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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 6.13.18

June 20, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Pentagon Matanza Lucha Underground
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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 6.13.18  

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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 6.13.18 (Season 4, Episode 2)

Lucha Underground Trios Title Match: Champions Killshot, The Mack, & Son of Havoc defeated Big Bad Steve, Sammy Guevara, & Jake Strong @ 5:30 via pin [**¾]
Gift of The Gods Medallion Match: Dragon Azteca Jr. defeated Drago @ 6:14 via pin [**¾]
Lucha Underground Title Match: Champion Pentagon defeated Matanza @ 7:45 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– You can read a review of last week’s show at this link.

Tonight’s Lucha Underground lead in programming is Bangkok Dangerous starring Nicolas Cage.

– We start off in King Cuerno’s trophy room, Catrina teleports herself there and is searching for the gauntlet. Cuerno’s all like, “nope, bitch,” the gauntlet isn’t here. He gave it to someone to protect, and “he doesn’t know where…or when” he hid it. Ohhh, I bet Aerostar hid that bitch somewhere in time. Cuerno also adds that he doesn’t give a shit about Catrina.

Lucha Underground Trios Title Match: Champions Killshot, The Mack, & Son of Havoc vs. Big Bad Steve, Sammy Guevara, & Jake Strong w/Famous B: Famous B changes the match with three new clients as Texano & Dr. Wagner are off making him money. Strong is the former Jack Swagger. Killshot and Guevara start things off. They work a fast paced opening stretch, Guevara shoots him the middle finger and Killshot beats him down and Havoc tags in. He lays in chops and Guevara cuts him off with a dropkick. Steve tags in, uses his power to take control until Killshot tags in and hits a flatliner. Jake in and hits a big boot, but gets dumped. Guevara dumps Killshot and Havoc wipes him out with a dive. Back in and Steve and Jake work over Havoc, Guevara hits the senton and that gets 2. Killshot tags back in and Guevara cuts him off and looks for the RANA. But Killshot cuts him off up top and tosses him into a pounce by Mack. Jake takes out Mack, but Killshot lays in kicks. Jake then gets the ankle lock and he taps, but the ref was distracted by Famous B. Mack makes the save, it breaks down, stunner on Steve and Havoc hits the shooting star press for the win. Champions Killshot, The Mack, & Son of Havoc defeated Big Bad Steve, Sammy Guevara, & Jake Strong @ 5:30 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good and action filled opener, with the unlikely champions retaining due to famous B’s mistake. It’s obvious by the post match that they have plans for Jake Strong.

– Post match, Jake takes out his teammates and is pissed as Famous B was the one that distracted the ref and cost him the titles. He also takes out Famous B and locks on the ankle lock, and “snaps his ankle.”

– Antonio Cueto arrives. He says that Dario was considered a genius, and mentions the Gift of the Gods Title. The medallions will be back in play to crown a new champion, and it starts tonight.

Drago vs. Dragon Azteca Jr.: Kobra Moon is still in control of Drago. Drago offers a handshake, but instead attacks and they work into some back and forth with both working into a stand off. Azteca now attacks with kicks, and follows with a shoulder tackle. Moon trips him up and Azteca gets a cradle for 2. Drago escapes and lays in kicks. Drago then follows with a tope. Back in and Drago sets Azteca up top and tries to remove Azteca’s mask. He rips it off and lays in kick but Azteca gets it back on. Azteca fires back, and hits an overhead toss to the buckles for 2. Azteca follow with clubbing strikes, Drago cuts him off and the cradle gets 2. Drago misses a charge and Azteca hits an enziguri and hits an Essex destroyer for 2. Drago follows with a superkick, but Azteca hits a wheelbarrow driver off the ropes for the win. Dragon Azteca Jr. defeated Drago @ 6:14 via pin [**¾] This was another pretty good match, a bit disjointed at times, but fun.

– Johnny Mundo and Taya arrive and Taya attacks Moon. Mundo lays out Drago, getting revenge for last week. Nice follow up.

– Antonio downs a beer in his office, and gets the key for Matanza. Catrina arrives. She explains she’s stuck between here and the spirit realm. She wants Fenix in a coffin, in a grave consequences match against Mil Muertes (their third) so she can take his life force and be free. Antonio agrees. Their first two grave consequences matches are among the best in Lucha Underground history, so I AM HYPE.

Lucha Underground Title Match: Champion Pentagon vs. Matanza: Pentagon looks to get revenge for his Ultima Lucha 2 loss to Matanza here. Pentagon has actually lost twice to Matanza overall. They start brawling on the floor with Pentagon in control. Pentagon fires away with kicks, and slams Matanza into some chairs. Pentagon lays in chops and is fired up. Antonio arrives to watch as Pentagon misses a chop and hits the post. Matanza posts him and slams him repeatedly against the barricade. Pentagon is now slammed into some chairs, and Matanza then slams him onto the apron. Back in the ring and Matanza hits a running Angle slam for 2. Suplexes follow from Matanza, again covering for 2. Pentagon battles back and hits sling blades, but Matanza kicks out. Pentagon lays in kicks, but Matanza hits a head butt and Pentagon counters back with a backstabber and then a code breaker for 2. Pentagon lays in kicks, and Matanza catches him off the ropes into the axis of the Earth slam for 2. Matanza hits a corner clothesline, but Pentagon hits a superkick, Matanza counters the destroyer, but Pentagon hits a shining wizard. Matanza cuts off Pentagon up top and Pentagon fights, lays in strikes, and then hits a superkick and destroyer. He hits another and the package piledriver connects and Pentagon wins. Champion Pentagon defeated Matanza @ 7:45 via pin [***½] Pentagon finally beats Matanza, who takes his first one on one loss in Lucha Underground. This was a very good and fun main event, a mix of a sprint and brawl that showcase the strengths of both men. Two episodes in and they have done a great job of making Pentagon look like a strong and badass champion, which I love.

– Post match, Pentagon looks for the arm break but Antonio arrives and Matanza escapes. Matanza cowers from Antonio as he calls his son useless.

– Jeremiah Crane meets with Antonio, and he wants in the grave consequences match because he wants Catrina. Crane says he wouldn’t take long, and Antonio mentions that Crane’s career won’t last long either.

– Next week, Fenix vs. Mil Muertes vs. Jeremiah Crane in a Three Way To The Grave match

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
Tonight’s episode of Lucha Underground was a good show, with some new faces introduced again, the trios champions retaining, the Aztec medallions backing play and Pentagon dominating as the champion.