wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 11.27.00
411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 11.27.00
Live from Iowa St. University
Announced by JR and King
Report exclusively for 411 by PK
We open the show this week with a video package of Austin beating people up.
Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring. He whines about Taker attacking him last week. He then gets into the whole HHH/Austin situation. He sees himself as a wrestler, not a “Sports Entertainer.” He’s starting to see his integrity go down the toilet. He came to the WWF to become a Champion, not to see his brother assaulted, or to be choke slammed off the stage. If it doesn’t start to change, he is going to take his title, and go home. The Commish and Debra come out. He begins to agree with Angle, but he questions his integrity, especially when he has Stephanie interfering in his matches. He will put Rikishi and Rock on a #1 Contender Match, and Angle will defend his strap.
Rock enters the arena via limo.
Edge and Christian along with Angle tries to think of who Angle’s opponent will be.
Holly Family vs. T&A and Trish
Back and forth. Crash, Trish and Molly on the outside. Molly does her somersault thing on Trish. T&A sends Hardcore into the corner, but Albert misses a body avalanche, and Test hits him with the big boot. Crash pulls Test out, Hardcore with a huge dropkick for the pin
Winners – Hollys
Angle starts to talk to Kane. He mentions to Kane the he is always welcome at the Angle household for the Holidays. He has to talk to him about something, so they go and talk.
MC with Rikishi. MC mentions that a lot of people don’t think Rikishi is deserving of a title shot. Kishi assures us that he is, and goes on to rant about he beat down The Rock, and that he deserves the opportunity.
Taker tuning up his bike, Kane runs in and mauls him. We see a shot of Edge, Christian, and Angle happy about the attack.
We see that a bunch of refs and Too Cool break up Kane and Taker. Taker is pissed.
Castrol Slam of the Week: Billy Gunn winning the IC Title on Smackdown.
The One (c) vs. Latino Heat – IC Title
Eddie dominates most of the match. Gunn with a power slam for 2, but Eddie fights back. Gunn down in the corner, Eddie goes to the top. Gunn up and hits a SUPERPLEX. Eddie off the ropes, tilt-a-whirl slam by Gunn. Saturn and Malenko come out to interfere. Gunn wards them off, and hits that neckbreaker type thing for the pin. Benoit, Malenko, and Saturn get in the ring and mug Gunn. Benoit does the most RETARDED move in the world (AKA the swandive headbutt, ya, that’s a great idea, let’s take the fleshiest part of my face, and smash it against the boniest part of my opponent, that’s smart!) Gunn is laid out.
Winner and Still Champion – The One Billy Gunn
Rikishi walks, and The Rock….WALKS! You know what that means right? RATINGS!!!!
Taker had a meeting with The Commish. Taker will take on Kane tonight for the 756th time!!!!!
Rikishi vs. The Rock – #1 Contender for Armageddon
Kurt Angle comes to the commentary table for the match. Back and forth, Rikishi with a belly to belly, and seems to hurt himself in the process. Rock with a spinebuster, Angle comes in and gives Rock the Olympic Slam. Rikishi gets DQed, and Rock will take on Angle and Armageddon. Rikishi then sits on Rock.
Winner and #1 Contender – Rock
Dean Malenko trying to come onto Lita. Benoit nails her with the door, and walks right by her. Saturn and Eddie follow. Hardys saw what happened, and a maley ensues.
Kane and Taker walk towards the ring.
Hardys and a partner will take on 3 of the Radz later.
Kane vs. The Undertaker (w/ flab)
*yawn* Taker choke slams Kane, calls for the Last Ride, but we all know he can’t pick up Kane. Edge, Christian and Angle come to the ring and beats on Taker. I wonder what E&C are thinking while they beat on him…”And that’s for making us propel from the ceiling, and that’s for trying to hang me (Christian) on the symbol, and that’s for kicking Gangrel out of the Ministry with us so we had to deal with him!”
Winner by DQ – Undertaker
Angle, Edge, and Christian walk back into Angle’s locker room. Foley is there and he throws E&C out. He then yells at Angle and calls him a hypocrite. He will face Stone Cold in the title match this evening.
Val Venis & Steven Richards (w/ Ivory) vs. K-Kwik and Road Dogg
What can I say. Normal match-up. Road Dogg and Venis on the outside. K-Kwik blocks a SUPERPLEX, and hits a front-faced SUPERPLEX for the pinfall.
Winners – K-Kwik and Dogg
Stone Cold goes to his dressing room.
Hardys walk toward the ring without a partner..
Smackdown2’s Rewind – Tiger and Lo Down ruining Thanksgiving dinner.
Tiger and Lo Down wants a match tonight. Foley gives Tiger a Hardcore Title match.
Radicalz (Benoit, Saturn, & Malenko w/ Terri) vs. Hardys and Y2J
Poetry in Motion on Saturn. Terri grabs Jeff’s foot, Saturn with a belly to belly. Malenko and Benoit double team Jeff. Jeff with a sunset flip on Benoit. Radz isolate Jeff. Jericho finally gets in, and beats on Malenko. All 6 men in the ring now. Benoit, Matt, and Saturn on the outside now. Jeff jumps on them all. Jericho locks on the Walls on Malenko for the win. Eddie comes from nowhere and attacks Jericho, but Jericho puts the Walls on Eddie. Jeff goes for a Swanton on Terri, but Malenko and Saturn stop him. The Radz then tear apart both Hardys and Jericho.
Winners – Hardys and Jericho
Stone Cold getting ready.
Blackman getting ready with Al Snow.
Steve Blackman (c) vs. Tiger Ali Sighn – Hardcore Title
They start on the outside, but Blackman puts him back in the ring, and pounds him in the corner. Blackman the crotches him on the ring post. Ninja Turtle goes for his toys, 2 trash can lids. Lid to the knee, then to the back of the head. This match is so one-sided.
Winner and Still Champion – Ninja Turtle Blackman
Angle gets escorted to the ramp by E&C. Rock comes in and beats on them all. Commish, Sarge, refs and the Dudleys(??????) come in to break it up. Commish throws Rock, Edge, and Christian out of the building. Commish then pushes Angle towards the ring.
Recap of what just happened, because we all forgot.
Kurt Angle (c) vs. Stone Cold – World Title
Austin and Angle go back and forth with wrestling moves. On the outside, Austin’s head is bounced off the ring steps and then the commentators table. Back in the ring, Austin starts to battle back, small package for 2. Angle with a gut wrench, followed by a suplex for 2. Angle off the ropes, Austin locks on a sleeper, but Angle puts him through the ropes. Angle applies an abdominal stretch, using the ropes for leverage. Austin fights back, throws Angle to the outside, and bounces his head off the commentators table, and then the steps. In the ring, Austin with a Lou Theiz press. Austin with a spinebuster. Stephanie comes down. Austin gives her the finger, and gets rolled up by Angle for 2. Austin with a Stunner, HHH runs in. Match is thrown out. HHH begins to destroy Austin. Steph throws in a chair. Neckbreaker on the chair. HHH and Stephanie standing tall in the ring. Happy Anniversary to the Helmsley Family!
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