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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 9.1.24

September 2, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw Jey Uso Damian Priest Rhea Ripley 9-2-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 9.1.24  

We spend the second episode of the Perkins Restaurant with Michael Ornelas and Andrew Canada where they review the spot! I’m in full support of Michael’s love of a full-bodied orange juice, man. If it aint some pulp, it’s just orange drink. Anyway, check out what they gave Perkin’s Restaurant, how the guys feel about tots, and more on The Fine Dining Podcast!

What. The Fuck. Is an Acai Bowl?!

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We start with a new voice, and it’s bolstering, as it introduces RAW!

WE see Wade Barrett in the middle of the ring, and he welcomes us to RAW. He wants to introduce the newest member of the commentary team, Joe Tessitore. He is thrilled to be part of the broadcast family, gives Cole his flowers, and brings up Bash.

This segues into a recap of the show in Berlin.

After the recap, the screams of Rhea Ripley’s music hits the speakers and out comes Mami. She’s dressed to kill, but not to wrestle. She welcomes us to Monday Night Mami, and brings up Bash in Berlin where she and Priest defeated Dom and Liv. She says they are not done destroying The Judgment Day. She pinned the Women’s World Champion, so she thinks it’s time to get back the one thing she never actually lost. If Liv is as tough as she pretends to be –

It’s Dominik Mysterio but he is by himself. He’s sporting a nice black eye with a few popped blood vessels to boot. He is about to update us on Liv, but the crowd shits all over him.

Rhea tells him no one wants to hear him talk, so how bout he goes and gets liv before she gives him another black eye. Liv is still recovering from what Rhea did to her. Rhea and Priest took advantage of him and Liv. They were jet-lagged, didn’t get any sleep – for multiple reasons. He says Liv is not afraid of Rhea. She has beaten Rhea before and she’ll do it again. After he wins the IC Title, both him and his white girl will have gold.

Rhea wants to put things in a way Dom will understand, “Callate estupido.” If Liv doesn’t want to come out here, then Rhea wants Dom to relay a message: she will face Liv any time any place.

Dom repeats this, and Liv Morgan tries to attack. Rhae hits her with an elbow, but Dom distracts and Rhea gets trapped hanging upside down by the ropes. Liv attacks until Damien Priest runs down to make the save.

Dom and Liv run through the crowd as Priest helps Rhea out.

American Made is backstage. They look upset. Chad Gable is sick and tired of losing to The Wyatt Sicks. They are not here to mess around. These three are the best atheletes that stepped foot in this company in yers. They are American Made, so go out and show them. Gable gives a hard slap to Julius Creed before they walk through Gorilla to the ring.

Backstage, Rhea is being checked on, but she is livid. Preist comes over to calm her down, says he’s going to ask for a match but she needs to get healthy, so let the med team help her out. She gives in and Priest heads away.

American Made vs The Alpha Academy

It’s The Creeds and Ivy v Akira, Otis, and Maxxine.

All 6 go at it to start until things get under control and we start officially with Akira and Julius. Akira wit a few kicks gets a tag to Otis and we get Julius running out of the ring. Otis heads out and drops Brutus, which allows Julius to hit him with a running knee. Another knee drops Otis hard. Julius picks up Otis and sends him int othe ring. Julius inside, hits a knee, rights to the back. Whip to Otis. Julius to the top rope, he flies and gets caught. Otis drops him hard. Julius pulls himself to the corner and in comes Ivy to shove Otis. HERE COMES MAXXINE! THESZ PRESS!!!! Big dropkick from Maxxine. Ivy runs out of the ring. Otis back in with both Creeds, hits double tackles to knock them down then grabs Akira and spins him to attack both brothers with some boots. Akira is dizzy until Otis slaps him on the ass then looks to toss him out the ring but Akira screams no and points to Maxxine! She heads to the corner, up the top rope, and flies off the post with a crossbody!

We are back and Akira and Julius are in the ring. The crowd is behind the tag to Otis. Tag to Brutus. Otis with a body slam, back elbow, rolls away from Julius then hits al ariat. Back body drop to Brutus. One for Julius. Otis with a splash in the corner. Otis ready for a caterpillar. Hits it. Brutus in, big cannonball from Otis. Cover for 1.2..NO!!! Jules there to break it up. Rights to Otis. Juluis corners him but Akira runs in. GERMAN TO JULIUS!!! Akira sends Brutus over the top rope then hits the ropes and Akira hits a suicide dive! Back into the ring, dives, Julius catches him. Belly to belly! Julius hops onto the apron. Otis checks him off the apron! Otis turns! BRUTUS BALL TO OTIS! Otis rolls to the corner, Maxxine with a tag. Big lariat to Ivy, running knee! FISHERMANS to Ivy! Kip up, spinning heel kick to Ivy!

Maxxine tries for her own version of a caterpillar, but Gable distracts. Maxxine with a big kick to Gable! She turns and Ivy, and Ivy kicks her! DRAGON SLEEPER! MAXXINE TAPS!!

Winners: American Made
A nice little six man, but the highlight was Maxxine going out there and busting her ass! She looked great, even if only by comparing tonight to literally any other night, and showed that she really, really wants this. Good for her.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:01

Gable grabs the mic after the match and challenges The Wyatt6 to an eight-man Street Fight tag team match. They are going to get rid of The Wyatts for America.

375 days. His sanity crumbled. His path is in the void now. The silence is deafening but he can still hear it. His life is no longer his. So if this is the path that they have chosen, who is he to prevent their undoing? They gambled their very being, and they will collect the debt.

Here comes the rest of them to pose alongside Howdy.

Zelina Vega gets real emotional when she sees a sign mentioning her dad.

Shayna Baszler vs Zelina Vega

Vega slaps Shayna hard then runs out the ring, back into the ring, arm drag, another, then she blocks a boot out of the corner. Vega then tries to do her own stomp to Shayna’s arm. Shayna escapes, arm drag sends her away. Right hand from Baszler she corners Vega, sits her up top, then locks the head. Vega with rights, pulls Shayna’s head through her legs then hits a 619 into the corner. Dropkick sends Shayna outside. Her buddies check on her as we head to break.

We are back and Shayna goes for a delayed suplex, but Vega drops down and hits a neckbreaker. Clothesline, another one, DDT to Shayna! Vega to the top rope! MOONSAULT to Shayna! Cover! 1.2…NO!!!

Zoey hops on the apron, Vega hits her with a 619, knees to Sonya! She tries to get back in and Shayna kicks her then hits a big knee and covers for 1..2..3!!!

Winner: Shayna Baszler
Not saying I WANT Vega to win, and not saying she NEEDED to win, but if she is going to keep losing, we don’t really need to see it over and over.
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 6:34

The girls try to triple team Vega, but here comes Lyra Valkyria to even the odds, only not really, because they dispatch the two very quickly.

Sonya Deville grabs the mic. She yells at us to shut up and show some respect. These girls laying on the ground is a reminder of just how pathetic everyone is. Every single one of us. There isn’t a man in this audience that can take them home or a woman in the locker room that could take them period. Step up, shoot your shot.

Backstage, Priest and Rhea have an update. Finn will only face priest in a tag team match, and since Rhea can’t be his partner and he has no friends, they cant have a match. Rhea says she has someone in mind. Priest is curious, then snickers, and tells her to let him know what he says with a smile.

Vega is backstage with Lyra, pissed off. They are over it, it’s time to fight back. Vega says she will take her chances week after week until they put them down. Lyra brings up Calgary next week, and says she has an idea.

Natalya will not make this better…

CM Punk is here. He says he cant wait to get ho to his beautiful wife and lovely dog but had to stop in Denver to say hello to all of us. Who say Berlin? The Strap Match was hell. One of the toughtest matches he’s ever been in. It’s good to be on the other side of something very personal to him. Now that the personal is out the way, we get to get down to business. That’s what he is, a business, man.

Punk calls out Gunther, says for him to get used to hearing Cult of Personality, and to hit his music. His target is Gunther.

Punk celebrates a bit, circles the ring with high fives, and goes to the announce booth to soak in the cheers. WE only see his upper body, then see him get yanked down, and we zoom out to see Drew McIntyre. He pulls punk down and punches him over and over then slams his head into the table.

Wade Barrett tries to calm Drew down, pulling him off and holding him back. He tries to talk some sense into him, but Drew shoves him aside and runs to hit a Claymore onto Punk! Haha damn that looked sick.

Drew tosses Punk into the ring. Wade cotinues to try to talk him down, but Drew hits another Claymore on Punk. Wade hops back on commentary like, “Y’all, Drew is gone, I ain’t in it.”

Drew grabs the left arm and stomps Punk’s head in, saying this will never be over. He wants the bracelet. Out come agents to stop Drew, but Drew says he’ll kill them. Drew takes the bracelet, again.

This time, Drew snaps the bracelet in half! Drew then shoves the beads into the mouth of Punk then hits him with another Claymore.

We are back and Punk is getting the stretcher job in the back. He is bleeding from the mouth. Here comes Drew to attack Punk while he’s on the stretcher! Hahaha. Punk’s mouth is ful of blood. Refs and people hold Drew back as they continue to pull the bloodied Punk into the ambulance.

We head to commentary as they try and understand Drew’s motivation.

Dragon Lee vs Dominik Mysterio vs Ilja Dragunov

Dom tries to talk to his fellow lucha brother, but it’s a ruse! Elbow to Ilja, kick to Lee, they both trade blows on Dom then team up to toss Dom out of the ring. Lee and Ilja left alone, and they go at it. Lee hits a rana, Ilja rolls outside, Lee hits the ropes, Dom trips him up and jumps into the ring with a senton off the top rope, kick to Ilja sends him utside. Lee with right hands. He hits the ropes and Dom lifts him up for a Michinoku Driver! Damn. Cover for 1.2..NO!!! Illja back in, Dom corners him, hits a huge chop. Ilja is pissed. Chop to Dom flips him. GERMAN FROM ILJA! He holds on! Another German! A third, but this time Dom catches Lee, and we get a three-person german!

We come back to Lee taking over only for Carlito to show up and push him off the corner. Damien Priest runs down to attack Carlito. Dom tries to dropkicik him but he just bounces off of him. Dom runs out of. The ring and through the crowd. Priest follows him.

Lee and Ilja enter the ring at the same time and we got a one v one! They meed in the middle, rights, Ilja with a trip, chop, Lee with a chop of his own, big boot to Ilja, big kick from Ilja, Lee with a snap German! Superkick but Ilja bounces back up and kicks high! Ilja spins, tries for a finish but Lee botches a bit, then hits a powerbomb! Pin for 1..2..NO!!!! Ilja drops Lee onto the 2nd buckle face first and covers for 1..2..NO!!! Ilja sits lee up in the corner, drops him hard. They stand trade kicks,. Ilja with a Torpedo Moscow shoulder and a cover for 1..2..3!!! Damn.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov
Nice little end there.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 10:38

Ilja holds Lee’s hand up, but Lee returns the favor as Ilja celebrates his win.

Backstage, Cathy is with Pearce. Here comes Braun Strowman who wants to take Bronson’s spot in the triple threat. He’s a b it banged up but medical says if he can go, he can go. Perace gives him the match as Braun leaves with a grimace.

Damage CTRL vs Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre

I made myself a quick dinner so missed the first minute, but come to with Damage CTRL mouthing off at Jade and Bianca.

We are back to Iyo taking out both Alba and Isla! Knees to Fyre! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Iyo with a double underhook, Fyre lands on her feet, tries for a Gory, Iyo kicks Isla away, reverses Fyre and drops her back first onto the knee. Iyo locks the waist, GERMAN! BRIDGE! Pin for 1.2..NO!!! Isla breaks it up. In comes Sane to send Isla out. Sane to the top rope! She FLIES! Isla pulls Bianca in the way and Sane hits her then hits the corne of the desk! Jade checks on Bianca.

In the ring, Iyo hits a smack to Fyre. Iyo looks over to Sane, kicks Fyre, Jade attacks Sane. Iyo is distracted, Fyre hooks the leg, Iyo sstomps the chest and sits down into a pin for 1..2NO!!!

Fyre shoots Iyo to the ropes, Isla hangs her up! Isla tags! They hit the combo Facebuster/Gory Special and pin for 1.2….3!!!

Winners: Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre
Iyo and Sane are great.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 8:08

Damage CTRL and Jade and Bianca argue in the ring for abit till the ref holds them back.

Backstage, Kofi Kingston has a proposition for Pearce. The Judgment Day hasn’t defended their titles in over two months!

As he is about to explain, Gunther walks by. He joins us next.

Priest meets Rhea backstage and asks if her friend said yes. She said no. Priest wants to know what he said. She says he said “YEET!”

Gunther is here! He’s got a mic and a smile.

He says on Saturday, Bash in Berlin was the highest grossing gate in an arena show in the history of the WWE, and the Denver degenerates have the honor to look at the man responsible for it. YOUR World Heavyweight Champion, the Ring General, Gunther! Last Saturday, he defeated one of the greatest legends of all time. He said some mean things, and even though he was right, he only said them because he wanted the greatest version of Orton. So now he can stand here and say he has beaten the greatest version of Randy Orton. At the end of the day, that big weekend was just another chapter in the legacy of the greatest champion in history.

Sami Zayn is here! He wants to talk about legacy! He has taken the last few weeks to think about his IC reign. He’s thinking about where he has been and where he is headed. The IC title is the workhorse, sure, but the true greats, the greatest of the greats, the Macho Man Randy Savages, Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, HBK, his hero Bret Hart! They all won the title then used it as a stepping stone to the big belt. They all did that, and that’s exactly what Gunther did. Now, it’s time for Sami to do it.

He wants the World Heavyweight title!

Gunther says Sami is right. They used the IC as a stepping stone, and after his reign and all those names, they stepped up but Sami stepped down. As for the legends he named, Sami’s name is not on that list. He thinks this is why people like him. Sami gets knocked down but picks himself up and returns to the ring. When things don’t go his way, he brushes it off and returns in the ring. So if Sami really wants this more than anything else, his answer is no.

Gunther leaves, but Sami yells, saying Gunther has never backed down from a fight, so why now? He knows why. Sami is the only guy who has beaten him in the middle of this ring. Sami is coming for him and he will be champion.

Jackie is backstage with Jey Uso who tries to Yeet until Bron Breakker comes in to remind Jey that his fam has nothing on Bron’s. He tells Jey to keep doing his thing. He’ll give Jey one chance to walk away. Drop out of the tournament and keep chasing Dominik’s sloppy seconds. If he doesn’t, if he comes after Bron and his title, he’s going to lose.

Jey smiles, removes his glasses, says thanks for the advice, Rookie. Don’t worry bout Jey, he’ll get his. He’s got Jey’s attention now. He’s going to win the tournament, win the championship, and he’s goin beat Bron’s ass while he does it.

Braun Strowman vs Sheamus vs Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser slinks out of the ring immediately. Sheamus follows and they fight it out around the ring as Braun watches on in the ring. Rolling senton from Sheamus. Braun leaves the ring and chug chug chugs around the ring into both men. Braun sends Sheamus into the post, then grabs at his ribs in pain. Braun rushes for Kaiser, but he moves out of the way and Braun trucks through the barricade!

WE are back in time to see Kaiser run towards Braun only for Braun to grab a chair and toss it at his face. ! This wakes up Braun, who enters the ring and chokeslams Sheamus then covers for 1..2.NO!!! Big kick to the ribs from Sheamus! The beatdown against the ropes by Sheamus! Braun takes em like a champ. Running knee from Sheamus but here comes Kaiser for a DVD! He calls that Kaiser Roll? Tight hahaa. Cover for 1.2…NO!!! Big kick from Kaiser! But Sheamus with a Brogue Kick off the ropes! Cover! 1..2.NO!!!

PETE DUNNE IS HERE! HE pulls Sheamus out of the ring off the cover then hits him with his shackalacky! Kaiser looks on, and here is Braun to hit Kaiser with a splash and a powerslam for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Braun Strowman
That was fun. A shame a commercial essentially cut it in half.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 7:39

We head backstage. Priest enters the locker room of Jey. They got a past Priest can’t ignore. Jey says nah he gets it, he used to be Priest. No friends, no fam. He respects Priest. Besides, he aint gonna tell Rhea no. They share catchphrases and we are on.

Jackie stops Pete wondering if there is something Pete wants to say. Pete says tel tell Sheamus it was just a message from n old friend. Now he’s on his way to NXT to destroy Trick. Jackie asks if she’d like to tell Sheamus the message is from Butch? Pete gets mad, tells her not to call him that, then leaves.

Jey Uso and Damien Priest vs The Judgment Day

Finn and Priest to start, but Finn ain’t havin it. He tags in JD. JD gets kicked and sent all the way outside. Priest grabs Finn pulls him in and kicks him right back out as JD comes into the ring. Priest corners JD. Tag to jey. Jey in and he hits a back elbow then a kick to JD’s chin. Cover for 1..2…NO!! Jey to the corner. Tag to Finn. They double team Jey in the corner with stomps, then tag to JD. JD whips, drop toe hold, hits the ropes, leg drop to Jey’s head. Tag to Finn. Elbow drop to the head. Finn with a right hand. Right hands to the head over and over. He stares Priest down Goes back to Jey and hangs him up with a leg across the neck. JD with a leg drop as the ref is distracted. Finn whips Jey, reversed and Jey sends Finn outside. In comes JD and he gets sent over the top rope to the outside too. Priest holds the ropes and Jey dives over the ropes onto both men!

WE are back and JD hits a snapmare then tags Finn in, who flies over the top rope for a stomp. Tag to JD who gets a springboard moonsault. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! JD works the left arm. Jey with a right hand. Another right. Jd hits one, Jey returns it, They go Yeet and No. Yeet wins. Enziguri. TAG TO PRIEST! In comes Finn! Priest drops him, boxes the ears of JD. Big slam to JD. Kick to Finn, another, spinning right, another right to the jaw. Big back elbow in the corner to JD. To Finn. To JD! He sends JD outside and Finn tries to roll him up. 1.2…NO!!! SLingblade! Shotgun dropki—-no!! Big kick from Priest!Big lariat! GOOZLE! Finn rolls him up though, gets a 1..2.NO!!! Elbow to Finn. JD hangs Priest up, Finn grabs the head, drops him and covers for 1..2.NO!! Tag to JD. Kick to Priest. Tag to Finn. Locks the head, they double team Preist with a whip, Priest blocks them, hits a double clothesline. Jey gets the blind tag. Jey to the top rope. He flies onto both men! Crossbody! Superkick to Finn! One for JD! SPEAR TO JD!!! Jey to the top rope! Finn is in the ring to distract the ref!

LIV MORGAN PULLS JEY’S foot! He goes dick to buckle! Tag to Finn. Slingblade! Dropkick! Finn tags in JD. Finn to the top rope! Coup De Grace! JD with a moonsault! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!!! Priest in to stop the pin!

RHEA BLOODY RIPLEY IS HERE! She hobbles down on one leg and a crutch and Liv mocks her. Rhea comes closer to, Liv stares her down, Rhea then stands. She is just fine. She attacks liv with the crutch, right I n the stomach, then takes some swipes at her around the ring. She still hobbles, so she’s not completely healed, but Liv makes her way through the crowd.

In the ring, Priest sends JD out of the ring ith a clothesline. Kick to Finn. He tries for Razoar’s Edge, JD back in, SPEAR TO FINN! JD eats a Razor’s Edge! Tag to Jey. USO SPLASH! COVER! 1.2….3!!!

Winner: Jey Uso and Damien Priest
A fun main event.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 14:26

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
Pretty solid RAW all things considered. While it may have felt like a placeholder, things are moving along quite swimmingly. It’s all but written that we’ll get Drew v Punk III in a cell o something just as bloody. The IC Title match is set, Gunther v Sami will be good, and if Sane doesn’t get some kind of mad love for that dive she took…. I’m not in the camp that think Gable is being buried, as he’s in a feud against a debuting stable that needs to look strong. Gable losing doesn’t hurt, he was once Short G and survived that. The only sourt spot on the show was Sonya Deville’s odd promo that didn’t really do anything for her team, and this seemingly never-ending feud with Vega and Lyra, both of which could be doing anything else.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero