wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 6.14.17

Drew McIntyre vs. Rob Ryzin
Drew flips Rob over quickly. Commentary notes that Drew’s former partner, Jinder Mahal, is WWE Champion. Rob shoves McIntyre, so he gets shoved harder back. Drew throws him into the corner but eats a superkick. It gets one for Rob. McIntyre tosses him with a release suplex. A running forearm in the corner and diving forearm off the top follow. Rob slaps McIntyre, so he gets beat down in the corner. McIntyre knocks him off the top, sending him outside. The running boot ends it.
Winner: Drew McIntyre in 3:27
A recap is shown from two weeks ago, when Ember Moon was told she was cleared to compete. The Iconic Duo were the highlights of this segment. Ember returns to the ring against Peyton Royce next week.
An Aleister Black vignette airs.
Non-Title Match: NXT Tag Team Champions The Authors of Pain w/ Paul Ellering vs. Jobbers
One jobber immediately runs into a big boot. His partner comes in, only to get his ass kicked. Ellering is having a conversation with Rezar outside, while Akam fights this on his own. Ellering write something down, while Akam dumps one jobber outside. He hits the legal one with a modified death valley driver to win.
Winners: The Authors of Pain in 0:54
Not satisfied, the Authors hit the Super Collider on the ham and eggers. Ellering gets on the mic to say Heavy Machinery are as dumb as they are large. AOP have beaten TM61, American Alpha, The Revival and #DIY. Paul says when the Authors write their book of pain, Heavy Machinery won’t even make a footnote. They don’t match up. Out comes Heavy Machinery, ready for a fight. The teams come face to face, but Ellering pulls his guys back.
Bobby Roode’s altercation with Roderick Strong last week is shown. There were some Twitter words from one of them, but I didn’t catch which.
A Sonya Deville vignette is shown. She beats people up and trains a bunch in the video, while we hear about her MMA training. “Put your hair up and square up.”
Raul Mendoza vs. The Velveteen Dream
You may remember Mendoza from the CWC last year. He lost in a fun first round match to The Brian Kendrick. They lock up, Dream takes him down and walks on his back. Dream hits a shoulder block and taunts. He gets rolled up for two. Dream shows off his athleticism before eating a running kick. Dream turns it around and talks trash before clobbering Mendoza. Mendoza fights back with strikes of his own but his quickness backfires when Dream nails a flapjack. Dream hits a cartwheel death valley driver and then the diving elbow for the victory.
Winner: The Velveteen Dream in 3:39
Last week’s stuff involving Hideo Itami and Oney Lorcan is shown. Itami hit several Go to Sleeps until Kassius Ohno ran out to calm him down. Ohno and Itami got into it. Kayla Braxton interviews Ohno about his friendship with Hideo. He doesn’t know where it stands but feels that he sunk to Hideo’s level last week. He knows that’s not who Hideo is, and he needs to get things right to clear his head. Ohno wants to lead by example and talked to William Regal, who gave him a match with Aleister Black next week. HEROES EVENTUALLY DIE EXPLODE!
An Ember Moon vignette runs.
NXT Women’s Championship Elimination Match: Asuka (c) vs. Nikki Cross vs. Ruby Riot
The women are hesitant to make a move, but Nikki goes first. She sends Ruby down and gets jumped by Asuka. Nikki hits Asuka with a hip attack and Ruby lays into her. Ruby and Asuka trade kicks. Nikki comes off the middle rope with a missile dropkick, but then eats one from Asuka. Asuka calls for both to attack her. She ducks a double clothesline, only to get sent over the top. It came off awkwardly. Ruby rolls up Nikki for two. Nikki slams her to the mat and attacks. Forearms and elbows from Ruby before a dropkick. Asuka gets on the apron and is knocked off. Ruby sends NIkki face first into the turnbuckle and kicks her in the face. Nikki falls outside before a commercial. Returning, Asuka takes control with a hip attack. She runs into a knee from Ruby, who then hits a leaping rana. Nikki jumps on Ruby’s back and gets taken over. Pele from Ruby gets a near fall. Asuka comes in to break it up like she did in Chicago, but Ruby catches the foot. She fires off shots but gets pulled into a knee strike. Asuka gets tripped by Nikki and pulled outside. Ruby takes both out with a missile dropkick off the apron. Inside, Ruby hits another dropkick. She goes up top but Asuka knocks her off. Asuka tries a missile dropkick and misses. Nikki hits her finisher but Asuka wisely rolls outside to avoid getting pinned. Ruby pulls Nikki into a saito suplex. Asuka runs into a kick and NIkki hits a spinning neckbreaker with Ruby draped on the top to eliminate her at 6:30. After another break, Asuka and Nikki trade blows and Asuka delivers some spinning back fists. A kick takes Cross down. Asuka nails a bridging German for two. Kicks from Asuka until Nikki rakes her eyes. She goes for the same move that beat Ruby, but Asuka slips out and kicks her in the chest and head. Both looked weak. Kick to the side of the face by Asuka, who then comes off the apron with a hip attack. They fight outside on the guardrail, in front of Izzy. They make it to the stage, where Nikki is sent into it. They move things backstage and for some reason, the referee calls for the bell, ruling a no contest.
No Contest in 9:41 (**3/4)
The cameras catch up, as they brawl outside. There’s an awkward moment where they don’t know what to do next. Asuka throws NIkki into a wall and chokes her. Nikki counters a whip and sends Asuka into a garage door. Asuka retaliates by slamming Nikki’s head into it several times. Back inside the building, Nikki takes phony looking head smashes. Nikki then dumps Asuka’s head into a cooler full of ice water. Back to the arena, they battle by commentary, only to head towards the back again. They stop by the tech area and fight there. They stand on a table and Nikki flies at Asuka, sending them both over and through a table. Officials, Steve Corino and William Regal check on them to end the show.
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