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BTE Title Changes Hands, Brandon Cutler Punished On Latest Being the Elite (Recap)

June 14, 2021 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Being the Elite Logo Image Credit: AEW

The latest episode of Being the Elite sees a new BTE Champion crowned, fallout from Dynamite and Impact Against All Odds, and more. You can see this week’s video and a recap of the episode below:

* We open with Ryan Nemeth doing a special installment of Hollywood Trivia, having found Luchasaurus playing chess. He carefully approaches and asks him about if he’s a fan of film and TV ads, to which he says yes. Nemeth asks who played the hunky lifeguard in the recent Xfinity commercial alongside Amy Poehler? Luchasaurus guesses Jeff Goldblum, Chris Pratt, and Nick Cannon. Nemeth angrily knocks over the chess pieces and stalks off.


* We see the Young Bucks backstage at the taping of the Impact Against All Odds main event between Kenny Omega and Moose. They talk about if they should help Kenny, using their Generation Me names, and then we get a clip from Cutler of the two attacking Moose to help Omega win the title and getting attacked by Sami Callihan.

* We then are backstage where Brandon Cutler is doing grunt work for the Bucks, shining the AEW World Tag Team Championships and being thrown their shoes to clean. Matt and Nick then talk about how they have to do a “dumb photo shoot” for Rampage.

* The latest Trick Shots With Nick Jackson sees Nick make a pretty simple shot.

* We’re then with the Bucks and Kenny Omega heading to the photo shoot for Rampage and how they’re not keen on it. Matt talks about how Cutler is competing alongside the Bucks in their match on Dynamite, telling him not to blow it. They remind Cutler that he has that big house loan to pay off and needs to do what it takes to win for his family, including cheating if need be. Kenny gets in Cutler’s face about it.

* After arriving at the shoot, the Bucks head into a trailer and talk about how Moxley and Kingston destroyed their last one. We get some footage of them doing the photo shoot in their ridiculous outfits.

* We then get clips from the Young Bucks and Cutler vs. PAC, Penta, and Kingston match on Dynamite, which saw Cutler take the pinfall. We get a brief clip of Cutler starting to do the 5,000 squats that Don Callis said on TV he’d have to do as punishment.

* JD Drake is talking with Ryan Nemeth about trying to get Orange Cassidy into the wing noise and they hear Cezar Bononi and Peter Avalon talking about something. They peek around the corner and it looks sexual, but it turns out they’re just eating sushi. Nemeth tries some.

* Marko Stunt gets his BTE Championship match against Brandon Cutler, with the contest being held by way of making basketball shots. They have to take 10 shots and the most baskets wins. Marko gets three, while Cutler gets two so Stunt is the new BTE Champion. We then see Cutler doing more squats as punishment.

* Another Trick Shots with Nick Jackson where Nick makes two simultaneous shots, one with each hand.

* We close with Cutler walking up on the Bucks attacking PAC backstage, and they’re pissed he missed the shot. Nick says, “First, SCU. Second, Moxley. Third, Fenix. And now, look who’s next?” They tell Cutler to do his damn job next time and get the shot. Cutler says it’s not fun and they’re just hurting people, and gets told to just do his job.

If you use any of this recap, please credit 411mania.com.

article topics :

Being The Elite, Jeremy Thomas