wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE RAW Report 3.19.18
You guys, it’s a very special day in the wrestling world! The crazy little minx that once was AJ Lee turns 30 today, and I’m here to wish her the happiest of birthdays!
RAW starts with ANgle coming to the ring and telling us that Reigns isn’t welcome back due to his suspension, and of course, Reigns walks through the crowd and enters the ring. Angle is shocked. SHOCKED I SAY that Reigns is here. Angle says there are people in the back that will prevent Reigns from doing anything, but Reigns says someone has got to be here to represent Mania. Angle says he is running a little late. Angle knows Reigns is upset, but he’ll half to talk about it outside of the arena on his own time. Reigns wonders why he is suspended – was it for telling the truth?
Angle says Reigns is over here trying to do his own thing, but he needs to be patient – it will happen. He will have Brock come Mania.
Reigns claims he’s not leaving his ring until he faces Brock Lesnar…tonight.
Angle drops his mic and heads to the back, with his hands in the air.
It appears that Angle went above and beyond because three “US MARSHALLS” come out to meet Reigns in the ring. LOOK AT MY BOY RICKY STARKS!!!!
The three come up to Reigns. One must be new to the game, because he’s reading Reign’s Miranda rights form a litle card. The middle guy cuffs Reigns. He looks like a porn star out of Miami. Reigns is compliant until Porn Dude grabs Reigns arm. Reigns gets pissed and tells him not to touch him. The men then try and strong arm Reigns out of the ring, so he throws a couple of elbows to the face of two of them. Reigns pummels Porno and back elbows Stark. Reigns stomps Stark in the corner a few times then the music of The Beast hits! Reigns is still cuffed. Cole busts a nut.
Reigns grabs the chair. Reigns runs down to the ring. GERMAN to REIGNS!!! He grabs the chair! Brock beats down Reigns with the chair while Heyman holds the title up in the background. Brock with another smack of the chair. Refs come down to scream next to Heyman. Another German Suplex is hit. Brock smacks Reigns one more time and stands above him. Reigns with another German cuz he can! Brock kicks Reigns onto his stomach then smacks him with a chair. Another one.
Reigns leaves the ring. He looks back, removes his shirt, then rushes back into it to smack Reigns again and again and hit another German Suplex. F5 from Brock! The beatdown is complete.
While I enjoyed seeing Ricky, the entire idea of THE US MARSHALS being even remotely interested in Roman F’n Reigns is just….cheesy.
Reigns gets the stretcher job in the middle of the ring.
Don’t quote me on this, but I think the crowd may be chanting that Reigns deserves it?
Reigns is completely strapped to the stretcher. They slide Reigns outof the ring and place him on the caddy. Brock’s music hits. Brock runs down! He shoves Reigns down! hahha. The shit falls over and Reigns falls along with it! Brock drags the entire caddy with Reigns a bit then decides to leave. The crowd LOVES the segment, cheering YES while Reigns is tossed to the ground. Is that what they were going for?
Anyways, Alexa and Asuka get a it of a video package.
We get to RAW Live and Alexa comes out with Mickie James to apologize….that she didn’t say what she said sooner. She humiliated Nia, and she loved every second of it. She never liked Nia. She used Nia. Admitting this feels good. She used Nia. Does Nia really think that someone like Alexa would be friends with someone like Nia? How dumb an you be? Alexa feels so much better now, though. She thanks us for letting her vent. She feels like a whole weight has lifted off her shoulders. She dropped 300 lbs of sad, pathetic loser. Save the pity boos for someone who cares.
She can now end Asuka’s streak, and she’s going to do just that.
Asuka’s music hits.
Another week, another issue with the stream. We enter this match just a bit after the start.
Match 1: Asuka vs Alexa Bliss
Alexa has the hair of Asuka in her hands as she locks in a cravat from behind. Asuka turns into the hold and fights back, sends Alexa into the top rope then attacks the back of the head. Asuka hits the ropes. Booty bump to the face, then another into the corner. Rights to the face of Alexa. Alexa hops up and Asuka hits a hard knee. Asuka hits the ropes. Another knee to the face! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Asuka into the corner. She’s on the 2nd rope. She is distracted by mickie James, who hops onto the apron. Bliss with the throat thrust. Right hand from Bliss and she knees Asuka to the outside. Mickie with a cheap shot outside. Alexa sends Asuka back into the ring and covers for 1..2..NO! Chinlock from behind to Asuka. Asuka turns into the hold and slams Alexa down hard. She kicks her in the kidney, but Alexa hits another right. Asuka kicks from down on the mat. Alexa with the ground and pound. Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Alexa sends ASuka to the outside.
We return from a break. Alexa and Asuka are in the corner on the 2nd turnbuckle. Alexa hits a headbutt then a sunset flip for 1…2..NO!!! Alexa throws a bit of a temper tantrum. She stands and grabs the hair, then bends Asuka back Knee to the head. Alexa with the knees, looks for a flip into knees, but Asuka rsuhes her with an elbow. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Asuka goes for a move, Alexa drops, Asuka grabs the legs for a pin. 1..2..NO!!! Asuka with an ankle lock! Alexa turns but Asuka holds on. Alexa tries a roll through but Asuka won’t let go. Alexa reaches for Mickie. Gets the ropes. Asuka breaks the hold. Alexa rolls to the outside. Mickie helps her up as the ref starts his count. He gets to six and you can kinda tell where this is going. The ref finally gets to 10 as Alexa backs up the ramp.
Winner: Asuka via countout
Pretty good match, all things considered.
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: **3/4
The ref holds the hand of Asuka in the air as the winner but Nia’s music hits! She rushes down, trucks Mickie James. Nia chases Alexa around the ring and catches her by the barricade. Mickie is there to stop her. Nia turns and sends Mickie face first into the barricade as Alexa makes her escape. Nia hops over the barricade and chases Alexa to the back.
Apparently, John Cena wants an answer tonight from The Undertaker.
Backstage, Angle is on the phone with appears to be another alleged son. Just kidding. Alexa comes up and tells Angle Nia is out of control. She should be suspended. No, arrested. Angle says he’s tired of people telling him what to do. Angle stumbles over his lines and says that the RAW Women’s champion should be a role model, not a bully. So Nia gets a title shot at Mania. Alexa stands in shock.
Braun Strowman makes his way to the ring. He stretches out his arms and takes in the adulation of the crowd. He brings up last week, saying he won the tag team battle royal by himself. He carved a path of destruction, and now he’s going to Wrestlemania. He doesn’t think he needs a partner. In fact, he knows he can win the titles by himself.
The Bar is here to stop the big fella. Sheamus says he’s out of his mind if he thinks he can beat the two of them by himself. Throwing opponents over the ring is way different then defeating the greatest tag team in the WWE. Sheamus says this seems a bit too complicated to Braun. Cesaro explains the chemistry behind tag team wrestling. Cesaro says you have to do everything together. You have to sleep together. The crowd takes some offense and Strowman laughs at them. Sheamus tells the crowd to grow up. Sheamus says he doesn’t care who tags with Braun, at Mania, they’re walking out the champions.
Braun tells them to shut up. Sheamus takes offense. Braun tells Sheamus and Cesaro that he has a partner, and he also gets to have a match with one of the two champs right now.
Match 2: Braun Strowman vs Cesaro
Strowman tosses Cesaro so hard across the ring that Cesaro flips over the corner and to the outside as we go to break.
We are back and Cesaro has a hold on Braun from behind, but Braun backs him up into the corner. Cesaro hits a kick. Another right the face. uppercuts in the corner, then he works the arm. Cesaro punches the back of the arm. Right to the face. Cesaro grabs the head and locks up for a suplex, but can’t lift him. Braun lifts him like nothing. Cesaro floats over. Braun rushes him, Cesaro holds the ropes .Braun turns into a kick to the face then a running, swinging kick to the face of Braun! Cesaro leaves the ring and gets flapjacked ONTO the barricade!!! Sheamus distracts. Cesaro hops off the apron…right into the arms of Braun. Braun sends him into the barricade then sends him into the ring. Braun goes to truck him into the corner, but Cesaro moves and Braun hits the post. Cesaro with a dropkick to Braun into the post again. Cesaro hits a bunch of uppercuts then tries for a Nuetralizer. Braun is quick to say hell nah, and tosses Cesaro over the top rope. Cesaro grabs the head of Braun fom the outside, hangs him up, then runs inside and hits a springboard corkscrew uppercut. Pin for 1..2….NO!!! Cesaro up first. He grabs the head. Locks him up under the legs, then gets back body dropped. Cesaro goes for the springboard uppercut again, but Braun with a hard right hand! Splash in the corner! Running pw—no, Sheamus on the apron! Cesaro rolls to the outside. Sheamus tries to talk some motivation. Braun leaves the ring. He runs. Cesaro moves, and Braun trucks Sheamus on the outside. He gets back in the ring. He rushes the corner. Cesaro side steps then goes for a rollup but Braun won’t move.
Cesaro with anuppercut. He gets to the 2nd rope. Powerslam. Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Braun Strowman
Cesaro is amazing.
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***
We get some footage from The Hardy Compound. Matt is standing bya piano while Reby plays. His kids are nearby, and Senor Benjamin is here as well. Matt cuts a promo on the Dastardly Bray Wyatt. He speaks to Vanguard 1, telling it to scan the Hardy Compound non-stop, because we will be seeing an intruder. He tells Senor Benjamin to prepare the battlefield for….Annihilation.
We come back to RAW and there is a match that no one cares about on.
Match 3:
Titus looks to hit the Clash, but The Revival team with a big move to stop it. Leg drop from onto Titus. Dawson works the head. He hits a few right hands. Kicks in the corner. Tag to Dash. They double team Titus a bit. Dash with a tag to Dawson. He comes in and grabs the leg. Titus kicks them both away. Tag to Apollo. Clothesline. Again. Kick to Dash. Kick to Dawson. Hits trhe ropes. Double dropkick to both men! Clothesline to Dawson and a kip up. Standing Moonsault and a pin for 1..2…NO!!! Distraction, and Dawson hits a right. Again. Apollo hits one. Looking for abackslide, but Apollo kicks off of Dawson on the apron and gets a rollup for 1..2..NO!!!! On the outside, Titus is sent into the apron hard. Apollo with a forearm to the nose of Dawson. Apollo with a great crossbody, but Dawson rolls through or a 1..2..NO!!! Enziguri from A[pollo. He goes for a suplex, but Dawson gets a good tag.
Wilder in to send an elbow. Shatter Machine. Pin for 1..2…3..!!!
Winners: The Revival
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *
Charley wants to know what The Revival plans on doing to get to Mania. The Revival says there is no team on earth more qualified to get the titles. They say that since Braun decided to enter into their wild, they are going to enter his. The Revival will be the first team to ever win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.
Bayley and Sasha are supposed to team up against Mandy and Sonya. Bayley makes her entrance. Sasha is out next, but she has a mic. She says that Bayley is her best friend and she wants to fix it. She did what she did at Elimination Chamber because it was every woman for themselves. She was trying to win the title. She wants to go to Mania to win the Battle Royal. Bayley wasn’t trying to win anything when she didn’t tag in, though, or when she walked out last week. Sasha says that was twice. Two teams, Bayley left her. Since she is the bigger person, and she considers Bayley her sister, she forgives Bayley. Sasha extends her hand.
Bayley turns away and grabs a mic. She looks back towards Sasha. Bayley says she was angry, and acted impulsively. She didn’t cost them the match, and the following week, she helped Sasha win. When the match was done, she took off because Bayley can’t get over what was done at Elimination Chamber. It’s not even about what was done, it’s how it was done. Sasha knows Bayley, and she gets it. Sasha does what she has to do, but the look on her face after she did it. The glare in Sasha’s eyes and the smirk – it ate at Bayley’s core. Sasha literally grabbed Bayley’s hand and kicked her down the pod, watched her fall, and smiled. Bayley can’t get that picture out of her head. Sasha is supposed to be her best friend, so why was knocking her down so easy?
They are interrupted by Paige’s scream. She comes out with her friends. She apologizes, but it’s time for their match. Her ladies are now going to show these whiny little girls how real women settle the score.
Match 4: Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville
Sasha to start, and she backs Sonya in the corner. She thrusts a bit then ducks a right hand. Slap from Sasha. She eats turnbuckle as Sonya moves from a dive. Sonya sends Bayley off the apron then tosses Sasha to the outside as well.
Back from a break, and Mandy is in the ring with Bayley. Bayley elbows out of a choke hold then prevents a head bashing in the corner. She reverses and sends Mandy inot the corner a few times before going for a pin. 1..2..NO! Bayley hits the ropes and hits aback elbow to the back of the head. Clothesline into a pin for 1…NO! Bayley drops Mandy down. Tag to Sasha. Elbow drop. Bayley covers for some reason. Sashs shoves Bayley off and goes for a cover for 1. Mandy sends Sasha in the corner. Pin for 1..2.NO! Tag to Sonya. Stomps in the corner. Snapmare into the middle of the ring. Sonya slides with a knee to the back. Cover for 1..2..NO! Sonya with a leg scissors from behind. Slam to Banks and a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Sonya with a kick to the chest. Tag to Mandy. Sonya with a whip, and Mandy hits a huge fucking knee! Ouch. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Mandy mounts Sasha and hits a bunch of right hands. She covers for 1..2..NO! Mandy hooks the leg on the side like a Russian Leg Sweep, then locks the arm for an abdominal stretch. After releasing the hold, Mandy hits a dropkick. Tag to Sonya. Kicks to Sasha. Tag to Mandy. Kicks to Sasha. Sasha with a right, she ducks a clothesline, and kicks mandy. Sasha crawls to the corner, nearly gets there. Bayley doesn’t show much effort. Sonya is there to stop her. Sasha kicks Sonya away. Bayley with a hard blind tag. She sends Sonya into the corner. Stomps in the corner over and over. Bayley sends Sonya to the apron. She stuns Sonya then hits aside suplex. Bayley with a back elbow in the corner. She tosses Sonya into the center then hits a flying back elbow. Pin for 1..2..N!O!! Mandy in to stop it. Sasha in to beat down Sasha in the corner. Bayley with a backslide to Sonya, but the re is busy with Sasha. Sasha has aboot to Mandy’s neck. Bayley turns to Saha, tells her to stop. Sasha has some words.
Bayley sends Mandy to the outside. Sasha talks some shit. Sonya shoves Bayley INTO Sasha! High kick from Sonya. Pin. 1..2…3!!!
Winners: Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville
I wish this culminated in a match at Mania, not a part of a Battle Royal…
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***
John Cena is here. yaaaaaaayyyyy
He hypes up RAW and says it’s not your typical Monday Night Raw. He says everything is bigger in Texas, and last week he put out a challenge to The Undertaker. He gave Taker a choice – yes or no. Tonight, we find out his response. He still finds it amazing that The Undertaker has been in hiding so long simply because he feels embarrassed. Cena agrees with the boos, but he feels we think he no longer belongs here. Before he gets to Taker’s response, he wants to know how Dallas feels about it. The crowd starts a Yes chant. Cena tells us all that The Undertaker’s response to him at Mania is…..
Not a yes. Not a no.
Cena says that’s the biggest mistake The Undertaker has ever made. He said it last week and meant it. He doesn’t mind going as a fan, but would love to be the opponent, but for him to not get up off his ass and give Cena an answer, it’s damned disrespectful. To him. And to each and every one of us. To every person that has cheered. To all of us over the year who followed and believed. To every beating heart. Jesus…..
Cena says if taker is retired, then say no and we’ll move on. If you’re not retired then get up off your ass and say something. He is not the God we have made him, he is the man that he has allowed himself to become – and that man is a coward. The Undertaker is a coward! Cena stares right at the hard cam here. He then says to prove him wrong. Give him a yes or a no. Do some of that stupid stuff you do. Roll a casket, give him smoke or lightening. Just don’t sit there and do nothing. DO SOMETHING!
DO SOMETHING chant. lol.
Cena joins them in the chant to encourage it.
Cena stands, like a defeated little boy. He then points; asks if we hear that. This is, apparently, the exact moment The Undertaker let everyone down that believed in him. The Undertaker is not a god, and should barely be able to call himself a man.
Kane’s music hits and this is the first time I’ve been excited to see him in YEARS!!!
Cena acts like an idiot, pointing at Kane, mouth wide open. I hate him…
Kane enters the ring. Cena says Kane must have been sent by The Undertaker himself to give us a response. Kane, is it yes or no?
Cena sticks the mic in Kane’s face. Kane grabs him by the neck and chokeslams him.
Kane leaves as Cole wonders if this was Kane stepping up to face John Cena…
Reigns is at a local medical facility and will not be released tonight. So, I suppose assaulting three US Marshals leads to no type of punishment. That’s good.
The Miztourage vs The Balor Club is sold as First Time Ever, because this claim is very very crazy…
Miz on the mic. He says they are three weeks away, and he gets no respect. Miz is not on chairs, posters, or even magazines! He holds up the Mania magazine, and yells no respect. The WWE Champion AJ Styles, the Universal Champ Brock, they get to be on the cover and singles one on one matches. He has the deck stacked against him. He doesn’t even have to be pinned to lose his title. What urks Miz the most is that last week he asked a question, and he’ll ask again: “Am I the Bad Guy?”
No respect. Do we think that because we buy the action figures of Seth and Finn, does that make them heroes? Last week, he exposed Finn and Seth for what they truly are – liars. Beneath all the smiles, they resent each other. At Mania, Miz’s nudge will turn into a big push for Tyler Black and Prince Nevitt (Nevitt?) back to bingo halls for all the little Indy fans. He will emerge from Mania as the longest reigning —-
Miz is cut off by The Balor Club’s music.
They head to the ring for the match, but not before Seth Rollins comes out to join the commentary team.
Match 5: The Miztourage vs The Balor Club
The match started during the commercial and we come back to Finn taking some frustration out on Axel. Whip to the corner and a chop by Finn. Finn with another whip and runs into a boot. Tag to Bo. Amr drag from Finn. Another. Finn works the left arm from above. Bo turns into it and sends Finn into the corner .Tag to Miz. Miz with a whip. Knee to Finn. Miz with rights. Miz grabs the head and sends Finn into the corner. Shoulder thrusts and at to Curtis. Snapmare from Axel into a neckbreaker and a pin for 1..2..NO! Cravat from behind. Finn escapes. Dropkick to the face. Finn fights back with rights. Bo with kicks in the corner after a tag. Miz works the neck as Bo distracts the ref. Axel is the legal man. Finn with a rigt. He chops Miz and Bo off the apron. Finn goes for a tag but Axel sends Finn into the corner. Finn dodges a right. Tag to Anderson. Clothesline. Again. Whip to the ropes, revered. Knee from Anderson. High kick to the head of Axel. Anderson on the 2nd rope. Flying neckbreaker. Anderson sends Bo of fthe apron. he foes to the top rope. Crossbody and a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Axel with an uppercut. Tag to Miz. Miz in with a DDT. Cover for 1..2..NO!
Back to the show, and Anderson is hitting a super sweet spinebuster. Tag to Finn. Tag to Bo. Clothesline. Again. Sending Miz off rthe apron. Stomp to the chest of Bo. Bo rolls to the outside. Axel in. He gets clotheslined over the top rope. Finn hits the ropes. Suicide Dive over the top rope onto Bo and Axel! Finn sends Bo into the ring. He heads to the top rope. Miz distracts the ref. Axel shoves Finn off the apron. Tag to Miz. Miz is in. Skull Crushin—NO! Balor rolls up. 1….2..NO! Balor with a right to Axel. Miz rolls him up.
Finn shoves Miz into Axel on the apron. Finn with a roll up. Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Match Quality:
Personal Enjoyment:
Total Rating:
Miz, Bo, and Axel attack Finn. Axel sends Anderson off the apron. Bo sends Gallows off the apron. Bo smashes Gallows against the barricade then enters the ring with Axel. Bo and Axel lift Finn. Seth is on his way down! He knocks Axel on his ass. Sends Bo to the outside. Kick to Miz. Curbstomp from Seth! Finn is up. He looks over at Seth. Seth tells Finn he owes him one.
Ronda gets a video package that highlights her path to the WWE. It’s not bad.
We shoot over to Wyatt holding a lantern, walknig his way towards the Hardy Compound. The gate with a big H opens, and Wyatt stares in front of him as Vanguard 1 scans Bray. Matt’s holograph shows up and welcomes Bray. He tells Bray to follow the music. Bray smiles. He holds his lantern up and continues his trek. We skip to Reby playing piano at the corner of a ring. The ring is set up in the forest, with dark trees surrounding it. Matt is in the ring, hands outstretched. Matt sees Bray, and claims loudly that he knew Bray would come. There is a ref in the ring as well.
Before we get to the match, Cole is on commentary and calls this obnoxious, then says he is sorry for what we are about to watch. What the fuck, Cole….
Laughter to start. Matt says the time for lafter is over. Lockup to start. Bray holds his handso ut. anguard 1 initiates attack mode. Breay sends Matt into the ropes. matt falls down onto him with a splash. Whip again but Bray stops it and whips Matt. Mat tholds on. Kick to Bray. Side Russian Leg Sweep. Cover for 1..NO! Bray kicks out immediately. Matt removes his jacket, calls for Deletion, then kicks and wants a Twist of Fate. Bray sends him into the ropes, goes for Sister Abigail. Matt escapes. hits a right. He hits the ropes and runs right into a clothesline! Bray says he is a god loudly. He wonders where his manners were, and forgets about the house-warming gift. Bray leaves the ring and grabs a chair underneath the ring. Bray enters the ring and stalks Matt, who is cowering into the bottom rope. Matt tells Vanguard to initiate. A bunch of fireworks go off behind the ring. So, that’s where all the pyro went! It goes on for a while as Matt grabs the chair. He attacks Wyatt with it, hitting the midsection a few times then smacking Bray on the back with it. Bray rolls to the outside. He walks through tiki torches as Matt follows him, welcoming him to the Hardy Compound. They fight into the darkness. Matt with rights and lefts as the screen tells us we are in “Dilapidated City.” Matt sits against a shack. Bray stares at it as Matt asks if it reminds him of anything. Wyatt drops to his knees. He laughs. His hands are in the air as we get a flashback to the house Orton burned down. We get the old vignettes of Wyatt in a barn. Matt tells him to wake up and smacks him in the back with a kendo stick. Another attempt goes awry as Wyatt grabs the stick and hits a kick to Matt. Wyatt smacks Matt across the back. Wyatt slams Matt into the side of the building over and over. Matt drops and scurries away. Wyatt is left screaming into the ari.
Wyatt turns, wonders where Matt is going as the music intensifies. Wyatt wants to play, he says. He falls upon the “Land of Obselete Pain.” There are wooden planks taller than Hardy in carious tall shapes. We get a camera trick showing Watt smacking each of these pillars with a kendo stick over and over in an attempt to find Matt Hardy. Wyatt drops the Kendo Stick and walks deeper into the forest. He finds Matt and sends him into the dirt. Kick to the side section, and Matt gass for air. Bray grabs a nearby stick and breaks it across the back of Matt. Wyatt covers. 1..2…NO!!! Wyatt with a vunch of rights to the back of the head of Matt. Wyatt pulls the hair back and sends Matt further along the path of the tiki torches. We are nearby a barn, and Wyatt tosses Matt into the siding that resembles a garage door. Said door slides open immediately, and there is another ring set up, with another piano set aside. This is the “Dome of Deletion,” it appears. Wyatt laughs a bit as he lifts Matt and brings him towards the piano. Wyatt lifts Matt for the Uranage onto the piano, but Matt escapes. He sends Wyatt towards the ring. Matt spots a ladder. He collapses it and waits for Wyatt to stand then slams it into Wyatt hard. Matt with another attack from the ladder. A third to the back drops Wyatt to the floor. Matt places the ladder on the chest of Bray and drops it hard. Matt tosses the ladder aside. Matt sees his options (Chair of Wheels or Mower of Lawn). He goes over these options repeatedly, then chooses the lawnmower. We get a couple of classical pieces of music to play while Matt rides the lawnmower forward. Bray does his spider walk and shocks matt immensely. Wyatt is able to grab Matt by th head and slam it into the lawnmower. He sends Matt into the ring. Wyatt steps up on the apron and Matt hangs him. Both men on the apron now. Bray kicks. He locks the head and drops Matt hard on the apron. Wyatt pulls Matt towards him and covers for 1..2..NO! Wyatt grabs the head of Matt, drops a few elbows. He explains that he told Matt. This isn’t his ultimate deletion, it’s Matt’s. Wyatt drags Matt out of the Dome of Deletion, saying “Let’s go home, Matt. Let’s finish it.”
Vanguard 1 scans the grounds for his master and Wyatt. He finds them after some searching, and we are at the Lake of Reconsideration. Matt crawls away saying it can’t end this way. Wyatt drops an axe handle. He locks up for Sister Abigail, and it looks like he’ll be sending Matt into a canoe. Vanguard 1 looks to attack, but Wyatt grabs a hold of it and says he’ll deal with it later. He turns, and there’s Senor Benjamin on the ground. He tosses a small ball into the hands of Wyatt. It’s a globe!
Senor Benjamin claims Wyatt has the whole world in his hands. JEff Hardy appears to say the same. Matt with a Twist of Fate. He pins Wyatt. 1…..2…..3!!!!
I honestly….I mean….Um….Ok….Like I’m not upset you know…but still, like….what?
Match Quality: **1/2
Personal Enjoyment: **1/2
Total Rating: **1/2
Wyatt exclaims that it is not over. Matt says it is. He sends Wyatt into the lake! He then asks Senor Benjamin to retrieve Wyatt’s carcass from the Lake. Senor Benjamin says he is not there. Matt says delightful. Bray Wyatt has been deleted.
End Show.