wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 10.15.10

October 15, 2010 | Posted by Nick Bazar

Welcome to the WWE Smackdown Report. My name is Nick Bazar and I am here to break it down.

Before we begin, I want to give former Smackdown Superstar Matt Hardy a quick “Thank you” for his time in WWE. I might get crap for it, but I can appreciate his passion and effort.

In order to change things up a little bit, I have dug into the 2010 Smackdown archives and recorded the Win/Loss record of every current Smackdown superstar. Here are a few guidelines:

– These records only reflect matches that have taken place on Smackdown or Pay-Per-View.
– Matches that end or have ended in a No Contest are not counted.
– In the case of Tag Team matches, each member of the losing team gets a Loss and each member of the winning team gets a Win.
– In the case of multi-man matches, every participant besides the winner gets a Loss.
– Some wrestlers will have a third number in their record. This number represents matches that have ended in a Draw.

We start the show with some Green Day and go straight to a wide shot of the Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon. The camera zooms in on a figure standing atop the arena. It’s the Undertaker! Oh no, does T.I. need to make another rescue?

At ringside, Michael Cole, Todd Grisham and Matt Striker announce that later tonight, Paul Bearer will have a challenge for the Undertaker.

Teddy Long is in the middle of the ring. It’s that time of year again- Bragging Rights. Smackdown won it last year and will do so again this year. We know that the team captain is Big Show, but who is going to join him? Playas, we will find out tonight in a series of qualifying matches that begin…right now!

Match One: Bragging Rights Qualifying Match- Rey Mysterio (21-10) vs. Cody Rhodes (10-4)
Rhodes wrenches Mysterio’s arm to start the match. Mysterio armdrags his way out but runs into an elbow on a charge. Rhodes drops a stomp for one then knocks Mysterio back down with a calculated fist. Rhodes continues with a front mat slam for one. He stomps away aggressively in the corner and gets in an elbow shot. Mysterio gains some momentum by countering a suplex attempt and dropping Rhodes into the 619 position. Rhodes rolls out of the way as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Rhodes has a modified camel clutch applied. Mysterio flips his way out and covers for two. Back up, Rhodes hits a nice dropkick for two. He slows things down by stretching Mysterio’s arms behind him. Mysterio kicks his way out but Rhodes blocks a clothesline a hooks in a nice crossface chicken wing with a bodyscissors. Mysterio makes it to the ropes but Rhodes continues his aggressive offense with repeated stomps and strikes. He drops a knee for two. Rhodes tosses Mysterio against the ropes and connects with a pair of rights on the way back. On the third try, Mysterio kicks him. They go for a wheel barrel spot but Mysterio’s legs weren’t positioned correctly. Rhodes covers it up nicely with some clubs to his back then drops him overhead onto the mat. He covers late for two. Rhodes peels back part of Mysterio’s pants leg and goes to the middle rope for a knee drop but misses. I think landing on Mysterio’s knee-brace would’ve hurt him more. Mysterio drop toe holds him onto the middle turnbuckle and hits a seated senton off the top. He continues with a springboard crossbody but Rhodes rolls through for a two count. Rhodes gets a sunset flip but Mysterio rolls through and connects with a kick to the head for two. He takes out Rhodes’ legs with a low kick then hits a springboard leg drop for two. Rhodes comes back with an uppercut from the mat then attempts an Alabama Slam. Mysterio escapes and puts Rhodes in position for a 619 with a headscissors. 619 connects! To the face! West Coast Pop ends it.
Winner: Rey Mysterio in 11:00
Rating: **3/4 (Rhodes looked great in there. He was aggressive and able to make slow periods entertaining with unique submissions like the crossface chicken wing. The crowd loved Mysterio and popped big for the win.)

Up next, Paul Bearer’s challenge.

In the back, Big Show is with Hornswoggle, who is eating one of Show’s candy bars. Kaval comes in and asks for an opportunity on Team Smackdown. Show is looking for seasoned veterans and doesn’t think Kaval would last five minutes in the ring with him. Kaval thinks he can. So, it’s on- if Kaval can last five minutes with Show, he is on the team.

In an overproduced area of the arena, Paul Bearer stands with the urn. He offers Undertaker one last opportunity to take back the Holy Grail. It’s really simple: the winner will be champion and the loser will be buried alive. He knows Taker will accept because pride has always been his downfall. It is what made him so vulnerable to Kane’s attack on Memorial Day. It is what led to his humiliation at Night of Championships. It is what allowed Bearer to turn on him at Hell in a Cell. And it will be what leads to him being beaten, broken and incapacitated at Bragging Rights. Kane’s plan is almost complete and the whole world will see the empty shell of a man Taker has become. Bearer longs to behold that glorious moment.

Match Two: Bragging Rights Qualifying Match- Jack Swagger (8-17-1) vs. MVP (8-10)
Big Show is on commentary. More importantly, Swagger is with the Swagger Soaring Eagle. MVP slugs in the corner at the start until the ref breaks it up. Swagger charges but falls to a drop toe hold. MVP connects with a Yakuza kick to the side of the head for one. He covers again for two and pounds away. Swagger sees a small opening and sends MVP into the corner shoulder-first. He goes to send him into the opposite corner but MVP turns it around on him and hits another running kick. He drops Swagger with three clotheslines and a mat slam. Back up, he smashes Swagger’s face on his knee and calls for Ballin’. He connects but Swagger rolls out. MVP follows to the outside but the SSE stops him from attacking with a dance. MVP boots him and sends him into the announce table. No! He’s endangered! This distraction allows Swagger to throw MVP into the ring post shoulder-first. Back in, he applies an anklelock for the quick tap.
Winner: Jack Swagger in 2:00
Rating: * (The finish didn’t really make sense as Swagger had been focusing on MVP’s shoulder, not the leg. But really, who cares? The SSE makes up for lapses in psychology.)

Outside, the Undertaker continues to contemplate his life atop the Rose Garden.

Match Three: Bragging Rights Qualifying Match- Alberto Del Rio (3-1) vs. Chris Masters (2-4)
As if the 3-man announce team isn’t enough, Big Show is still on commentary. Lock-up to start and Masters ends up in the corner. Del Rio backs off but comes back with a quick kick to the gut. Masters blocks a vertical suplex attempt and hits a nice looking Jackhammer for one. Masters goes for a Masterlock but can’t apply it as Del Rio reaches the ropes. Del Rio snaps Masters’ arm across the top rope and follows up with a kick to said arm. He continues the attack with a wrench and some clubs to the arm. Del Rio stomps on it and gets two. He puts in a top wristlock and stops a fight-out attempt with a knee lift. Masters ducks a clothesline and hits with a Samoan Drop. He ducks another clothesline and drops Del Rio with two clotheslines. He goes for an Irish whip but Del Rio stops it by hitting the bad arm. It doesn’t stop Masters from hitting a one-armed powerslam for two. Masters tries for another Masterlock but his bad arm stops him from applying it. This allows Del Rio to come down on it with two knees and put in a cross armbreaker for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio in 3:00
Rating: ** (I don’t know that you can pull off a better three minute match. Masters sold the arm extremely well and was still able to work in some nice power moves. I’d say he out-performed Del Rio tonight. By the way, Del Rio should really consider wearing knee pads. His trunks are similar to his skin color and with the white boots, it kinda looks like he’s only wearing socks out there- on my standard definition TV anyway.)

Post-match, Big Show offers Alberto Del Rio a handshake. Del Rio gives him a wink instead.

We get a trailer for Knucklehead. I had some hopes for this when I heard about it. I don’t know anymore…
In the back, Edge makes his way to the ring.

Match Four: Edge (7-5-2) vs. Dolph Ziggler (16-16-1)
This looks very good on paper. Big Show is still on commentary. Lock-up ends with an Edge go-behind. Ziggler with a standing switch but Edge rolls through and applies an armlock. Back up, Edge wrenches the arm and drags Ziggler to the corner where he pounds away. Ziggler comes back with some strikes as Vickie Guerrero and Kaitlyn look on backstage. Edge regains control in the corner with elbows. He sends Ziggler to the opposite corner and baseball slides out of the ring where he grabs Ziggler’s legs from behind and trips him up. From the apron, he slams Ziggler’s head on the top turnbuckle. Back in, Ziggler is able to get in some elbows and chokes Edge on the middle rope. He follows up with a snapmare and the Mr. Perfect seated head snap for two. Another cover gets two and he applies a modified chinlock. Edge fights out of it and sends Ziggler to the outside. Edge charges and connects with a baseball slide. Edge tosses Ziggler back in allowing him to hit with a kick to the chest and a neckbreaker through the ropes. Cover gets two. Ziggler puts the boots to him and covers again for two. He drops some elbows but Edge gets in some shots of his own and sends him to the corner. Edge charges but eats an elbow. Ziggler tries for a tornado DDT off the middle rope but Edge knocks him out of the ring with a big boot. Outside, Edge goes for a Spear but runs into the barricade as Ziggler moves out of the way. This allows Ziggler to hit a nasty Zig Zag into the steel steps. Ziggler enters the ring and the ref puts in the count for Edge. He makes it back just in time but Ziggler greets him with repeated stomps as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Ziggler has a chinlock applied. He tosses Edge into the corner and charges. Edge moves out of the way and hits a flapjack. He ducks a clothesline and hits a flying forearm running off the ropes. He connects with a clothesline and a face plant for two. In the corner, Ziggler boots Edge and hits a sunset flip off the middle rope. Edge rolls through on the mat and catapults him into the top of the ring post. An Edge-o-matic gets him two. Back up, they trade blows and Ziggler goes for a Sleeper. Edge blocks it and hits an Edgecution for two. Out of desperation, Ziggler sends Edge into the turnbuckle shoulder-first. He goes for a Zig Zag but Edge knocks him off and calls for a Spear. Ziggler leaps over it and perches himself on the middle rope. He goes for a crossbody but Edge catches him in midair with a Spear for the win.
Winner: Edge in 13:00
Rating: ***1/4 (A good match that I’d love to see a longer version of. Ziggler is just on a roll but Edge is the right call for Team Smackdown. I think Ziggler would be better-suited for an IC championship defense at Bragging Rights.)

Post-match, Edge and Big Show embrace. Then, in full face mode, Edge signs a girl’s poster on his way up the ramp.

Outside the arena, the Undertaker is still perched on top of the arena, observing the…well I’m not entirely sure, but it must be crucial to his game-plan.

We get a really long Raw Rebound detailing the recent developments in the John Cena/Wade Barrett saga.

Match Five: Bragging Rights Qualifying Match- Kaval (0-3) vs. Big Show (17-5-1)
If Kaval can last five minutes, he makes Team Smackdown. Show offers a handshake and Kava accepts it. Kaval grazes Show with a kick but Show catches a second one and knocks him down with a big chop. He hits another chop on the corner and presses his foot against Kaval’s back in the mat. Show lifts him up with two hands and headbutts him down. He continues by standing on Kaval’s chest then punching his midsection. Show bodyslams him with one arm. “Stay down,” Show says as Kaval tries to get to his feet. Kaval gets in some shots at Show’s gut but Show puts him down with a single club to the back. Back up, Show knocks him back down with another chop to the chest. Kaval still won’t stay down so Show powers him into the corner and hits another chop. Kaval tries to hold himself up against Show’s leg but Show just pushes him off. Show hits a huge biel out of the corner but still won’t go for the cover. Instead, he presses his boot against Kaval’s face and pulls his arm. With a minute left on the clock, Show powers Kaval out of the ring. Show palms his head and brings him back into the ring. Kaval comes back to life with kicks. He dodges a Show splash with a low kick to the knee and hits another kick off the middle rope. With Show still on his feet, Kaval charges and knocks him to a knee with a standing splash. With five seconds left, Show goozles him but Kaval holds on as the time expires.
Winner: Kaval via surviving the five minutes
Rating: *1/2 (Kaval can sure take a beating, and Michael Cole made it clear that Show could have won within the first 30 seconds if he wanted to. All in all though, this was a good way to establish Kaval’s “size of the fight in the dog” line. A question for you guys: should I record this as a win for Kaval?)

Post-match, Big Show raises Kaval’s and in victory.

Strangely enough, we come back from break with Kaval still selling the beating in the ring. Some music hits and out comes Tyler Reks. I must say, his voice does not really fit his pretty intimidating physical appearance- maybe Kaval should trade with him. Reks thinks it’s a joke that Kaval is on Team Smackdown. Reks is the new breakout star on Smackdown and he deserves the spot…

Teddy Long comes out to say Reks can’t get a shot. Kaval appreciates the concern, but if Reks wants his spot, he has to come take it from him.

Match Six: Bragging Right Qualifying Match- Kaval (1-3)? vs. Tyler Reks (0-0)
Reks powers Kaval into the corner at the bell but Kaval connects with some hard kicks to the legs. One to the midsection knocks Reks down. Kaval heads to the top but misses with Warrior’s Way and falls to a running shoulderblock. Reks nails him with a kick to the side of the head and stomps on him. He sets him up for a Torture Rack then sends him down Attitude Adjustment style for the win.
Winner: Tyler Reks in 1:00
Rating: ½* (I guess this is better than surfer dude Tyler Reks. When he first came out, I actually thought he was a much slimmer Mike Knox. His finisher looked cool, but we didn’t get to see much more out of him.)

Time for our favorite grooming tips by Cody Rhodes. Take care of your nails people. I can’t vouch for that nail polish, but take care of them. They help you win tag team championships.

Match Seven: Bragging Rights Qualifying Match- Drew McIntyre (18-17-1) vs. Kofi Kingston (14-9)
Lock-up ends with Kingston in the corner. McIntyre gets in a couple of knee lifts and stomps away. He tosses him to the middle of the ring but Kingston charges and takes McIntyre into the corner where he unloads. Kingston charges but eats a big boot, “knocking Kingston back to Mexico”- Michael Cole. Cover gets two. McIntyre continues with stomps then takes Kingston outside where he suplexes him onto the apron. Back in, a cover gets two. McIntyre tries to crotch Kingston on the ropes but he blocks it. McIntyre regroups and clubs the back of the head but a back suplex gets turned into a Kingston cover for two. Back up, Kingston rolls off McIntyre’s back and hits Trouble in paradise for the win.
Winner: Kofi Kingston in 2:00
Rating: *1/4 (Damn, and I like McIntyre. A good win for Kingston who has been floating around aimlessly since his feud with Ziggler.)

And with that, Team Smackdown is complete: Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks and Kofi Kingston. I like it.

In the back, the Undertaker is finally inside the building.

Kane and Paul Bearer make their way to the ring. Facts leave no room for arguments. We all hope Undertaker will be more powerful and evil than ever. The fact is that he is a shell of his former self. The fact is that Kane is superior to him. The fact is that Kane is superior to all of us. The only thing we have succeeded in has been in our quest for mediocrity. We fail at everything else, just like Taker has failed at getting his championship back. We all use Taker to escape from our failed existences, but Kane forces us to face reality. There is no escape. He knows we would all salivate at the thought of Taker destroying the devil’s favorite demon, but we know that will never happen. If there is anybody out there that thinks so, then our hopes, just like Taker, will be buried alive. The crowd chants “Under-taker” which leads to…

Dong! Taker makes his way to the ring, faster than usual. Kane stands, seemingly unafraid, and they face-off. Taker’s stare turns to Bearer, then back to Kane. Kane takes a step back. As he is about to retreat completely, Taker unloads with strikes. Kane eventually rolls out of the ring and Taker sets off his little brother’s corner pyro. He then lifts his arms and lightning strikes the entrance ramp, knocking the urn out of Bearer’s hands. Taker poses in the ring to end the show.

(Another great show with a lot of quality wrestling. Even though they only built around two Bragging Rights matches, they did a hell of a job with both. My only complaint, just like last week, is Michael Cole. Please get him off of Smackdown. What bothers me most is the fact that he bounces from heel commentator to pro-Raw commentator to neutral commentator. It makes no sense.)


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Nick Bazar

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