wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 1.07.20 Review

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 1.07.20 Review
– Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards @ 19:50 via pin [***¾]
– Shera, Raju, & Singh defeated Fallah Bahh, Daga, & TJP @ 8:00 via pin [***]
– Havok defeated Rosemary @ 4:50 via pin [**]
– ODB, Tenille Dashwood, & Jordynne Grace defeated Taya, Kiera Hogan, & Madison Rayne @ 5:30 via pin [**]
– Cage & Rhino defeated Moose & RVD @ 12:20 via pin [**½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We start with a brawl between Eddie Edwards & Michael Elgin, and Edwards gets the mic and says they don’t have to wait for the PPV and hits a dive.
Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin: They brawl at ringside and Edwards follows with a RANA. He delivers chops and Elgin fires back as they trade. Back in and Elgin charges, Edwards cuts him off as they trade. Elgin follows with elbow strikes, but Edwards hits an overhead belly to belly. He follows with chops, Elgin fires back and hits an enziguri and stomps. The superkick follows for 2. The back elbow connects, Elgin hits the suplex and covers for 2. Edwards counters, but Elgin slams him down and covers for 2. Edwards delivers chops, Elgin fires back and hits a rolling elbow, but Edwards counters the STO and hits the suplex. The enziguri and avalanche RANA follows, Elgin pops up and runs into the blue thunder bomb for 2. Elgin counters the tiger driver, and counters into a spinebuster. He follows with clotheslines, and does the deal with the falcon arrow for 2. Elgin hits clotheslines, Edwards fires back with chops and then machinegun chops in the corner. Elgin fires back with clotheslines, Edwards with more chops and Elgin again fires back and Edwards lights him up with rights. Elgin fires back, they continue to trade and Elgin hits a German but Edwards pops up and hits a Boston knee party. Post break and they do the German/Boston knee party spot again. Edwards follows with strikes, they trade and Elgin drops him with a rolling elbow. Edwards then fires up with a lariat and tiger driver for 2. Elgin counters into a pop up powerslam, takes him up top and follows him up. Edwards counters into a sunset bomb and delivers strikes until Elgin fires back and hits a German. The lariat follows for 2. Edwards counters the powerbomb, and cradles Elgin, the half crab follows but Elgin counters into a crossface but Edwards escapes. Elgin hits the buckle and Elgin bombs for the win. Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards @ 19:50 via pin [***¾] This was a very good, fun, and hard-hitting match, although I do question giving a PPV match away days before the PPV; I think their PPV match will steal the show.
– We get a video package of the North’s run as tag team champions, and the set up for facing Mack & Swann at Hard to Kill.
– Edwards’ title shot trophy is officially on the line at Hard to Kill when he faces Elgin.
Shera, Raju, & Singh vs. Fallah Bahh, Daga, & TJP: Daga & Singh begin, locking up and Singh attacking with strikes. Singh hits a shoulder tackle, Daga counters back and Singh cuts him off. He follows with chops, but Daga hits a RANA. To the floor and Gama hits Singh as Daga moves. Raju in and Daga hits a RANA and dropkick. TJP tags in and Bahh joins him for double teams for 2. Slam by Bahh, TJP makes him run and Bahh falls on Raju for 2. Daga tags back in and Raju cuts him off until Daga hits a superkick. Shera distracts him as Raju takes control with a code breaker for 2. Shera tags in and powerbombs Raju into Daga and covers for 2. Daga fires back, Shera cuts him off and Singh tags in and hits the senton for 2. Daga fights them off, runs them together and TJP is in and hits the springboard forearm. Bahh in for double teams, and DHS attacks. It breaks down, head scissors arm drag combo by Daga follows. He hits a tope and Bahh follows with a suicide dive. Back in and Daga hits the backstabber as TJP covers for 2 as Raju breaks it up. Daga is dumped, DHS takes control and Shera sky highs TJP for the win. Shera, Raju, & Singh defeated Fallah Bahh, Daga, & TJP @ 8:00 via pin [***] Surprisingly good match as DHS looked way better than usual.
– Mack tells Swann he may not be ready for the PPV and doesn’t want to hold Swann back. Swann says he had problems with Page last year and needed Mack and Mack helped him out. Don’t sell yourself short, because together, they kill it. He needs Mack to help him win the tag titles on Sunday. They shake hands and Mack says they got this.
– oVe cuts a promo as Jake says it will be special on Sunday for them, but Dave says he let them down for losing the tag team title shot. But Sami will lead Impact into the future and they will show why Ohio is the best when Sami retains. They are sick of hearing about Tessa, Fulton will beat Shamrock and will tear him apart and shatter his bones. He will break everything.
– Johnny Swinger somas Joey Ryan’s water when Dreamer appears. He chastises him and tells him to grow up. Dreamer makes him drink the water by threatening him with a kendo stick.
– We get a hype video for Ace Austin vs. Trey on Sunday.
– We get a really great Sami vs. Tessa hype video package. It was one of the better video packages they have produced in a long time.
.@Tess_Blanchard vs. @TheSamiCallihan at Hard To Kill is one of the biggest World Title matches in IMPACT history.
This AMAZING special feature will have you counting the seconds to Sunday. #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/t74aJjD9QQ
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) January 8, 2020
– Mitchell tells Suzie to stay backstage for Havok’s match, locking her in a room.
Havok vs. Rosemary: Jim Mitchell is at ringside. Rosemary attacks sat the bell and runs wild on Havok. Havok cuts her off but Rosemary dumps her and hits an apron cannonball. Havok accidentally takes out Mitchell and then attacks Rosemary. The running knee strike follows and the backbreaker connects. Suzie makes her way out to the ring as Havok maintains control. Suzie looks afraid of the action but waves to the fans as Havok stomps away at Rosemary and hits face wash. Suzie joins commentary, Rosemary fires back and gets the tarantula. Mitchell grabs Suzie and Havok hits a draping DDT on Rosemary. The tombstone follows for the win. Havok defeated Rosemary @ 4:50 via pin [**] This was ok, a bit slow and never really locked in as they were seemingly more concerned with the Suzie stuff.
ODB, Tenille Dashwood, & Jordynne Grace vs. Taya, Kiera Hogan, & Madison Rayne: Bravo is at ringside. Rayne and Dashwood begin. They lockup and Rayne takes control until Dashwood counters back and grounds her. She follows with a shoulder tackle, uppercuts and hits a draping neck breaker. Grace rolls Rayne back in and back in, hits a wheelbarrow slam for 2. Hogan helps Rayne, Rayne hits an enziguri and covers for 2. Taya tags in and lays the boots to Grace. She follows with elbows, and a knee strike. Hogan tags in and grounds Grace with kicks and covers for 2. Rayne tags back in and works over Grace in the corner. Grace fires back, and tags in ODB. ODB runs wild with shoulder tackles, runs Rayne into Taya and hits the corner splash and broncobuster. Hogan takes the ref, ODB Hits the bam and Grace hits a Vader bomb, ODB dumps her and pins Taya. ODB, Tenille Dashwood, & Jordynne Grace defeated Taya, Kiera Hogan, & Madison Rayne @ 5:30 via pin [**] This was also ok, and was designed to build drama for Sunday’s knockouts title match.
– Moose meets with RVD as he makes out with Katie. Moose brings up their history and his win over RVD, which RVD doesn’t remember. He says they are good as we see Swinger passed out on the couch. Ryan gets a Sharpie and wants to draw on him.
– Commentary hypes Sunday’s PPV card.
Moose & RVD vs. Cage & Rhino: Katie Forbes is at ringside. Cage and Moose begin, Moose goes after Rhino and Cage attacks. They trade and Cage hits a head scissors. The spinebuster follows and Rhino tags in. They double team Moose and Rhino follows with head butts, chops and more chops. He delivers strikes, chokes him out and follows with more chops and strikes. Moose fires back, they trade and Rhino dumps him. Post break and Rhino dumps Moose again. Forbes trips up Rhino and RVD takes control, covering for 2. Moose tags in and delivers ground and pound and then bites Rhino. He then chokes him out and Rhino fights off a suplex, Moose delivers strikes and Rhino fights back with a suplex. Cage and RVD tag in, they work into counters and RVD slips, Cage follows with a superkick and a German. Moose cuts him off, Rhino hits a clothesline as it breaks down. Spin kick by RVD and that gets 2 on Cage. RVD fakes rolling thunder and Cage pops up and hits an F5. Moose dumps him and Rhino trades with Moose. Pump kick by Moose, cage cuts Moose off and they trade. Dropkick by Moose but Cage hits a tornado DDT. RVD up top, flying kick to Cage, and Rhino gores him. He looks for another but Moose sidesteps him and he heads up top. The frog splash misses, Rhino gores him and cage lariats him and covers for the win. Cage & Rhino defeated Moose & RVD @ 12:20 via pin [**½] This was a solid main event designed to hype two of the PPV undercard matches.
– We close with a PPV hype video.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 80. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka Backbodydrop.com’s Ian Hamilton review the two-day NJPW WrestleKingdom 14 extravaganza and then discuss NXT UK problems, & preview Takeover: Blackpool 2020. The show is approximately 210–minutes long.
* Intro
* Attendance/Two Night Move Thoughts: 2:25
* NJPW WrestleKingdom 14 (Day One) Review: 7:40
* NJPW WrestleKingdom 14 (Day Two) Review: 1:12:05
* New Year’s Dash Predictions/Thoughts: 2:31:35
* Discussing NXT UK Problems/Takeover: Blackpool 2020 Preview: 2:35:04
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.