wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Raw Report 7.23.07
-Back from commercial and JR pimps the GAB PPV.
Santino joins commentary. Beth and Mickie to begin. Shoves and slaps, head scissors by Mickie. Chops to Beth, who then slams Mickie to the corner. Melina tags in and her and Mickie exchange stiff forearms, sidekick by Mickie and a tag to Maria. Double team and a backdrop to Melina. Melina gets control pulling the hair and then a head butt by Melina. Tag to Beth, snap mare and a cover for 2. Maria fights back, but is clubbed down. Double chicken wing by Beth and then slams Maria down, face first. Melina tags in and just beats her down. Stiff kicks to the ribs by Melina, and then pulls the hair on Maria. Santino is insulted that they are not following the rules. Hot tag to Mickie and a head scissors on Melina. Thesz press and rights to Melina. Beth grabs Mickie, gets knocked down and Mickie levels Melina with chops and covers for 2. Melina to the corner, monkey flip and tag by Mickie, Maria up top and a cross body to Melina and Beth makes the save. Santino gets mad and complains. Melina and Beth double-team Maria, Santino trips them up and Maria gets a bulldog on Melina and that is all.
Winners: Mickie and Maria@ 5:00 via pin
-Santino and Maria celebrate after the match. It’s nice to see that Maria has a bitch.
-We get highlights of the main event from the GAB, Cena vs. Lashley.
-Back from commercial and Gerald Briscoe tells Cody Rhodes to be aggressive in the match tonight. Orton is there and insults Cody, and then says he pities them. Cody then says that Randy is afraid. Randy tells Cody to be afraid, because he will do things to him that will have severe consequence. Cody says he will see him out there and leaves. Orton says he is doing this to himself.
-Snitsky cuts a promo about liking hurting people and feeling no remorse. He feels no regret, hurting people doesn’t bother him a bit, and their pain is his pleasure.
-Todd Grisham is with John Cena. Todd says he had a hard fought victory last night, but now has to team with Candice Michelle tonight. Cena says to close his eyes, and imagine a beautiful woman, Candice. Voluptuous curves and smells beautiful. She says tonight we’re partners and can wrestle together. And as she is about to touch you, you’re interrupted by the cast of Brokeback Mountain and a smelly Samoan. They then discuss who will be announced as the new #1 contender. He says he has defended against Hall of Famer HBK, The Punjabi Giant Khali and possibly the best athlete in the WWE Bobby Lashley. He has a message for his new challenger, he is right here. IF you want some, come get some.
-Back from commercial.
Sandman and Regal to begin. Lefts by Regal and off the ropes and a back elbow by Sandman. Wild shots by Sandman, and a front facelock applied on Regal. Coach watches on from his office. Carlito tags in and then Regal and he beat down Sandman. Sandman blocks and gets a suplex on Regal. Tag to Duggan and rights and lefts to Carlito. Backdrop and in the corner, mounted shots to Carlito and then to Regal. Sandman on the floor brawls with Regal and Duggan 3-point stance and charge misses, LUNG BLOWER on Duggan and that is all.
Winner: Regal and Carlito @ 2:11 via pin
-JR and King hype Cody vs. Orton and Jeff Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy. Also the “Champions Only” match is discussed.
-Back from commercial with a Rey Mysterio as for WWE magazine.
-Carlito and Regal discuss the #1 contendership. Things are going Carlito’s way. And he takes a bite of apple, looks and spits apple, and hits Lashley. Carlito apologizes and then runs away. He runs out to the ring and grabs the mic. He tells us accidents happen and that was an accident. No one believes him. He came out to apologize, he is sorry. And…if Lashley accepts…don’t do anything. He thinks he is clear, and Lashley’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring. Carlito begs off and then attacks Lashley! Carlito whips Lashley to the steps, which he leaps and then slams him to the ring apron. In the ring now and Lashley gets the running powerslam.
-Back from commercial and they hype the “Champions Only” match.
They circle and lock up. Headlock by Orton, takedown and Cody fights up and taken down again. Escape and a slap by Orton. Dropkick by Cody. Knees Orton, forearms follow. Cody slammed to the corner, Irish whip and Cody gets a 2nd rope cross body for 2. Clubbing shots by Orton, a whip and Cody with a sunset flip for 2. Rights by Orton and Cody is down. 3.0 back breaker by Orton and then the GARVN STOMP~! He slaps at Cody now, boots by Cody. Chops an rights now, off the ropes and a dropkick by Orton. More stomps by Orton, Irish whip and Cody hits hard and drops to the mat. Uppercuts by Orton and then clubbing forearm shots to the back of Cody. Cody to his feet, off the ropes and a roll up by Cody gets 2. STIFF clothesline by Orton and a cover gets 2. Chinlock by Orton now. Cody battles to escape and rights are exchanged. Off the ropes and a Goldust type uppercut by Cody. Cody up top…MISSES a cross body and SPLATS on the mat! Orton sets…up and an RKO by Orton connects. 1…2…3.
Winner: Randy Orton @ 5:48 via pin
-After the match and Orton is still there, and sets for the concussion kick. DUSTY is back! FLIP FLOP AND FLY on Orton! BIONIC ELBOW~! Dusty checks on Cody and Orton slides back in slowly and LIGHTS UP Dusty with the concussion kick! Refs are now out to hold Orton back as Cody covers up Dusty to protect him from further harm. EMT’s are now out as is the stretcher. The doctor checks on Dusty.
-Back from commercial and we get clips of Orton’s heinous acts on Dusty Rhodes. During the commercial Cody looked on horrified at his father.
-Kennedy makes his way to the ring and does his intro. He says to look no further for a #1 contender. MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTA…KENNNNEDAAAAAAY! Kennedy.
Lock up and to the corner they go. Break by Jeff and a slap by Kennedy. Lock up again and an arm bar by Kennedy. Shots to the arm by Kennedy, Jeff kips up and gets an arm bar of his own. To the mat and Kennedy fights up to his feet, grabs the hair and to the ropes for a break. Rights by Kennedy, off the ropes and Jeff holds on and Kennedy misses a dropkick. Nizzie leg drop by Jeff, countered and then Jeff takes out the legs and then gets the nizzie leg drop and covers, no count, stupid shoot refs. To the corner and shots by Jeff. To another corner and boots by Jeff. Kennedy fights back, rights to Jeff and then boots. Hammerlock by Kennedy, reversal by Jeff and then by Kennedy. Another counter by Jeff and Kennedy whips Jeff to the floor. Kennedy misses a baseball slide and then a dropkick and senton dive by Jeff connects! We head to commercial @ 3:40.
Back from commercial @ 6:45 as Kennedy gets an Alabama Slam on Jeff for 2. You sir, are no Bob Holly. Boots by Kennedy, and then a face wash kick. Charging rope choke by Kennedy. Coach watches on again. Kennedy covers for 2. Front facelock by Kennedy, Jeff escapes and Kennedy beats him down and gets a spinning neck breaker for 2. Rights by Kennedy, and into an inverted chinlock. Jeff fights to his feet, boots to Kennedy, off the ropes, reversal and the whisper in the wind is stopped by Kennedy! Jeff lands on his head and Kennedy grabs him, covers and only gets 2! Jeff almost died. Irish whip and whisper in the wind connects. Off the ropes and clotheslines to Kennedy. Back elbows and a boot, reverse enziguri connects. Basement dropkick by Jeff gets 2. Knee by Kennedy, boot by Jeff and a gord buster connects. Jeff up top…and Kennedy rolls to the floor. Jeff runs the railing and gets a clothesline on the floor. The ref counts as they brawl up the ramp. Kennedy slammed to the set and Jeff runs and slides back in and beats the 10-count.
Winner: Jeff Hardy @ 12:20 via Count Out
-We get discussion of the concussion given to Dusty by Orton. We see Dusty being taken on the stretcher to an ambulance.
-Back from commercial with a HHH video package. The $6-Million Dollar Man! They so need the sound effects to make this awesome. He returns at Summerslam.
London and Haas to begin. Benjamin attacks Kendrick and Hass they attacks him. Boot by Kendrick and an arm drag to Haas. Head scissors connects and then off the ropes and Kendrick low bridges , but Haas nails him. Haas drags him backing, tags Benjamin in and he lays the boots to Kendrick. Seated cobra clutch by Benjamin. Kendrick fights to his feet, elbows out and off the ropes but a spinning kick by Benjamin connects and a cover for 2 as London makes the save. Haas in and clubbing shots to Kendrick. Body scissors and chinlock by Haas. Into a headlock now, Kendrick battles and then gets an enziguri. Tag to London. Nails Benjamin and then boots to Haas. Forearm to Haas, dropkicks and an atomic drop. Benjamin in and then a double dropkick to he and then Haas. Plancha by Kendrick and he crashes and burns. Haas and Benjamin get the double team hangman’s leap, German by Haas and that is all.
Winners: The World’s Greatest Tag Team @ 4:00 via pin
-Back from commercial and JR and King run down what has happened thus far, namely the concussion of Dusty Rhodes by Randy Orton. Dusty has been taken to the fabled “Near by Medical Facility.”
-KING BOOKAH and Queen Sharmell make their way out. Queen Sharmell says the actions against King Booker were unconscionable. Lawler did not accept the generous offer, and he shall pay a hefty price. King Booker says next week on Raw, he will face Lawler in his ring and beat him like a dog. Lawler’s blasphemous reign as King shall be over. Lawler tells JR he accepts and says that for 30-years he has been king, and Booker will not stop him.
-Backstage Coach is with Todd. Coach says he has done great things and he has made his decision. He has to go and inform the challenger. Candice is here and wants to discuss the match tonight. She doesn’t want to face the monster Umaga or Cade and Murdoch. Coach says he needs her, and she is a champion and should be proud. Good luck.
-Umaga, Cade and Murdoch WALK~!
-Back from commercial as Lillian begins her announcing for the main event.
Cena hands the belt to Candice and charges the ring! House of fire, but Umaga pounces Cena and beats him down. Cade takes him to the heel corner and they beat down Cena. Candice stands on the apron and Murdoch and Cade get the assisted leg drop on Cena for 2. Murdoch whops Cade into Cena and then covers for 2. Tag to Umaga and he works over Cena with chops and thrusts. Rights now by the savage Umaga, Irish whip and Cena slams and drops. Boots by Umaga, tag to Murdoch and rights to Cena. Cena fires back a bit, boot and a Russian Leg Sweep by Murdoch and a cover for 2. Rights by Murdoch and Cena drops again. Off the ropes and a boot and flipping neck breaker by Cena. PROTO BOMB on Cade! Leaps on Umaga, and he gets the Spinning Samoan Splatter Platter! Cade and Murdoch chase Candice into the ring, Umaga stalks her and they hold her down. Jeff Hardy is out with a chair and KILLS Umaga like 4 times with it! They brawl up the ramp and Candice runs away. More chair shots by Jeff and they brawl all the way to the back. Cena gets an FU on Murdoch and that is all.
Winners: Candice and Cena @ 4:44 via pin
-Orton is out and RKO to Cena! Coach is out and announces Orton as the #1 contender for Cena at Summerslam.
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The Ring of Honor – Respect is Earned Podcast~!
We are back for yet another podcast and tonight we go where we haven’t gone before! That’s right, this time around we are joined by the Column of Honor’s ARI (~!) as we discuss the Ring of Honor – Respect is Earned PPV! We will discuss the great in ring action, who impressed, who didn’t, what worked and what didn’t (which isn’t much as it was a great show!) This was to be a part of the Great American Bash podcast, but we went on for 1-hour and 15-minutes so ROH gets it’s very own show! Download and enjoy kids, and remember, always drop us a line and let us know what you thought!
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