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Cook’s WWE Raw Review 3.24.25

March 24, 2025 | Posted by Steve Cook
WWE Raw 3-24-25 Judgment Day Penta Image Credit: WWE
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Cook’s WWE Raw Review 3.24.25  

Hey kids! Steve Cook here with you for the latest edition of Raw on Netflix! This week, Raw takes place in a town & country near & dear to old school wrestling fans’ hearts: Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow, of course, was the gimmick hometown of WWE Hall of Famer and absolute pro wrestling legend “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. I would be surprised if the term “Rowdy” couldn’t be used to describe this week’s edition of Raw.

Cook’s Raw Review 3.24.25

Then. Now. Forever. Together!

WrestleMania is 26 days away! 4,902 miles away, Raw takes place in Glasgow. CM Punk is WALKING! Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez are WALKING! Lyra Valkyria is WALKING! Dragon Lee & Rey Mysterio are WALKING! Penta is WALKING! Bron Breakker is WALKING!

John Cena’s music plays! The fans chant about John Cena sucking as he heads to the ring and shows off his burger towel. Michael Cole & Pat McAfee are our hosts this week. Cena asks if there’s something on our mind. It seems like we have something we want to say to him. They’re ready to do their worst, they finally understand what’s going on. He has turned the spotlight on them and can rip any of them to shreds right now. No one is safe. Last week he put a poor, pathetic kid on blast. WWE even posted it, and everyone loved it. The fans chant F bombs in Cena’s direction. He’s the one guy that always tells the truth, while the fans were happy to rewatch the poor kid being destroyed. Tonight, we find out how he will make us pay for the abuse he’s been put through. He’s listened to the lies and the noise for 25 years, but he didn’t waste that time being mean like us. The fans tell Cena to shut the f up. They make this so easy. While they were chanting profanity, Cena’s been paying attention, studying and testing the fans. Rewarding them for playing along with their stupid, curse-ridden nursery rhymes. We know nothing about him, he knows more about us than us. Our life is sad, this is the best it’s going to get. To Cena, the fans have been nothing more than an experiment, rats in a cage. Pick out any moment in his career, and he learned from us. When he speaks in rhythmic tones they say what. They make it so simple. They tell him about themselves because they want to matter. The most important thing he was told was in 2005, when he gave us the spinner championship. Just like right now, they ate him alive. They told him how stupid he was, because he changed the championship into a toy. The championship is not a toy, the spinner disrespected tradition and its legacy. That was the biggest mistake the fans ever made. In that moment, they told Cena what matters the most to them. Now that he knows, he will ruin wrestling for everyone. At WrestleMania, he will win a 17th championship. He forces us to forget the name of Ric Flair, and forever say the name John Cena. Even worse, he’ll win that championship and retire with it. He’s taking it home with him and leaving us to create a new toy belt since the real one goes with him, he’ll be the last real champion in WWE. Revenge is best served cold, and he’ll force us to watch him walk away with our memories and dreams, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

Cody Rhodes’ music plays! The fans sing along as Cody makes his way to the ring. I must say that so far this crowd isn’t quite as loud with their singing as last week’s Raw & SmackDown crowds were. They do pick up the Cody, Cody Rhodes chants. Cody says that Cena needs to take the championship away from him first. Cody made a mistake last week. He talked about new John & old John, but now this is the most dangerous John Cena ever. Cena made a massive mistake, which was saying what he just said in front of these people while Cody was in the building. Cody doesn’t need to unpack all of their history, but Cena should know how hard he fought just to win it one time, to validate one name. If the timeline of all wrestling history hangs in the balance because Cena wants to take the championship, Cody will give him the opportunity right now. Cody lays the belt down and invites Cena to take it while he takes his tie off and unbuttons his shirt. Cena opts to leave the ring instead. Cody yells “John!” and Cena heads back towards the ring while Cody takes his jacket off. Cena turns back around. Cody can’t let him do it. Cody needs Cena to understand that his need to take it doesn’t outweigh their right to have it. The champ is in the center of this ring. Cena will walk away from WrestleMania & WWE empty-handed. Cody’s music plays.

Michael & Pat talk about the conversation and lead us to clips from last week when Bron Breakker defended the Intercontinental Championship against Finn Balor & Penta came down at the end to make the save against the Judgment Day. Bron will defend against Penta tonight!

Jey & Jimmy Uso vs. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller: There was some speculation over who Jey’s mystery partner would be, but who else would Jey ever team with? The yeeting commences during a commercial break that I actually see for once. Shoulderblock by Jey on Theory. Hip toss on Theory and a tag to Waller. Waller kicked in the corner, tag to Big Jim. Double elbow and the Best Friends elbowdrop. Theory & Waller both sent outside, then Jimmy dives onto them! Back in the ring, Waller gains the advantage briefly before Jimmy smacks him down for two. Chop to Waller, then another in the corner. Jimmy telegraphs the backdrop and gets sent outside. Waller gets smacked, but Theory forearms Jimmy down to the floor. Back in the ring, Jimmy gets worked over by A-Town Down Under. Jimmy tries to fight back in the corner, but gets caught in the ropes and stomped down by Theory for two. Theory works a chinlock that leads to a back suplex by Jimmy. Waller tags in, knocks Jey to the floor and punches Jimmy a bit. Waller with the cravate, but Jimmy fights out. Another cheap shot to Jey knocks him off the apron. Waller goes for a sling blade, but Jimmy hits the Samoan drop instead. Tag to Jey and some Yeet punches for Theory. Kick, throat thrust and a enziguri to Theory. Kicks for both Theory & Waller lead to a two count. Theory fights out of a Samoan drop, tag to Waller and a double forearm. Waller misses the second rope elbow and Jimmy tags back in. Ally Uce! Jimmy up top, he gets crotched by Waller. Tag to Jey & Theory. Spear by Jey to Waller, 1D to Theory and it’s One and Done!

Winners: The Usos (9:17 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***
Nice to see Jimmy & Jey back together in tag team action with a good young team.

Gunther knocks Jimmy to the floor & goes at it with Jey! Kicks to Gunther, but Jey trips on his way to a spear and Gunther lands some shots! Big Jim has a chair and Gunther heads out of the ring.

Raquel Rodriguez & Liv Morgan are joined by Dominick Mysterio & Carlito to discuss last week’s & tonight’s agenda. Liv encourages Dominick to keep trying to bring Penta into the Judgment Day.

Lyra Valkyria gets some last minute advice from Bayley before heading towards the ring for her title defense, which will be next!

A video package tells us about El Grande Americano, who apparently hails from the Gulf of…nah, I ain’t going there. Rey Mysterio is unamused by this. Chad Gable says he’s sick and can’t compete tonight. He got a doctor’s note, which he presents to Adam Pearce. Chad suggests that Dragon Lee can compete against El Grande Americano instead. Dragon is ok with this. Rey calls Chad a jackass.

Women’s Intercontinental Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Raquel Rodriguez (w/Liv Morgan): Raquel tosses Lyra across the ring to break the go-behind. As Liv says, Raquel is bigger and stronger than Lyra, which we see early in this match. Dropkick to Raquel’s knee, but the suplex doesn’t work. Sunset flip doesn’t work either, but Lyra does send Raquel to the floor. Raquel catches Lyra, but Lyra ranas her into the announce table. Lyra dives off the top rope into a boot by Raquel. We go to a commercial, which is the first actual commercial I’ve seen tonight. Was the first hour hyped as commercial free and I missed the memo?

We return to Raquel hitting a slingshot jackhammer for two! Damn, that’s a cool move that should be a finisher. Vader Bomb elbowdrop misses and Lyra goes up top. Top rope Fameasser gets two. Lyra lifts Raquel up but that doesn’t work. Northern Lariat in the corner and Raquel hits that Vader Bomb elbowdrop for two. Lyra goes up top and gets caught by Raquel, but ends up turning a suplex attempt into a DDT for two. Liv apparently helped break the count but the referee didn’t see it. Lyra dropkicks Liv, but gets caught by Raquel…Raquel tries the Tejana Bomb, but Lyra rolls through and gets the three count!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria (5:52 shown via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2
This sort of thing is what I’ve been hoping for in regards to the Women’s IC Championship & Lyra Valkyria. Let her have more matches and show off. Raquel’s impressive as well, and I’m hoping we get Bayley & Lyra challenging for the Women’s Tag Team Championship sooner rather than later.

Liv attacks after the bell, but Bayley saves Lyra from the two on one situation and they send the Judgment Day ladies packing. Lyra & Bayley fistbump to make their alliance official.

Pat shows off his kilt for the good people of Scotland. WWE will head back to Europe in August leading up to the Clash in Paris. We then see a recap of the situation between IYO SKY, Bianca Belair & Rhea Ripley.

Adam Pearce is WALKING with what looks like a contract. We’ll see him next!

We see a video package of Rock & Triple H fighting for the Intercontinental Championship in a ladder match at SummerSlam 1998. I love how they’re reminding people of these IC title moments and featuring the title in the main event on Raw, definitely elevates the title. Oh, it’s a Hall of Fame plug. My point still stands.

Jimmy talks to Jey about his recent slip-ups and how if they continue he won’t win the World Championship. Poor Jey verbally botches his record against Gunther, further showing his despair. The Jey that Jimmy knows is the Uce he needs, and can beat Gunther. Just so happens that Gunther is around the corner, and Big Jim issues a challenge. Gunther accepts as long as Jimmy doesn’t trip like his brother, and Jimmy slaps the crap out of the World Champion. GET HIM BIG JIM!

Adam Pearce tells us that even though Rhea Ripley’s signature is on that contract, she won’t be in the match. Apparently he’s been trying to book Rhea’s rematch for weeks but she hasn’t been interested. IYO SKY makes her way to the ring and tells us she doesn’t care about contracts. She’ll take on both Rhea & Bianca because she is the Women’s World Champion! Pearce appreciates that, but then Bianca Belair’s music hits. She earned that #1 contender spot by going through the Elimination Chamber, and doesn’t want Rhea in the match since she didn’t deserve it. Pearce appreciates that, then Rhea Ripley’s music hits. Hello Mami! Rhea doesn’t care about WrestleMania or who she has to go through to get her title back. Bianca suggests that Rhea can get her rematch with her after she wins the title, IYO gets slapped again. Pearce books IYO vs. Rhea for next week’s Raw, the winner can face Bianca at WrestleMania. Some physicality leads to Rhea being sent out of the ring and ranaed by IYO on the floor. Bianca catches her on a top rope move and sends her into Rhea on the floor. Bianca poses with the Women’s World Championship.

Dominick Mysterio offers Red Penta a spot in the Judgment Day, and suggests that they could help him win the Intercontinental Championship tonight.

We see a video package on the War Raiders, who are still Tag Team Champions and still running over people. This leads to the New Day demanding a title match from Adam Pearce. Adam is unimpressed. Bianca Belair comes in afterwards, and Adam lets her know she’ll be the special guest referee for next week’s match between Rhea & IYO. Bianca says she doesn’t know how to referee, and Adam says she has a week to figure it out.

Dragon Lee vs. El Grande Americano: They’re really leaning in on this MAGA Gulf stuff, aren’t they? I’m not getting involved. Lee does the up and over to the apron, but gets knocked off by Americano. Dragon does hit the tope suicida, gets Americano back in the ring and goes for the mask, but gets blocked. Rana by Americano, then a headbutt gets two. Americano explodes Lee to the floor as we go to commercial.

Americano dominated during the commercial, Lee gets a nearfall but Americano hits the “knee to the dome” per McAfee. Americano in the Tree of Woe in an awkward way, Lee hits the double stomp and they’re both on the floor getting counted out. They both get in the ring at 9. Chop exchange! Lee hits a German suplex and a superkick. Lee overhead suplexed into the corner for two. Liger Bomb gets two for Lee. Americano placed on the top rope. The fans think it’s awesome. Then Americano rips Lee’s mask off! Americano hits the anklelock and Lee submits.

Winner: El Grande Americano (5:55 shown via submission)
Match Rating: **
There are probably a lot of you that like this sort of thing, and that’s your sort of thing. Not my bag, but I’m fine with people liking what they like.

Michael & Pat throw it to a recap of Smackdown’s segment with Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins & CM Punk, which was pretty awesome because everybody involved is awesome.

LIKE MUSSOLINI! CM Punk makes his way to the ring and I have the feeling he has something to say.

Punk asks if it’s great to be alive on a Monday night in Glasgow or not. He’s still not in a good mood, a little pissed off even though the ovation was great. He’s tired & jet-lagged due to the uncertainty surrounding himself and the road to WrestleMania. He’s got a match, but he’s not getting what he wanted. He wanted to win the Royal Rumble & Elimination Chamber, but he still works with children. For two people it’s personal, for him it’s business. Rollins is jealous of the shadow Punk casts over him. Reigns is taking it personal because his Wise Man isn’t just his Wise Man. It’ll be business for him at WrestleMania and this Friday at SmackDown because they’ll have a good ol’ fashioned contract signing. He reminds them that they haven’t defeated him without the others’ help because they can’t. He brought them into this business, and he can’t wait to be the man that takes them both out of it.

Logan Paul will be in London next week for Raw and wants to see AJ Styles there! Jimmy Uso will take on Gunther. Cody Rhodes & John Cena will be face to face. IYO SKY will defend her championship against Rhea Ripley with Bianca Belair as referee.

Cathy Kelly is with Bron Breakker. Bron says he’ll defend his championship because the dogs are barking in Glasgow.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Penta: I’m a bit biased because I like both of these guys, but this has a BIG FIGHT FEEL. Penta with the go-behind, doesn’t work. Headlock by Penta, Penta targets the leg with kicks. Bron runs Penta over with a Breakkerline. Penta with a rana, tries a risky move and Bron hits a knee on the apron. Bron hits a move on the announce table, the damn thing’s so stiff that Bron sells his hip. Dominick & Carlito make their way to the ring as we go to commercial.

Strikes are being exchanged as we return. Breakker with a knee! A spear is intercepted by a Penta knee and both men are down. Some back & forth leads to a backstabber by Penta for two. Carlito popped. Gutbuster by Bron gets two. Bron runs into a kick, he gets placed up top. Penta hits the headscissors, then dives onto Bron on the floor. MEXICAN DESTROYER gets two. Some reversals, FRANKENBREAKKER gets two. Straps are down, dogs are barking! Carlito gets tossed into the ring and speared. Dom hits a chop block and the DQ is called.

Winner: Bron Breakker (5:29 shown via disqualification)
Match Rating: **1/4
More story than actual match. I feel like these guys have a banger in them, but that wasn’t in the cards today.

Finn Balor has joined his Judgment Day buddies and chairs are rammed into Breakker. Dom offers Penta the chair. Penta considers things, and kicks the chair into Dom! Penta will not be a Judgment Day member, but he will get beat down. The Judgment Day stands tall as Raw fades to black.

So long and good night! When I’m not here you can catch me on the social media from time to time. I’ll be on assignment next week, so I’ll see y’all in April!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Decent episode of Raw this week, I feel like the crowd would have been better if they actually mentioned Roddy Piper at any point. Not sure how they missed that since it was the first thing I thought of. Some decent matches, though I think we'll get better from Bron & Penta at some point. Cena & Cody together was great but not as great as last week.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Steve Cook