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411’s WWE Smackdown Report 6.26.09
Welcome to 411’s Weekly Smackdown! Report. I am JP Truss your play-by-play man for Smackdown! . Much thanks to Alexander Miezin who took over for me in my absence last week. J.R. and Todd Grisham are coming to you from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! JR gets a quick word in about tonight’s main event, a four way cage match, before;
Mr. McMahon Speaks!
The Chairman comes out and seems to be having a much better day than he did last Monday. McMahon grabs a microphone and says he’s glad to be back on Smackdown. He gets in a quick joke about ‘cheese heads’ before saying there is an ‘overwhelming stench in the arena’. McMahon says it is the stench of fear…because the people are afraid of him and people like him. McMahon says they’re all afraid of losing their jobs. Okay…
McMahon says that the truth of the matter is that if there was a performance test given to the crowd, most of them probably would be fired. But there was really only one way to fire someone and that was the way he did it on Raw to Donald Trump. Oh crap. We get a clip of last Monday’s confrontation between Trump and McMahon before McMahon calls out Theodore Long. Grisham and JR try and figure out why Long is being called out as he steps into the ring and welcomes McMahon. McMahon tells Long to put his hand away. McMahon declares that before he does ‘what he needs to do to him’, McMahon wants to know what Long has planned for tonight.
Long talks about a main event where Edge will team up with Chris Jericho to face Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy inside of a steel cage. Interesting concept but we’ll see how they pull it off. McMahon says its not enough and Long decides to add a special guest referee: CM Punk! McMahon seems satisfied and instead of firing Long…he puts him on probation. Long is confused but gets no answer as its time for our first match.
R- Truth vs. Shelton Benjamin
Truth comes out and tries to involve McMahon and Long in his opening rap; Long is a bit more willing than McMahon though. After a quick commercial break, which I can only assume Truth continued rapping, Benjamin made his way to the ramp with a microphone in hand. Benjamin asks if they were really going to do this again? Benjamin tells Truth that him talking about getting raised in the streets, as if it’s a good thing, is only a line to make people like him feel better about themselves. Unlike him, who actually went to college and got a real education. As for Truth, Benjamin tells him that he don’t ‘be’ anything. So after Benjamin ‘be’ beating him tonight, Truth can ‘be’ skipping and jumping out of the ring and out of his life. Truth doesn’t seem to approve.
The bell rings and Truth starts it off with a couple of big rights. Benjamin manages to shove Truth off but runs right into a double leg take down. Truth continues throwing hay makers, whipping Benjamin but Benjamin escapes through the ropes. Benjamin takes his time to his feet but Truth goes to the outside and takes him down with a straight right punch. Truth rolls Benjamin back into the ring while we get a replay of the punch and Benjamin connects with a knee life. Benjamin whips Truth to the corner and charges after him but Truth floats over him. Truth splits underneath the clothesline attempt and connects with a spinning side kick!
Truth tries as waist lock but Benjamin hangs onto the top rope and knocks Truth aside with a back elbow. Benjamin attempts a move from the top rope but Truth blocks with a kick to the gut. Truth seems to be think Scissors Kick but Benjamin counters with a huge Samoan Drop! Truth slowly gets to his feet and gets caught with a huge belly-to-belly suplex that sends him spiraling to the floor! Commercial break!
We return with Truth in a chin lock by Shelton Benjamin who breaks it for a knee drop to the spine. Benjamin sets up Truth on the middle rope and repeats the move, attacking the lower back of Truth before going back into a rear chin lock, burying the knee in the back. Truth struggles and fight to his feet, breaking the hold with a series of rights. Truth bounces off the ropes but Benjamin catches him with a back body drop. Benjamin goes for a pin but Truth kicks out at two. Benjamin continues attacking the back, whipping Truth hard into the corner and again going for the pin; getting another two.
Benjamin sits Truth up and goes on the attack with straight punches to the side of the face before hitting a side back breaker and stretching him out. Truth fights out of it but Benjamin comes back with a rear bear hug. Truth stuns Benjamin with a back elbow and breaks the hold with a jawbreaker. Truth stands and tries to go on the offensive but is caught with an inverted headlock back breaker. Benjamin goes for a vertical suplex but is blocked. He finally gets him up but Truth reverses it into a side Russian Leg Sweep! Truth rolls into a pin and Benjamin kicks out at two.
Both men stand and Truth connects with a right hand. Benjamin tries for a spine buster but Truth reverses into a Sunset Flip! Benjamin kicks out at two again! Truth whips Benjamin to the ropes but is caught, blocks an attempted slam and comes back with a power slam of his own! Truth again goes for a cover and gets a near fall. Truth goes for an Irish Whip but Benjamin counters with a German Suplex! Benjamin bridges for the pin and gets a near fall! Benjamin gets to his feet first and tries for a power bomb but Truth gets out of it and lands on his feet! Truth ducks under an attempted Spinning Boot and hits the Corkscrew Elbow! Truth goes for the pin and gets the three!
Winner: R-Truth (Pinfall via Corkscrew Elbow) **1/2
Truth celebrates before we cut to Rey preparing for his match as Long and McMahon enter his locker room. McMahon wishes Rey luck on his match this Sunday, because he thinks Rey is going to lose the mask and frankly doesn’t understand why Rey wears the mask anyway. Rey responds in Spanish, confusing the hell out of McMahon. McMahon believes Rey just cursed him and declares Smackdown ‘English Only’.
Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim and Melina
JR and Grisham pimp the Women’s Championship match for this Sunday as the ladies make their way to the ring. The bell rings and we start it off with Melina and Fox. Fox gets the upper hand early with a knee lift and a few rights. She tries for a slam but Melina answers back with a roll up. Melina connects with a low kick followed by a running split/big boot to the head. Fox rolls into her corner and tags in her…mentor? Ah well, Michelle and Melina tie up with Melina getting the upper hand. The referee breaks them up and Michelle nails her with a stiff kick to the head! That look like it hurt and the referee helps Melina up, which only serves as a set up for McCool who comes in with a running knee strike.
McCool puts Melina in a side headlock and drags her to the middle rope, letting Fox get in a cheap shot. McCool stomps the hand of Melina before pulling her up and hitting a Russian Leg Sweep, floating over for a pin attempt but only getting a near fall. McCool forces Melina into her corner and tags in Fox. Fox goes on the attack, distracting the referee and allowing McCool to attack from the ring apron. It’s certainly not pretty per se but it is smart tag team wrestling. Fox takes Melina down a with a snap mare take over and hooks in a rear chin lock. Melina tries to fight out of it but Fox blocks her with a take down of her own. Fox hooks in the original Camel Clutch, bending Melina in half before the referee makes her break the hold. Melina tries to fight back but Fox keeps her grounded. Fox makes the mistake of letting Melina up and Melina manages to get in a big right and tags in Gail Kim!
Kim is in and takes down Fox with a clothesline! Do-whoops ZWEI clothesline! Kim goes for the Irish Whip but Fox reverses it into the corner. Fox charges but Kim slips through the ropes out to the apron. Fox tries for a shoulder through the middle rope but Kim counters with a hip drop across the lower back. Kim gets back in the ring and charges but Fox gets out of the way but Kim catches herself on the middle turnbuckle! Kim goes to the top and connects with the cross body! Kim holds for the pin but McCool breaks up the attempt. Kim knocks McCool back to her corner and whips Fox to the ropes. McCool gets the blind tag as Kim hits a standing Frankensteiner. Kim sets up for Sole Food but McCool choses that moment to come in and plants Kim with the Styles Clash! McCool picks up the win!
Winner: Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox (Pinfall via Styles Clash) *1/2
The ladies celebrate as we cut to CM Punk in the back where, inevitably it seems, McMahon makes an appearance. McMahon asks what the whole wrist rolling thing was about and Punk says he’s just loosening up. McMahon congratulates him on winning Money in the Bank for a second time and winning the World Title at Extreme Rules. McMahon asks how he does it and Punk answers that he just lives a clean life. McMahon asks if the whole ‘Straight Edge’ thing is an act and Punk says its not. The only high he gets is by crushing the competition and Punk walks off saying he knows McMahon can relate to that. McMahon appears to approve and berates Long for thinking Punk beliefs where an act. Okay now that one was pretty funny.
Grisham and JR pimp the main event before we cut to commercials!
Word Up w/ Cryme Tyme
We return and apparently there’s been a match made for this Sunday between Dolph Ziggler and The Great Khali and it’ll be no disqualifications. Grisham and JR comment on it before cutting to Cryme Tyme for a Smackdown edition of Word Up. Tonight’s word is: Jackin’. (Verb) 1. To rob a person of their possessions such as clothes, jewelry or personality. In demonstration of this, Eve takes JTG’s shades and Jesse, of Jesse and Festus, ‘swagger jacks’ JTG. Shad and JTG objects, loudly, as Jesse proclaims he’s now ‘down’ until Shad takes his jewelry. Not sure what the point of that was, but it was pretty funny.
John Morrison vs. CM Punk
Morrison has a new coat tonight. After catching his match from last week, something tells me it won’t be long before he’s in a serious World Title program. Of course, that’s what I said about Shelton Benjamin after his match against Shawn Michaels some years ago on Raw so I could be wrong. Punk comes out and he still has a pretty good section of the audience in his corner. The bell rings with both men in the ring. Punk and Morrison start it off with a handshake and a collar elbow tie-up. Morrison gets the upper hand and forces Punk into the corner and the referee breaks it up. The two circle each other until Punk hooks in a side headlock. Morrison breaks out of it and hooks in a side headlock of his own, taking down Punk with the move. Punk struggles before countering with a neck scissors on Morrison. JR comments about Raw’s rating and says they’re still waiting for their thank you notes. Classic.
Morrison breaks out of the hold and both get to their feet and Morrison is first to act with an arm drag, holding for an arm bar. Morrison tries to keep a wide base but Punk gets to his feet and rolls out of the hold, sweeping out Morrison’s legs and going for a pin; getting a quick count. Sound old-school to start it off. Both men circle each other again, tying up with Punk getting the upper hand with a take down. Punk holds in a rear waist lock but Morrison gets up and breaks out with an arm bar. Morrison takes Punk down with a double leg and flips over, going for a pin but Punk rolls the shoulder over. Morrison rolls Punk back over and goes for a pin, getting a one before Punk pushes them both up. Punk hits a knee to the chest, following up with a punch and going for a kick but Morrison counters with a kick of his own! Morrison goes for the pin but Punk kicks out before the count.
Morrison whips Punk to the corner, stunning him long enough for Morrison to lock in a Straight Jacket hold. Punk gets to his feet and reverses the hold on Morrison but Morrison answers back with a sitting jawbreaker! Morrison goes for a pin and gets a two count. Morrison whips Punk into the corner and tries for the Flying Chuck but Punk ducks under it and catches Morrison with a power slam! Punk holds for the pin and gets a two. Both men are slow to their feet before Punk catches Morrison with shot to to the ribs. Punk’s kicks take Morrison down before pulling him up for a flying heel kick! Morrison pulls himself up in the corner but Punk catches him with a running knee lift! Bulldog by Punk! Good for a two count! Punk calls for GTS but Morrison breaks out of it. Morrison tries for a back suplex but Punk reverses it into a German Suplex! Punk bridges for the pin and gets a two. Commercial break!
We return as Punk hits a snap mare take over, following through with a kick to the upper back. Punk goes for a pin and gets a two. Punk locks in figure four leg lock, firing off elbows to the head of Morrison. Morrison rolls Punk onto his stomach, breaking out of the hold and answering with a elbow to the lower back! Morrison pulls up in the corner and ducks through the middle rope to avoid Punk. Morrison slides underneath Punk and heads to the ropes but Punk answers back with a running clothesline! Punk again hooks in the figure four leg lock, working over the neck of John Morrison: smart move actually. The referee checks on Morrison as he rolls over to the ropes and grabs them, forcing Punk to break the hold. Morrison rolls to the ring apron and Punk is there to meet him. Morrison tries to fight him off but Punk stops him, going for a flip power bomb from the apron! Morrison hangs on as Punk tries to kick him loose but Morrison counters with a knee drop across the throat of Punk! That had to hurt! Punk favors his throat as he kicks out Morrison’s legs, forcing him to land hard on the apron.
Punk tries to go on the attack but Morrison blocks with a kick. Morrison steps up to the middle turnbuckle and delivers a moonsault to Punk on the outside! Morrison rolls in Punk and goes for a pin, but gets a near fall! Morrison pulls up Punk and the two trade punches with Punk getting the upper hand with straight forearms. Punk tries a charge but Morrison blocks with a kick. Morrison attacks with punches of his own and goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks under it and goes for a rear waist lock. Morrison forces Punk off and connects with a clothesline! Backflip Dropkick! Morrison whips Punk to the ropes and answers with a flying calf kick! Morrison goes for the pin and gets a near fall!
Morrison attacks Punk with a few mounted punches before going for the running knee but Punk reverses it with a half Boston Crab! Excellent counter! Morrison struggles and pulls himself across the ring, grabbing the bottom rope! Morrison rolls to the apron and tries for the slingshot but Punk catches him! Punk tries for the GTS but Morrison hangs onto the top rope! Morrison breaks out of the move and hits the Flying Chuck! Morrison goes for the pin but only gets a near fall! Morrison drags Punk to the corner and tries Starship Pain but Punk blocks him, hanging Morrison on the top rope! Punk steps up and hits a reverse suplex from the top rope! Damn! Punk goes for the pin but Morrison kicks out! Punk cannot believe it! Both me pull themselves up and again Punk tries for Go To Sleep but Morrison breaks out of it and goes for a roll up! He gets a two before Punk counters with a roll up of his own but Morrison breaks it of it and counters with a bridge and gets the three! Morrison wins! Morrison’s pinned the World Champion!
Winner: John Morrison (Pinfall via Counter Bridge Pin) ****
Morrison celebrates as Punk seems to be laughing to himself. Punk stands and the two talk before Morrison tries to shake Punk’s hand but Punk hits him with GTS instead! Punk seems upset with himself as the crowd lets him have it and he leaves the ring. We get a replay of the end of the match before cutting to Josh Matthews who introduces Chris Jericho!
Matthews asks why Jericho is so obsessed with unmasking Mysterio. Jericho says it’s not an obsession; it’s an intervention. Jericho says Mysterio is an addict and the mask is his drug of choice. Jericho says it will ruin his life, although Mysterio doesn’t admit it. So Jericho will be his partner because he knows what’s best for him. Jericho was once like Mysterio; addicted to the cheers and adulation but then he realized he didn’t need it so he ditched it all and became the best in the world at what he does. And this Sunday Jericho will help save Mysterio by unmasking and in the long run Mysterio and the fans will admit he was right. Good stuff as usual by Jericho.
JR pimps the main event before we got to commercials.
We return with Todd Grisham and JR in the ring to run down the card for the Great American Bash. Raw could pull through with their WWE Championship but I”m looking for Smackdown to, once again, both steal and save the show. And the very least, Jericho vs. Mysterio is worth the price of admission. The gentlemen leave the ring as the cage lowers.
We cut to Jeff heading to the ring where he is stopped by Long and McMahon. Long wishes Hardy luck in his match this Sunday while McMahon does not. McMahon says he doesn’t want Jeff to win, due to his checkered past. Jeff tells McMahon that he should ask the fans who they want to represent Smackdown. Jeff tells McMahon he doesn’t need his luck and leaves and McMahon again berates Long, reminding him of his probation. Well, looks like Psycho McMahon is back. Don’t know if its a good thing or a bad thing, but the segments backstage have been much more entertaining than the opening talk in the ring.
Rage in the Cage
Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho and Edge w/ Special Referee CM Punk
We come back from commercials with Punk coming to the ring. Everyone gets to have their full entrances tonight. We start it off with Edge and Jeff Hardy. Both men tie up and Edge goes for an Irish Whip but Jeff reverses it into the corner. Jeff tags in Rey and they tandem whip Edge into the corner; Poetry in Motion by Jeff and Rey! Rey goes on the attack as we go to commercials!
We return with Edge in the corner, apparently going on the offense after a long break. Edge whips Rey to the corner but Rey brakes and catches Edge with a drop toe hold. Mysterio bounces off the ropes and attacks with a head scissors take down! 619 is just about impossible in the cage so instead Rey uses Edge as a step ladder and tries to escape, but Edge holds onto the ankle and forces Rey back to the top rope. Rey kicks Edge back and attacks with a cross body, going for a pin and getting a two. Rey tags in Jeff Hardy, holding Edge in a wrist lock as Jeff comes down with a ax handle on the outstretched arm. Jeff charges but Edge counters with a back body drop into the cage! Jeff crumbles to the mat as Edge attacks with an elbow drop. Edge drags Jeff to his side and tags in Jericho.
Jericho comes in and goes on the attack, kicking Hardy in the ribs. Jericho pulls Hardy up and hits him with a back suplex, going for a pin but only getting a two. Jericho and Punk argue and Hardy tries to get a pin but Jericho stops him. Jericho hooks in a headlock/arm trap combination, demanding Punk asks him if he quits. Jeff gets to his feet and tries to fight out but Jericho stops him and goes for an Irish Whip. Jeff, however, counters with a spinning take down! Hardy tags in Rey, who heads to the top and connects with a flying seated senton to Jericho! Jericho is up and tries for a Sunset Flip but Rey rolls out of it and connects with a kick to the skull! Rey goes for the pin and gets a two count.
Rey pulls up Jericho and whips him but Jericho counters its, sending Rey to the corner. Jericho charge but Rey blocks it and steps up to the middle rope, catching Jericho with a flying head scissors! Jericho rolls into the far corner and Mysterio is right behind him, hitting him low baseball slide! Fortunately for Rey, this is No DQ. Rey pulls up Jericho and whips him but Jericho is quicker, moving up the corner and trying to escape. Mysterio stops him and pulls him down hard to the top turnbuckle. Rey tries to step up but Edge comes in and sets him onto his shoulders. Jericho tries to stand but Jeff comes in, stopping Edge! Jeff and Rey ram Edge head first into the groin of Jericho! Now if that’s not torture I don’t know what is! Rey backs up and charges at Edge, leapfrogging over him to deliver a Frakensteiner to Jericho! Rey goes for the pin but gets a near fall!
Jericho pulls himself up as Rey charges, but Jericho catches him. Jericho alley-oops Rey face first into the cage! Both men are down! Commercial break!
We return as Jericho slings Rey throat first onto the bottom rope. Jericho drags Rey to his corner and tags in Edge, who gets in a cheap shot before taunting the crowd. Rey pulls himself up using the ropes but Edge answers with a running cross body! Edge goes for the pin and gets a two count! Fair work so far by the World Champion.
Edge puts Rey into the corner and puts the boots to him, going for an Irish Whip but Rey counters with a take down! Edge tags in Jericho who gets to Rey before he can tag in Jeff. Jericho taunts Hardy before setting Rey up on the top turnbuckle. Jericho steps up and pulls on the mask, trying to take it off but Rey blocks and knocks Jericho off the top rope with a back elbow strike! Rey turns and goes for a cross body but Jericho catches him with a dropkick! Jericho is slow to get up but grabs Mysterio’s ankle and pulls him towards his corner. Mysterio gets to a vertical base and knocks Jericho to the side with an enzuguri! Both men are down! Jericho crawls across and tags in Edge, who is quick to cut Rey off before the tag. Edge puts Rey onto his shoulder and rams him head first into the cage. Edge tries to do it again and Rey blocks it, reversing it into a tornado DDT!
Both men are again down as a Hardy chant starts up. Edge tags in Jericho who, again, cuts Rey off before he can tag in Hardy. Jericho berates Rey as he attacks, pulling him up and going for an Irish Whip. Rey hangs onto the top rope. Jericho charges and is caught with a boot from Rey! Jericho spirals back as Rey charges and leapfrogs over Jericho! Rey tries to escape but Jericho blocks him! Rey comes down to the top rope and connects with a flying dropkick!
Jericho tags in Edge who tries again to cut off Rey but he’s too late and Hardy gets the hot tag! Jeff takes Edge down with a clothesline! Zwei clotheslines! Jeff slams Edge into the cage before hitting an inverted atomic drop! Double leg take down! Leg drop to the groin! Low dropkick! HOUSE ON FIRE! Jeff goes for the pin but Edge kicks out at two! Edge blocks hardy with a kick and goes for a Spear but Jeff leapfrogs over it but he hits Punk! Spear on the referee! Jeff steps up to the top and hits Whisper in the Wind on Edge! Punk slowly rolls over to make the count but Edge kicks out at two.
Jeff argues with Punk who clearly couldn’t have made a faster count and Edge tries to capitalize. But Jeff stops him with a face first suplex! Jericho comes but Jeff stops him with a right. Rey comes in and they hit a tandem 619 on Jericho! My God what a move! Rey walks right into a big boot from Edge! Jeff tries for a Twist of Fate but Edge blocks it. Jeff gets distracted, staring down Punk and doesn’t see Edge behind him. SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! Edge gets the pin and the three!
Winner: Edge and Chris Jericho (Pinfall via Spear) ***
Edge and Jericho leave the ring as Punk grabs a microphone and asks the fans to give it up for the number one contender: Jeff Hardy. Punk raises the gold as we cut to McMahon and Long in Long’s office. McMahon says he’s expecting big things from Long and he just wants him to perform as if his job depends on it. We cut back to the ring where Punk and Jericho are staring each other down just before Smackdown closes!
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