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Billy Corgan Says Wrestling Needs to Evolve

June 17, 2016 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

– New TNA minority owner Billy Corgan spoke with Vince Russo about the wrestling industry and more. SOme highlights are below:

On the mindset of some of today’s younger talent: “There’s the philosophical quandary of where we are going as a business and I’m not even talking about TNA, I’m talking about the wrestling business in general, because you do deal with some young talent who are green and you go up to them and tell them you need them to do this and that, and they don’t believe in it because philosophically and generationally, they don’t see that in being their future.”

On the state of professional wrestling today: “Business across the board is down for everybody. Nobody has figured this out. So I’m not trying to say our philosophy is better than the next guy’s philosophy – everybody is trying to figure it out–including me–within the walls of any particular company, but nobody has cracked the egg yet. The business needs to evolve forward, but nobody has figured out what that formula is for 2016 and the future.”