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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 11.10.21

November 10, 2021 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite 11-10-21
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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 11.10.21  

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ITS BINGO DAY!!!!! Yes, for the FIRST TIME EVER, Bingo is coming to you hot and out the oven in the kitchen of AEW!!! Those who are playing, you should have received your cards. Those who are not…sucks to be you!!!


We are starting right out the gate with some action!

Rocky Romero comes out with Orange Cassidy, Chuck, and Yuta. Rocky hands his chain over to Orange, who will be in Rocky’s corner.

Match 1: Bran Danielson vs Rocky Romero

Gentlemen’s handshake before they lockup, do some rope work, Bryan with a tackle gets Rocky down then he starts with the kicks into the back of the thigh. Bryan drops an elbow onto the inside of the knee, but Rocky grabs the arm and tries for the arm breaker. Bryan gets to the ropes quickly. Bryan locks the knuckles, then gets a drop toe hold into a waist lock from behind. Bryan cinches it and gets a takedown. Rocky backs Bryan into the corner, breaking the hold. Back elbow to Bryan. Another, whip to the corner, Bryan flips out of the corner, hits the ropes, go behind, Rocky reverses, Bryan runs, Rocky shoves Bryan to the outside.

Bryan on his knees, while Orange stares him down. Orange with the hands in his pockets! Romero with a suicide dive off the distraction! Chop from Rocky, and Bryan is sent into the ring. Rocky flies off the corner with a knee to the shoulder from the corner. Chop to Bryan. Bryan is able to pull back on the arms and get Rocky in a submission, then pull back on his chin for a Dragon Sleeper, but Romero escapes, gets a rope break. Bryan with a knee to the. Back. Matt Hardy is in the crowd to give a thumbs up to Orange. Orange ignores him. In the ring, Bryan continues to attack the back. Right hands are traded. Rocky with a chop, Byan with a right, kick from Rocky, another, another, another, damne. He heads to the 2nd rope and flies with a dropkick to the side of the head! Rocky and Bryan on the outside. Rocky runs up the steps and hits a rana! He sends Bryan into the ring, hits an odd looking sliced bread and a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Rocky with a running clothesline. Another. Bryan blocks a third wit a spinning elbow strike! GERMAN!!! 1…2…NO!!! Bryan gets Rocky to the top rope then tries for a back suplex, but Rocky turns mid-air! Crossbody into a pin for 1..2.NO!!!! Rocky shoots for the arm breaker! Danielson stands up for a pin, lifts Rocky and slams him down hard. Both men down and the count starts.

Ref gets to 6, and both men are up. Bryan with a kick, Rocky with a right, Bryan with a right, another, an uppercut, Rocky tries for a cross armbreaker yet again! Bryan turns this around, placing Rocky on his stomach. Bryan pulls back on the leg, using the knee as an ankle, but Romero reverses and tries for the cross arm breaker, only for Bryan to slip out and lock in the ankle lock!!! Bryan tries to lock the body, but Rocky slinks down and locks the arm! Bryan rolls into a pni for 1..2…N!O!! HUGE KICK FROM BRYAN!!! Bryan runs for a knee, Rocky hits a knee strike of his own, he goes for a Sliced Bread, but Bryan catches him and places him down, holding the arm. He stomps Rocky’s face in.

Bryan wants the LaBell Lock, but Rocky counters, so Bryan sits on his back, places the knee into the back of the knee, and pulls back on the leg!!!! Rocky taps!

Winner: Bryan Danielson
A nice little ten minute package to show that Bryan has more than just one finisher, and will do what it takes to win. Nice.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:51

I come back a little late, but just in time to see Lambert and Co attacking The Inner Circle. Page and Sky get Jericho in the ring while Lambert sits on the top rope. Sky and Page sit Jericho up on the shoulders of Jericoh and Lambert powerbombs him through the table.

Page says this Saturday, they’re going to make sure Lambert pins Jericho, but tonight, they’re going to make Jericho tapout. Lambert puts Jericho in the Walls and shouts that this is The Boston Crab. Lol.

Match 2: Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa vs Rebel, Jamie Hayter, and Britt Baker

All the ladies attack!!!! Britt leaves the ring as the faces in pink clear yhe ring. Rosa and Britt enter the ring to start the match. They exchange some moves, try to finish each other quickly, neither can, tag to Rebel, Rosa with a hip toss and a dropkick. She hits the ropes. Wheelbarrow from Rosa and a facebuster! Rosa with a hard chop in the face corner. Tag to Jay. She tosses Rebel around a bit, hits the ropes, and there’s Hayter to grab the hair of Anna and pull her down to the outside. Britt is there to attack as well, while Tay and Rosa distract the ref.

We are back and Jay hits a big suplex to Britt. She reaches for a tag, gets one for Tay, in comes Hayter. Tay with a clothesline, one to Rebel, one for Britt. Tay rushes the corner, hits a huge kick in the corner, another to Rebel, one to Brit. A kick to Hayter, looks for the DDTay, gets a TayKO instead. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Hayter hits a backbreaker and a kick and a cover for 1..2.NO!!! Rosa in the ring, gets a fireman’s, Hayter escapes, gets a tag to ReBel, Elbow to Rosa, Rebel kicks, In comes Britt, Jay hits a kick to her, but Britt hits a kick of her own to Anna Jay! All women are down, except Rosa who is on the top rope! CROSSBODY OFF THE TOP TO JAMIE HAYTER!! HAYTER IS DEAAD!!!!!

IN the ring, Tay hits a kick, grabs he head, DDTAY!!! Britt looks to save, but just lets Tay hit the move and cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winners: Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa
I mean, it wasn’t pretty, but the goal here was to give Tay some time to shine, and it’s such a beautiful thing to do considering the next match she is going to have. To the average viewer, Tay may seem “beneath” Britt, and although I don’t want to compare the two, I feel the WWE would make sure that you still felt that way, even before the big showdown. This match alone (and the past few weeks) were designed to let us be ok with considering Tay on the same level as Britt. It’s so amazing.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: Like 7 minutes, I think. My bad. Sue me.

Match 3: Anthony Bowens vs Jungle Boy

Lockup to start, and Bowens backs JB into the corner. Ref stops the hold and they meet in the middle again. Waist lock from JB. Bowens with a switch. JB drops his hips, reverses, and Bowens drops JB. JB corners him, beating him down with some fists, right hands from JB. JB with a kick to the back of the leg. Whip! JB chops! Runs up the ropes, but Bowens stops him with a knee! JB with an arm drag, hops the ropes, dropkick! Crowd is LOVIN him. JB with a chop In the corner! JB with another! JB hits the ropes, tries to slide through, but Bowens grabs the hair! Nice. Elbow from JB. He tries to shoot off the apron, but Castor is there to grab the boot. Boot form Bowens!!! He sends JB into the knee hard.

We are back, and Bowens has JB hurt in the corner. Whip and JB hits an elbo strike, another, chop to Anthony. Dropkick off the ropes! JB with a HARD clothesline. Yo, crowd loves this guy. JB locks the head, tries for a supelx, Bowens lands on his feet, shoves, back elbow, chop, huge kick to the face. He locks up and drops JB on his back hard, with an elbow for good measure. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! JB with a surprise rollup for 1..2….N!O!!! SNARE TRAP but Max is on the apron! JB shoves him! Bowens grabs from behind, JB lands on his feet, SUICIDE DIVE TO MAX ON THE OUTSIDE!!!! JB blocks a right on he apron, tries for a shoulder, Bowens side steps, kicks the chest, DDT into the ring. 1…….2……NO!!!! HOLY SHITTTTTT. Bowens grabs JB, lifts him by the chin, JB is weak, Bowens locks the head, tries for a Uranage type move. JB counters, steps over.

SNARE TRAP!!!! Bowens taps. Max reaches for his partner but Bowens cant’ get there. Bowens taps!!

Winner: Jungle Boy
A nice showing for Bowens, who is a little overshadowed by his partner, but this was all Jungle Boy. The crowd is hot for him, and it appears he really tries to grow as a performer.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 10:07

Bobby Fish runs down the ring and…..ATTACKS JUNGLE BOY!!! He kicks the back of the leg while JB celebrates on the corner. He shoulders JB then hits a knee, another, T-Bone suplex INTO the ropes!

Out come Christian and Lucha! Fish leaves around the ring up to the ramp.

Video package for Page and Omega, with Page talking about how he watched from afar as his friends tasted success and he could only watch.

The Young Bucks are backstage, and they say its so good to see Jungle Boy get his ass whooped. Cole wants to talk to them about Bobby Fish. Fish is here and they go face to face. Nick and Matt say they know Bobby very well. They know he’s the new guy, but AEW – no dispute – it’s the era of the Elite, but if Cole vouches for someone, then they’re cool. Cole wants something at Rampage, Fish vs Jungle Boy.

Video package for Punk vs Kingston, going way back with some footage, including the promo from Friday.

Match 4: Wheeler Yuta vs Wardlow

Wardlow tries with the power, but Yuta ducks under, escapes another hold, Warrdlow locks the waist, Yuta escapes, hits a dropkick. Right hands to the face, Wardlow shoves him away, Yuta tries for a cutter, but fucks up a bit, so Wardlow slams his ass down hard. Wardlow lock the head, flips Yuta up. Powerbomb. Wardlow offers one more to Yuta, and DRILLS him down hard. Wheeler grabs Yuta, goes for a third!! The crowd wants it, and Wardlow offers it, A FOURTH!!!!! GOOD LORDT!!

Wardlow grabs Yuta, fakes a powerbomb, and locks his head instead, then sets Yuta up in the corner and hits a huge knee strike to the falling Yuta. Cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Wardlow
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:14

Chuck and Orange check on Yuta, allowing Kassidy and Blade to run down and attack them from behind! Hardy has a chair in his hand!!!

Matt Hardy grabs Orange, locks his head in a chair, and hits a Twist of Fate to Orange Cassidy while Kassidy films on his iphone.

We return to the parking lot area where CM Punk and Eddie Kingston are being held apart. We don’t see any actual action, so no square for Backstage Brawl…yet.

Heading back to the ring, we see Lio Rush bein all weird. He and Dante Martin are teaming together.

Match 5: Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty vs Dante Martin and Lio Rush

Dante and Lee to start. Lee works the arm, reverses the wrist hold. Dante reverses that as the crowd chants for Lee. Nice. Lee works the wrist again, Dante hops OFF the ropes, whips, hops over, gets leg swept, Lee covers, Dante kicks out, sweeps, Lee hops up, Dante grabs the head and rolls into a pin, Lee rolls him INTO a waist lock, turns it into a pin for 1..NO!!! Dante sends Lee int othe ropes back first then picks the ankle. Dante with a surprise pin, 1..NO!!! Le. From behind, Dante reaches behind, grabs the hands, Lee locks the legs, pin fo 1…..FUCK!!! amazing.

Tag to Lio. Tag to Sydal. Lio Ranger slaps Matt, matt kicks, Lio stops, Lee hits him form behind, Sydal attacks the chest, huge kick. Sydal with. Standing moonsault, lands on gis fet, Lio does the same, dodges right, leg, off the ropes with a rana, and Sydal rolls to the outside. Lio attacks lee on the apron for some revenge, All four men enter the ring. Sydal tries to regain order, but Lio punches him in the back of the head.

We are back, and Dante flies off the 2nd rope with a dropkick. Tag to Lio. Tag to Lee. Big kick from Lee. Clothesline to Lio. Lee drops, kicks the arm of Lio, whips to Lio, reverse, spinning uppercut from Lee. He grabs the head, Lio with a barrage of slaps, Lee ducks under, holds onto Lio, smashes him down face first and covers for .1.2.NO!!! Lee whips Matt into Lio, but Lio hits an elbow, kicks lee, ducks under, shoves, Matt to lock the waist, Lio releases aGerman, facke a kick, hits a high one to Matt. High kick to Lee! Lio looks to fly, but both men in the ring, so he hits a handspring elbow to both men! Lio hits the ropes, suicide dive to Matt!!! Another to Lee on the opposite side!!!! He sends Lee back into the ring. Lio locks the arms, spins this shit and covers for 1..2…NO!!!! Lio tags in Dante after dragging Lee into the corner. Dante to the top rope while Lio sits on the top. Holy shit, Lio wants Dante to stand on his shoulders, but Matt hps up and hits a rana, sending lio away!! Lee grabs Dante, gets a belly to belly! Uppercut from Lee! Cover fo 1..2…NO!!!!!! Matt and Lee grab Dante, lift him, Lio kicks, Matt gives the boot to Lee, Lio kicks Matt, then kicks Lee, hook kick to lee. Lio yells for Dante to fly!!! Lee is up!

Dante with a hop from one end to the other. MOONSAULT! COVER! 1…2….3!!!!

Winners: Lio Rush and Dante Martin
Holy shit…I’m probably overrating the shit out of this, but I do NOT care. Wow. Just wow. Lee, I hope you get a second look, because this is the 2nd time in a row you have impressed the shit out of me.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 10:27

Miro tells Bryan that this isn’t personal. He is everything to some, but nothing to Miro. He asks Bryan if he knows his God; is he messing with Miro or testing him? Is Bryan willing to trade his bad neck for Miro’s? All of this will happen because his God fears him. Bryan came here to feel alive, but Miro is a man holding a scythe. This isn’t personal. Bryan must say goodbye to his wife so that Miro can go say hello to his.

Match 6: Pac vs Dax Hardwood

LOCKUP to start. Pac backs Dax near the corner. They break the hold. Stare each other down. Lockup again, and they roll into the corner sloppily, and it looks awesome. Aubrey holds Dax back. Pac works the arm, Dax reverses, works the left arm, gets Pac down to the mat, Pac stands, shoulder to shoulder, Dax works the arm, Pac flips out of it, hits the ropes, shoulder tackle sends Dax down. Dax is shocked, another, Dax hoes down. Arm drag to Pac, Pac kicks him away. Pac lifts Dax, body slam, Dax kicks Pac away, head lock takeover from Pac, Pac with a leg scissors, Dax kips out, lock up blocked, they go face to face. Fuck yes. THIS IS WRESTLING chant. The men goe forehead to forehead. Dax shoves, hits a HUGE clothesline to Pac. Kick from Pac, a chop, he grabs Dax in the corner, chop to Dax. Another chop. GERMAN OFF THE ROPES!!! Pac clotheslines Dax to the outside. Pac hits the ropes. He flies over the top rope and flips over onto Dax! Nice.

We are back, and Pac has Dax on the top rope! He stands on the top, ocks the head, Pac with a HUGE BRAINBUSTER!!!! SON OF A BITCH…..Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Dax’s chest is bleeding just from the chops. Pac is up and runs with a kick to the face. He hooks the head with the knee and sends Dax down hard. Pac to the top rope slowly. Tully is nearby. Pac waits, flies, and dropkicks Dax in the back!!! Pac heads to the top rope, ready to finish it, but Dax rolls the fuck outta dodge. He pulls himself up in the corner. Tully is there to motivte him, but Pac just fucking clobbers him with a running uppercut. Huge kick in the opposite corner. He goes for a back elbow, but Tully moves Dax out of the way! Dax grabs Pac! BRAINBUSTAAAAAA!!!!!! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!!!! Pac to the top rope. Dax runs up. Back suplex off the top!!! Pac with a surprise German! Pac locks the waist. DEADLIFT GER—NO!!! Dax with an elbow, Pac misses a kick. CLOTHESLINE FLIPS PAC INSIDE OUT!!! Dax with a rebound into a Liger Bomb and a pin for 1..2….NO!!!!

Dax with an uppercut. Another. Another! Pac turns this into a backslide!!! Cover for 1…2…N!O!! PAC WITH A SUBMISSION AND DAX TAPS IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Winner: Pac
Holy fuck, y’all. That was beautiful! Everything. I especially loved Dax tapping immediately, saving his arm more than anything. *chefs kiss*
Total Rating: ****1/2
Match Time: 13:59

PAC will NOT release the hold!! Cash rushes down and attacks Pac with a barrage of punches! Stomps from Cash to Pac as Tully holds Pac down hard!


WHAT THE FUCK, IT’S MALAKAI AND ANDRADE!!! They, and FTR stomp Pac relentlessly. Andrade splits the leg.


Cody is up in the stands! He rushes down into the ring as Rey kicks Andrade! Cody rushes straight to Black! Rey and Penta send FTR outside! Pac kicks Andrade out of he ring! Cody fights Black in the corner. Kick to Black! Lucha Bros, Cody, and Pac stand in the ring as the heels back off.

Tony is in the ring, and he is here for the contrct signing.

After Page and Omega come down, Tony asks who will sign first. Page offers to do so, and flips the contract through – which, I know is small, but actually looks like a contact. Before he signs, he grabs the mic.

He says that after all this time, he doesn’t know what’s left to say. He knows ht the sooner he signs this, the sooner he gets to Full Gear to beat Oemga’s ass for the title. He signs.

Omega tells Page that all these cheers, this crowd, all of it, was all for Page, but he was so insecure. All the love? It was never Page. It was always The Elite who sat him back on the horse to send him out to give the people what he thought they wanted – Cowboy Shit. Why would he do that? Even after he denied them coming back to the group. It’s because he saw a little bit of himself in Page. What a disappointment.

Page says maybe he is right, but Omega once had a tag team partner he didn’t measure up to, either. But, Page looks across the ring and sees him now – The Wrestling God. It might be fair to say that Omega has surpassed this former partner. IN the psat few years, he told a lot of lies. The biggest one was at Full Gear, though. He knelt over his body and said, “Good job, Hanger, I’m proud of you.” He isn’t proud of Page, he is afraid of Page. He didn’t want Page to light a fire under his ass to prove himself, redeem himself. He didn’t want it to make Page become what Omega has become, owhat he will become when he beats him this Saturday.

Omega says no, Page has got it all wrong – he did this out of necessity. Believe it or not, he cares about Page. He wanted to be the guy across this table. Whether they’ll be friends or team again, he doesn’t know, but he wants to shake hands one last time. Let’s kill it at the PPV, man to man.

Page shakes Omega’s hand. Page tells him good job, then says he is proud of Page.


Omega screams he did this because he loves Page. Don’t you get it? He laughs it off. Don says the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to make the world think he never existed. Does this look like someone who is ready to win the title?

Page is busted open and Kenny grabs some of this blood to sign the contract with the blood of Page.

End Show

The final score: review Amazing
The 411
In terms of a go home show before a PPV, we have come to have certain expectations. Of course, you don't want to forget to hype the card, you want to remind people of the blood feuds, you want to give the heel the upper hand if the face is going to win, so on and so on. AEW did something weird tonight where, although they touched on the aforementioned, it didn't feel quite like a "GO HOME SHOW." This, however, is not a knock, because even though the focal point was very much Full Gear, AEW has so much going on for it that they could do both the final push of a PPV while still highlight new and fresh matchups, as well as give solid wrestling for the sake of giving solid wrestling. Tonight was just amazing. It flew by, and the matches were great. There wasn't a single bad one, even if the Tay and Co one could have used a bit of fine-tuning. All in all, this was another in a long line of amazing action driven by great story-telling given to us by the folks at AEW. Wow. Just wow.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero