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AEW News: Eddie Kingston Says Sammy Guevara Won’t Embarrass Him, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker Hype Toronto Debut

September 17, 2022 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Grand Slam Rampage Image Credit: AEW

As noted, Sammy Guevara and Eddie Kingston will finally face off next week at AEW Rampage Grand Slam. Eddie Kingston posted the following message last night on the newly announced matchup:

“I am also not dumb, I know Sammy will bring it to me. I know he would love to embarrass me when I am home. He is a former 3 x tnt champ I get it. But here we, forgive me discovery. But with all due respect fuck him he ain’t embarrassing nobody.”


– Jericho Appreciation Society’s Angelo Parker and Matt Menard appeared in a new video promoting AEW’s Toronto debut:

article topics :

AEW, Eddie Kingston, Jeffrey Harris