimmy Rave and Christy Hemme w/Hoyt

Young is wearing his drinking title belt. Hemme and her boys are called the ROCK AND RAVE INFECTION. Right. Hemme attacks Kim, but Kim comes back and gets an arm bar. To the ropes they go, and a break after Hemme kicks Kim low. Irish whip and Kim floats over, but Hemme counters an arm bar. Rave in and so is Young. Why is Hemme out wrestling the champion? Anyway, off the ropes and a tackle by Rave. Thesz press by Young, off the ropes and Rave with the cool tilt a whirl arm bar. Young rolls, picks up Rave to the corner and hen Young tosses him off by the hair. Hoyt crotches Young on the post and a basement dropkick by Rave and covers for 2. Rights by Rave, boots and then Rave up top…and Young catches him in an atomic drop. Hoyt in and tossed to the floor. Kim and Hemme in, to the corner, counter by Kim and up top, RANA to rave! Hemme grabs Kim, but Kim rolls her up for the win.

Winners: Young and Kim @ 4:05 via pin

  • The match was fine for what it was, but there is NO reason that Hemme should be getting that much offense in on Kim. NO reason.
    Rating: *½

    -James Storm and Jackie are out. Storm is out to challenge for his drinking title back. They set up a table for a speed beer-drinking contest. After a commercial we are back for drinking. This is a great use of TV time. Tenay makes a great remark, saying this is the best officiating he has seen in TNA. Tremendous. Eric Young wins. Storm then breaks a beer bottle on Young’s head. He is busted open big time and then eats a chair shot. Young is pouring blood now, and Storm gets the whirly bird to put an exclamation point in the attack, and then says HE is the drinking champion.

    -JB is with AJ and Tomko. AJ says as team captain that he, Tomko, Angle and Cage will all be a well-oiled machine. No problems, they will be like the Walton’s. Tomko calls AJ JOHN BOY and says Angle and Cage hate each other. Cage then talks about a bunch of celebrities that hated each other and Tomko tells him that it was, “TOO MUCH TMZ.” Tomko says they need to get them together because they have a match.

    -Back from commercial and they hype Booker T’s in ring IMPACT debut. They then hype the Turning Point PPV.

    -We get a video history of the 3D vs. X-Division feud.

    STREET FIGHT: Team 3D w/Devine vs. Sonjay Dutt and Black Machismo

    Devine has possession of the X-Title, and distracts Dutt and Machismo so that Team 3D can attack. 3D controls early, choke out Dutt and Machismo and then just beat them down. Off the ropes and dropkicks to 3D, sending them to the floor. STEREO PLANCHAS! They now set up a table, and brawl around the ring. They now brawl into the crowd, Machismo DIVES off the bleachers onto Devon! Dutt gets a HUGE dive from the ring into the crowd onto Ray! We head to a commercial @ 2:55.

    Back from commercial @ 5:55 with Dutt getting a 450 and Machismo getting an elbow drop for near falls. Enziguri to Devon, they used DING DONGS as weapons during the break! Trashcan shots on 3D, Dutt up top and GETS A FRONT FLIP VANTERMINATOR to Devon! 1…2…NO! They both go up top, Devine canes Machismo and he falls to the floor through the table. 3D on Dutt and that is all.

    Winners: Team 3D @ 7:33 via pin

  • Match was fun and going well, but the commercial killed it. I love that Devine had the X-Title with him, as it plays into what I think what will happen next.
    Rating: **

    -Devine celebrates with the X-Title and Team 3D. Ray and Devon have numb chucks and beat them down, and The MCMG’s make the save.

    -We see AJ begging Angle to meet with Cage. AJ says they have to deal with this because they have to fight Joe, Steiner, Abyss and Kaz! Angle says AJ has to chill. AJ says Karen said they could be on both teams, and Angle orders Karen to go and talk to Cage. Tomko is just great sitting there, drinking coffee and saying, “Sure, everything is great.”

    -Back from commercial with a video promo for the 10,000 tack match.

    Rellik vs. Rhino

    They brawl to begin, clothesline by Rhino and then a belly to belly connects. Rhino sets for a gore, misses and a spinebuster by Rellik. Rellik lays the boots to Rhino, rights now and then chokes out Rhino. Rhino now fights back, but Rellik with leg kicks and then a yakuza to the face and Rellik covers for 2. Rhino battles back, gets a spinebuster and GORE and that is all.

    Winner: Rhino @ 3:46 via pin

  • Excellent, Rellik is 2-2 as far as jobbing goes. EPIC FAIL.
    Rating: *

    -After the match, Black Reign attacks Rhino. Abyss is out to make the save, and he has tacks. He beats Reign and Rellik down, Reign tossed to the floor and Rellik as well by Rhino. Abyss and Rhino look deep into each other’s eyes and have a special moment. Abyss then spills out the tacks to send a message.

    JB is with AJ and Tomko. AJ has to pee and is nervous. JB says AJ has to be relaxed when he talks to Cage. Tomko isn’t buying this. They send in Tomko first and they follow. AJ hugs him and Cage slams him against the wall. Cage is disgusted, and says AJ ran and then stole the win, and then ran away again! Cage asks what Tomko was thinking, and Tomko says Cage told him not to think. Tremendous. Cage says he had a moment of clarity and says he doesn’t need them, they need him. He says the Coalition is dead and finished. AJ is a sad panda and Cage tells him to get some lip-gloss and kiss Angle’s ass. AJ says Cage is like a father to him, and Cage says AJ embarrassed him. Cage then says he wants to talk to Angle, and tells AJ to bring him here. AJ says he will get Karen, Cage asks if he just said Karen, and Tomko says yes, because Kurt won’t meet with him. Cage, “SONOF A BITCH.” Tomko is awesome.

    -Back from commercial and AJ calls the summit to order. AJ presides over the meeting, and says they need to work together to benefit TNA and mankind as a whole. He wants Cage and Karen to shake hands. Karen and Cage stand, and they shake. AJ says he presents the Coalition, the Alliance, a team! He flops on the table and says he told Tomko it would work and they have a group hug. Cage stays to talk with Karen, and Cage grabs her and says tonight he is going out there to win, because that is what he does. Business is business. If she or Kurt try to screw her, it will be the worst mistake they ever make. She says she understands. I hear she likes it rough.

    Robert Roode w/Miss Brooks vs. Booker T w/Sharmell

    I thought they were leaving the skanks in the back? Roode doesn’t want to tangle early on. Lock up, to the ropes and they hold on around and then Roode tries aright and Booker levels him. Forearms by Booker, off the ropes and a side kick lands and a cover for 2. A spinebuster by Booker get s 2. Snap mare and a chinlock by Booker, but Roode slams him to the corner and gets shoulder rams. Rights by Roode, chops, but Booker fights back and gets a suplex for 2. Off the ropes and a stun gun by Roode and a neck breaker follows and he will cover for 2. We head to a commercial @ 3:05.

    Back from commercial @ 7:15 and Roode gets a clothesline for 2. Rain the MYSTERY FAN is looking on from the back of the seating area. A snap mare and chinlock by Roode, and he maintains control. Booker battles out, chops to Roode and then an Irish whip, reversal and a back elbow by Booker, unfortunately he walks into a spinebuster for 2. A DDT by Roode gets 2. Roode demands Brooks’ chair, she gives it to him and he misses and eats a superkick. Boot, ax kick connects. 1…2…3.

    Winner: Booker T @ 9:55 via pin

  • Match was fine, the commercial killed it. Booker appears to be motivated, which is a good thing.
    Rating: **

    -Booker and Sharmell celebrate, but Christian is out to beat Booker down. Roode joins in with him, they use the chair and they then turn to Sharmell…but KAZ is out to make the save! Kaz cleans house, Booker back to his feet and they clear the ring. Kaz tells Booker he has his back, and they hug.

    -Crystal is Scott Steiner. He is in the wacky battle royal at the PPV. He has no friends and doesn’t want to be in this match tonight. Steiner keeps calling her the wrong name, and she has to explain the wacky battle royal he is in Sunday. He then says no one has the SPALDINGS to fire him, and he walks away.

    -Back from commercial and get video packages for some Turning Point matches.

    -Hall and Nash watch on from backstage.

    Kaz, Abyss, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Tomko and Christian Cage

    AJ and Steiner kick off the match. Steiner overpowers AJ, obviously, to begin. AJ talks shit and tags Tomko in. AJ cheers on Tomko and falls over the ropes and falls back into the ring. Tomko laughs, AJ tags in and then back out. Lock up, to the corner and Steiner with chops to Tomko. A clothesline, elbow drop and pushups. Tag to Joe and elbows by Joe. Jabs, Irish whip and a charging forearm by Joe. Kick to Tomko and then the knee drop. Kaz tags in and kicks to Tomko, off the ropes and a dropkick by Kaz connects, and poses to mock AJ. Tag into Abyss who pummels Tomko with clubbing shots. Tomko battles back, off the ropes and a back elbow by Tomko, but Abyss answers with a big boot. Angle knees Abyss and then Tomko gets a boot to Abyss. Abyss tossed to the floor and Angle beats him down. AJ joins in and tries to push Abyss in, and Cage has to help. Tomko takes out the faces, but they end up stopping the pin try on Abyss. Angle tags in now, lays the boots to Abyss and tags AJ in. Off the ropes and Abyss gets a flapjack on AJ. Abyss tags in Steiner, he cleans house. Overhead suplexes for AJ and Tomko. One for Angle! One for Cage! Tag to Kaz, and he and Steiner gets the DOOMSDAY DROPKICK ON CAGE! Kaz levels Angle with a kick and covers for 2 as AJ makes the save. Kaz tosses AJ, but Cage low blows him and sends him to the floor. We head to commercial @ 7:00.

    Back from commercial @ 10:40 with Kaz playing Ricky Morton. Cage eats a dropkick as he comes off of the 2nd rope. Cage tries to stop a tag, Angle tags in and Cage and Angle stare down. Angle lights up Kaz with uppercuts and covers for 2. Kaz fights out if a waistlock and AJ and Tomko rush in and wipe out the faces. An overhead belly to belly by Angle for 2. Tomko tags in, knees to Kaz in the corner and then clubbing shots after a snap mare. Irish whip, boot to Tomko and Kaz with a tornado DDT! Great sell by Tomko there as well. Joe and Cage get tagged in and Joe starts to clean house on everyone. RUNNING KNEE ATTACK to AJ! Snap powerslam on Cage for 2. Angle slam on Joe, black hole slam on Angle! Tree slam by Tomko on Abyss! TBONE by Steiner! Inverted DDT by Cage to Steiner…WAVE OF THE FUTURE on Cage by Kaz. Asai DDT by AJ on Kaz! Joe in with Cage and AJ, Cage goes for the Unprettier and AJ PELE’S Cage by accident. Joe wipes out AJ. MUSCLE BUSTA ON CAGE! 1…2…3!

    Winners: Kaz, Abyss, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe @ 16:00 via pin

  • A fun match that broke down to finisher-fest 2007, which I am a sucker for. This was a good main event here, I dug it.
    Rating: ***

    -The faces all celebrate. Nash and Hall come out and do the NWO/WOLFPACK point to Joe.

    -Closing wrap up video runs.

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 4R’s!

  • 411’s back with another huge podcast broadcast! Larry and the Wife have returned to preview the TNA Turning Point PPV, announce another contest winner, give out more contest details, talk about the near death experience the Csonka family had on the commute home from Thanksgiving and more! You can win free stuff! Check out the latest podcast of Larry and the Wife below!

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