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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Code Red 2019 Review

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Code Red 2019 Review
– Rich Swann defeated Ace Austin, Trey, Smiley, Evander James, & Mantequilla @ 10:35 via pin [***]
– Champion Anthony Gangone defeated Ken Broadway & Moose @ 9:10 via pin [**]
– The North defeated The Rascalz @ 9:30 via pin [***]
– Tessa Blanchard & Violette defeated Scarlett Bordeaux & Sonya Strong @ 12:05 via pin [*]
– Michael Elgin defeated Willie Mack @ 15:55 via pin [***]
– Johnny & Taya Impact defeated Eddie & Alisha Edwards @ 12:30 via pin [**½]
– Impact Tag Title Match: Champions LAX defeated oVe & New York Wrecking Krew @ 12:35 via pin [**¾]
– oVe Rules Street Fight: Sami Callihan defeated Tommy Dreamer @ 14:30 via pin [*½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Rich Swann (Impact X-Division Champion) vs. Ace Austin vs. Trey vs. Smiley vs. Evander James vs. Mantequilla (HOG Crown Jewel Champion): If Swann or Mantequilla get pinned, they lose the title they hold. They go 3 vs. 3 to begin, Impact vs. HOG. They immediately brawl, bodies fly to the floor and we get some dives. Swann works over Mantequilla, and they start going for pin attempts. James & Austin clear the ring and Austin attacks and dumps him. Mantequilla back in and follows with a suicide dive. Trey hits a head scissors and dump Mantequilla. Smiley cuts him off and dumps him. He follows with an apron cannonball. Smiley cuts off Austin and takes him to the floor. Swann then wipes him out with a dive. He then follows with a swanton onto the pile. Austin cuts him off and back in; James cuts off Austin. Meteora by Trey, and Smiley and Mantequilla go coast to coast. Smiley and Swann trade strikes, and Swann hits lethal injection for 2. Trey hits Cheeky nandos on Austin and Smiley DDTs him and hits another for 2. Cannonball by James and then a back stabber follows. Mantequilla hits a crucifix driver, and that gets 2. Trey hits a PELE on Mantequilla, Smiley cuts him off with a superkick as it breaks down. Swann lays in strikes, hits a double lethal injection, and Austin hits the fold for 2. Swann hits the 450 and pins James. Rich Swann defeated Ace Austin, Trey, Smiley, Evander James, & Mantequilla @ 10:35 via pin [***] This was a good all action opener, with a nice energy.
Moose vs. Ken Broadway
vs. Champion Anthony Gangone: Moose powders and Gangone attacks Broadway. They work into counters and Moose is back and Broadway hits arm drags, and a RANA. The dropkick follows, but Gangone pulls him to the floor and slams him to the barricade. Enziguri to Moose and then a back elbow connects. He follows with a tornado DDT and a suicide dive on Moose. Moose cuts off the second with a suplex. Broadway follows with a step up dive. Back in and Broadway hits a Michinoku driver on Gangone for 2. Moose then apron bombs Broadway and back in, hits a powerbomb and senton on Gangone. He follows with dropkicks, and Broadway battles back but Moose crotches him. The superplex follows and Gangone follows with a splash for 2. All three are down, they work back to the feet and trade chops and strikes. They cut off Moose, and Gangone & Broadway have some issues and Broadway hits a knee strike for 2. Moose posts him and teases the spear and walks off. Gangone cradles Broadway for 2. Broadway then cradles Gangone for 2. Gangone hits a neck breaker and Broadway cradles him or 2. The backstabber follows for 2. Broadway up top and Gangone cuts him off. The go to sleep finishes it. Champion Anthony Gangone defeated Ken Broadway & Moose @ 9:10 via pin [**] This was ok at best, but the HOG guys didn’t impress at all.
The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) vs. The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander: Alexander & Wentz begin. They lock up and Alexander overpowers him to begin. Wentz hits a springboard tornillo, Page tags in and the Rascalz run wild. Dez follows with strikes, but Page cuts him off and tags in Alexander. Wentz also back in and the North follow with double teams for 2. Alexander lays the boots to Wentz, and follows with a back breaker and double team DDT for 2. Page tags in and the North maintains control. Page follows with strikes, tags in Alexander and he follows with strikes. Alexander hits a back breaker and Page also hits one as well. Wentz tries to fire back, Alexander is not amused and levels him with chops. Wentz finally hits a knee strike and Page & Dez tag in, with Dez running wild with kicks. The cutter follows for 2. Wentz tags in and Alexander cuts off the assisted moonsault, ad the North hits a double team iconoclasm and Dez makes the save. He gets dumped, and Wentz runs Alexander into Page. Dez enziguris Alexander and hits a reverse RANA and follows with a suicide dive on Page. They double team Alexander and cover for 2. The assisted moonsault gets 2 as Page pulls out the ref. Wentz then gets slammed onto the apron and hits a toss razor’s edge and the assisted spinebuster finishes it. The North defeated The Rascalz @ 9:30 via pin [***] This was a good tag match that played the stylistic differences well.
Tessa Blanchard & Violette vs. Scarlett Bordeaux & Sonya Strong: Tessa & Sonya begin. They lock up and Sonya hits a shoulder tackle. They work into back and forth as Tessa hits a RANA. Sonya follows with a RANA of her own. Violette & Scarlett tag in and Violette attacks. They trade… low blows and Scarlett lays in strikes. She follows with a botchy broncobuster. Violette cuts her off and follows with strikes. Violette then hits a suplex and covers for 2. Tessa tags in and grounds the action, covering for 2. She lays in strikes, and hits the running dropkick for 2. Tessa continues to lay in strikes, Scarlett fires back but Tessa quickly cuts her off. Tessa works into an Indian death lock, and adds in a butterfly lock. Scarlett makes the ropes, and Violette tags in. The basement dropkick follows for 2. The big boot then connects for 2. Tessa tags back in and chokes out Scarlett. Tessa follows with clotheslines, and Scarlett hits a head scissors. Scarlett hits a German and tags in Sonya. Violette joins her and Sonya runs wild. She takes out Tessa and hits a sloppy head scissors on Violette. Sonya botches a spiked RANA, tags in Scarlett, and Sonya hits a slam and Scarlett slips off the ropes and almost falls to the floor. She then hits a high cross to the floor. Back in and Scarlett hits code red on Tessa and then a powerbomb for 2. Violette tries to hit something, Sonya in and things get sloppier as Sonya hits a dragon suplex on Violette. Sonya almost loses Tessa, but Tessa saves whatever she was trying. Tessa hits the elevated code breaker and buzzsaw DDT for the win. Tessa Blanchard & Violette defeated Scarlett Bordeaux & Sonya Strong @ 12:05 via pin [*] This was bad and really sloppy; a one star match and that one star was Tessa. It also went waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
Michael Elgin vs. Willie Mack: They lock up and separate. They push and shove, trade shoulder tackles and Mack hits a RANA. Elgin hits the shoulder tackle, but Mack cuts him off with a dropkick. The XPLODER follows for 2. Elgin cuts him off with strikes and hits the slingshot powerslam for 2. Elgin then lays in chops, and whips Mack to the buckles. Mack fires back, and Elgin cuts him off with a dropkick for 2. The suplex follows, also for 2. Elgin lays in chops, teases a powerbomb, but Mack hits the suplex. They work into some back and forth and Mack lays in strikes. Mack follows with clotheslines and the pop up gut buster gets 2. Mack up top and has to roll through and then follows with a DDT for 2. The cannonball misses and Elgin heads up top. The missile dropkick follows and then corner clotheslines. He does the deal with a falcon arrow for 2. He lays in clotheslines, but Mack hits a German. Elgin pops up and hits a German of his own. They trade clotheslines; enziguri by Elgin and the superkick takes Mack down. Elgin takes him up top, and hits the superplex for 2. Mack fights off a powerbomb and Elgin fires back with chops. Mack fights back with the pop up punch and follows with a dive. Back in and Mack hits the cannonball, and then the Samoan drop and standing moonsault for 2. Mack up top and misses the frog splash. Elgin follows with strikes, Mack fires back and Elgin levels him with a lariat. He hits another. The blackout powerbomb gets 2. The buckle bomb and Elgin bomb finish it. Michael Elgin defeated Willie Mack @ 15:55 via pin [***] This was a good and competitive match, with a rather dead crowd, despite them trying really hard.
– Elgin cuts off a buckle pad and lays out the ref. Mack sends Elgin to the exposed buckle and hits the stunner to stand tall.
Johnny & Taya Impact vs. Eddie & Alisha Edwards: Johnny Bravo is at ringside. Alisha and Eddie attack and here we go. Eddie takes control, laying in chops and Impact tags in Taya. Alisha in and she takes control, hitting corner attacks and a bulldog. Taya cuts her off with knee strikes, and follows with corner attacks. The double knees follow and Impact tags in. Alisha fights back, and tags in Eddie. He runs wild with clotheslines and hits the tiger driver for 2. He follows with chops but Impact cuts him off with a Spanish fly for 2. The running knee follows and Taya tags in. She lays the boots to Eddie, follows with chops and strikes. The dropkick follows. Impact tags in and kisses Taya and follow with knee strikes, covering for 2. Eddie fires back with chops, a basement dropkick and tags in Alisha. She works over Taya, hits a clothesline and Impact cuts her off. Eddie attacks, but gets dumped. Alisha cuts off Taya and knocks her into Impact. Eddie then hits a suicide dive. Alisha heads up top and follows with a high cross. Back in and Alisha hits the flatliner for 2 as Impact makes the save. Eddie makes the save, they all brawl and they take turns kicking the wives. All four are now down. Eddie trips Taya into Johnny’s balls and Alisha follows with a dropkick to her ass. Alisha & Eddie hits DDTs for 2. Eye poke and low blow by Impact, Taya cuts off Alisha and covers for 2. Impact tags back in and slams Alisha and heads up top. He misses countdown to Impact, Eddie cuts him off and Alisha hits a tornado DDT on Johnny for 2 as Bravo pulls out the ref. Johnny takes out Eddie, Taya hits Alisha with the red X and Johnny pins her. Johnny & Taya Impact defeated Eddie & Alisha Edwards @ 12:30 via pin [**½] This was solid, but lacked energy in the ring and from the crowd. It also didn’t need to be as long as it was.
Champions LAX vs. oVe (Dave & Jake Crist) vs. New York Wrecking Krew (Smoothe Blackmon & Chris Seaton): This is lucha rules. Dave and Blackmon begin. They lock up and work to the ropes. They stall and Dave attacks after a minute or so. He follows with an enziguri but Blackmon cuts him off with a clothesline. Jake in and follows with kicks, and Ortiz joins him and gets a roll up for 2. Seaton in and hits an overhead toss. Santana cuts off Seaton and LAX follows with double teams on Dave. They then double team Blackmon and Ortiz covers for 2. LAX gets cut off and oVe takes control. They work double teams and isolate Santana, covering for 2. Santana fires back, but oVe hits the superplex/powerbomb combo for 2. Santana cuts off Dave, Ortiz tags in and hits a DDT. Blackmon in and runs into a spinebuster. The spear by Seaton gets 2. The Krew takes control, working double teams and then cover for 2. Ortiz fights them off, Santana makes the save and LAX takes control. It breaks down and LAX double teams Blackmon, covering for 2 as Dave makes the save. oVe hits the doomsday cutter, and Jake tombstones Santana onto Ortiz. The Krew double teams oVe and takes them out. They double team LAX, covering for 2. Dave hits a dive and gets his foot caught in the barricade after hitting hard. LAX takes out Jake working double tams and pick up the win. Champions LAX defeated oVe & New York Wrecking Krew @ 12:35 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, but got sloppy down the stretch, hopefully Dave isn’t hurt badly.
Sami Callihan vs. Tommy Dreamer: They brawl on the ramp to begin. Dreamer follows with elbows, and takes Sami to the floor, and Sami hits Dreamer with a trashcan. Sami gets more weapons and tosses them in. Sami gets a staple gun and then follows with jabs, mocking Dreamer but Dreamer staples him in the chest. Back to the ramp and Dreamer staples Sami’s hair to the stage. Sami escapes and Dreamer hits him with a rubber trashcan. Devastating. They walk and brawl as Dreamer eats nachos from a trashcan. Dreamer then attacks with the ring bell, and then hits Sami with a replica ECW title. Sami cuts him off, crotching him on the barricade. Sami then misses a chop and hits the ring post. Dreamer puts him in the tree of WHOA and dropkicks the chair into Sami’s face. He piles up chairs, but Sami cuts him off. Sami fish hooks him with the turnbuckle hook. He follows with chair shots; Dreamer gets a stuffed animal puppet and attacks Sami with it. Sami cuts him off and follows with chair shots. Dreamer gets a bag of LEGOS and spills them out. Sami cuts him off with a groin claw, but Dreamer hits a cutter into the LEGOS and covers for 2. Dreamer now gets a door, slides it in and sets it in the corner. Sami cuts him off and gets his bat. Dreamer tosses LEGOS in his face but Sami hits him with the bat and hits the cactus special through the door and wins. Sami Callihan defeated Tommy Dreamer @ 14:30 via pin [*½] This was bad, Dreamer was moving in slow motion and eating garbage in the main event of the show in 2019. This was slow, lazy, and uninspired and felt like a waste of Callihan, who they have invested a lot into. It stunk.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 17. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka. Today, the guys will looks back on the two Wrestling Dontaku events, the return of Chris Jericho to NJPW and how Dominion is shaping up. From there, full previews of the ROH War of the Worlds events in Buffalo, Toronto, and Grand Rapids. The show is approximately 88–minutes long.
* Intro
* NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Night One Review: 2:30
* NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Night Two Review & Jericho Return Discussion: 26:50
* ROH War of the Worlds Buffalo Preview: 59:50
* ROH War of the Worlds Toronto Preview: 108:40
* ROH War of the Worlds Grand Rapids Preview: 117:40
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